How to recognize female schizophrenia: symptoms and signs of mental disorder

There are dark streaks in everyone's life, when troubles come from all sides: problems in relationships and at work, poor health, and much more. The cause of all these troubles can be the damage caused to you.

How to find out if you are damaged? How dangerous is this? And how to get rid of it? You will find the answer to these and many other questions in this article.

Who and how can cause damage

The first associations with the word “damage” are dark rooms, candles, spells and everything like that. Most people's ideas about this phenomenon are truly creepy. But all these considerations are not entirely close to reality - you can even damage yourself.

When you are going through a difficult time, you are often completely consumed by negative thoughts. With such negativity you can, unnoticed by yourself, set up your body and soul for all sorts of misfortunes and troubles. The bottom line is that the reasons for failure may be your thoughts and attitude.

It's another matter when someone wishes you misfortune. Here you can only be guilty of not pleasing someone. Such a person can do damage both intentionally and unknowingly. That’s why they say, “Keep your tongue in anger,” so as not to bring harm to anyone.

The first signs of damage

The first step is to find out how susceptible you are to damage.

This can be determined in the following ways:

  • each of us has three distinct lines on the palm of our hand. If two of them intersect, then you will be easily jinxed;
  • If you have many moles on your body, you are easily susceptible to damage.

There may also be intersections of lines in the form of crosses on the palms. If they are clearly visible, then the option of being persecuted by damage to your entire family is possible.

Having checked yourself for vulnerability to curses, you need to move on to the next step.

You should pay attention to such physical manifestations of damage as:

  1. Severe weakness.
  2. Malaise, insomnia.
  3. Causeless pain.
  4. Weakened immunity, bruises and injuries.

Changes can also occur on a psychological level:

  1. Irritability. If you are damaged, then your nerves are weakened, and you can react aggressively to any little things.
  2. Confusion and forgetfulness. There is a high probability of losing personal belongings or breaking something.
  3. Vulnerability, feelings of loneliness, resentment, defenselessness

General symptoms

An endogenous disease such as schizophrenia does not occur suddenly. As a rule, its obvious manifestation is preceded by months, or even years, when the symptoms were practically invisible to others. During this period, a woman gradually withdraws from society, breaks off previous social ties, and withdraws into herself.

A gradual change may not be noticed in a timely manner even by the closest people, which contributes to the worsening of the condition until the moment when obvious signs of mental disorder begin to appear. During the onset of the disease, people around you often mistake such hidden manifestations for depression or an affective disorder.

The main symptoms and signs of female schizophrenia are:

  • feeling of isolation, inability to take initiative, gradual decrease in mental activity;
  • abnormal perceptions of what is happening;
  • deviating statements, conclusions and judgments;
  • speech disorders that arise as a result of mental flattening;
  • limited emotional expressions;
  • low volitional and motivational activity;
  • worsening memory and performance functions;
  • behavior that is incomprehensible to other people;
  • violations in the field of movement coordination and control systems.

The onset of schizophrenia is accompanied by persistent feelings of tension, depression or depression. A woman experiences a sudden lack of attention and fatigue, which provokes a feeling of physical and psychological overload.

A schizophrenic does not come out of a pessimistic state for a long time, which gets worse over time. Paranoid factors begin to actively influence his perception of the world: he begins to feel that something extremely important is happening around him, but cannot understand what exactly. Demanding an explanation from others, a woman thus turns on the protective function of the body: “Pay attention to me,” “Tell me what’s wrong with me.”

The patient gradually breaks the connection between herself and the previous, threatening, in her opinion, reality, and creates for herself a new variation of it. In a new, painful perception for her, everything around her takes on an enemy form: people who wish her harm, events that are specially arranged, not real, created artificially in order to lull her vigilance.

An ordinary trip around the city, organized by a husband or friend, can be perceived as a theatrical act to distract her from something more significant. The media turn into primary enemies, which, exerting a hypnotic influence on her, deliberately mislead her.

The life of a schizophrenic turns into constant waiting and following higher signs. This especially applies to women with a family: they begin to devote their lives to constant monitoring of relatives and loved ones (children, husband), sincerely believing that they are protecting them and themselves from negative influence from the outside.

Insomnia – a symptom or a temporary physiological feature?

In some cases, sleep disturbance actually occurs due to nervous exhaustion and prolonged overexertion. However, if insomnia is accompanied by at least one of the above-mentioned signs of the schizophrenic process (constant tension, mistrust, excessive suspiciousness), this is a reason to seek advice from a specialist.

The patient feels constant anxiety and fears, which gradually transform into phobias. As a result of this, sleep and wakefulness are disrupted: the person, being in a state of constant fear and inability to give a correct assessment of what is happening, begins to be afraid to sleep. A ban on proper rest is formed in the subconscious, and the schizotypal personality gradually brings himself into a state of physical exhaustion, which only aggravates the general condition.

Colored dreams: what do they indicate?

According to one theory, the colored dreams that a representative of the weaker half of humanity can see are a clear sign of the beginning of the development of the schizophrenic process. However, experts in the field of psychiatry consider this to be a misconception. Such dreams only indicate a person’s subtle perception of the surrounding reality. Women are more capable of empathetic sensitivity than men. This explains their increased vulnerability and susceptibility.

Thus, it is incorrect to talk about a direct connection between color dreams and schizophrenia. But increased sensitivity in women in the case of a negative atmosphere in the family can become a trigger for the onset of the development of a mental disorder.

How to check if there is damage or the evil eye

After identifying the first signs of the evil eye or damage, you need to diagnose it, that is, determine the presence or absence of damage in order to take appropriate measures. Diagnostics is carried out using practical methods, proven by more than one generation.

With egg

It is believed that the egg has a very sensitive biofield. When it physically comes into contact with someone else's aura, it takes it over and absorbs it into itself. Since ancient times, people have known about the mystical effect of a chicken egg and used it to diagnose damage and further treat it.

The essence of this method is to charge him with energy when a chicken egg comes into contact with a person. Then you need to break the egg into a glass and monitor the shape of the white and yolk. If the contents of the glass look ordinary, then no damage threatens you. If the protein is cloudy, riddled with white cobwebs, inclusions, or bubbles appear, then your energy radiates negativity.

Watch a video on how to diagnose egg spoilage:

From candles

The ritual consists of using church candles. Light a candle and move it along your entire body from the top of your head to the bottom. During this, read the Lord's Prayer. In this case, you need to watch the candle flame.

If the candle burns evenly, then this is good and everything is fine with the person. And if the flame changes color, crackles and sways a lot, you need to be on your guard. The more actively she reacts, the greater the likelihood of the presence of evil spirits. The flame will react especially violently near the back and legs.

With wax

The wax needs to be melted into a plate of cold water over the person’s head. You should only use candles made from natural wax. After it hardens, you need to examine the resulting image. If it melts smoothly, with rounded shapes, then everything is fine with your biofield. If the wax has frozen crookedly, with bulges or slides, then your energy is disturbed.

Using matches

You need to take two matches in your hands to charge them with your energy. Then light one at a time and immediately throw it into a glass of cold water. If the matches fall so that none of them intersect, then everything is fine. If the matches fell to the bottom, then perhaps there is damage to you. If they intersect and touch each other, then most likely this is the evil eye.

Video about diagnosing damage using matches:

With water

You need to take a glass of water and breathe into it. Leave the glass overnight in a cool place, and the next day examine the condition of the water. If it is cloudy, then there is a magical effect on you. If the water is clean, then everything is fine.

Golden ring

It has long been believed that gold is used in healing rituals. Previously, our grandmothers would pass a gold wedding ring over a child’s face if he was naughty, and this would help him calm down. To check yourself for the presence of the evil eye, you need to run a gold ring over clean skin. If a dark mark remains on the skin, this is a definite sign of damage.

There are a lot of ways to detect damage, and the above ones are the main, but not yet complete list. In order to most accurately identify magical intervention, you need to use several techniques at once.

Types of mental deviation, their features

The schizophrenic process in women can occur in different forms: simple, resistant, paranoid, catatonic, and less commonly, hebephrenic. Each of them has its own characteristics, depending on which the following types are distinguished:

  • continuously flowing. Attacks occur regularly and are characterized by varying duration and severity;
  • episodic (paroxysmal). This form differs in that the patient may acutely feel only one or several attacks throughout the entire period of the disease. A timely response and regular monitoring by the patient of her condition preserves the effect after therapy for the longest possible time;
  • unfavorable. Its peculiarity lies in the high speed of the progressive schizophrenic process. The final mental disorder can occur in the shortest possible period of time;
  • sluggish. It is one of the most common forms of mental deviation among the fairer sex, which needs a more detailed description.

Sluggish schizophrenia

One of the most pronounced symptoms of this type of endogenous disease is the woman’s unusual behavior. In this case, one or more additional symptoms may be observed:

  • delusional states, which are characterized by a distorted perception of reality - the patient becomes obsessed with persecutors, insists on her “superpowers” ​​or the presence of an incurable disease;
  • hallucinations. This is a manifestation of the disease in the form of non-existent voices that only a schizophrenic hears, as well as visions and smells;
  • A frequent symptom is a tendency to philosophize. “Inside out” logic in such a patient is capable of creating the most incredible causal and hereditary relationships that have nothing to do with reality. In everything that happens, she begins to see omens, signs or symbols of approaching inevitability;
  • loss of self-control. A schizophrenic woman is fully confident that in difficult or unforeseen situations she is unable to control her emotions, movements, speech, and someone does this for her (an otherworldly force, an ill-wisher, a relative);
  • increased irritability is activated. Aggression manifests itself in the form of obvious hostility and asociality;
  • the person loses interest in everything she previously did, becomes emotionless and withdrawn, and may not go outside for days;
  • chronic depression, which is based on the inability to receive emotional pleasure;
  • phobias and obsession. Suddenly you feel fear for your life, the life of your children or close relatives.

Ignoring the first signs of female schizophrenia provokes their further development and worsening. As a result, the patient experiences a total flattening of personality: mental sensitivity disappears, the level of social development decreases to primitive.

Types of damage and evil eye

To find out how to get rid of a curse, you need to determine its type and what it is aimed at.

For deteriorating health

With such damage, it becomes difficult for a person to recover even from minor illnesses, because they can cause severe complications. The diagnosis of diseases may not be detectable even by doctors. Chronic diseases are getting worse.

You may also not be able to get pregnant, and if you do, the pregnancy may be terminated.

For problems at work and in relationships

Envious people can spoil your successful work. Expect layoffs, demotions, salary cuts, and other work-related difficulties.

The same envious people may want to steal your soulmate. Such love spells can destroy even the strongest relationships. Or, there is the so-called crown of celibacy - a special ceremony, after which serious problems arise in building relationships with the opposite sex.

To death

This type is the most dangerous and difficult, because its program is to achieve the physical destruction of a person. They are already practiced by the most advanced magicians and sorcerers. They use a photo of the victim, perform rituals in the cemetery and even light candles for the repose of a living person, committing a terrible sin. After such rituals, the victim’s health deteriorates, as if life were leaving him.

It is necessary to get rid of this damage as quickly as possible, because after a while it may be too late.

Monomakh's hat

A type of corruption that can influence and subordinate the consciousness of one person to another in order to have power and control over him for personal interests.


The name reflects its inner essence. After this damage, those around you, for a reason unknown to themselves, will stop trusting you.

There are many other, lesser-known curses that also got their name, such as “Cocoon”, “Crystal Slipper”, “Achilles’ Heel”, “Needle”, “Forget-Me-Not”.

Church attributes in defining negativity

The easiest and safest way to determine damage is to use church attributes. Here are some rituals.

Church candle

One of the simplest and most effective ways to determine the presence of damage is considered to be the method with a church candle. To do this, you need to hold the candle in your hands for several minutes, carefully listening to your feelings, and paying special attention to your well-being. After the concentration reaches the desired level, you need to light the candle, squeezing it tightly with both hands, and continuously look at the fire. If the flame is even and bright, then there is no need to worry, but in the opposite situation, serious measures must be taken. If the fire begins to twitch nervously, there is black smoke with an unpleasant hiss, or the candle does not want to burn and goes out, then these are signs of negative attachments.

Silver chain

There is also a known method with a silver chain, which must belong to the person performing this ritual. It should be remembered that it is better not to use a pectoral cross. First you need to light the candle, taking it in your left hand. A left-handed person takes it in his right palm. The chain of turf is placed on your fingers, allowing it to move freely in weight. Next, you need to carefully look at the fire of the church candle and read any cleansing prayer. The chain begins to oscillate, and if it suddenly slips from the fingers, then this is a direct sign that the person has been damaged.

General Tips

It is well known that evil spirits cannot stand church paraphernalia and everything else that is somehow connected with the Lord. This can also be used to understand whether the damage was caused to someone other than a person. To do this, a possible victim of black magic just needs to visit a church. It is best to do this several times to completely verify the presence of negativity or its absence. You should not expect that a parishioner who has been hexed will immediately begin to choke or scream in church, but negative symptoms will appear.

Many damned people find it unpleasant to touch consecrated water, as well as any other things in the church: an icon, a cross, and an amulet. Irrefutable signs that a person has been damaged can be a blackened cross on the body, if it was not like that before entering the temple. A parishioner with a soul blackened by corruption is able to make candles suddenly smoke just by his presence in the church.

It is worth noting that some believe that believers are completely protected from any black witchcraft. And this is not an entirely correct opinion. To receive complete protection from damage, you need truly unbending faith with a high level of spirituality, and not everyone is able to achieve all this.

How to remove damage

There are many effective ways to remove spoilage at home. You need to learn about all the different options and choose the most suitable ones for yourself.

The best ways to remove damage yourself:

  1. Energy cleansing . Firstly, you need to sincerely forgive the person who damaged you, even if you don’t know who did it. Try to take a break from your previous environment. Relax, spend time with loved ones and enjoy yourself. Positive emotions are always stronger than negative ones.
  2. Visiting a temple and wearing a cross . Christians know that God will protect them from evil spirits. You can attract the help of the Lord through prayer, fasting and forgiveness.
  3. You can purchase or make your own amulets, talismans and amulets for yourself and your loved ones. They come in different types and for different situations.
  4. Pin method . Everyone knows this method; it has been used for hundreds of years. If you attach a pin to your clothes with the head down, it will protect you from the evil eye.
  5. By destroying the lining . The lining is an item that the conspirator uses during his ritual and leaves them in the house or wherever you are often. The linings can be bags of earth, salt, pins, needles, threads, and the corpses of small animals. These must be immediately destroyed by fire.


My neighbor’s grandmother praised the ceremony with a church candle most of all, but I didn’t have one at that time, and the church was far from us. I carried out diagnostics with milk (we live in a village and have our own cow). That's how I found out about the damage. I removed it using this method, found on the Internet (ordinary candles were suitable for this):

It helped! The bad streak is over, even my husband’s problems at work have resolved.

Six months later, I had to remember the diagnosis again; my eldest son’s character deteriorated. I did a ritual with an egg. I saw a lot of black dots. Out of fright, I carried out the cleaning three times, for three days in a row, on each child.

This is probably too much, but it helped - my son went crazy, and then he admitted that he was nervous because of frequent headaches, which made it difficult to concentrate at school.

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