Wealth zone according to Feng Shui - in the apartment and at work

What is the wealth zone for?

Feng Shui was invented by the sages of Asia with the aim of improving the quality of human life. According to this practice, the space around should be organized in accordance with natural laws. Each house is divided into zones responsible for a specific area. For example, the love sector is located in the southwest, and the glory sector is in the north.

The money plot in Feng Shui is responsible for a person’s material well-being. It is located in the southeastern part of the house and has a powerful effect that affects the well-being of the people living in the apartment. The wealth zone has the following properties:

  • strengthens existing business;
  • creates favorable conditions for the implementation of projects;
  • builds relationships with people;
  • improves financial situation.

Feng Shui zones

To attract abundance into your home, you need to find a zone of wealth according to Feng Shui and try to increase its strength. Before doing this, you should familiarize yourself with the elements of the sector that affect its operation:

  • the main one is a tree;
  • generative - water;
  • weakening - fire;
  • destructive - metal.

To attract wealth, you need to use not only the ancient teachings of China, but also the power of thinking.


What are the basic rules of Feng Shui for attracting wealth?

  • Light . Lamps, lamps, clean windows attract light into the apartment, and therefore money.
  • Purity . Dirt and clutter in the home attract negativity, form stagnation of energy and impede the movement of monetary energy.
  • Feeling of comfort . Residents of the house should feel comfortable in the apartment, and they should like the interior.
  • Plants for wealth . The attraction of wealth is provided by the money tree and citrus trees - orange, lemon, tangerine.
  • Pets . Fish are considered a symbol of prosperity. Therefore, an aquarium should be placed in the apartment.
  • Talismans of wealth . These are paintings and photos depicting money, a horseshoe, a money toad, Chinese coins, and “wind chimes.”

Where to store money according to Feng Shui in an apartment?

It is best to keep banknotes in drawers, boxes, boxes, paper folders or red envelopes. All cash storage in the apartment should be made of natural materials.

According to Feng Shui, the ideal place to store money is the living room, dining room or kitchen. The greatest activity in the apartment occurs in these rooms, which means that the most powerful energy is there, therefore, monetary energy is also enhanced.

As a place to store finances in the kitchen, preference should be given to places such as sealable containers with bulk products, a refrigerator or a pantry. It is believed that the energy of reserves is concentrated in these places, due to the activity of which the financial condition increases.

The living room and dining room are the most common rooms for entertaining guests or gathering places for the whole family. The energy of joy, love, as well as profit from gifts received from guests is accumulated here. According to Feng Shui, money hidden in these rooms is saturated with positive energy and, like magnets, attracts new bills.

What colors attract wealth?

Gold, green, lilac, dark blue, violet and black colors.

How to find the wealth zone in your home?

It is generally accepted that the money zone is located in the southeast of the home. There are several methods to determine its location:

  1. You can use a compass.
  2. It is acceptable to use a bagua grid in which the cardinal directions are calculated in reverse.
  3. If you stand with your back to the entrance to the house and look inside the room, the far left wall will be your reference point. Behind it is the required area.
  4. If a person can only influence one room in the house, for example, because he lives with his parents, the location of the zone should be determined in that room.

It’s not enough to just find the wealth sector in the house, you need to make sure that the energy moves calmly around the apartment and nothing interferes with it.

Light and equipment placement

According to the rules of Feng Shui, there is no place for dim lighting and dark areas in the kitchen. The kitchen should be literally flooded with light, so try not to close curtains or blinds during the day. Let sunlight freely penetrate the room, illuminating and warming it. Make sure your work area is well lit, as is your dining area. If there is only one lamp in the kitchen, let it be as bright as possible.

The stove, sink and refrigerator must be placed so that they are at the vertices of an imaginary triangle, and between them there are wooden objects or green objects. This could be a tabletop, wooden furniture and utensils, a plant, or decorative elements. They are needed to distinguish between the elements of Water (refrigerator, sink) and Fire (stove), in order to prevent their connection and confrontation.

It is not recommended to place the stove near a window or close to an exit, so that your well-being does not disappear. A good option for a stove is the south wall of the kitchen. By the way, the stove should always be clean; this has a good effect on the energy of the kitchen and the whole house.

Stainless steel is considered one of the best materials for washing, because it is as cold as the element of Water. Also, the stove and sink cannot be located next to each other. The refrigerator, as a concentration of the element of Water, is not advisable to place on the warm south side, because of this, the food in it can quickly disappear.

Activating the wealth zone

To activate the zone, carry out the following manipulations:

  • throw away all unnecessary things;
  • restore order by arranging objects in their places;
  • broken things are repaired;
  • carry out general cleaning;
  • ventilate the room to prevent energy stagnation.

This frees up space for energy. If you feel bad about throwing away some things, you can give them away.

Knowing how to activate the wealth zone according to Feng Shui, you can achieve material wealth and never need anything. At the same time, it is important to have a great desire to get rich, otherwise nothing will work out.

Money Tree

Preliminary stage

Before you start changing something and bringing newness into the space, you need to get rid of the old and negative. This is the only way to increase the flow of positive energy. And the first step in this matter will be getting rid of trash. Surely there are cabinets, shelves, chests in the house where things are stored that have not been used for many years - you can safely throw them away.

The second step will be global cleaning: you need to look into literally every corner, try to make everything sparkle clean. Ventilation also gives rise to an influx of positive energy. You literally need to open every window, every door to let fresh air into the house. And this is a very important stage, since simply arranging a corner in your apartment with the necessary attributes is not enough.

The third step should also not be overlooked. When the apartment is cleared of clutter, cleaned and full of fresh air, it is time for its spiritual cleansing. And you can do this with the help of an ordinary candle, going around every room, every corner. You can also add aromatic oils to this, each of which also has its own purpose. It is believed that money energy belongs to patchouli oil.

When all these manipulations are completed, you can proceed directly to arranging the space.

What should not be in this zone?

Some items should be kept away from this area:

  1. A cactus is not suitable as a green plant. Its spines interfere with the flow of Qi and deactivate the wealth zone.
  2. If there is a mirror hanging in the money sector, it should not reflect the front door.
  3. You should not place a fireplace or anything related to fire in this place.
  4. You cannot hang pictures of autumn or desert areas. They symbolize decay.
  5. No matter how beautiful antiques look, they should not be in the abundance sector. He has accumulated old energy, which prevents new flows from moving.
  6. It is unacceptable to place a trash can or other waste in the money sector.
  7. You cannot keep an empty piggy bank in the wealth sector.
  8. Metal objects are not suitable for the money zone. It is better to remove frames and pictures with metal frames.

The wealth zone favors active, energetic and purposeful people. Therefore, you cannot be lazy, otherwise the Qi energy will lose its strength.

Kitchen decor and design

It is recommended to use ornaments and prints in plant and fruit themes in wall decor or on tablecloths. Also, find a place for symbols of productivity and prosperity - this could be onion braids, bunches of dried herbs or red peppers, a bowl of fresh fruit on the table, a painting with an appetizing still life or depicting various vegetables or bread with ears of grain.

Many housewives love to grow flowers and fill the windowsill with different plants. According to Feng Shui, this should not be done, and there should not be more than one flower in the kitchen. You can place one crystal on the window. Place wooden interior items - figurines, sugar bowl, vases, etc. between the appliances and the sink.

And one more thing - do not use small mirrored objects or faceted objects with a reflective surface in the interior of your kitchen. They seem to break the energy into parts and prevent its normal movement. If you need a mirror in the kitchen, let it be one large one, and be located in the area of ​​the stove or oven.

How to strengthen the effect of the wealth zone?

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to activate the wealth zone with water. An aquarium with fish or a small fountain is suitable for this. Moreover, the water must constantly circulate and be changed more often.

It is also important to monitor the condition of the fish in the aquarium. It's better if there are eight of them. If for any reason one dies, they replace it with a new one and bury the old one outside their home. It is believed that in this way the fish took on all the negative energy.

The money area needs to be well lit. You can put a piggy bank or a jewelry box in the corner. Drawings or photographs of what they have long dreamed of are placed in this zone. You can decorate the money corner with a purple tablecloth or curtains.

A green plant perfectly activates the wealth zone. A money tree works well. You need to carefully care for it, not forgetting to water it. The universal colors of this sector are purple, green and lilac.

You can use special Feng Shui talismans, including:

  • god Hotei;
  • money toad;
  • turtle;
  • elephant.

Feng Shui Wealth Talismans

These figures have very strong energy that will help you achieve your goals. To do this, they should be located in the money sector.

If there is a toilet or bathroom in the southeast of the home, the area is protected in the following ways:

  1. On the outside of the door you should hang a mirror or an image of a flowering tree.
  2. You can tie red ribbons on water pipes.
  3. The toilet lid must be closed at all times to prevent the flow of energy from escaping with water.
  4. The bathroom and toilet must be kept clean. It should always smell good in there.
  5. It would be appropriate to place a red rug on the floor.

When the wealth sector and the bedroom coincide, you need to remember that this room is a place for sleep and peace. There shouldn't be anything superfluous in it. Therefore, you should not put a fountain here, just hang a picture with a landscape.

If there is a refrigerator in the wealth sector, you need to keep it clean, fill it with good products and throw out spoiled ones in a timely manner. You can put a few Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon on top.

Where to put a money tree according to Feng Shui in an apartment

There are also money plants that help attract financial flows to the apartment and increase wealth.

The most famous money plant that provides abundance is the money tree (crassula). It has small round leaves that look like coins. Do not pick off the leaves of the money tree. And to increase the family budget when planting a plant, bury any coin in a pot with a fat plant.

It is advisable to place the money tree near a window facing southeast. Choose a green or red pot for the plant. You need to carefully care for the plant, do not forget to water it.

Geraniums and cacti also attract finance to the apartment. Cacti serve a dual function:

  1. “strung” wealth on their thorns;
  2. protect from thieves.
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