Interpretation of popular beliefs associated with the cult of the camel in Uzbek folklore

Since ancient times, the camel has been considered a symbol of Asia and the Middle East; it was most strongly associated with Arabia. Thanks to its ability to move heavy loads for many kilometers, to endure thirst, heat and hunger without complaint, this beast of burden quickly became a symbol of hard work, determination, humility, repentance, and self-esteem.

In Arab countries, since ancient times it has personified nobility and royalty. The Prophet Muhammad was often called the “camel prophet” or “the camel keeper of Mecca,” and his two favorite camels received special honors after death: the fastest camel, al Adha, moved to heaven, and al Kasawa was buried near the holy Kaaba in Mecca.

Camel on an ancient Roman mosaic in the city of Petra. For the ancient Romans, the camel was a symbol of Arabia.

Prophet Muhammad riding a camel and Prophet Issa (Jesus Christ) riding a donkey. Medieval Persian miniature. Muhammad is shown riding his fastest camel, Al Adha, which he took with him to heaven

The camel was also a symbol of arrogance and arrogance. Some Hebrew sources report that the serpent that tempted Eve in Paradise had the head of a camel. This creature is also called the "winged camel". According to another version, a serpent with a camel's head was an attribute of the demon Samuel, and it was on it that the demon flew to heaven to seduce Eve.

In Christianity, the camel immediately became a symbol of hard work and resigned submission to God's will. Thus, John the Baptist, while in the desert, wore a hair shirt made of coarse camel hair instead of clothing - this was his severe asceticism. To explain how difficult it is for a rich person to lead a righteous life and earn the Kingdom of God with his deeds and thoughts, Jesus Christ used the analogy: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”

The camel on the coat of arms of the city of Baku symbolizes the role of caravan trade in the development of the city

Coat of arms of Eritrea. The camel is the national symbol of this young state

The Iranian prophet and founder of the new religion, Zarathushtra, was called “master of the old camel” - this was his “external” name, designed to protect him from evil spirits. In the 19th century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, in his famous book “Thus Spake Zarathustra,” used the image of a camel as a symbol of an enslaved, overloaded with cultural models of the “hardy spirit”, incapable of free creativity. However, the camel then turns into a lion, which will abandon old values ​​to create new ones of its own. The next stage of symbolic transformation is the child who, in his innocence, transforms creativity into sacred play.

Adoration of the Magi

The camel is a Christmas emblem. Three magicians - Caspar, Balthazar and Melchior - followed the Christmas star and arrived in Bethlehem. There, in the stable, they found the newly born Jesus Christ with his mother. The Magi presented him with gifts - gold, incense and myrrh. Gold, the most precious of all metals, is presented to Jesus as the King of the entire human race, frankincense (translated as white), precious resin - as a high priest and teacher, and myrrh, a substance capable of resisting decay - as a person who will conquer death by death .

Three wise men on the way. Painting by the French artist J. Tissot, 19th century.

Totem in astrology

Followers of Zoroastrianism used their own calendar, which was based on the cycle of rotation of the planet Saturn around the Sun. It is 32 years, each of which corresponds to a totem animal. The sixteenth year of the cycle according to the Zoroastrian horoscope passes under the sign of the camel (dates: 1921, 1953, 1985, 2021, 2049). Follows the Year of the Badger and precedes the Year of the Hedgehog. The totem tells a person what qualities he needs to have, what path to follow in order to achieve grace and the protection of higher powers.

The color of the year is red, its divine patron is Rashnu, the god of righteousness, judge in the afterlife. This means that the year of the Camel will be associated with the restoration of justice, balance, and making correct and fair decisions. This period is characterized by the end of conflicts. Herbivorous totems will have to work hard, but their efforts will eventually be rewarded.

In the zodiac horoscope, the camel is the patron and totem of the zodiac sign Aquarius. A talisman in the form of this animal is recommended primarily for men, who are given perseverance and the ability to achieve their goals.

Constellation Camel (Giraffe)

The modern constellation Giraffe bore a different name for a long time. Initially, it was called the Camel, in honor of the meeting of Rebekah and Isaac at the well, at the watering place of these animals. Only in 1624 did the astronomer J. Bartsch finally assign the name Giraffe to this cluster of stars. Confusion also arose due to the fact that Europeans did not always clearly distinguish between these two exotic animals. In addition, from Latin the word giraffe (Camelopardalis) can be roughly translated as “spotted camel.”

Rebekah and Isaac at the well. Medieval miniature

Constellation Camel (Giraffe). Illustration from the astronomical atlas “Uranography” by J. Hevelius

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Gods of the Slavs

Camel. Monument in Elista

ZOOLOGY. Class MAMMALS, order Artiodactyls, family CAMELIDS

The closest relatives of camels are the llama, alpaca and vicuna, as well as the Cama.

KAMA is a hybrid of a dromedary camel and a llama.

CAMEL is an integral part of the life of nomads. From time immemorial, the tireless and phlegmatic “ships of the desert” have carried considerable cargo. The meat of the animal is used for food. Butter and cheeses are made from the wonderful milk of females. Wool is used to produce durable and warm fabrics. The sensitive sense of smell of animals allows them to quickly find sources of water in the desert and determine their suitability for drinking. When defending itself, a camel is able to spit at its opponent at a distance of 10 meters and not miss.

ZOOLOGY. Closest relatives are alpaca, llama and vicuna. A SYMBOL of humility among Christians. Resilience, independence and dignity among the eastern peoples. The patience of the giant was an example of humility for the early Christians.

Yeisk. Embankment.

HABITAT. It is believed that camels live in deserts and semi-deserts. But I saw him in Yeisk, and the residents of Chelyabinsk probably consider him their fellow countryman, and even put him on their coat of arms.

ORIGIN. Muslims have a legend that the camel was created from pieces of clay dropped by the prophet during the creation of man.

THE BASIC QUALITY is equanimity. IN LEGENDS AND EPICS. There are many legends where the animal appears in different roles. For example, among the Turkic peoples there is no place for a camel in the twelve-year cycle because this kind and simple-minded animal was deceived by a small mouse. Among the Kalmyks, the fire-breathing camel Khavshil brings rain and lightning to the earth. The belligerence and courage of males was included in the Kazakh folk epic with the legend of Bur, who lived near Mount Kokshe and had the habit of warning with a loud cry about the dangers of the inhabitants of surrounding villages. And among the Kirghiz, the brave hero Manas fought on the fleet-footed camel Jelmayan. TALISMANS. It is believed that talisman figures made in the form of this mammal help to cope with hard and big work, give strength, and support self-confidence and self-confidence.

CARAVAN - a chain of camels going in a given direction. For the first time I saw a caravan in Kalmykia and was so enchanted that for many years my main epithet for the word caravan was “majestic”.

IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE BOX: The dog barks, the caravan moves on.

Not a camel.

  • I definitely didn’t want to get involved in all this. I'm not the Terminator or Rambo. What if someone was killed there? Then explain to the police that you are not a camel . M.Kern, Mathematician


  • There is a plant - camel thorn.
  • Camel spiders are called salpuga (or phalanx) spiders.


LITERATURE. Before he had time to put on thick camel-hair trousers lined with satin on the inside, tuck into them a blue silk shirt with a gold-embroidered collar, and gird himself with a saber, Svart looked in the door: “Are you still sleeping, sorcerer?” Let's go, Radomir is calling. . A. Prozorov, O. Yankovsky, Key of Times (Vedun-5)


In the game "New Lands" there is a dromedary camel.



A one-humped camel on the coat of arms of the Svetlinsky district, on the coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk and on the coat of arms of Eritrea.

A one-humped camel on the coat of arms of the Svetlinsky district of the Orenburg region, on the coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk and on the coat of arms of Eritrea.

Bactrian camels on the coats of arms of the Baibek village council of the Astrakhan region, the commune of Kemzeke (Belgium) and the Kosh-Agach district (Altai).

Camel in heraldry - endurance, wealth and tirelessness.

(712) The article was written by Natalya Suvorina and Natta


Article from BESTIARY

The camel represents unpretentiousness and endurance.

Fortune telling wax camel

A camel that appears on the bottom of your cup during a wax fortune telling indicates that you have an excessive sense of duty and inflated responsibility, which often not only creates enormous difficulties for you, but simply poisons your life.

If you have been telling fortunes about a person you are interested in, know that for him it is work, and not love at all, that is the basis of life; perhaps his excessive sense of duty will complicate the ease and beauty of your relationship, but he is a reliable, although perhaps at times boring, partner.

The image of a camel indicates that the person you are predicting is very hardworking.

The image of a camel indicates that the person you are fortune-telling is very hardworking. It is work that is the meaning of life for him, and not love at all, as you might want. Such a person is a reliable life partner, but sometimes it can be boring with such a partner, and his exaggerated sense of duty can deprive the relationship of a certain amount of grace and lightness.

A camel in wax divination speaks of a strong desire to gain new knowledge, experience and memories through travel. The appearance of a camel can also be interpreted as wealth, which is acquired through hard work (if it is two-humped) or hard work (if it is one-humped). If suddenly this animal appears surrounded by dots, it means that the person has become rich, but continues to live very modestly.

Also, if the figure of a camel falls out during wax fortune telling, it is recommended to pay attention to your surroundings, because among your friends there may be those people who are disrespectful to friendship, spread rumors and do not value friendly relations enough.



Camel on wax meaning

There are a huge number of different interpretations and in accordance with them their general meaning changes. . In order to interpret them in the most accurate way, it is necessary to remember very clearly the essential details. Then the prediction will become the most complete and reliable.

The image of a camel in fortune telling with wax means:

  • perseverance and equanimity;
  • overcoming all life's obstacles;
  • reaching heights.

In addition, it promises exciting and interesting trips to many countries around the world. If you see a camel with a burden, a successful change of residence is ahead.

Camel on wax meaning for women

For very young girls, the appearance of a camel figurine during wax fortune-telling promises new meetings, and possibly a romantic date. For an unmarried girl, the figure of a camel in a wax fortune telling promises her a fun time, an improvement in her financial situation, or a promotion up the career ladder.

There are a huge number of different interpretations and in accordance with them their general meaning changes

For married women, this animal portends a lot of trouble. However, her husband and children will show their best side, trying to transfer part of the burden onto their shoulders. For pregnant women, a wax figure of a camel during wax fortune telling signals the need to see a specialist once again.

Camel on wax meaning for men

For unmarried men, the figure of a camel in wax fortune telling predicts a meeting with a future chosen one. If, during fortune telling with wax, the figure of a camel turns out to have one hump, then this means the strengthening of a love relationship. If a man is married, then the appearance of an animal warns him that life will become more complicated in the near future. However, overcoming problems will lead to financial benefits.

We recommend reading: Fortune telling with wax by a monkey.


The anti-totemic animal is the hyena. This animal leads an idle lifestyle, is distinguished by its corpulence and selfish interest in others, and often forgets about people who once did good to it. A camel should avoid people who do nothing for nothing and do not have curiosity and sustained interest in the world around them. Hyenas are usually short in stature, they are very greedy, demanding of others, and envious. Often they do not like people who are not greedy and like to spend their last money on travel or who may decide to work in a distant country. It is better for Camels not to communicate with them.

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