Master Raymond Law's forecast - 2021 Year of the Metal Ox

Every year we publish what world famous feng shui master Raymond Lo predicts. He uses a calendar known as the Farmer's Calendar.

It is used throughout the Buddhist East, where astrology is based on strict mathematical calculations between the five elements of the Universe. The interaction of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth determines what can happen. How will these five elements affect the year of the earth Pig?

— 2021 in the Chinese solar calendar is symbolized by two hieroglyphs: 己 — Yin Earth “sits” on 亥 Pig, which, in turn, is the element of Water. According to the cycles of birth and destruction, which describe the relationships between the basic elements, Earth and Water have an inharmonious relationship. Typically, such a configuration means more conflict, predicts Raymond Law.

So, in 2021, the Earth “conquers” Water, both elements are in a destructive cycle. However, the nature of the Yin Earth is a “fertile garden” or “mother Earth”, which is quite gentle and moderate, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort.

Consequently, the atmosphere will be such that people tend to choose prudent methods, are more willing to compromise, and are less stubborn and stubborn. However, since the Yin Earth element “sits” on Water, peace and harmony are very superficial, without a solid foundation and support from below. This suggests that the situation is quite fragile and will be in a state of secret hostility. Therefore, various terrorist attacks, riots and other unrest will still take place. The earth, “sitting” on the water element, has no support, it is weak and unstable, and this can also lead to earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, and building collapses. The powerful water of the Pig on Earth symbolizes the danger of the “sunken earth”, which can bring water disasters, floods, storms, and downpours.

Natural disasters

- Since the Pig is a water element, unforeseen events will occur at sea. In the year of the earthen Pig, the element of Fire is absent, and since air traffic relates to it, the complete absence of Fire will also lead to aviation accidents, the predictor believes and lists the famous plane crashes that occurred 60 years ago. — In 1959, the Vietnam War escalated. The Boxer Rebellion broke out in China, leading to the Battle of Senlu Temple in October 1899. 60 years ago in 1959, there was a Tibetan uprising in China and the Dalai Lama fled to India. To summarize, the previous Earth Pig years were marked by turmoil and instability.

Feng Shui Master Raymond Lo's 2020 Metal Rat Forecast

The famous Hong Kong feng shui master Raymond Lo gives annual forecasts based on the Chinese solar calendar. The relationships of the elements help predict the events that will await us. And this time the master talks about the upcoming 2020 of the Rat.

About the Chinese calendar

Year of the Metal Rat

Yang Metal Qualities

Thus, the atmosphere of the coming year is such that people will be more inclined to resort to violence to achieve their ideology, which will create more conflicts. Therefore, in the coming year we will see mass protests against social injustice and inequality. This trend is already observed, and next year it will only intensify. Yang Metal will reach its greatest strength in the fall, then human aggression will become more uncontrollable.

The Chinese calendar repeats itself on a 60-year cycle, and if you look back to 1960, many African countries gained independence at that time. Before that, they were ruled by the British and French, and in 1960 they declared freedom from colonial oppression. Similar unrest is likely expected in the coming 2021.

120 years ago, in 1900 of the Metal Rat, a tragic event occurred in the history of China. Then 8 countries formed a military coalition and staged an invasion, they caused a lot of destruction and took a huge amount of national wealth out of the country.

We can expect a similar repetition of the situation. True, in our time wars are fought using economic methods. There is already a powerful confrontation between China and the United States, united with the EU, and powerful pressure will be put on China.

Also in 2021 we can expect more earthquakes as the Earth is very weak due to the fact that it is depleted by strong Water and Metal. If we look at the calendar of the 60-year cycle, then in the previous year of the Metal Rat in 1960, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.5 occurred in Chile, which caused a powerful tsunami. Another earthquake occurred in Morocco, where 12 thousand people died.

Animal signs in 2021

Those born in the year of the Rat (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) “challenge” the Prince of the Year, which can indicate difficulties.

The one under attack is the Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014) as it faces the Rat. When there is a collision with the year, there is a lot of excitement and life changes. If you find yourself in such a collision, then you should not engage in dangerous activities for a year.

It is also not recommended to travel in the direction of North-2, this is the direction of the Rat.

Those people who "confront" or "challenge" the Rat are advised to wear a bull figurine as a protective animal.

However, you should not draw categorical conclusions based on just one sign. The birth chart must be analyzed as a whole. There may not be “problem animals” in the year, but they may well be in the pillars of the month, day or hour.

You can determine the personal element and animals in your birth chart using our calculator.

Health in 2021

To support the weak Fire and Earth elements this year, the most suitable supplements are antioxidant to regulate the Earth element and COQ10 to strengthen the Fire element.

Global economic forecast in 2021

Strong Fire always supports the stock market as it signifies happiness and joy. Therefore, in the year of strong Fire, the world economy feels positive. When people are happy, they are more willing to spend money.

And this is very similar to the previous cycle, when the global financial crisis occurred in 2008 of the Rat. And only in 2013, the Year of the Snake, the economy began to recover.

Which areas of work will do better in 2020?

You can watch more about the types of activities based on the 5 elements in this video

Feng Shui in 2021

In 2021, the flying Star 7 is in the center. It symbolizes words and speech, so next year there will be more scandals.

You need to be careful with the East, since the “Five” is located there. If you sleep in this sector, then hang a metal wind chime.

Star "2" is also considered negative. It means illness, and in 2020 it will be in the South, so hang 6 metal coins in the southern sector.

Economic downturn

The fire element symbolizes happiness in people's moods; it generates optimism and confidence. Thus, during the "fire years" people's confidence in the economy increases, which ensures good results in the stock market. This was the driving force behind the growth from 2013 until 2021, with a strong Fire element present.

But the cycle of fire elements ended in 2021, and since 2018 - the Year of the Dog - represents the grave of Fire, this means that optimism has begun to decline. The coming years 2021, 2021, 2021 carry the energies of Water and Metal, and the fire element will not return until 2025. 2021 – the Year of the Pig – represents the fading stage of Fire, so economic rates are entering a “bear cycle” and will slow down. Since Water symbolizes fear, there will be a lack of optimism in the Year of the Pig, which will lead to lower economic growth and, as a result, a longer-term decline in the stock market, leading to an even greater economic crisis. Until Fire returns in 2025, a prolonged bear market is expected, says the astrologer.

Master Raymond Law's forecast - 2021 Year of the Metal Ox

So, 2021 the year of the Metal Rat is gradually coming to an end, and in its place the year of the Metal Ox is gradually coming. On this topic, Chinese Feng Shui grandmaster Raymond Lo made his usual annual forecast about how events will develop and how the world will feel.

The Chinese year follows the Five Elements calendar. The Year of the Metal Rat is the year of Metal on Water. The Rat is the strongest Water element out of the 12 animals. Such Metal is absolutely cold and very fragile, and in Chinese metaphysics the lungs and respiratory organs are associated with the energy of Metal. Therefore, the virus easily hit them. Yang metal also means "big metal", that is, weapons, which indicates struggle.

Next year we move to Yin Metal, and the year of the Rat gives way to the year of the Ox. We can say that this is the year of the “Golden Ox”, since precious metals, beautiful and graceful, are often associated with Yin Metal. But the nature of any metal is hardness and coldness. Yin metal is a small metal and can be a sharp dagger.

Ox is a weak winter land and corresponds to the month of January in the Chinese calendar. And inside the Bull the following elements are hidden: earth, metal, water. The Metal Bull appears as a small knife lying on a cold sea rock. The nature of the coming year is cold and harsh, and it does not promise to be very peaceful either.

What can you expect in the year of Yin Metal on the Ox?

Yin metal is beautiful. Women born on the Yin Metal day often have excellent appearance, they have very beautiful skin, white teeth, an oval face shape, and regular features. Many beautiful women of our time were born on the day of the Yin Metal. Here are some outstanding examples: Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Ivanka Trump, Naomi Watts, Gwyneth Paltrow. Yin Metal men often look boyish, younger than their years. But inside they are all pretty tough guys.

The nature of Yin Metal is deceptive, although it may appear soft, graceful and sophisticated on the outside, beware of the strong character on the inside. There is a saying: “beautiful on the outside, but harsh on the inside.” Yin Metal people may exhibit rigid behavior to achieve their goals.

So, Anders Brevik, the Yin Metal man, staged a terrorist attack and killed 72 people. Pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately caused the plane to crash, killing 150 people. Korean Cho Seng Hu committed a massacre at an American school, shooting 32 people, and then committed suicide. John Lennon's killer Mark Chapman was also a Yin Metal man. When the “cold year” comes, psychopaths may “lose their temper.”

World leaders born on the day of Yin Metal often started wars.

US President John Kennedy was a Yin Metal man, he constantly threatened the USSR and started the Vietnam War. Another president, George W. Bush, started the war in Iraq. Korean leader Kim Jong-un constantly scares the world with nuclear weapons. International terrorist Osama bin Laden was also a man of Yin Metal.

Thus, everything will look soft and beautiful on the outside, but hard on the inside. Yin metal is a hard small knife; behind the external pretense there can be insidious stabs in the back, assassination attempts. In the year of the Metal Ox there were quite a few attempts at coups d'etat in different countries. Similar events occurred in 1961 (60 years ago), 1901 (120 years ago), and 1841 (180 years ago).

The First Opium War was a series of military clashes between Britain and China's Qing dynasty. 1841 was the most violent year, resulting in the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. China lost the war and agreed to make Hong Kong a colony, ceding it to the British Queen Victoria.

The year 1901 was marked by the assassination of US President William McKinley. German Emperor Wilhelm II survived an unsuccessful assassination attempt that same year.

The previous year of the Metal Ox, 1961, was the peak of the Cold War, with serious global tensions occurring between the superpowers of the time - the USA and the USSR. Cuban missile crisis, construction of the Berlin Wall. In 1961, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo Patrice Lumumba was assassinated.

And the list goes on. So, by looking at past history, one can predict and anticipate how the future will shape up.

On the other hand, we can expect 2021 to bring innovation. In 1961, the previous year of the Metal Ox, large-scale space exploration was carried out. The USSR sent the first person there - Yuri Gagarin, and the USA also then launched its own cosmonaut. One of the explanatory factors is that the hieroglyph Metal Yinresembles a rocket in its shape.

By analogy, a similar trend may be repeated in 2021. Let's see what 2021 brings, as US President Trump recently announced the creation of the Space Force, a new US military branch. He also announced NASA's Artemis program for lunar exploration. The space program's goal is to land astronauts on the lunar surface by 2024, and use it as a training ground for future missions to Mars in the 2030s.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the metal element represents the respiratory organs, including the lungs, nose and skin. Since Metal needs Fire to melt and refine it, when the fire element is absent, Metal becomes unhealthy. Thus, the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 appeared due to the weakness of the metal element or lungs. We will continue to see this health trend in 2021, including the spread of influenza and various viral infections that affect people's respiratory system (lungs, nose, skin).

In addition, since Fire is completely absent, the Ox's Earth element is quite weak, which contributes to a weak stomach and digestive problems. The weakness of Fire means that the corresponding organs are also affected. These include the heart, circulation and overall vitality of the body. Excessive amounts of Water can harm the urinary system, kidneys and reproductive organs.

To restore balance, you may consider taking certain health supplements, such as antioxidants and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Be sure to consult your healthcare provider for proper use.

Economic forecast in 2021

Fire is completely absent in the coming year, and it means happiness and optimism. When there is no Fire, there is no optimism and enthusiasm, people are insecure, afraid, and therefore the economy collapses. New economic crises may arise. Since there is no full-fledged Fire until 2025, we can expect a long bearish trend.

We will not yet see the resumption of regular air flights “as before,” since aviation also belongs to the element of Fire. But it will still be better than in 2021. The return of air transport to normal operation is possible in 2022 - in the year of the Tiger, which is an animal of the Traveling Horse class.

Nevertheless, the Fire industries will not feel completely bad, since the Yin Metal that came this year symbolizes money for these industries. This includes the entertainment sector, energy, and airlines. Slowly they will begin to move. Also, the stock market can also move up, despite the general decline in the economy.

The Earth industry will feel active and productive, since self-expression, productivity, and money for these industries are “hidden” inside the Ox. Land industries include real estate, land development, mining, insurance, computer software and technology.

The Wood industry will feel tolerant. Although the element of the Ox is the money element for Wood, the Ox is quite weak. "Wood" industries include wood processing, clothing, books, and environmental technology.

“Metal” and “Water” will feel the worst. There will be a lot of activity and competition in these areas, but very little money. This includes mechanical engineering, banks, tourism.

100 professions and activities according to the Five Elements

Remember the last recession in 2008? It was the year of the Rat. Then there was a financial crisis that lasted from 2008 to 2013. Likewise, in 2021, an even more powerful Rat brought about the COVID-19 pandemic, creating overwhelming fear, forcing the world to grind to a halt and shutting down much of international trade and travel, resulting in severe economic consequences worldwide.

Due to COVID-19, many businesses have failed and people have lost their jobs. In 2021, many people opposed the governments of their countries, and in 2021, too, anti-government protests will likely continue. The atmosphere will seem dull, cold and gray. The continued decline in economic growth will force investors to be more conservative and the population to spend less (demand will decrease). 2020 and 2021 are two years without “Fire”, and next year the economy will also cool down, its “recovery” is not yet in sight.

Animals of the Chinese zodiac

It is believed that people born in the year of the Ox challenge the Grand Duke, that is, the main energy of the year. They are advised to carry a rat pendant with them to reduce the negative influence.

Goats will experience a clash with the coming year, leading to turbulence, movement, or big changes. That's not necessarily a bad thing—more travel options can be expected. At the same time, it is not recommended to go straight in the direction of the Grand Duke, who is located in the North-East this year. Since opportunities for free travel are now difficult, the year of the Ox may be suitable for Goats to radically change something in their life. Goat people are advised to carry a figurine of a Rat with them in order to distract the Ox and minimize possible harm.

Bill Gates is a Wood Goat by year of birth; he may be subject to pressure from the authorities.

Read more about Goat vs Ox clash in 2021

The Ox, together with the Goat and the Dog, is part of the earthen punishment.

Donald Trump is a Dog by year of birth, and a Goat by day, and is now in the “Ox luck” tact. He will experience earthly punishment in 2021, and next year will not be easy for him.

Angela Merkel's birthday is a Dog, and her month is a Goat, and she also receives triple punishment. This punishment affects her House of Marriage, she needs to be careful.

Dogs can also carry the Rat to distract the Ox.

Animals in harmony with the year are the Rat, Snake and Rooster. They will have better relationships with others.

Read more about the Ox's relationship with the 12 animals

The horse is the flower of Romance. Those who have a Horse in their birth chart will be more attractive in the coming year. If the Pig is present in the birth chart, then this is the sign of the “riding horse of the year.” There may be more travel, moving, life changes.

“The Star of the Noble” helps life processes go more smoothly and gently. 2021 will bring the “noble star”, for those whose birth years end in 4, 8, 0. And also for people with the personality element Yang Metal, Yang Wood, Yang Earth.

You can calculate the map by date of birth, determine all animals and personal elements using the calculator. To display animal signs instead of hieroglyphs, check the box “Show birth chart as pictures”

Feng Shui energies in 2021

In the current year 2021, related to the Metal element. Therefore, problems with the respiratory organs arose. The Yellow Five “disaster star” was in the East, and the coronavirus outbreak began in the East of China. In 2021, the Five moves to the Southeast - this could hit the countries of Southeast Asia.

The energies inside the home also change from year to year. Usually the negative stars “5” and “2” are corrected first, and “7” and “3” second.

Inside your home, it is recommended to weaken “star 5” with the help of metal wind chimes, hanging it in the Southeast sector.

“2 Star of Diseases” will be in the North, and in this part of the house it is useful to hang a bunch of “6 coins”

"7 Star of Wounds and Thefts" - comes to the North West and can be weakened by using 3 bamboo branches in a glass vase with water.

“3 star of quarrels and robbery” - comes to the South-West, and to correct it you can put a red carpet or place a noticeable red object.

Read more about the Flying Stars forecast by sector for 2021

But we're still in November, and the impact of 2021 has not shown. What should you pay attention to in the month of December? In December there will be a powerful influence of flying stars, their energy will be duplicated. Western astrologers talk about the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, from their point of view, a bad sign. All this together suggests that the month of December will be more powerful and intense. Especially if there is a Horse in the birth chart, then you should be especially careful.

In December, many important people will be confronted. This is Donald Trump, born in the month of the Horse. It won't be easy for him. It won’t be easy for Biden, who was born in the Year of the Horse. Biden is a weak Fire personality, he will get a double blow in December, his support will shake. Both of them will face serious challenges in December. The question of who will become president is far from closed.

And finally, master Raymond Lo, using I-Ching fortune-telling, made predictions on various issues.

Relations between Russia and the EU in 2021

Russia has an element of power in the “emptiness”; Russia’s influence over Europe is weak. The EU side is in a double bind. The element of money is missing. It looks like there will be unrest in the EU, economic relations will not develop, and Russia will not have much influence on the EU.

US-Russia relations

There is a merger - but there are no active lines. Everything will be more or less peaceful in the relationship, but without much interaction.

Russian Economy

Active line of “money robbery” - not all is well with the economy. There is a merger, everything will be more or less calm, but the money situation will be “so-so.”

Russian stock market

“Money” is a hidden element, it is supported by the day, but not supported by the month. In the short term there is growth, but in the long term things are not going well.

Trump and Biden

The image is a complete collision of “sky and thunder”; this can be interpreted as the fact that a completely unpredictable unexpected continuation may appear.

Coronavirus in 2021

The subject demonstrates the line of "power". The world will still be in the grip of disease. The drug element is there, but inactive. That is, it has no real effectiveness yet. You will still have to be careful in 2021.

Original article by Raymond Law in English. language

This is the forecast Raymond Law made for the upcoming 2021 Year of the Metal Ox. Bookmark this page to periodically re-read the article and check what is coming true. In the meantime, you can view the master's previous forecast for 2021 and compare it with past events.

If you would like to know what opportunities the Metal Ox can bring to you personally, taking into account your date of birth, then you can leave a request for “Personal Forecast 2021.”

Leave a request for “Personal Forecast 2021”

Thanks for reading Master Raymond Law's 2021 Forecast. I wish everyone a prosperous Year of the Metal Ox!

"Pig" health

“In addition, the decrease in the fire element from 2021 will bring weakness to the heart and circulatory system. Since Water and Wood are hidden inside the Pig and there is no Fire, the wood will be damp and this will cause bone disease such as rheumatism. The disappearance of Fire from 2021 to 2022 will bring health problems such as low energy, weak heart, poor circulation and upset stomach. An imbalance in the earth element will also bring stomach problems and diabetes, warns Raymond.

Workshop “Meeting the God of Wealth”


how and when to celebrate Chinese New Year and the God of Wealth,

money haircut calendar for 2021,

days without wealth for 2021

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In the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West, one of the legendary characters is the famous pig Zhu Bazhe. He is very smart and bright, but at the same time greedy and lazy. These qualities are symbolized by the “Heavenly Umbrella” star and speaks of the character of an intelligent, cunning deceiver and liar. Therefore, the Year of the Pig will showcase corruption and sex scandals, crimes related to deception and fraud, especially on the Internet.

In the Four Pillars of Fate system, the Pig and the Snake are the “Traveling Horses” that stimulate movement and travel. The Pig and the Snake are in a clash that occurs between Water and Fire, meaning there will be a lot of travel on water and in the air. Accordingly, the number of accidents will increase.

For example, on February 3, 1959 in the USA, in the state of Iowa, the famous musician Buddy Holly died in a plane crash. As Don McLean sings in his famous song “American Pie,” it was the day the Music died. On the same day, Flight 320 crashed near New York, killing 65 people. On June 30, a plane crashed into a school in Okinawa, killing 21 students. On January 21, 1960, an Avianca plane crashed in Jamaica, killing 37 people. On December 8, a rescue boat capsized in Scotland, killing 8 people.

In the Chinese calendar, the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches follow a 60-year cycle. This means that 60 and 120 years ago there were the same Earth Pig years in 1959 and 1899. 1959 was the year of the escalation of the Vietnam War between the Viet Cong and the government. In 1899, China was ruled by the Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi, and the Guangxu Emperor when Western countries and Russia invaded the country.

The rebellion against foreign invaders ended with the Battle of Senluo Temple in October 1899. 60 years ago in China there was an uprising in Tibet, and the Dalai Lama fled to India. This shows that the previous years of the Black Pig were also marked by unrest and instability.

In the five element system, Fire signifies happiness and optimism, which were prevalent in the previous years of Fire Monkey (2016) and Fire Rooster (2017). However, in 2021, Earth Dog Fire enters the grave, leading to lower levels of optimism and economic development. The dog is October, the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. Fire optimism will continue to wane in the Year of the Pig.

Since the Dog is the grave of Fire, the Pig represents the scene on which Fire ceases to exist, and the powerful water element is about to take over. Water symbolizes fear, so in the Year of the Pig there is a lack of optimism, which leads to reduced economic growth, a prolonged decline in the stock market and an economic crisis. Since Fire won't return until 2025, we can expect a long bear market period ahead.

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Yin Earth is a symbol of the garden, and since yin represents woman, Yin Earth also means “Mother Earth.” Therefore, it is closely related to natural sciences and the environment. Many famous scientists, artists and politicians who have made significant contributions to the development of humanity were born on Yin Earth Day. For example, such outstanding scientists as Charles Darwin, Leonardo da Vinci, Sigmund Freud, the famous artist Michelangelo, director Tarkovsky, singer George Michael, as well as famous American presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Barack Obama and Donald Trump were born on the day Earth-yin.

It is interesting to note that most famous people who are gay were born on Yin Earth Day. For example, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Tarkovsky, George Michael are known to be gay. Logically, this can be explained based on the system of five elements. So, Metal and Wood, Fire and Water are opposite, and Earth is neutral, it does not have an opposite element. Therefore, Yin Earth people are more likely to become homosexuals.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin Earth represents the stomach and pancreas. Earth imbalance problems are closely related to the stomach and digestion. Weakness of the pancreas, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, can lead to diabetes.

The decrease of the Fire element in the Pig and Snake clash also means weak circulation and heart problems. This is unfavorable for people who need the Fire element. Since Water and Wood are hidden in the Pig, but there is no Fire at all, the wood will be damp, and this indicates bone diseases, such as, for example, rheumatism.

The pig enters into a self-punishment relationship with itself, and this indicates problems with the genital organs. Thus, the disappearance of fire from 2021 to 2022 will lead to decreased vital energy levels, heart problems, poor blood circulation, poor digestion of food. Imbalance of the Earth element - stomach problems and diabetes. To maintain health and regulate the Earth element, you should take antioxidants, and to increase the Fire element, take CoQ10.

Yin earth is like the earth in the garden, so people born on this day are generally softer, more moderate, charismatic, philosophers and humanitarians. They can give the impression of relaxation and comfort typical of a garden. Most of them have a thin physique, for example, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, Celine Dion, Uma Thurman, Audrey Hepburn. Yin Earth ladies are often very graceful and elegant.

Another representative of the Yin Earth, George Clooney, demonstrates the typical image of an intellectual and philosopher. He showed concern for social issues and was one of the peace envoys to the United Nations. He has also been active in humanitarian work to resolve the conflict in Darfur, raising funds to help victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and producing documentaries on international crises.

Many other famous people were born on Yin Earth Day: Da Vinci, Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Julian Assange, Jet Li, Mel Gibson, Kevin Spacey, Sergey Brin, and, of course, Donald Trump.

Fire is a symbol of happiness, which generates optimism and confidence. Years in which Fire is present have a positive effect on the economy and the stock market. Fire was the driving factor behind the stock market's rise from 2013 to 2021. However, the Fire cycle ended in 2021 with the fire of a candle, and since 2021 of the Dog represents the grave of Fire, the optimism of Fire is gone and replaced by the pessimism of Water.

2019, 2021, 2021 are all the years of Water and Metal, and Fire will not return until the next year of the Snake - in 2025. 2021 Year of the Pig signals the end of Fire, so the world economy is entering a “bear cycle”, economic growth will slow down and overall health will deteriorate. The Pig in the Chinese calendar is November, the beginning of winter, when Fire leaves, but Water comes, which generates fear. In Wall Street history, in the previous Year of the Pig in 2007, signs of a subprime crisis began to appear, leading to a financial tsunami in 2008.

The Pig is in conflict with the Snake. This is a severe collision of Fire and Water, so it will generate water and fire disasters such as floods, sinking of ships, plane crashes. Yin Earth sitting on a Pig is weak because it does not have the support of Fire. Such Earth leads to landslides, soil erosion, collapses of buildings, mines and other land-related disasters.

People who were born in the year of the Pig are insulted by the year, and those born in the year of the Snake are confronted with the year. This usually leads to increased movement and travel; this is the right time to take the chance and make the necessary changes in your life, for example, changing your place of residence, office, work, travel.

At the same time, they need to exercise special caution and refrain from risky sports such as high-speed driving, piloting aircraft, diving, parachuting and others. To reduce the negative impact, it is recommended to wear a pendant with the image of a Tiger, which will help distract the Pig. People born in the year of the Snake should not travel directly in the northwest direction, as this is the direction of the Grand Duke of the Year in 2021.

The Earth element is expected to bring prosperity to the Wood and Earth industries in 2021. The tree controls the Earth, so the Earth is money for it. These include fashion, media, paper and wood processing industries, education, and ecology. Earth controls Water, so Pig Water provides income and profitability for industries such as real estate, mining, insurance, software.

Branches of Fire will be active in 2021, since Earth is a derivative of Fire. These are energy, finance, entertainment.

Water industries will face strong competition in the Year of the Pig, so they will not prosper. These are shipping, transport, communications. In addition, money for Water is Fire, which is completely absent.

Metal industries: banking, mechanical engineering, automobile business, will also be in an unfavorable position, since money for Metal is Wood, and it is absent. But Pig Water is productivity for Metal, so Metal industries will be active but not profitable.

Thus, industries associated with the elements of Wood and Earth will be in the most advantageous position in the year of the Pig. Fire branches will be productive, but unprofitable. For the Metal and Water industries, 2021 will be unfavorable.

Overall, the Year of the Earth Pig, with Earth above and Water below, is a symbol of the appearance of peace and relaxation on the outside, within which lies the tension of danger, anxiety and deception. There are still conflicts and disharmony in international relations, which will be more hidden. The danger of various natural disasters remains, such as earthquakes, landslides, environmental disasters, fires, explosions, water and air accidents, diseases and epidemics.

The Year of the Pig is a “Noble Person” for people born on a fire day or year. These are the years ending in 6 and 7: 1946, 1947, 1956, 1957,..., 2021, 2021. A “noble man” is an angel coming from Heaven to provide support and salvation, who often provides solutions to problems and makes the year more comfortable and smooth. Those with Noble Person in 2021 can take the chance to make progress and undertake new projects.

The animal sign that will be in an unfavorable position is the Snake, which faces the Pig. Such a collision, as a rule, leads to turbulence, movement, incidents, changes in life, such as travel, a change of job or place of residence.

The clash of Fire and Water will stimulate accidents related to sea and air travel. To protect against collision, it is recommended to wear a pendant with the image of a Tiger. Also, people born in the year of the Snake should not go directly to the North-West, in the direction of the Grand Duke.

Another unfavorable animal sign is the Pig. People born in the year of the Pig insult the Grand Duke of the year. More serious is the self-punishment of the Pig-Pig. It applies to everyone who does not have the Four Pillars of Destiny in their chart. Such punishments usually bring disharmony, irritation, anxiety, frustration, and also speak of diseases associated with Water, which includes the kidneys and genitourinary system. Excess Water and lack of Fire can cause rheumatism and eczema.

The weakness of the Earth indicates problems of the stomach and pancreas, for example, diabetes, and the absence of Fire indicates problems of the heart and blood circulation. Those who have the Pig in the Four Pillars chart are also advised to wear Tiger protection to minimize the negative impact of self-punishment.

Animal signs that go well with the Pig are Tiger, Rabbit and Goat. A harmonious year awaits them. However, such animal astrology is not entirely reliable. For a more accurate analysis, it is recommended to take into account the year, month, day and hour of a person’s birth. Since animals that encounter or enter into punishment can appear in any of the Four Pillars, they can affect anyone who has them in their chart.

Xi Jinping, JK Rowling, Bashar Assad, Bob Dylan, Bernie Sanders, Robert Downey Jr., Dmitry Medvedev, Donald Trump Jr. were born in the Year of the Snake. Angelina Jolie, Ivanka Trump, Barack Obama, Mel Gibson, George Bush, Sylvester Stallone were born on the day of the Snake. A difficult year awaits both. A collision with the day pillar usually indicates movement or conflict in family and human relationships, especially with a spouse or the opposite sex.

Hillary Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elton John, Stephen King, Kevin Spacey, Mike Pence, Kim Jong-un, Elon Musk, Julian Assange, Justin Trudeau were born in the Year of the Pig. They insult the Grand Duke and enter a state of self-punishment with the Year of the Pig. On the day of the Pig, George Clooney, Jet Li, Prince William, Emperor Akihito, Celine Dion were born. They will suffer from self-punishment, and this can cause irritation and anxiety in the relationship with their spouse, as well as health problems related to the genitourinary system.

Feng Shui energies also change from year to year, so it is important to keep an eye on the distribution of favorable and negative energies at the beginning of the year so that we can take precautions if bad energies end up in important places in our home or office.

In 2021, negative energy called “Five Yellow” comes to the Southwest. It is recommended to place a metallic Wind Chime in the Southwest to dispel it. The worst months will be May, August and November 2021.

Another malefic energy, Star 2, symbolizing illness, will appear in the Northeast. The traditional way to deal with it is a bunch of 6 coins in the North East.

The Grand Duke will be in the North-West, so in this direction it is unfavorable to disturb the earth and make serious repairs.

The unfavorable energies of the Three Shas of the year will be in the West, so you should not sit with your back to them.

South-East – located opposite the Grand Duke, this is the “Position of Collapse”, so it is not recommended to be there.

The star of conflict and robbery 3 will be in the South. You can put a piece of red paper there to minimize the impact.

Scandal Star 7 will arrive in the Southeast, where it is recommended to place 3 growing bamboo branches in a clear glass vase with water.

Starting in mid-2021, the Chinese calendar enters a long cycle of Metal, Earth and Water without the elements of Wood and Fire. The tree will come only in 2022 - the Water Tiger. For people with strong Metal, Metal and Earth will be unfavorable during this period of time. Shinzo Abe, Theresa May, and Tsai Ying Wen will fall under this influence. On the other hand, leaders for whom Earth and Metal are favorable elements will enter a phase of smooth luck. These are President of the Russian Federation V. Putin and President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping.

Grandmaster Raymond Lo, Hong Kong

For whom is the year favorable?

— The Year of the Pig is the year of the Noble Person for people who have the personal element Fire or were born in the year of Fire. Fire years are years ending in 6 and 7. For example, 1946, 1947, 1956, 1957, 1966, 1967, etc. Noble Person means the help of an angel who comes from heaven to provide salvation and support, he often resolves problems and makes the situation more comfortable. People who received Noble's help in 2021 can take advantage of the chance to progress and develop new projects.

Workshop “Feng Shui forecast 2021 for the Year of the Yellow Pig”


Miracles will definitely come into your life, even if you don't expect them. New acquaintances, sudden cash flows, exciting travels, vibrant relationships, professional growth, business development - your life will be filled with events and emotions that you so lack now.

General forecast for 2021

The most important secrets of the coming Year of the Earth Pig will be revealed

What awaits you next year 2021? How to enhance the positive and eliminate the negative?

Character and morals, health, recommendations

Career (who can expect changes in their career and professional growth)

2019 will be ruled by the star of wealth, and each of us will have every chance to achieve success, move up the career ladder and gain long-awaited wealth.

Love and relationships (who will be most affected by this area)

Relocation, change of residence, relocation, abroad (who will be affected by these areas)


A Powerful Way to Use the Golden Minute 

“Wealth Robber Days” for December and how to use them to your advantage

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  • Sectors of riches and ruins in 2021.


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Snake in clash with Pig

People born in the year of the Snake are in conflict with the Pig. This means more opportunities for travel and travel in 2019. Such collisions tend to cause turbulence, movement, accidents or sudden changes. Water and Fire collide, which will stimulate misfortunes associated with air and sea travel. Those born in the year of the Snake will have opportunities for movement, such as changing jobs or moving. It is worth accepting such opportunities and planning the necessary changes or taking frequent trips.

“However, you should exercise extra caution and refrain from risky sports such as driving fast cars, airplanes, diving, skydiving, etc.,” the master emphasizes.

Such people are advised to wear a Tiger pendant, which will help distract the Pig and thereby reduce the negative impact of the collision. For people born in the year of the Snake, it is better to minimize travel directly in the direction of the northwest, since in 2019 this is the direction of the Grand Duke.


So, 2021 the year of the Metal Rat is gradually coming to an end, and in its place the year of the Metal Ox is gradually coming. On this topic, Chinese Feng Shui grandmaster Raymond Lo made his usual annual forecast about how events will develop and how the world will feel.

The Chinese year follows the Five Elements calendar. The Year of the Metal Rat is the year of Metal on Water. The Rat is the strongest Water element out of the 12 animals. Such Metal is absolutely cold and very fragile, and in Chinese metaphysics the lungs and respiratory organs are associated with the energy of Metal. Therefore, the virus easily hit them. Yang metal also means "big metal", that is, weapons, which indicates struggle.

Next year we move to Yin Metal, and the year of the Rat gives way to the year of the Ox. You could say this is the year of the “Golden Ox,” since precious metals are often associated with the Yin Metal. But the nature of any metal is hardness and coldness. Yin metal is a small metal, it can be a sharp knife.

Ox is a weak winter land and corresponds to the month of January in the Chinese calendar. And inside the Bull the following elements are hidden: earth, metal, water. The Metal Bull appears as a small knife lying on a cold sea rock. The nature of the coming year is cold and harsh, and it does not promise to be very peaceful either.

What can you expect in the year of Yin Metal on the Ox?

Yin metal is beautiful. Women born on the Yin Metal day often have excellent appearance, they have very beautiful skin, white teeth, an oval face shape, and regular features. Yin Metal men often look younger than their age, and even look a little like children. But inside they are all pretty tough guys.

So, Anders Brevik, the Yin Metal man, staged a terrorist attack and killed 72 people. Pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately caused the plane to crash, killing 150 people. Korean Cho Seng Hu committed a massacre at an American school, shooting 32 people, and then committed suicide. John Lennon's killer Mark Chapman was also a Yin Metal man. When the “cold year” comes, psychopaths may “lose their temper.”

World leaders born on the day of Yin Metal often started wars.

US President John Kennedy was a Yin Metal man, he constantly threatened the USSR and started the Vietnam War. Another president, George W. Bush, started the war in Iraq. Korean leader Kim Jong-un constantly scares the world with nuclear weapons. International terrorist Osama bin Laden was also a man of Yin Metal.

The previous year of the Metal Ox 1961 was the peak of the Cold War, there were many conflicts between the superpowers of that time - the USA and the USSR. Cuban missile crisis, construction of the Berlin Wall. In the same year, there were quite a few attempts at coups d'etat in different countries.

Thus, everything will look soft and beautiful on the outside, but hard on the inside. Yin metal is a hard small knife; behind the external pretense there can be insidious stabs in the back, assassination attempts.

Economic forecast in 2021

In 1961, the previous year of the Metal Ox, large-scale space exploration was carried out. The USSR sent the first person there - Yuri Gagarin, and the USA also then launched its own cosmonaut. By analogy, a similar trend may be repeated in 2021.

However, there is no Fire in the year, and it means happiness and optimism. When there is no Fire, there is no optimism and enthusiasm, people are insecure, afraid, and therefore the economy collapses. We will not yet see the resumption of regular air flights “as before,” since aviation also belongs to the element of Fire. But it will still be better than in 2020. The return of air transport to normal operation is possible in 2022 - in the year of the Tiger, which is an animal of the Traveling Horse class.

Nevertheless, the Fire industries will not feel completely bad, since the Yin Metal that came this year symbolizes money for these industries. This includes the entertainment sector, energy, and airlines. Slowly they will begin to move. Also, the stock market can also move up, despite the general decline in the economy.

The Wood industry will do well.

The Earth industry will feel active, but the profits here are small.

“Metal” and “Water” will feel the worst. There will be a lot of activity and competition in these areas, but very little money. This includes mechanical engineering, banks, tourism.

100 professions and activities according to the Five Elements

Due to COVID 19, many businesses have failed and people have lost their jobs. In 2021, many people opposed the governments of their countries, and anti-government protests will also continue in 2021. 2021 and 2021 are two years without “fire”, and next year the economy will also cool down, its “recovery” is not yet in sight.

Animals of the Chinese zodiac

Goats will experience a clash with the coming year of the Ox and are advised to carry a Rat figurine with them to distract the Ox.

Bill Gates is a Wood Goat by year of birth; he may be subject to pressure from the authorities.

Read more about Goat vs Ox clash in 2021

Goat and Dog form “punishment”.

Donald Trump is a Dog by year of birth, and a Goat by day, and is now in the “Ox luck” tact. He will experience earthly punishment in 2021, and next year will not be easy for him.

Angela Merkel's birthday is a Dog, and her month is a Goat, and she also receives triple punishment. This punishment affects her House of Marriage, she needs to be careful.

Dogs can also carry the Rat to distract the Ox.

Animals in harmony with the year are the Rat, Snake and Rooster. They will have better relationships with others.

Read more about the Ox's relationship with the 12 animals

The horse is the flower of Romance. Those who have a Horse in their birth chart will be more attractive in the coming year. If the Pig is present in the birth chart, then this is the sign of the “riding horse of the year.” There may be more travel, moving, life changes.

“The Star of the Noble” helps life processes go more smoothly and gently. 2021 will bring the “noble star”, for those whose birth years end in 4, 8, 0. And also for people with the personality element Yang Metal, Yang Wood, Yang Earth.

You can calculate the map by date of birth, determine all animals and personal elements using the calculator. To display animal signs instead of hieroglyphs, check the box “Show birth chart as pictures”

Feng Shui energies in 2021

In the current year 2021, related to the Metal element. Therefore, problems with the respiratory organs arose. The Yellow Five “disaster star” was in the East, and COVID began in the East of China. In 2021, the "five" moves to the Southeast - this could affect the countries of Southeast Asia.

Inside your home, it is recommended to correct the “Five” with the help of metal wind chimes, hanging it in the Southeast sector.

The two “star of diseases” will be in the north, and it is useful to hang a bunch of “6 coins” in this part of the house

"7 Star of Wounds and Thefts" - comes to the North West and can be weakened by using 3 bamboo branches in a glass vase with water.

“3 star of quarrels and robbery” - comes to the South-West, and to correct it you can put a red carpet or place a noticeable red object.

Read more about the Flying Stars forecast by sector for 2021

But we're still in November, and the impact of 2021 has not shown. What should you pay attention to in the month of December? In December there will be a powerful influence of flying stars, their energy will be duplicated. Western astrologers talk about the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, from their point of view, a bad sign. All this together suggests that the month of December will be more powerful and intense. Especially if there is a Horse in the birth chart, then you should be especially careful.

In December, many important people will be confronted. This is Donald Trump, born in the month of the Horse. It won't be easy for him. It won’t be easy for Biden, who was born in the Year of the Horse. Biden is a weak Fire personality, he will get a double blow in December, his support will shake. Both of them will face serious challenges in December. The question of who will become president is far from closed.

And finally, master Raymond Lo, using I-Ching fortune-telling, made predictions on various issues.

Relations between Russia and the EU in 2021

Russia has an element of power in the “emptiness”; Russia’s influence over Europe is weak. The EU side is in a double bind. The element of money is missing. It looks like there will be unrest in the EU, economic relations will not develop, and Russia will not have much influence on the EU.

US-Russia relations

There is a merger - but there are no active lines. Everything will be more or less peaceful in the relationship, but without much interaction.

Russian Economy

Active line of “money robbery” - not all is well with the economy. There is a merger, everything will be more or less calm, but the money situation will be “so-so.”

Russian stock market

“Money” is a hidden element, it is supported by the day, but not supported by the month. In the short term there is growth, but in the long term things are not going well.

Trump and Biden

The image is a complete collision of “sky and thunder”; this can be interpreted as the fact that a completely unpredictable unexpected continuation may appear.

Coronavirus in 2021

The subject demonstrates the line of "power". The world will still be in the grip of disease. The drug element is there, but inactive. That is, it has no real effectiveness yet. You will still have to be careful in 2021.

This is the forecast Raymond Law made for the upcoming 2021 Year of the Metal Ox. Bookmark this page to periodically re-read the article and check what is coming true. In the meantime, you can view the master's previous forecast for 2021 and compare it with past events.

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Translation by Tatyana Golenkova, consultant-teacher at the International Financial School, Novosibirsk

Strong water

The year of the Rat favors
the earth
Since earth
, the Rat is a symbol of money for the
, which includes real estate, mining, chemical industry, hotel business, insurance, etc. As for the
, since
gives life
to water,
it in turn means good performance and high activity of the
These include mechanical engineering, computers, high technology, cosmetic services, and health business. Wood
industries , which include textiles, fashion, publishing, paper, wood, furniture, etc., will also see good development as
the earth
Therefore the earth
shown above in 2008 symbolizes money for the
But this development will be superficial, because... earth
element is weak in 2008.

Less prosperity awaits the fire

Water-based industries include shipping, beverages, telecommunications, communications, etc. The strong water
of the Year of the Rat will bring increased competition in these areas, which will further weaken their profitability.
industries include finance, stock market, energy, electric power, entertainment, airlines, etc.
and produces
, so for fire industries
is money and
is the product.
However, in 2008 metal
the earth
is very weak.
Therefore, it will be a relatively weak year for the fire

The real estate market, which relates to the earth

, has been very active for two recent years: Monkeys - 2004, Rooster - 2005, because
element represented by them signifies the activity of
the earth's
In 2006, growth slowed down somewhat, because The year of fire
led to strong competition and decreased profitability.
However, water
will bring some monetary luck to these industries, even though the real estate market will not be very active due to the lack of
in 2008.

Let us separately touch upon the issue of the high technology industry, which is represented by the NASDAQ index. I believe that this industry mainly belongs to the metal element.

Its profitability depends on the strong alliance
of wood and water
, which for the
mean money and product, respectively.
element coming in 2008 means high activity in the field of high technology.
Therefore, we should expect that the year will be favorable for businesses related to high technology and the Internet. However, the absence of the tree
in 2008 may mean that there will be high activity without really generating high incomes, similar to 2007.

So, in 2008, industries related to the earth

These include mining, chemicals, real estate, hospitality, insurance, heavy industry, steel, engineering, health care, high technology and Internet businesses. The water
industries will not be as successful.
These are shipping, communications, beverages, finance, stock market, energy, and entertainment business. Wood
industries , such as textiles, fashion, publishing, paper, wood processing, furniture, etc., will enjoy external prosperity, but low profitability.

Overall, the year of the Earth Rat, with the earth

above, suppressing
the water
below, is a symbol of outer calm, but it lacks support, and this mountain can turn over and be swallowed up by the fierce ocean. Some signs of a new world order are beginning to emerge, but true stability will take time. Therefore, there will still be international conflicts in the world, but they will be less violent than in 2007.

The animal sign that will be most disadvantaged is the Horse, which is in conflict with the Rat. Such encounters usually result in a flurry of activity, movements, changes and incidents. People born in the year of the Rat will travel more and want to change jobs or place of residence. It is recommended to wear a pendant or pendant in the shape of an Ox as protection in order to distract the Rat. A collision between the Rat and the Horse can lead to incidents related to water and fire, such as explosions, fires, incidents in air and water transport. People who are in conflict with the year can travel more, change their place of residence or work, however, they are not recommended to travel by water. You should also avoid driving directly in the direction of the Grand Duke of the Year to the north.

Other animal signs that are in an unfavorable position are the Rabbit and the Rat. When a Rabbit meets a Rat, a state of “double punishment” occurs. This “double punishment” usually results in irritability, disharmony, anxiety and frustration. And people born in the year of the Rat offend the Prince of the year, which is unfavorable for them, therefore both are recommended to wear the Ox as protection. Conflict relations between Horse and Rat, and, therefore, fire

, contribute to the occurrence and development of ailments and diseases associated with them. These are high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, heartburn, inflammatory processes, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease. For prevention, it is recommended to take higher doses of antioxidants, Omega-3 oil or Coenzyme Q-10, which provide good protection against cardiovascular disease, hypertension and inflammation.

Animals that are “friends” with the Rat are the Ox, Monkey and Dragon. A harmonious year awaits these animals. However, it should be noted that such “animal” astrology is not entirely accurate, since it does not take into account other data needed for more truthful predictions. In order to find out the real impact of the Year of the Rat on a specific person, you need to use the Four Pillars of Fate system, which takes into account the year, month, day and hour of birth. Since the animal sign can be in any of the four pillars of a person's birth date, a clash or "double punishment" can affect not only a person born in the year of the Horse, Rabbit or Rat. It can affect anyone who has these signs in other pillars of the month, day or hour.

Here are some examples of famous people born in the year of the Horse who will be under collision in 2008. These are Paul McCartney, Denzel Washington, John Travolta, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Lee, Angela Merkel, Viktor Yushchenko, K. Sutherland, Warren Buffett, Katie Holmes.

And here is a list of people who were not born in the year of the Horse, but they will also be under conflict, since they were born on the day of the Horse, and a difficult year awaits them. These are Chris Martin, Laura Bush, David Furnish, Elizabeth Taylor.

Here are some of the famous people born in the year of the Rat who will challenge the Prince of the year: Prince Charles, Prince Henry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, John McCain, Olivia Newton-John.

For those born in the year of the Pig, Rabbit or Goat, the year of the Rat will give the “flower of Romance”. A year of good opportunities awaits them in developing relationships with the opposite sex.

Feng Shui energies also change every year. Therefore, it is necessary to track the movements of bad and good energies at the beginning of the year in order to take precautions if bad energies come to important parts of your home or office.

Bad energy, called “five-yellow” and bringing misfortune and problems, will arrive in the south in 2008. If the south of your home contains important parts such as the bedroom or the main entrance, it is recommended to hang a metal wind chime there to dissipate bad energy. The worst months will be March, September, December.

Another malefic star number 2, symbolizing diseases, will arrive in the northwest. The traditional method of dispersing it is to place a bundle of 6 metal coins in the northwestern part of the house.

The Grand Duke of the year will be located in the north, so you should not “disturb the earth” or carry out noisy repair work in this direction. Unfavorable energies, called “three shas,” will be in the south, so it is not advisable to sit with your back to the south and face to the north, simultaneously challenging the Grand Duke. The bad star of conflict and robbery 3 will be located in the west. In order to reduce its harmful effects, you just need to put a sheet of red paper in the western sector. Another bad star 7, symbolizing scandals, will be in the southwest. The traditional solution is 3 or 4 bamboo shoots in a clear glass vase with water in the southwest sector.

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