What 2021 will bring in the year of the White Ox: look at your Element of Personality in your birth chart

Yin Fire, Yin Fire.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…


What awaits Fire Yang in 2021

Representatives of this sign will have an extraordinary desire to earn money. And not just to receive, but to earn through your own efforts and self-expression. Most likely, such zeal will bear fruit, and Yansky Lights should not have problems with finances in 2021.

There is a chance not only to earn money, but also to advance in your career and develop your professional skills.

There is a high risk of conflicts. Especially in the family. The Yang Lights may have a desire to bully everyone, to tell people how to behave and how not to behave. Such behavior should be avoided at all costs, otherwise conflicts can lead to the collapse of relationships.

Yang Lights have a chance to establish new personal relationships, and even start a family and give birth to a child. True, such prospects will be most clearly manifested in men. So, they need to be very careful with casual sexual relationships. Otherwise, these connections risk developing into long-term and serious ones, which is far from desirable.

The energy of the representatives of the sign will not be too high during the year of the Metal Ox. But it’s not tragically low either. You will be able to work effectively, but you should not forget about maintaining your health.

There is a chance to solve problems with real estate, whether buying a home or renovating it.

The element of Fire and its manifestation in the Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches

Fire: BIN and DIN In the South, yang reaches its limit and gives birth to heat.
And heat gives birth to Fire. Nature: Corresponds to Tai Yang, blazes upward. Body: Yang heat qi accumulates and turns into Fire. Fire, although a yang object, contains yin within. Therefore, the body of Fire is dark inside. Nature, character: burns and scorches. Heavenly trunks: BIN, DIN. Earthly branches: Sy, U. Trunks in branches: Si, Wu, Wei, Yin, Xu. Generated by Tree, gives birth to Soil. Overcome by Water, overcome by Metal. The south generates heat in Heaven, heat on earth generates Fire, Fire generates bitterness, and bitterness generates the heart. Among the voice modulations it corresponds to laughter; among feelings it correlates with joy, and among volitional aspirations it corresponds to the desire for possession.

The heart is the ruler over the other organs, for it is the organ from which spirituality and the light of truth emanate. The heart is the basis of life transformations, which are expressed in changes in the spirit-shen. The flowers of the heart are represented on the face, and its fruits are blood vessels. It is superyang within yang substance.

Number seven. The smell is burnt. From body fluids correlates with sweat. Its color is scarlet. Of the animals it corresponds to the ram. From cereals - millet. In the Sky it corresponds to the planet Mars.

Fire corresponds to summer. In speech it is expressed through the word transformation or destruction. Yang is at the top and yin is at the bottom. The destructive effect is increasing, resulting in a change and transformation of all things. When Wood is rubbed, Fire is produced. So he is generated by the Tree. However, Fire does not have a bodily form, since the root of its body is Wood. It goes outside, reacting to entities, reaches the end and comes back. This is his natural chi breath.

The fire of the BIN sign burns in the center of Heaven, it illuminates all six limits with its light. In Heaven it corresponds to the Sun and lightning, on Earth it corresponds to the furnace and smelter. It is defined as Yang Fire. His career falls in the sign Sy. It is defined as dead Fire, the Fire of death. Dead Fire is solid Fire. He loves the dead Tree, which gives birth to his flame. Does not like Metal and Soil, which hide and extinguish his light. The Dead Tree is the Tree of the CZYA sign. The career of the Chia sign coincides with the Yin sign. The Yin sign is therefore a fence of Yang Wood. When the Tree is strong, Fire is born.

It hides between wood and stones, but if there are no people who can use it, it will not appear and will not develop. After all, all five yang elements come from nature and correspond to the former Heaven. All five Yin signs are associated with human situations and correspond to the subsequent Heaven.

The fire of the BIN sign is born under the Yin sign, and this pattern is completely clear. This is similar to how the fire of the Sun rises from the East, and when it reaches the West, it dies out. After all, the Yu sign is DUY gua. And DUY gua corresponds to a Reservoir.

The soil of the TsZI sign gives rise to Metal. When the energy of Metal blossoms, it blocks and extinguishes the radiance of the Fire of the BIN sign, as a result of which it loses the ability to show its light. How can an eclipse not occur here (this hieroglyph most often acts as a special term denoting the last day of the Lunar month)? Thus, the Fire of the BIN sign is born in the Yin sign and dies in the Yu sign. The canon says: For Fire there is no Western direction. This is exactly what is meant.

The light of the DIN sign follows after the BIN sign. He represents the purest seed of all existence. It is a symbol of enlightenment and clarity. It is not in Heaven that the rows of stars correspond to it, but on Earth it represents the Fire of the lamp. It is defined as Yin Fire.

His career falls in the Wu sign, and thus he is the head of the six Yin signs. When there is a Tree of the I sign inside, it is capable of generating the Fire of the DIN sign. The I sign represents a living Tree, and the DIN sign represents a living Fire. Living Fire is a soft Fire. The DIN sign rejoices at the Tree of the I sign that gives birth to it. This is similar to how people use hemp and sesame oil for lamps, since the oil is the fat of the Tree of the I sign.

As for time under the sign Yu, it rules over the four yins, as a result of which the Fire of the lamp can shine and shine. The stars are also able to sparkle and twinkle at this time. Therefore, the sign DIN is born in the sign YU.

As for the land of the Yin sign, here three yangs meet, and, therefore, Yang Fire is born, and Yin Fire retreats. Also, the Sun rises in the East, and the stars hide their radiance, as a result of which their light is not visible. At this time, although there is a flame in the lamp, the light no longer appears. Thus, DING is born in the Yu sign and dies in the Yin sign. The canon says: If there is clarity, Fire is destroyed. This is what we are talking about.

The BIN sign is the Sun. In the "Interpretation of the explanation of the gua signs" it is said: "LI gua represents Fire, represents the Sun." Both the Sun and Fire are signs of enlightenment and clarity. That is why the BIN sign invariably bears the name of the Sun. The Superyang of the Sun comes out in the morning and sets in the evening, and Yang Fire is born in the Yin sign and dies in the Yu sign. It is the same. If a person is born on days with six combinations of the BIN sign in winter or summer, then this is not as good as in spring and autumn. The Spring Sun does work, warming everything that exists. And in the fall, yang is used to dry out everything that exists. In winter, the yang darkens and goes out, and in the summer the flame flares up, and therefore it must be carefully controlled.

The fire of the DIN sign is the stars. The Fire of the BIN sign dies, and after it the Fire of the DIN sign is born. Also in the Sky, when the Sun becomes weak, stars appear again. Stars sparkle when they enter the space of the night, and Yin Fire shows its radiance as it approaches darkness. So why not call the DIN sign a star? All people born on days with the DIN sign love the night, love autumn. This is the best time for starlight. They also love the movement of the body on the soft Earth. So, the Fire of the DIN sign is hidden inside the stone. And even if a stone is in Water, if you hit it, then this Fire will come out of it. As for the day with the signs of DING Sy, those born on this day greatly overcome and oppress their parents, brothers, wife and children. Thus, wealth is not achieved, the brothers are oppressed and humiliated. Inside the sign of Sy there is soil of the sign of U, which is harmful to service.

Strong Fire. When it hits the season, it is favorable to have Metal, which takes away its strength, Water, which balances, Soil, which takes away its energy. The Tree that gives birth to it and the Fire that strengthens it are not favorable.

Weak Fire. When the season is out of season, it is favorable to have a Tree that gives birth to it, a Fire that helps. Metal, which takes away strength, Water, which depletes it, is unfavorable. and the Soil that covers it.

Blazing Fire. When there is a lot of Wood, it is easily flammable, and it is favorable to have Metal, which limits it, and Soil, which takes away strength. Water that helps Tree is unfavorable. (There is such a formula: rushing to generation, he forgets about overcoming. That is, if there is something to generate, then he generates this element with greater preference than overcoming).

Darkened Fire. When there is a lot of soil, it goes out easily. Loves Metal, which takes away the energy of the Soil, Wood, which limits the Soil. It is unfavorable when there is Fire, which generates Soil, and Soil, which makes it even stronger.

Exhaling Fire. If there is a lot of Metal, it goes out easily. The presence of Wood, which generates Fire, is favorable; Metal, which makes it even stronger, is unfavorable.

Dying Fire. When there is a lot of Water, the Fire goes out. It is favorable to have Soil, which limits Water and preserves Fire, and Wood, which takes the energy of Water and generates Fire. Metal, which generates Water, and Water, which extinguishes Fire even more strongly, is unfavorable.

Spring is the period of the Tree, the helper. If Metal is encountered, there is an opportunity to do the work. Even if there is a lot, there is no harm. If there is little Wood, it can receive support. If there is too much, on the contrary, it ignites. There must be Water to balance it. If Fire is in full bloom, it greatly harms it and makes it completely dry and flammable. Soil, if there is a lot of it, it covers it, and then there is no light.

Summer is its heyday. If he meets Metal, then he turns out to be a great master. If the soil becomes a farmer. When Metal and Soil meet, the Soil then becomes too dry, and Fire scorches it. If it encounters Water, ignition can be avoided. It is unfavorable if it meets Fire, it is then too dangerous. If a Tree is found, there is a misfortune that it will die at an early age.

Autumn is the period of the prisoner. His character is at rest at this time, and his body is also in respite. If there is a lot of Fire, then it shines and glows, glory is achieved. If the Tree that gives birth to it is encountered, then the light is reached again, and this is a joyful story. It is unfavorable when there is a lot of Soil, which hides the light, and Water, which overcomes and destroys it. If there is too much Metal, then his body can also suffer damage.

Winter is a period of death. At this time he rests and is completely interrupted in oblivion. The tree gives birth to him, and then he is saved. The soil controls the Water, and then he also lives. It is unfavorable when Metal occurs, because it is difficult to apply it in any way. If Water overcomes, it is also unfavorable.

Source: Ancient Chinese treatise “The Deep Seas”. Taken from the site: kitaed.ru

What does the year of the White Ox promise for Yang Metal?

There will be a lot of communication. Unfortunately, this communication will be mostly empty: it will not bring either happiness or money. In order to get at least some benefit from communication, you need to understand who you are communicating with, why, and what is the use of it. Are you discussing something truly important or are you just grinding your neighbor's bones? For what?

Representatives of the sign working in the field of teaching and consulting, especially psychological, will be able to advance their careers and develop a client base. True, you shouldn’t expect big profits from this base right away in 2021.

The sign has very little energy. Both mental and physical health are at risk. Therefore, carefully protect yourself from energy vampires (even if they are relatives), talk less about trifles (“chatterology” sucks energy), consult a doctor as soon as you feel unwell.

There is a risk of a permanent partner leaving. Therefore, we need to pay attention to it and take care of it. However, do not find fault and do not tell him unnecessary things. With this approach, it will definitely evaporate somewhere.

It's good to spend money on training. Otherwise, they may be spent on unknown things. The training must be somehow related to work, it must be serious and structured. That is, buying a master’s certificate for something for a week’s training is a bad option.

Yang Water in the Year of the Metal Ox

Training is shown either in the field of advanced training in an existing profession, or aimed at a fundamental change in the field of activity.

Money should be spent on education and on maintaining health (both physical and mental). If you don’t do this, your finances will simply slip away like water through your fingers.

There is a risk of losing your job. If this happens, you will be able to change your field of activity, which will have a positive impact on your future life.

For women of Yanskaya Water, there is a possibility of getting married, strengthening an existing union, or meeting a person who will become a partner for many years. At the same time, you cannot relax. And if you are in a serious relationship, you need to support and develop it in every possible way.

For male representatives of the sign, the theme of children is revealed. If they want to become fathers, then everything is great. If they don't want to, they should be careful. Those who have children will have to pay more attention to them.

Quite a lot of energy. There is so much strength that it will allow you to solve any problems in life. No serious health difficulties are expected.

Forecast for 2021 for people of the Yin Metal element

In the year of Metal, Yin Metal can be drawn to esotericism, various bioenergy, spiritual practices, astrology. You may be able to make some money from this if you already have some knowledge in these areas. If there is no knowledge, training in such disciplines will be good.

Representatives of the sign may exhibit aggression and outbursts of rage, which will lead to conflicts. Therefore, learn to control yourself. Don't lecture others unless they ask you to.

Yin Metal should not expect significant changes in life, be it career, earnings or family matters, in 2021. This is more a time of spiritual development of oneself than of real actions in the material world.

It’s good for women to give birth this year or simply take more care of children.

There won't be too much energy in the coming year. Although more than representatives of some other signs. It is not so much physical health that is at risk, but mental comfort.

Lord of the Day Yin Tree 2021 Metal Ox

Representatives of the sign will want quick, easy money. This may prompt you to change jobs or start your own business. And such a strategy will actually bring income.

Some Yin Trees may be drawn to study esotericism, metaphysics, and work with their spirituality.

For both single men and unmarried women of the Yin Tree, the year promises romantic acquaintances. But family representatives of the sign should not rejoice at the arrival of such energies, since there is a high risk of betrayal by the other half. Therefore, the family will have to pay a lot of attention, otherwise the marriage may cease to exist.

Yin Tree men can become fathers, especially from casual relationships. Be careful. Those representatives of the sign who are already fathers will be forced to take care of the affairs of their offspring, because they will urgently need a dad next to them.

The energy potential is quite high. However, health risks exist, especially with regard to the genitourinary and immune systems.

What awaits people of the Yang Earth element in the Year of the Metal Ox

Representatives of the sign will want to show themselves to the world. There will be a desire to speak, teach others, promote yourself. Therefore, this is a good time to make money from sales or consultations.

Speech on Yan Earth can become aggressive, sometimes hurting the feelings of other people. Therefore, if you want to maintain good relations with your environment, then you need to carefully monitor your language and restrain your impulses to say too much. Although this will not be easy. But this is still a good time to expand social activity. But once again, you must first think 10 times, only then say it.

Large expenses are likely. So that you don’t have to regret it, spend money on children, education, taking care of your body and psyche.

The main task of the year is to upgrade yourself: your talents and abilities. The Universe will help.

Men of the Yan Land can find a life partner for many years or get married if they already have a lady in mind.

Representatives of the sign will not have too much energy. Therefore, you need to remember about your health, first of all, mental.

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