Wish card: what it is, how to do it and what it’s for

A wish map is a popular “tool” that is designed to realize desires in your own life. It is called differently - a wish map, a collage of wishes, a vision board, and even in the English manner - a vision board.

Those who are interested in drawing up such maps claim that a correctly executed map works very effectively, and people can really change their lives with it. Whether this is really so is up to you to decide.

In this article, we will discuss how to correctly create a wish map, what mistakes beginners make, and why knowing about the map is useful for those who do not really believe in this “magic.”

Wish card - magic or psychology?

For many, the fulfillment of desires by drawing up such a map looks akin to a magical ritual. However, there is no magic here. Ordinary psychology.

The fact is that when we create such a simple composition from our “wants,” we simply help ourselves focus on our own desires without putting them away. We, perhaps without realizing it, highlight the most important things for ourselves. We set a goal and focus.

And since the card will often be in your field of vision, you will not be able to forget about your desires and replace them with daily household necessities. Psychologically, this works flawlessly. A person’s daily actions begin to be adjusted towards fulfilling the tasks that he has set for himself.

In a very rough comparison, these are like entries in a diary for a busy person, which help him not to forget about important things and correctly distribute time and energy so that everything can be completed.

Of course, there is a more “mysterious” explanation. Most of those who want to draw a wish map expect that the Universe will hear them in this way. And he will fulfill these wishes.

For both adherents of the first and adherents of the second theory, the map may have the same meaning. It’s more convenient for anyone to think. Meanwhile, we will move on to the secrets of drawing up a wish map.

Why does the technique work?

Visualization and self-programming are regarded by specialists in the field of psychology as two of the most powerful tools for self-correction of consciousness. They allow for comprehensive internal cleaning, including:

Technique of wish fulfillment

  • systematize thoughts: remove the unnecessary, bring the important to the fore, part with the past and move into the future with clearly defined goals;
  • prioritize your own desires, identifying the most significant and secondary ones;
  • set yourself up for success and confidently (albeit gradually) move towards achieving what you want.

No matter how old you are, there will probably be many unrealized but desired things in your life, as well as reasons why you have not yet been able to do, receive or realize them. You simply may not have enough time or money for your dream. Or maybe you put other people's interests above your own, giving all your strength and energy to your family and friends or investing in your work.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what exactly is stopping you from moving forward and being happy. The “Wishing Board” will not allow you to remain on the shore of life’s blessings and joys, since it is a tool for correcting your subconscious and a wind that will direct the sails in the right direction.

Feng Shui wish card

In general, there are a lot of visual board options. But in Russia, the most popular is the so-called “Feng Shui card”.

The essence of the teaching is to properly organize your space, maintaining balance, and thus receive the “chi” energy, which helps you achieve what you want. The absence of this energy leads to worsening mood, lack of strength, and problems.

Again, for skeptics, we would like to note that a specific “convenient” arrangement of things, for example, in an apartment, also has a specific practical effect. Order helps you concentrate, spend less energy and act more efficiently, getting more done. As a result, you feel better and this also contributes to success. So there is no point in rejecting Feng Shui simply because it is a theory of energies.

The Feng Shui wish map uses the same principle of the correct arrangement of things, where the role of things is played by your desires. Such a card helps to restore order; each type of desire will have its own place.

This map consists of nine sectors, each of which is responsible for its own aspect of life. Thus, in the top row are desires related to wealth, fame, love and achievement. On average - to home, everyday life, health... and so on. We will return to this in a separate section.

Where to place the wish card?

The basic principle of the layout of the map itself is simple. Hang it where it will catch your eye as often as possible. If you see visualizations of your desires often, then, firstly, you will not forget about them, and secondly, you will be able to unconsciously adjust your actions so that they bring you closer to the fulfillment of these desires. Treat the card like a habit. Like a wall clock that you use to check the time several times a day.

It is important that there is only one wish card. There is no need to cover the entire apartment with duplicates, or even more so to make different maps. Some argue that this way you will confuse the Universe. For skeptics, there is another explanation - several cards will not allow you to concentrate, will remove all the specifics and “blur” your view.

What is the essence of the “Wish Board” technique?

This technique is based on the self-programming method and it looks like this:

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

  • you make your own “treasure map”, in which you include the most valuable ideas and goals;
  • you find ready-made thematic illustrations or photographs of what you want to attract into your life (if you know how, you can make your own drawings, so your finished collage will be even more energetically charged);
  • print out your photo in which you are happy;
  • You place a photograph in the center of the prepared surface and surround it with images of what you want;
  • fix the finished collage so that it catches your eye as often as possible;
  • you make your own “treasure map”, in which you include the most valuable ideas and goals;

The last aspect is the main condition for the implementation of the plans, since visualization alone is not enough for the job.

Expiration date of the wish card

According to experts, the normal validity period of a wish card is from one to three years. It makes no sense to make a map for many years in advance, adding desires there for several decades. And that's true.

First, long-term desires are easier to forget. A long period of time does not form the “this must be done” point in your head. You will always know that there is still time for a carriage and a small cart, which means you don’t have to focus on it.

Second, long-term desires may become irrelevant over time. A person’s character can change with age, as can habits, and, of course, desires themselves.

Third, you won't see progress. Desires “spread out” over time, even if any steps are taken to achieve them, are imperceptible in their progress. And the absence of visible intermediate results leads to a decline in “enthusiasm.” To want to do something, you always need to see the result.

The main purpose of a vision board

The materiality of thought is expressed by embodiment into reality. The same thing happens with a cherished desire; if you know how to control this process, you can plan and manage events. How to do it? By visualizing what the subconscious should be directed towards.

Correctly selected graphic pictures placed on the board create the right images in the subcortex of the brain. They constantly attract attention and program for success. Visual motivation penetrates consciousness, becoming an “obsessive” idea that is realized in life. Technology works with tangible and intangible assets.

How to make a wish card yourself?

There are 3 main ways to create a map:

  • Manually
  • Using a ready-made set
  • Using the online constructor

How to make a wish card manually

The simplest and most common method is the manual option. To implement it, you only need the surface and, in fact, how you visualize your desires. As a surface, you can use a sheet of whatman paper, or a cork board, which is easy to purchase.

You can visualize desires, as we have already written, with the help of improvised means - pencils, felt-tip pens, pens, paints. Or use ready-made pictures by printing them on sheets and cutting them out.

This method has the most adherents, because it is believed that with such manual labor you ensure that your energy is invested in creating the map.

Advantages of manually drawing up a wish map:

  • Cheapness. The most you can spend on is printing and stationery. If you already have all this at home, then you won’t have to invest money at all.
  • Energy. You yourself create your dream project from scratch and invest in it yourself.


  • Inconvenient to create. If you are a perfectionist and don’t particularly like to draw or make appliqués, then you will have difficulty with ruling, marking sectors and other things so that everything looks perfect in the end.
  • You can't put a map vertically if it's on whatman paper. You need to hang it on the wall, and to do this you need to poke holes in it with buttons, that is, spoil the wallpaper.
  • Whatman paper may tear or get wet. In general, it will deteriorate.
  • The card will have to be put away when guests arrive. And every time picking out buttons and collapsing your project is an unpleasant task.
  • Made on whatman paper, the map will resemble a wall newspaper at school. There is nothing wrong with this, but for some it will be a problem. It definitely won’t fit into the interior.

Wish card from a ready-made set

Since making maps is a popular activity, stores have long started selling ready-made kits. And the demand is satisfied, making life easier for consumers and earning money. Perfect.

Prices for sets vary. It all depends on the manufacturer, region and other factors. On average you can find it for 1500 - 2000 rubles. There are cheaper and more expensive ones.

So that you understand, ready-made sets are in fact the same thing that you make with your own hands - the same Whatman paper, the same applications, only everything is already ready, lined, lined, ready for production and at hand.

Advantages of a ready-made set:

  • Convenience. Everything is at hand and ready to use.
  • You still do everything yourself, so you also invest energy.
  • It will still look better if you yourself don’t know how to draw and find beautiful pictures.


  • Money. You give money. It's always unpleasant.
  • Standardization of the set. You need to understand that the sets are all standard, and someone else will definitely have a very similar card. If it doesn’t matter to you, then you don’t have to add this item to the list of shortcomings.
  • All disadvantages of making by hand. Well, except, perhaps, for the hassle of ruling and placing into sectors. Otherwise, the same eggs, but side view.

Wish card. Online constructor

We live in the age of digital technology, so it’s not surprising that you can find services on the Internet that will allow you to create your own wish map without leaving your computer.


Convenience. Computers allow you to draw up wish cards quickly, smoothly, use different tools and make it possible to do it beautifully.


Energy. Some people believe that it is not worth doing a wish card through an online service, because this way you do not concentrate energy through your hands. There is some truth to this. Neurophysiologists note that when drawing with your hands, more areas of the brain are used, and information is absorbed better. But given that today even notes are taken on the phone, we believe that there is no need to reject the modernity of this method. Especially if you are a confident user.

Storage. It is believed that it is not worth placing a finished card on the desktop of a laptop or phone. Because labels and icons “distort” the message of the Universe (in other words, they distract you from a focused look at your desires and spoil your perception). And if you print such a map, it will acquire all the disadvantages of the previous versions.

In any case, it’s up to you to choose how to make a map. Evaluate how convenient it will be, where it can be stored, how often it will have to be removed from prying eyes and other nuances. All of the above methods are convenient in their own way and have their drawbacks. The main thing is not to forget that you are doing it for yourself.

How to fulfill your plans faster: to want passionately or not to become attached to a desire?

I am often asked this question. Is it better to treat the vision board detachedly, like a painting? After all, this is exactly what Transurfing teaches.

Or do you need to really want your wish to come true? This theory also has many fans. After all, to fulfill a desire you need to make an effort, invest a certain amount of energy into it.

Everything comes true. It’s just that often we don’t put our soul into a map, but stereotypes imposed by society. I want an apartment, a car, a dacha, the Canaries, a rich husband. And we are afraid to admit our true desire even to ourselves.

People often tell me how, with the help of the card, they managed to fulfill some material desires and change their lives. I'm happy for people, but I'm not surprised because I think this is a common thing.

But how nice it is when people’s deepest dreams come true, when someone finds their calling.

I'll tell you one of these stories.

It was an ordinary women's gathering of three friends who had been friends since first grade. Life has taken everyone to different cities and even countries. The usual conversations of 37 year old women were taking place.

In my youth it seemed that everything would be oh-so-ho, but it turned out like this...

I must say that two of the friends were colleagues, teachers. That's right, with a capital T. And with all the attributes that correspond to the honorary title of teacher. Concern for students, constant checks and low salaries. But what was not there was low self-esteem. Both were aware of their professionalism and were proud of it.

But they were sure that the teacher would not sell himself at a high price.

The third friend also could not boast of special wealth. But she recently began to study the influence of thoughts on the formation of life and practice Kehoe and Joseph Murphy. And she already has the first results.

On the subject: Joseph Murphy: Scientific prayers that grant wishes.

The propaganda that everything is possible did not inspire my teacher friends. But as entertainment, they accepted the offer to make wish cards. And then dreams were expressed that were not particularly voiced.

One really wanted to teach adults how to draw. She believed that many children's talents were ruined by their parents, but they could be realized. But of course I also wanted to get good money for it.

The second had a very large base of experience in teaching children through play. The children showed very good knowledge. And she really wanted to make money from her professionalism; simple tutoring as a part-time job was very tiring.

And now the cards are ready. One of the cards has adults with tassels (and she is among them). The second friend, among other things, drew a “methodological manual” brochure and her name as the author.

They laughed, finished their wine and went their separate ways.

Four years have passed since then.

One of my friends officially opened a studio teaching drawing to adults six months after the party. Teaches evenings and weekends. Who would have thought that this could be in demand! Moreover, at the initial stage, a local businessman provided her with the premises. No rent, only utility payments.

But she never left her job at college, although she could earn more at the studio. After all, the Teacher is destiny.

The second friend never released her book. But she created her own website, where she posted her work and many videos with students. She was noticed and invited to teach at a private school. Now she is a director there with a decent salary.

I don’t know what the third friend planned. But it was she who told me this story.

Maybe you are disappointed by such achievements. There is no unheard of wealth and fame. But there is an achievement of what was planned, and this is exactly what I want to convey to you.

How to make a wish map. Rules and recommendations

Tip 1. Listen to yourself

This applies to any advice you find on the Internet. Since you are doing a project for yourself, pay attention to whether you like something or not. There's no shame in doing it your own way.

Tip 2. These should be your desires

Often we are not aware of what he thinks about things that, in general, are not particularly interesting to us. Simply because it is important for loved ones - friends and relatives. Therefore, be careful when choosing your desires. Do not put into the card what your significant other, for example, wants. Listen to yourself. What exactly do you want without regard to others? Such desires deserve a place on your map.

Tip 3. You need specifics

When you place a wish on a map, think about it. Down to the smallest detail. It shouldn't be abstract. I want a lot of money - this is not a desire. How many? For what? Where will you spend it? Will this bring pleasure? Which? Don't be afraid to ask yourself questions. Those who draw up the map advise visualizing “to the fullest.” If you dream of a trip to the Caribbean, imagine it. How you stand on the deck, how the salty wind blows, how the sun plays on the waves.

Tip 4. Don't correct the past. Think about the future

There is no such person who would not like to do something differently in the past. And often our desires are based on what we regret. Avoid this mistake. Desire what will happen in the future, not what happened in the past. From a psychological point of view, this is the right decision; it will help you move forward, be confident and achieve your goal. While wrong actions in the past that led to the present will pull you down and slow you down.

Tip 5. Take your time with pictures

Selecting a picture should not be quick. You must feel what you put your desire into. You should like the picture in all respects and evoke only positive emotions every time you look at it. And as you remember, you will have to look at them often.

Tip 6. Formulate in words

Often we want “I don’t know what.” As mentioned above, maximum specificity is needed. Therefore, it is advisable to write the desire itself under the picture. This will help you clearly formulate your goal.

It is also advised not to use denial in the formation of desires. The phrase “I want to never get sick” contains too many “no’s.” It’s better to use “I want to feel healthy,” and even better if you use the present tense forms, as if the desire has already been fulfilled: “I feel healthy.”

Tip 7. Wishes must be good

Map compilers note that we must not forget about karma. And we remind you that from the point of view of psychology, thinking about negative things, even if you passionately desire them, has a destructive effect on the desire to accomplish positive ones. Therefore, other desires may “suffer” from this.

Tip 8. Don’t leave empty sectors

Empty sectors from the point of view of perception will implicitly make you think about something unfinished, and this leads to tension and stress; there will be no effect from the card. The compilers say that empty sectors lead to the fact that one of the important aspects of life “sags” and a person becomes less than happy.


In no case do I want to force anyone to make a mandatory vision board. I just want you to try to do it all with at least one dream. Take my word for it, you will be very surprised when it all works. I don't know how, but it really works. Believe it. And of course, do something.

Do you have your own vision board? Do you visualize your dreams? And what does it all look like? Please share in the comments. And thanks for the retweet, my friends.

How to make a wish map. Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Write down your wishes

It is not recommended to fix desires right away. Because you need to sit and think about every desire. Remember our tips from the last section. Moreover, it is difficult to immediately select and highlight a sufficient number of desires. Often we don't remember them much. And some can only come to mind during a brainstorming session.

It is recommended to think about values, career, personal life, health, hobbies, and favorite activities. What do you want to achieve in these areas in the near future?

Write down everything that comes to mind, and then highlight among all the options the most important, achievable and truly desirable.

Step 2. Looking for pictures

Since we will use the pictures only for ourselves, there is no need to think about copyrights. Take your time and find those that you like and that will reflect your desires as much as possible. Fortunately, the World Wide Web provides us with such tools.

Step 3. Trying to understand what is closer – order or creativity

The wish card is a reflection of you. If you love perfect order, take the time to ensure the correct symmetrical arrangement of the entire diagram and its elements. If you like to create as your heart desires, don’t be shy. Make sure that the process itself brings you pleasure. Now your task is to begin this process.

Step 4. Freeing up time for the map

Set aside a few hours for yourself so that nothing and no one distracts you from creating your wish map. Forget about your surroundings. Now you need to be alone with yourself. It will be useful to create a special atmosphere. Maybe a couple of candles, dim lights or music without words wouldn't hurt. Provide yourself with maximum comfort. And only then proceed.

Step 5. Create a wish map

Let yourself go and start creating. Imagine that you are creating your future.

Step 6. Complete the ritual

Once the map is created, it's time to give it its place. Remember what we talked about at the beginning. And treat your future with care.

Man made creation

Don't try to rush the process of creating your dream board. It is most likely easier and faster to do this on a computer, but such a collage will not carry the energy that a man-made creation has.

How does a wish card work? When you carefully select pictures, trying to feel each of them, make inscriptions and drawings, you endow your desires and your visualization card with the creative energy that is necessary to fulfill them.

Good mood

Left alone with your dreams and goals, tune in to a positive mood. You should be in a good mood when you start creating your vision board. Turn on your favorite music, light candles or an aroma lamp - do something that will allow you to completely immerse yourself in fantasy.

If you're in a bad mood, don't start creating a vision board. A negative attitude and upset feelings are not the best helpers in this.

Also, you should not draw up a dream map if you are feeling unwell or with your head occupied with thoughts of worries and problems.

Formulation of desires

Label the images you have chosen. This way you won’t forget what you meant when you selected a specific picture: “My beauty salon”, “My painting exhibition”, “My driver’s license”, “My motorcycle”.

When writing your desires, do not use particles “not”, “no” - they always carry a negative connotation. Judge for yourself:

  • “I don’t
    want to get sick” - “I’m full of strength and health”;
  • “I have no
    debts” - “I always have enough money for my goals and desires”;
  • “I have no
    problems passing exams” - “I easily pass exams in all subjects and get the highest scores.”

Formulate your goals in an affirmative form and in the present tense, as if they are being realized in your life right now.

Don't focus on simple desires that can be realized the next day or in a week. This makes no sense. You need to choose those desires for the sake of which you want to improve, grow above yourself, become better than you were before.

Your wording should be specific and unambiguous. The phrase “I want a lot of money” will not attract money to you, no matter how much you want it. “A lot” – how much?

Write a specific amount. This specificity applies to absolutely all areas of life. Do you want children? Write how much exactly. Do you want to become a famous writer? Write down how many bestsellers you will write and publish.

Get detailed about your goals. For example, describe your future home: how many floors and rooms it has, is there a gym there, where is your bedroom located, think over the design and interior of each room. Visualize everything, down to the fireplace mantle and the library chair. Imagine what kind of lawn you have, whether there will be flower beds or a garden with fruit trees. Will your gazebo be round or rectangular?

It is important to believe in your dreams and goals. The dream map should not cause you skepticism and irony, otherwise it simply will not “work”. That’s why it’s so important to know how to make a wish card correctly and stick on it only those photos that evoke bright feelings in you.

How to fill out a wish card. Instructions by sector

Now we are talking about a map according to Feng Shui, so it is useful to know how to correctly fill out a wish map by sector from the point of view of this teaching. It usually consists of 9 sectors. Let's look at each one.

Central sector

The central sector should contain your personal photograph. The main rule is that this photo should be no more than a year old. The fresher the better. And preferably in full height.

The choice of photograph should be approached carefully. Your image should evoke only positive emotions in you. It's better if you really feel happy at the time of the photo. Well, again, this should be your photo. There should be no other people there, because the wish card is yours.

It is not recommended to use black and white photos, or those taken after negative moments (breakups, even if you are happy after them, are also not suitable).

Wealth Sector (southeast sector)

We warn you right away that there is no need to paste in images of credit cards, pictures of “flying” money, even if there is a lot of it, or pictures of a hand with outstretched money. Again, no magic, pure psychology. Set yourself up to earn money, and not to have wealth fall on you from above.

For those who want to dream about luxury cars and villas on the seashore: paste yourself into these cars and houses, and also sign pictures in the style of “I live in a house on the seashore.”

Glory Sector (southern sector)

Information that communicates about your self-realization, fame, and recognition should be displayed here. By the way, you can paste in photographs with diplomas, medals, and awards. You can “Photoshop” yourself onto the cover of a glossy magazine, onto the “red carpet”. Remember, your job here is to remind yourself that you can. Motivate.

Note: do not paste photos with stars. People you don't know personally have flaws. From the point of view of those who believe in a miracle from the Universe, this may negatively affect its perception of your desires. For those who believe in psychology, it can ruin the very concept of your chart when you see or hear your favorite star do a bad thing.

Home and Health Sector (Eastern Sector)

In this sector you will place all your desires related to health, home, comfort, coziness, as well as pets.

For example, desires to lose weight, cure vision, improve health, describe desires to improve the interior of a home, or have a pet would fit perfectly into this sector. Don't forget to associate everything with yourself. So, if you choose a photo of the interior, add yourself to it.

Also, everything related to improving relationships with loved ones (not only relatives, but also friends) should be included in this sector.

Sector children and creativity (western sector)

It is not recommended to paste pictures of children if you do not want to add more. In this case, focus better on creativity - writing a book, drawing, music, dancing - whatever. For those who want to become a mother or father, paste in pictures with a baby.

Quarry sector (northern sector)

As you might guess, in this sector you will project your desires to achieve career growth, a salary increase, or a new profession altogether.

You shouldn't paste in something that annoys you. If you are not delighted with your work, then it is better not to display anything related to it here. And don't think only about money. Good work is, above all, comfort and peace of mind. Pictures of your office, business, income, and profession names are perfect.

Knowledge sector (northeast sector)

Here it is worth focusing on what you want to achieve in terms of personal growth. This could be foreign languages, obtaining a driver's license, various courses, anything that will add to your knowledge, skills, abilities and allow you to get what you want.

Sector love and relationships (southwest sector)

A section where you will focus on your own relationships. Paste in what you would like your future partner to be like. However, remember that photos of stars should not be used categorically. We wrote about this above. Also, do not try to paste a photo of a real person, because his feelings may not be mutual. If you have nowhere to go, then it’s better to paste a photo of a similar person from the back.

If you are already in a relationship, insert pictures of happy family moments. Photos of joint travel are perfect. And everything that in your understanding symbolizes harmony in relationships.

Travel and Mentor Sector (Northwest Sector)

Everything is simple here. We insert the countries and places we want to visit. Mentors can be both people and organizations and religious entities. Don’t forget to sign with your mentors an explanation of how exactly they will help you (the best qualities in your understanding that you would like to have).

Stages of creation

After preparing whatman paper or a white sheet of paper, as well as cutting out suitable pictures from the album, you need to begin the process of creating a Vision Board. The first stage is divided into two procedures:

  1. Graphic layout layout, carried out in accordance with the unique Bagua grid. On the sheet you need to draw a square, which will be divided into nine equal zones. Each “inner” square corresponds to a specific area of ​​life, color and cardinal direction.
  2. Coloring the sectors in specific colors, symbolizing the main aspects of each person’s life. To do this, you should look at an example of a finished collage.

Each “inner” square in the Wish Map is assigned a specific shade. The order of colors should not be disturbed, because this may have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the energy tool in achieving its intended goals. The colors of the sectors are as follows:

  • yellow – central sector;
  • red – upper square (south);
  • blue – lower (north);
  • white - right (west);
  • green - left (east);
  • light green - upper left (southeast);
  • brown - upper right (southwest);
  • light brown or sandy - lower left (northeast);
  • gray - lower right (northwest).

If it is not possible to paint the layout of the Goal Visualization Map in the required colors, it can be done in one shade. It will be called a monochrome board. This will not affect the efficiency of the magic tool, but a violation of the order of colors in the sectors can cause a malfunction of the energy flow wheel.

Important! On a color map layout, the southern sector is at the top, the northern sector is at the bottom, the eastern sector is on the left, and the western sector is at the bottom.

What to do after the wish map has been created

  • Keep it visible (for yourself, not for strangers)
  • Update it. We are changing. Some desires may no longer be relevant, but others may appear. Feel free to change your project. Moreover, after one of the wishes comes true, it can be removed from the map.
  • Look at the map several times a day. Don't forget what you want. Set yourself up for fulfillment and for the things that will lead to it.
  • Take action. This is the main thing. A wish card is not just a beautiful picture of an unfulfilled dream. This is an action plan. Do everything to fulfill your desires.

Important points

A vision board is a powerful energetic tool, the action of which is aimed at the productive fulfillment of innermost fantasies. To create it, you can use a classic A4 sheet, which can easily fit into a frame. But the optimal choice would be Whatman paper, which allows you to visualize numerous desires, as well as opening up limitless scope for experimentation.

Important! The selected sheet should not contain lines, cells or other graphic images. The sample card should be absolutely blank, symbolizing a new page in life that you will fill out yourself, representing secret dreams.

Parapsychologists focused on two main points that influence the effectiveness of the created map:

  • Before you start creating, you need to relax as much as possible and clearly formulate the goals you want to achieve and make a wish for them. To do this, you can use instrumental music, a candle flame or water, which allows you to concentrate and bring brain activity to a state of rest.
  • Select photographs and pictures that are as close as possible to real images. They can be cut out from glamorous magazines, brochures or taken from the vastness of the World Wide Web.

If there is no drawing in a suitable format, use creativity. You can draw your dream house, car or other goal that you want to achieve. A textual interpretation is also allowed - an inscription expressing fantasies in verbal form.

Mistakes when drawing up a wish map

  • You don’t listen to yourself, but rely on other people’s opinions. We remind you that you are working on yourself, creating your own project. Follow general instructions only. And do the rest according to your own perception.
  • You are not indicating your desires. Everyone is susceptible to this. Before entering a desire, think about whether you personally want it, or whether it is imposed (even by those closest to you). There should be the first option, and not the second.
  • Paste photos and sign them without emotion. If everything is too early for you, then nothing will come of it. Whether it comes true or not - what's the difference? You must want it with all your might (and act).
  • You don't specify specific goals. General non-specific events will be much more difficult to achieve. If there is a specific task, then there are specific tools that will help you achieve it.
  • Incorrect formulation of dreams. There is no need to say that something is missing. Say that you will achieve this.
  • Empty sectors. The wish card is a reflection of you. And if there are empty spaces on it, then they are in you. And this shouldn't happen.
  • Bad desires. Even if you sincerely want to annoy someone, destructiveness will spread to other desires, which will ruin your entire project.

When to make a dream map

The most favorable period for filling out and materializing the Vision Board is considered to be the first 15 days after the Chinese New Year, called the “magic period.” Psychologists and psychics are sure that at this moment the energy calendar “freezes,” allowing prayers, requests and sincere desires to reach the Universe and be realized.

If instructions for creating a magical collage fell into your hands after the New Year celebration, don’t be upset. It is not at all necessary to wait the remaining 8-10 months to start drawing and filling out the Dream Card. But you will have to listen to some advice:

  • Study the lunar cycle. The full moon is considered an unfavorable day to arrange your desires in the form of a collage. Also, lunar and solar eclipse days are not suitable.
  • After the “magic period” you need to wait one calendar month. Only after this can you create a map template, paste in photographs and begin to meditate.

The best option would be to choose the day when the moon begins to rise

and will establish a balance of positive energy.
Then you can draw up the drawing, creating a personal Treasure Map that will help you achieve your goals! Turn on your imagination, imagination and - go ahead!!!
Good luck to everyone and may your wishes come true! *When copying material, please be sure to include an active link to the source

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