A vision board is the best way to speed up the fulfillment of your dreams

Perhaps, in childhood, each of us was told by our parents with sarcasm: “Dreaming is not harmful!” Only they forgot to say that it is actually very useful. After all, if a person seriously dreams of something, the whole Universe will help him:
  • Consciousness will push him to study the issue;
  • The subconscious will catch opportunities around that can lead to the fulfillment of desire;
  • Next to the dreamer there will definitely be people ready to help - support, advise, teach, become a partner;
  • And regular visualization of desire will give strength for active work.

“Eh, it’s not that simple!” - you will say, and you will be completely right. After all, motivation is a short-term phenomenon and its spark lasts no more than a week. And it’s unlikely that during this time you will have time to build a business, buy a house by the sea and have children.

But you can always make a wish card for yourself - a poster that will remind you of your dreams and inspire you every morning. Its influence will last for a year, after which you can make a new one and continue moving towards success.

Why does it work

A vision board is not a magical tool, it’s all about visualization. When a person carefully thinks through the pictures, pastes them and puts them together on a board, he concentrates on the values ​​that are important to him. And attention visually responds with signals to the brain, which perceives the picture as reality.

The effectiveness of this method is ensured by the following factors:

✔ Simplicity of technology;

✔ Analysis and reflection;

✔ Mental dialogue with yourself;

✔ Neurophysiological basis;

What and how can you make a Vision Board?

How to make a vision board correctly? It is advisable to make your own vision board from a large piece of cardboard. What would be ideal is a Whatman paper - you can stick a lot of pictures on this size and they will be clearly visible.

How to apply correctly? In the classic version, the Wish Board has 9 spheres (sectors):

The essence of the Vision Board is that you need:

1. Imagine in detail what your dream looks like in each area;

2. It is necessary to select a visualization for each item and put them together on one board;

3. The arrangement of the spheres is based on the energetically charged fields of our space. A well-thought-out and detailed Wish Board begins to work and is imprinted in a person’s subconscious. All the images, pictures and states that surrounded you while working on the Board begin to haunt you in everyday life;

4. Then the Visualization mechanism begins to work. All images, thoughts and states that you experienced during the creation of the Board act on you. The brain remembers the strongest and most vivid emotions, and begins to surround you with something similar. Begins to react especially strongly in those moments when something close to events from your Goals may happen. Find and push you towards them, lead you in their direction.

Collection of starting material

  • The base of the card should be dense, which means you can take either whatman paper or a piece of cardboard. Decorating the base with your own hands will enrich it with your energy and allow you to absorb your strongest spiritual desires.
  • Some practical people use a magnetic or cork board as a base. This allows you to quickly update desires after they are realized and add new dreams.
  • For those who spend long periods of time in front of a computer, a digital option may be acceptable. Then you will need a graphic editor and an online service.

The first two options can be placed at home in the office and constantly remind you of yourself. To design them, you need beautiful thematic pictures, photos from a personal or family archive, newspaper clippings or other periodicals. Prepare pencils, markers, markers and crayons. Everything that can be useful for colorful filling of the wish card. For background screensavers or collages, colored paper or white album sheets are useful. In addition, be sure to have glue and scissors on hand.

Be sure to choose a time when no one will disturb or distract you, and be in a good mood. You can turn on your favorite melody or relaxation music. Try to concentrate your thoughts on what you really want. While working, imagine yourself in a picture, try to catch the smells and sounds coming from the place where you dream of going.

If possible, try to be relaxed, free and positive so that your thoughts are not only reflected on the map, but also rise into the Universe.

How does the Vision Board work?

Neuro-chemical component

A stable feeling of positive emotions increases the level of neurotransmitters, creating a specific domafin - serotonin balance.

In the process of maintaining itself in a positive state for a long time, the body adapts to a healthy change in homeostasis, creating new biochemical chains. Conventionally, “you feel good now, and when you do this, you will feel even better.” Such positive markings and attitudes stimulate neuropeptides well, which are involved in regulating the functioning of all body systems.

The body launches an indicative reaction to the outside world, looking for the most important thing for you outside. The body will absolutely need all this in order to return to that domafin-vasopressin-serotonin balance, positive emotions, and pleasure.

Needs testing

Usually, we think about our unmet needs only in situations of crisis and discomfort, so this process is marked for us by negative impressions.

The process of working on the Board, on the contrary, marks it as a positive experience. Testing, introspection and analysis: what and why we lack here and now.

And most importantly, we FIND it, and we PROMISE it to ourselves. That is, we make a promise to the body and brain that THIS is what will satisfy our need. Because the brain retains an indicative reaction, and it (the brain) quickly begins to unfold a large-scale program to get what it needs.

Testing and analyzing your needs is a healthy mechanism. The main thing is not to mistake other people's needs for your own.

Do you really WANT this or do you HAVE to want this for some reason?


Psychotherapists have special techniques, for example, the “Map of a Cozy Future,” which reveal a person’s deepest attitudes.

Psychological component

Such planning allows us to fix attention on ourselves and on the process, that is, it gives the brain a feeling of complete control. As adults, you understand very well what it is like to feel calm and stable, feeling that “everything is in my hands.”

The vision board of desires acts as an object that saturates us with pleasure not only from the result, but also from the protracted process. Especially if you show it frequently (assuming you've done it carefully).

STOP mechanisms are yet another barrier that we never specifically analyze. VISION BOARD allows us to rely on resources and strengths, bypassing and anticipating those blocks that may hinder us. That is, we create in advance a picture in which no frustration should arise along the way.

How to make a Wish Board?

As experience shows, without preliminary analysis it is difficult to set the right priorities.

The first thing we do is sum up the results of the previous year. We try to assess our condition and satisfaction with the current state of affairs in every area of ​​life.

The easiest option is to draw a Balance Wheel.

Important! Don't skip this step. It will allow you to identify your strengths and weaknesses in life that currently require attention. Rate each area on a 10-point scale depending on your current level of satisfaction.

Find 2-3 priority tasks for 2021, preferably from weak areas.

How to set goals? Preparation

Each speaker talks about his own method of preparation:

✔ Take a meditation

✔ Deal with feelings

✔ Get enough sleep, etc.

The main thing is to enter a calm, resourceful state.

Personally, I have always found silence and being alone for a few hours for a couple of days to be productively introspective. But, if this is not enough for you, try first to find your resource state.

So, preparation.

1. Be in a resourceful state.

2. Prepare a list of areas and a schedule of results from the previous year.

3. Assess your level of workload and free time (preferably in hours).

I. Everyone has their own resource, below are several options that may suit you:

1. Stay alone for a day.

2. Go out of town.

3. Take an aroma bath, go to the SPA.

4. Recharge after meeting with friends/family/children/colleagues, etc.

5. Sit down for Goals after a vacation or trip.

6. Go to your favorite cafe.

7. Visit places you haven’t been before.

8. Leave the children with their grandmother for a day.

9. Delegate everyday life to your spouse.

10. Satisfy basic physiological needs.

11. Make a list of all the feelings you want to experience in 2021.

12. Turn off the phone, etc.

If you feel like you can’t create and plan today, don’t overstep yourself. Try later. Perhaps today is not that day.

II. List of spheres.

Usually, when working with the Wish Board, it is customary to describe 9 spheres. Somehow it turned out that I like to split some spheres into components and usually end up with more. Below I have written my list of areas, and you choose the option that is closer to you.

III. Assess your load level

1. Count how many hours a week you sleep.

2. How many hours does it take to work and perform your duties?

3. And answer the question - How much time per week are you willing to devote to your New Goals? It is naive and stupid to set 100 Goals a year when there is not enough strength and energy for it.

My experience using the card

I first learned about the wish map at school. I was very inspired by the idea that you can connect your subconscious to making your dreams come true. But unfortunately, due to lack of experience or general immaturity, I was unable to use this tool correctly.

Remembering the wishes that were pasted on my first card, it becomes funny and sad at the same time. There was a photograph of a boy I liked, a scene of “Star Factory” cut out from a magazine, and several more absurd desires that had nothing to do with reality.

As I grew older, I learned from my first bad experience and tried not to repeat the mistakes. The most dear wish to my soul, fulfilled with the help of the card, was a trip to the USA under the student exchange program. It was not easy to implement it - we had to overcome a lot of obstacles. Get a visa, find an employer in America willing to hire me, negotiate with the dean, pass the exam ahead of schedule and defend my course work. In the end, everything worked out in the best way for me.

Another wish I want to tell you about is related to my childhood dream. After watching the movie “Point Break,” I really wanted to learn to surf. I never gave up on this dream, even as I grew older. And when I turned 25, I finally decided to place it on my wish map.

That year I got married. All thoughts were about the wedding. I decided to postpone the rest of my plans until later, when all the fuss had subsided. One day I was browsing the Internet, choosing a place for my honeymoon, and an advertisement for a surf camp in Morocco caught my eye. "Here it is!" – I thought! My search is over.

As a result, my husband and I spent the entire honeymoon conquering the waves from morning to evening. It was a truly exciting adventure, the memory of which still warms my heart.

How to set goals? Progress

1. We dream.

Usually I take blank A4 sheets and write down in a row everything that I would like to implement in each area. A continuous stream of thought, without looking back, to the maximum and “without brakes.” The task is to pour everything onto paper so that the imagination begins to work.


Don't limit yourself in time - write everything that comes out!

2. Select the most important from the list and sort by area.

Now try to sort everything that you have written into 9 main areas and highlight the MOST IMPORTANT POINTS.

What are you going for this year? Everyone has their own number of Goals:

  • 10 most important
  • Another 20 pieces parallel
  • Maybe several small ones (100 is a lot)

There is no specific number. Everyone has their own balance. The main thing is how you place the accents.

3. We specify and sort everything into areas.

Your dream is what fills you, inspires and inspires you. We need a Goal. The goal is a digital step towards the Dream.

3 main rules for building a Goal:

1. The whole secret is in the most specific formulation.

2. The goal is always digitized.

3. The goal is set on your own behalf, for yourself and contains only your true intentions.

The board is information only about you and your plans. There should be no foreign names, violent actions or restrictions on the Universe.

When you reveal all your desires to the world, the world itself decides how to fulfill them!

All Goals in perfect form!

Examples of incorrect and correct formulations of the Goal

Important! How to check that the Goal is correct?

1. A real goal gives adrenaline and excitement! Yes, she can be a little worried. But it feels like a game - you want to hold on and win!

2. The goal is always to go beyond your comfort zone.

3. Does not have clear steps, but only clear intermediate stages. If your Goal is absolutely clear, then it is not a Goal, but a plan. Be more ambitious, take risks!

4. Your Goal does not lead you into a stupor or panic, it only spurs and motivates you. If the fear of your Goal paralyzes you, make it a little smaller. Perhaps you have set yourself goals that are currently unattainable.

5. The goal is always a reflection of the Dream. A step towards your Dream.


Important! Yes, your Goal does need to be eco-friendly to be achievable. Goals that are not environmentally friendly or that go against the values ​​of your family will not lead to good or simply will not be realized. For the most stubborn, such Goals destroyed marriages. So be careful.

Important! Each final goal must be felt, it must resonate with you and your inner state.

4. Select visualization.

Real pictures should appear here for each area of ​​life (except for the real person in the “Love” column, if you are not together yet). Pictures can be found on the Internet, but I use the Pinterest application.

Each picture you choose for your vision board should be “charged” - after looking at it, you should experience an unbridled desire to achieve/receive/have/possess/want/enjoy it with every fiber of your soul!

Since this stage and design can be the most difficult and is delayed for a long time, as a sample at the end of the article you can download a selection of photographs and pictures for each area. You can be inspired by them and even use them. But, I assure you, the effect will be much greater when you find them yourself. That's the point.

Important! The photographs should not contain the faces of other people (except children, husband, if you have them). Use Photoshop or cut and paste your face on top of the pictures.

Important! Do not leave any free space on the Board field. If there is any left, fill it with pieces of paper with text, affirmations, banknotes, or better yet, add visualization to one Goal.

Important! Pictures for the vision board should be colorful, high-quality, not wrinkled, and fresh.

5. Arm yourself with scissors and glue.

The board is filled in strictly clockwise. First we fill the center (yellow sector). It must contain your photo.

Important! Use a recent photo that is less than six months old.

Next, we begin to glue selected pictures, photos, or draw in each sector what we are striving for this year.

6. Magic spell.

And the last step. On the back of the Board, write the phrase - “Let all of this or more come into my life in the most harmonious, comfortable and safe way, bringing only good things to me and everyone concerned.”

7. Your finished vision board needs to be hung.

Preferably in the Southeast or East of your home. If you want to delve deeper into Feng Shui, then your Gua number will help you hang it correctly (the Internet will help you calculate it).

Important! If you are not sure that your loved ones or people who will see this Board will support you, if you are afraid of discussion or negativity in its direction, hang it in some secluded place. But you have to see it, come across it throughout the day/week and be constantly charged.

8. If there is last year's Vision Board.

It is believed that the old needs to be gotten rid of. New Year - New plans.

You definitely need to thank the Universe for the past year. And then you can burn, tear, or simply throw away last year’s version in a black bag.

Important points to remember

  • Before you start creating a map, you need to check your desires. How to do it? Take a comfortable body position, relax as much as possible and try to completely remove all thoughts from your head. Breathe deeply and listen only to your breath and body. After a few minutes, ask your subconscious the question: “Help me identify my truest and most authentic desires,” “Show me what I really want.” After this, relax and listen to your inner voice. Write down everything you hear. You can check your desire very simply. For example, you dream of buying a car. Imagine it in every detail. Feel yourself in it, smell the interior, imagine how you drive your car. If this desire causes inner delight in you and improves your mood, your pulse quickens, this means that the desire is yours. If the picture you imagine does not evoke any pleasant emotions or sensations in you, feel free to remove this desire and look for another – your own.
  • Desires related to other people should be very environmentally friendly. You cannot introduce a specific person in your life if he does not show any interest in you and does not want to communicate with you.
  • All photos must have happy faces. Photos taken during an unpleasant period of time cannot be used to create a map.
  • If your spouse or children do not support your desire to create a treasure map, they ridicule the idea, create it without them and place it in a place where you are sure no one will see it.
  • Spend a few minutes every day on your card. Look at it, imagining that everything that is depicted on it has already been achieved. Feel your feelings of joy and happiness.
  • If you dream of big and strong love, place next to you an image of a person whose image matches your ideal, but whose face is not visible. He can stand with his side or his back to you.

Remember, it's not just about sticking pretty images on your vision board and labeling them. You must sincerely, with all your heart, believe that this card will be your reliable assistant in achieving all your grandiose plans and goals. She can give you love if you are a single person, improve your health, help you find your dream job or open your own business, visit various interesting places, meet new people, learn to dance, drive a car, buy your dream home, and so on.

What should a vision board look like?

The final version of the Board is a square measuring 68x68 cm, divided into 9 sectors of 22x22 cm.

The sectors themselves can be painted in certain colors. Or you can leave it as is. We fill in clockwise (if you are ready to follow Feng Shui), starting from the Central sector, then from the upper left corner and beyond.

What do the spheres include?

1. Health : sports, sleep, sex, hours of productivity, this also includes beauty, a healthy body, appearance, skin/hair/nails/teeth, the number of walks, time without a phone, your pleasure on a point scale out of 10 depending on the type of mirror, maybe a new hearing aid or future necessary eye surgery that will give you great vision. The main thing is correctly !

2 . Wealth: monthly income, some purchases, buying a house or apartment, jewelry, material goods, savings, gifts, specific things, something that gives you a feeling of wealth for your family (plane, yacht, villa, expensive watches, third apartment, the opportunity to create a safety net, access to passive income, etc.).

3. Fame : what would give you a feeling of acceptance, success, etc. It may give new communication, contacts, connections, diplomas, cups, grants, recognition, etc.

4. Love and marriage : the only sector where there can be another person (husband). If there is no husband, you cannot put someone’s face (at most, a picture from the back). Your feelings, future wedding dates, romance, passion, care. Or maybe you need several people to love.

5. Children and creativity : if you don’t plan to have children, you shouldn’t mention them here. Write about creativity in numbers: how many hours do you spend on drawing, design, etc., what would you like to learn?

6. Assistants and travel: specifics and specifics again. Where, with whom, for how long, when, how often. A mentor, friend, important employee, nanny, housekeeper, colleague may appear here.

7. Career : This is where a lot of resistance usually arises for global goals. Again, we write specifically: where, by whom, how, what we do, how much time it takes, what emotions we experience.

For example: I have a new position, I am the general manager of a company with an income of 250,000 rubles, I work 4 days a week for 7 hours, my office is located in the city center, a 20-minute drive from home, I show up at my workplace with a smile, because I cope well with all work tasks and enjoy my work, finding contact with all clients (to the maximum extent possible).

8. Wisdom and knowledge : here about new skills, abilities, knowledge that you want to master. Learn to cook, go through an important training, seminar, webinar, read 100 books in a year (what books?), learn a language, learn to play the guitar, surf, get a driver’s license, learn to teach a child to read, etc.

9. Family and home : everyone writes their own here.
Someone will find a family, someone may want to move out from mom and dad and start living on their own. General goals and objectives of the family, moving. This area also includes communication with friends, close and distant relatives. Renovation and dream home. Creation of the Ancestor Tree, a long-awaited meeting with all relatives, a big photo shoot, and so on.

Consolidation of results

1. As we have already said, our board must be in the right place in the house.

Don't forget to watch it!

In the most difficult moments, when you have no strength left, when you want to give up everything - take out your Vision Board! These pictures are your pecypc. These emotions, plans and feelings that accompanied the implementation of this board are your power! Now this power is always with you. The psyche, new neural chains and entire neural networks are ready to fulfill the life program that you dare to wish for yourself!

You and the Universe must see your Goals!

It is important to place the vision board in a prominent place. The more often the author sees it, the faster wishes will come true. But besides this, it is important to constantly remind yourself that the fulfillment of desires begins with small and specific steps. Abundance is impossible when there is debt, or when waste exceeds a person's earnings.

2. Intermediate goals.

We write down the intermediate stages in a separate text document. And then we check with them monthly.

This is a very important stage. This is our guide. A lot depends on what conclusions we will draw after checking the Board in a month. List the intermediate stages of at least 2-3 of the most important Goals for 2021.

We break down each specific Goal into stages: what it will look like in 6 months, in 3 months and in 1 month. We always go from top to bottom, to today.

Interim Goals will show where exactly we have progressed, how much we are behind or ahead of our plan. They are reference points.

Important! This is the point that takes up most of the planning time. The more detailed, detailed and understandable it is for you, the better. The most pedantic ones schedule it for 52 weeks and do it regularly. Success with this approach is guaranteed!

I will give 2 examples:


Goals for 6 months could be:

  1. We chose a specific apartment option.
  2. We collected 1/2 of the down payment amount.
  3. We found a great designer.
  4. We talked with 10 different foremen based on reviews, etc.

Goals for 3 months:

1. Decided on the area/block where the apartment will be.

2. We have decided on a developer.

3. We found and talked with 10 real clients of this developer who had already received an apartment.

4. We looked through all the banks’ offers on mortgage loans and chose 1-3 working options.

Goals for 1 month:

1. The family budget has been analyzed.

2. There is an income forecast for the next 12/36/72 months.

3. Areas in which the family is not investing this year have been identified.

4. The lower and upper limits of the possible cost of the apartment have been determined.


6 month goal:

  1. Read 50 books.
  2. Start of a blog about your Challenge of the Year, 2 posts a week about the best books.

3 month goal;

  1. Buy an e-book (optimization - brand, model).
  2. Adjust the schedule.
  3. Rate the books you have read.
  4. Write a great review for a magazine about the best book of the quarter.

Goal for 1 month:

  1. Make a list of books that you want to read.
  2. Select the books that are needed in the 1st queue.
  3. Create a Reading schedule.
  4. Create an hourly reading schedule per week.

Do it according to Feng Shui

If you still doubt the correctness of your chosen approach, turn to the Chinese philosophical system from the distant past. Feng Shui recommends dividing the prepared collage plane into 8 equal zones touching the center. Your happy photo will be placed in the very central part.

The drawn zones correspond to the cardinal directions and life statements. At the same time, North and South, as well as West and East, are swapped.

Each area “submits” to a certain color and has its own characteristics. So, around your photo, make a few strokes with a yellow felt-tip pen. It is believed that this will ward off illness and give strength for further action.


It is better to design the remaining areas like this:

  • in the southern part the red color will dominate. This is a zone of glory, honor, fame. To obtain them, you can cut out your figure from any suitable photo in the album and paste it next to the celebrities;
  • The Southeast is a zone of wealth, which is enhanced by lilac or light purple hues;
  • South-West is a zone of love and relationships. Pink or light brown colors are suitable for her. When choosing images to fill it, use traditional symbols of love - a heart, Cupid with arrows, pictures of lips pressed together in a kiss. It is prohibited to paste a photo of a specific person;
  • The East is the “green” area of ​​the family;
  • The West is a “white” area of ​​creativity and inspiration"
  • The north is a career block, painted categorically black. Here you can add photos of authoritative personalities, logos of famous companies, etc.
  • The Northeast is a zone of self-development and self-improvement, new knowledge and skills. It's better to paint it blue.
  • The North-West is the region of companions and travelers. Here, on a gray background, it is worth attaching images of distant countries or favorite types of recreation.

The more time you devote to creating your “vision board,” the more energy you will devote to it, proving to the Universe the seriousness of your intentions.

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