How to quickly find your dream job using Feng Shui - effective methods of attracting the desired position

Finding a job is always a difficult process. Countless nuances that prevent you from getting a job, stress, the lack of any results - all this can last indefinitely if you do not understand in time that cardinal decisions are required, namely a change of thinking and the use of techniques that can influence the acceleration of the process itself and increase the likelihood of getting the desired position. The Eastern teachings of Feng Shui can effectively help in solving the issue of employment.

The ancient Chinese art of living is one of the most simple but effective ways to influence all aspects of life, including your career. If you are unemployed or stuck in the middle of your career, you should learn how to find a job using Feng Shui.

Where to begin

The most important thing to do is to get things moving. It's easy to do. Before finding a job, according to Feng Shui, you need to clear all the space and clear away the rubble. Basic cleaning of the room will help you with this. Pay special attention to the northern part of the home, the one that is responsible for the career.

Qi is an active energy; it fills the home only if it is kept clean. Old things that are no longer used, dust and dirt completely block the energy flow. All manipulations are carried out clockwise from the doorway.

  1. Get rid of old things, eliminate chaos. By throwing away the old, you open the door to the new, free yourself from unpleasant memories and prepare the way for change.
  2. Cleanse with water. Using salt, which has long been considered the most effective remedy, you can enhance the effect of cleansing and get rid of negative energy accumulated over the years. A pinch of salt can be added to water for wet cleaning; use it to wipe surfaces and wash the floor.
  3. Perform sound cleansing. There are several options, choose the one that is available to you. Clapping hands, ringing metal bells or singing bowls. This method helps in eliminating negativity, expelling evil spirits from the premises, and activates the flow of Qi in the house. Perform this action three times.
  4. Perform an aroma cleanse. To do this, go around all the rooms three times clockwise from the door. Use only suitable incense for fumigation: cedar, laurel, rose, orchid.

Clearing space

You know very well that both compliance with the Bagua rules and regular cleaning are responsible for the active flow of favorable Qi energy in our space. Dirt, dust, old unnecessary things can block the circulation of energy. Therefore, before you start attracting work to yourself, be sure to put things in order, and it is best to carry out cleansing according to Feng Shui recommendations! After you get rid of the rubble, you can begin. By the way, many argue that the following actions are best carried out on the waxing Moon.

We are working on the premises

According to Eastern practice, the northern part of the home is associated with a career, life goals and aspirations, and advancement up the career ladder.

Strengthening this zone has a positive effect on everything related to work.

  • favorable colors: shades of blue, gold and silver tones, gray, all types of blue, white and black,
  • favorable shapes: wavy, sinuous or round,
  • dangerous symbols: red color, sharp corners, standing water, elements of fire and earth,
  • main element water,
  • damaging element earth,
  • weakening element wood,
  • the number of the northern sector is one.

Activation of the northern space and placement of talismans

A ship of wealth, a sailing ship loaded with gold. You can do it yourself, thereby charging it with your own energy. You can buy a sailboat and load it with &gold&. It is better if the model is gold or metallic.

The ship is placed at the door, its sails must be inflated. The bow should be positioned towards the north side of the room, it should not be pointed at a door or window, and prototypes of lost ships should not be used as a mascot. You can use a drawing of a ship filled to the brim with Chinese coins. The presence of waves is especially appropriate in a talisman.

A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of prosperity and longevity. The toad should be metallic, gold or silver in color. It "spits out" the coin, so make sure the coin is removable. Place the toad on the floor or windowsill where everyone can see it. It should be treated with respect and watered with running water. It's good if the toad sits in the bowl of the fountain.

Dragon turtle sitting on a pile of gold. Material: gold, copper or bronze, color, gold or metal. The turtle will help you realize your ambitious intentions. It is used in many cases, but remember that the number of the northern sector is one, so there should only be one such centenarian in the house. Respect the turtle, it is forbidden to put a coin in its mouth, otherwise it will be offended and luck will turn away from you. You can also use a drawing of a turtle.

Arowana (goldfish). It can be a glass fish or live in an aquarium. It will bring happiness, prosperity and prosperity needed by all job seekers.

Wind chime, a metal talisman placed in the northern part, will promote the active flow of Qi and dissipate the energy coming from negative objects that are forced to be in the northern sector.

Vase of wealth is a round metal bowl. This talisman is an activator of wealth energy. The vase is placed away from prying eyes and filled to the top with symbols of prosperity. Place a yellow cloth on the bottom, close the lid and do not open.

The aquarium plays a protective role. A mandatory condition in this talisman is that the water must flow freely, so change the aquarium filler often. You can stock it with goldfish or another species with a powerful fin (guppy).

A fountain with a toad, a turtle or Chinese coins will enhance the effect of the talismans thanks to the constantly flowing water.

Strengthening the northern sector with elements and creating instruments of desire

The element of the northern part is water. Water is taken into a glass, coins are placed in it, with the Yang side up. As you fill the glass and drop in the coins, imagine your future job.

The higher the salary you want, the larger the coins you use. Standing water is prohibited in the server sector, so you need to clean coins and change the water very often.

A circle of creation is formed in the northern part. It is based on the interaction of the five elements. To launch a desire instrument, clearly formulate it. Use only the present tense, the presence of the particle &not& is unacceptable. This may sound like “I quickly find a job in a friendly team.” Arrange the five main elements in clockwise order of creation:

  • water - place a container of water,
  • wood - place a piece of wood or an uncovered wooden object,
  • fire - place a lit candle,
  • earth - place a clay object,
  • metal – place a piece of metal or a metal object.

Sit near the circle and repeat the wish. This must be done for at least five minutes; at the end of this time, thank the supreme powers and put out the fire. Use the circle for a week, be sure to change the water in the glass.

Activating space with water

The element of the north is Water, so this sector is in great need of strengthening water energy. How to do it? The best way: put eight white and one yellow coins in a glass of water. And in such a way that the yang side (eagle) is on top. When you put coins into the water, try to mentally imagine the desired job. If you want to get a high-paying position, throw high-denomination coins.

Remember to periodically change the water and clean the coins.

Other useful tips

As you search for a job, keep in mind other areas that, if strengthened, will lead to positive results. The southeast is a sector of wealth and prosperity, use it to find a job with a high income. The south is the sector of fame, if the title and rank in a new job are important to you, do not forget about this part of the house. West is the creative sector, why not take the chance to find the interesting job you've been wondering about. Analyze your goals before using the teaching.

When you are looking for a Feng Shui job, it is important to know that there are only two quadrants that can be used. Combine them wisely to enhance your influence on the job search process and career advancement. And be sure to exclude the Feng Shui zone in which the bad monthly or annual star is located. If you are satisfied with all aspects of life, activate only the career zone.

And remember: no teaching, no matter how popular it may be, is a guide to how to find a job through inaction. Work will come only to those who strive for it. By following Feng Shui and using its beneficial recommendations, you remove obstacles in this process.

Feng Shui is the art of living, and not just the blind execution of a ritual. This is a change in consciousness towards positivity and harmony. This is training of attention and subconsciousness. And only then, combined with practice, will you see amazing results both in your job search and in all aspects of your life.

Now you know how to find a job using Feng Shui, and you can find the path to prosperity.


Reasons for failure to find employment

According to my observations, people who most often experience difficulties finding work are:

  • They themselves don’t really know what they want. Agree, there is a huge difference whether you are looking for a temporary vacancy to get a quick income or your calling in life, albeit at the expense of a high salary.
  • Not motivated enough. It often happens that a person is looking for a job not out of personal convictions, but, for example, because his wife or parents are “groomed.” And on a subconscious level, he doesn’t want to change anything at all. It is not surprising that in this case no lucrative offers will follow, and luck will not smile.
  • They do not adequately assess their abilities. If you underestimate yourself, you miss out on a lot of vacancies, initially programming yourself to not cope with the task. By overestimating your knowledge and skills, you risk not finding a job due to constant dissatisfaction with the salary offered, which does not meet your high expectations.

It is internal uncertainty in plans, goals and self-assessment that prevents you from getting the desired result.

Circle of Creation

In the northern part of the house, create an instrument for fulfilling desires - a circle of creation. Formulate your desire in the present tense without the word “want” and the particle “not”. For example, it might sound like this: “I easily and quickly find the job I want.”

Using the energy of interaction of the five elements, form a circle of creation. To do this you will need elements of the five elements. For example: Wood - a piece of wood, Water - a glass of water, Fire - a candle, Metal - a metal object, Earth - clay. Light the candle, and then place the objects according to the circle of creation: Water - Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal.

Sit next to your circle and repeat the prepared wording of your desire. After 5-10 minutes, thank the higher powers and extinguish the candle. Do not remove the circle for a week and do not forget to change the water in the glass daily. Repeat the ritual every day for at least 5 minutes.

There is a power angle in every room. In order to determine its location, you need to stand at the entrance to the room near the doorway. If the door is located slightly to the right, then your power angle is on the opposite side to the left. If it is to the left, then, accordingly, it is on the opposite side to the right. Place the symbol of your desire in this corner. For example, make a collage of your future professional achievements.

Try to follow all these recommendations - and, most likely, in the near future you will have the opportunity to choose a job from the many options offered to you!

Folk signs that help attract financial luck

There are many signs that help preserve and increase money.
Many were inherited from observant ancestors, some were invented in modern times. In order for banknotes to always find their way into your home, you must:

  • Do not spend the first ruble you earn, but leave it in your wallet for good luck.
  • Hide coins and bills in all rooms except the bathroom and bedroom. Don't forget to properly “gild” your pantry and refrigerator so you never go hungry. Leave a few coins under the entrance mat as well.
  • Do not take change directly from the cashier in the store, so as not to receive someone else’s negative energy. The money saucer is not worth it in vain. When paying for purchases, give banknotes only in folded form.
  • Do not pick up change on the street. If you do this, use a glove or scarf, and at home soak the coins in salt water for three days to wash off the negativity.
  • Do not lend yourself on Monday and do not borrow on Tuesday. On other days, take money with your left hand and pay off debts with your right.
  • Do not place empty containers on the table and do not place keys, banknotes or hats.
  • Donate money to those in need more often, especially near the church.

Black and white painting

Hang a black and white picture in the northern sector of the kitchen. Place the image in a black (Water color) or silver frame, because the element of Metal rules in this zone. Do not use a wooden frame. The ideal option is black metal.

The direction of the object depicted in the picture should go from left to right. In Feng Shui, this phenomenon is called “the path from the past to the future.” And the masters also say that it is best to depict a pelican looking exactly to the right.

It is believed that this bird, which has money in its beak, will help in finding a job. But you can draw something else, the most important thing is to use your imagination and trust your intuition and your inner voice.


Activation of the northern sector

The northern sector of your living space is responsible for your career and successful job search in Feng Shui. Talismans that need to be placed here will help open new perspectives.

The sailboat represents future luck. This symbol arose a long time ago, at a time when merchant ships from different countries arrived on the shores of China, delivering various goods. A sailboat seems to sail into your house, bringing wealth.

If you are buying a sailboat, make sure that its sails are raised and inflated - this means a fair wind and no stagnation in business. Make sure that the ship is not a prototype model of any famous, tragically sunken ship.

Load the ship with coins - both Chinese and any other, as well as symbols of wealth. Make sure that the sailboat is not facing the bow towards the front door or window, otherwise material wealth will float past. You can also use an image of a sailboat, but it is better to make it yourself, generating it with your own energy.

How to attract luck and money in trade and business, practical recommendations and advice

Financial independence gives a person many opportunities. Therefore, most modern people strive to increase their income and improve their material well-being.

Consequently, improve the quality of your life, as well as the life of your family, gain new opportunities and simply make your life as comfortable as possible.

It is impossible to imagine a person’s life without money, despite people’s different attitudes towards money, different needs for their quantity, money and people are united by one rule: you can’t live without it.

Everyone has different ways to improve their financial condition: some work hard, some invest money in projects, others may look for easy ways to get money. Many people open their own business, which gives them the opportunity to earn income and do what they love.

People often notice that despite their efforts and great desire to receive more money, things do not move forward. For others, money flows like a river even in bad times.

Finding themselves in a difficult situation, many begin to think about how to attract good luck to their business, trade, or favorite activity. How to ensure that money flows? So that trade goes ahead and business picks up?

Let's consider practical tips and recommendations that will help you attract good luck in developing your own business and make a profit:

  1. Do what you love . If trade or business is only about making a profit, there will be no success. Luck favors those who are in love with their business and believe in the idea.
  2. Think about your client . Analyze your services, your product, offers, and find out what your client would like to see and receive. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking and putting their interests and visions first.
  3. Develop your business . Luck does not come to those who do not develop and do not make any efforts to develop their own business. Analyze your competitors, highlight their strengths and weaknesses, take advantage of your advantages and work on your weaknesses.
  4. Hang out with successful people . You shouldn’t surround yourself with people who are always complaining about life, in other words, whiners. Remember, luck loves optimists and self-confident people. Don't be shy about asking successful people for advice
  5. Don't be afraid of mistakes . In business, mistakes are inevitable. If you are not prepared for the ups and downs, you shouldn't be in business. Think of mistakes as a learning curve that leads to success.
  6. Change your attitude towards money . Many people strive to make money, but deep down they are afraid of big money. Internal attitudes can be much stronger than our actions. Therefore, work on your thoughts, change your attitude towards money, learn to accept, visualize and desire it.

Important: To attract good luck and money to business, trade, or your own business, learn to think positively, be ready to turn your defeats into new opportunities. .

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How to set up a wealth sector

The arrangement of the money management sector takes place in two stages:

First stage: Restoring harmony

According to the practice of Feng Shui, which is based on the influence of the cardinal directions, the money zone is located in the southeast of the home and correlates with the element of Wood. Accordingly, it is undesirable to find the elements of Fire and Metal in these places, which will hinder the development of the sector and even deplete it.

For example, if there is a kitchen in the southeast of your apartment, arrange the interior so that wood products predominate, and instead of a gas stove there is an electric one. If making changes is problematic, create balance by placing more objects that symbolize Wood (fresh flowers in pots made of natural materials, wooden compositions, wicker furniture, an abundance of green).

For example, on an iron rack that cannot be moved, place a composition of bamboo, which is an excellent neutralizer of excess energy. To correct the zone, elements of the Earth element can also be used in small quantities. Minerals (especially clear quartz, carnelian, jade, pyrite) and other natural materials (clay, gypsum, sand) are perfect.

Second phase. Power Activation

The next stage will be strengthening the southeastern sector. Help in this will be provided by another friendly element - Water. Since cash flow has much in common with this element of nature, it is its symbols that will serve as activators of the wealth zone. It is appropriate to place indoor fountains, home waterfalls, and decorative sources here.

However, an aquarium with live fish will do its job best, as it has natural energy. With their movement, the inhabitants of the aquarium awaken the power of the southeastern sector, help in realizing the ideas of the owners of the house, and contribute to the growth of profits

Ideally, there should be 8 goldfish, because this color is traditionally associated with wealth, and the number eight symbolizes an endless cash flow. If in your case it is problematic to install one of the listed compositions, pay attention to paintings with a water landscape. A prerequisite is the image of running water (river, waterfall, stream), since standing water will only aggravate the difficult financial situation. In addition to a small natural source, it is advisable to place symbols in the southeast to attract money

Feng Shui signs and symbols for business

If you want to become richer and more successful, you must correctly use Feng Shui symbols and strictly follow the principles of this science.

For example, according to Feng Shui, the south-eastern wing of the premises is considered to be a territory that attracts wealth and money in the trading business. Therefore, if you want to attract positive energy, this zone must be protected by any means. What methods should be used for this?

The most popular Feng Shui symbols include turtles, bells, fans, Fu dogs, and coins connected by red ribbons.

You've probably noticed that sometimes, when you enter a store, you hear the ringing of bells mounted above the door. It turns out that with their help, the owner protects the zone responsible for increasing wealth and attracts positive energy.

And such a common Feng Shui talisman as a turtle is a symbol of wisdom, longevity, in addition, it protects against misfortunes and attracts wealth. It should be placed in the northern part of the room.

Fu Dogs (also called Buddha's Heavenly Lions) protect and make family relationships stable, and relieve bad luck and sorrows. A businessman, placing them in the wealth sector in his office, will soon succeed in his business.

According to Feng Shui for business and trade, Chinese coins tied with a red thread are very attractive for money.

If you want to attract positive energy into your home or find a place in your apartment with stagnant energy, you should definitely buy a fan - it is considered the most popular symbol used to protect the office and home.

Under no circumstances should a toilet or bathroom be placed in the south-eastern part of the room. It is believed that if the rooms in the house are located this way, then all the wealth is washed down the drain.

According to Feng Shui for business, to avoid this, you need to hang a mirror on the door of these premises (but so that it does not reflect the front door) or a picture with a flowering tree.

Feng Shui colors for business

Each color, according to Feng Shui for business, also has its own symbolic meaning. Let's look at the most popular colors that will help you attract money and success.

Green. Great for business activities. Provides a good mood and a feeling of freshness. The dark shade of this color is ideal for business and money according to Feng Shui, it attracts wealth. Light makes people kinder. This color can be used in almost any business, but it is better to use it where the environment is involved, as well as for the design of medical centers and food enterprises.

Red. Businessmen use it to decorate their premises (marketplaces, centers, shops, restaurants) for a reason. According to Feng Shui for business, it brings not only money, but also good luck and happiness. The main thing is not to overdo it, since too much red is associated with blood and war, causing stress.

Yellow. In large quantities it causes anxiety. It is better to use it in activities related to children and cosmetics business.

Orange. It is considered a warm color that helps increase attention and develop creativity. Any of its shades can be used in activities related to children, as well as when decorating the interiors of cafes, restaurants, and travel companies. But under no circumstances should he dominate. In this case, a feeling of cheapness and a disregard for others arises.

Blue. It calms, creates a feeling of security, but at the same time is a symbol of conservatism and predictability. Think carefully before using it in business: when there is too much of it, it causes boredom and can alienate young people.

Violet. It is believed that this color promotes health and calms. According to Feng Shui for business, it can be used in the corporate symbolism of confectionery factories and wellness centers.

Let your business's customers find you

The red color of the file folder means: My client is active.

Answer this question: Do you have an organized file system with information about your clients? If not, then you need to start one! Dedicate one of the drawers on your desktop specifically to client files.

Put them in red folders. in feng shui language this means: “My clients are always active!” This means that they will come back to you again and again. If you need more clients, create three empty files and place them on your desktop. Let them wait for new clients.

Attach a special label to each file with the client's name. The more respectful you are to client files, the more clients you will have.

How to set up your workplace

First of all, it is necessary to study the theoretical part of this eastern art. After all, Feng Shui is represented by various nuances and little things that must be taken into account. Therefore, below we list the factors responsible for the career zone according to Feng Shui philosophy:

  • it is necessary to place the desktop in the northern part of the room or office,
  • give preference to gold and silver colors, blue shades, and black. They should be the main ones in the design of your work sector if you want to program it for success,
  • According to the art of Feng Shui, the water element is responsible for attracting money, as well as eliminating any troubles from a person’s path. Therefore, it is necessary to have a water theme in your work area,
  • The placement of special plants in the workplace is also very important. So, for example, the money tree will attract material benefits, geranium will calm even very aggressive people, and dracaena will provide stable financial profit, Chinese will help to intensify creative processes. To enhance the effect, Feng Shui recommends placing these plants not only in your office but also in your home.

Interesting detail. To provide even more inspiration, hang portraits of celebrities or people who have achieved certain professional heights on a nearby wall in your office.

Also, be sure to put photographs of people near and dear to your heart on your desktop, which will remind you of pleasant things, especially at the end of a hard working day.

While Buddha laughs

Feng philosophy involves the active use of talismans “responsible” for the sector of work. There are many of them, and each has its own meaning.

  • a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth. It can be installed both in an apartment and in an office. It is believed that this talisman attracts financial flows
  • Ganesha. The image of the god of wisdom promotes successful negotiations and contracts.
  • Laughing Buddha. This is a very “versatile” talisman, and one of its purposes is to give the owner prosperity and success.
  • turtle. Will bring the sympathy of the authorities and their patronage.
  • The music of wind. For careerists, a design made of eight metal rods that produce a pleasant chime is ideal. By the way, it is the number eight that is responsible for the growth of financial well-being.

All of the listed talismans may look weird in the office. But they will be a great way to achieve a goal for those who work from home. The work area in the apartment is built according to the same rules as in the office. However, experienced Feng Shuists remind you of some taboos that should be strictly observed. Here they are


  • Under no circumstances can the work area be positioned “facing” the wall.
  • There should be no mirrors behind a person’s back.
  • All sharp objects should be kept in a special container for stationery.
  • neither in the office nor in the apartment do you allow the desktop to be in the corner of the room.
  • trash cans should not end up in the labor sector.

And no chaos where the work area is located! Feng Shui says: career does not tolerate disorder.

Feng Shui desk

In the art of Feng Shui, much attention is paid to the work area itself. The most successful place is considered to be next to the wall. Sitting with his back to the wall, a person will be additionally protected energetically and will feel safe and comfortable.

It is also good to sit with your back to your boss’s office: this arrangement will contribute to rapid career advancement thanks to the energy flows of success emanating from your boss.

If you are located opposite the window, you will receive a charge of additional energy, as well as creative forces, and will be able to reveal all your creative talents.

If your desk is positioned in such a way that you can see the entire office and all your co-workers, there is another huge advantage. Then those around you will additionally feed you with their energy.

Feng Shui prohibits placing a desktop near a passage, opposite a door or wall. By placing your desk in this way, you will block your possible career growth. The location opposite the door or passage is generally the most inappropriate, because a lot of negative energy accumulates in these parts of the room.

You also can’t have a blank wall in front of your eyes - then you can forget about the promotion forever! After all, being located in such a disadvantaged area, you will not see the horizons and new opportunities appearing before you. If it is not possible to move the table, you should hang it on the wall.

It will make the room visually wider, which will have a very positive impact on your ability to work, creativity and capabilities.

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