Advantages and disadvantages of wall-mounted knife magnets

The struggle for space and aesthetic appeal of the cooking room is the primary task of any housewife. The placement of kitchen utensils plays an important role. Knives are no exception. The fashion for wooden coasters has run its course. Magnetic knife holder is a new trend for sharp-nosed assistants.

Magnetic knife holder.

Advantages and disadvantages of magnetic knife holders

On a magnetic strip, the blades do not rust, since they are well ventilated and must first be wiped, unlike a cabinet or stands.

A holder with a magnet is a great thing for those who love aesthetics and order. Why hide an expensive polished set of Damascus steel knives in the closet. It’s a completely different matter when luxurious cutting tools are displayed on the wall, attracting the eyes of guests.

Also, this product is presented in a wide range in large quantities in many online stores. You can choose any option to suit your taste and kitchen interior.

In general terms, the following main advantages of magnetic holders can be identified:

  1. Significant space savings and placement of equipment near the work surface.
  2. Easy care: just wipe the bar with a dry towel; if it is heavily soiled, use cleaning agents.
  3. The blade of the knives is not scratched.
  4. Easy to install.
  5. Thanks to open storage, bacteria do not spread on the devices.
  6. Versatile, the magnet is suitable not only for knives, but also for other cutlery.

There are very few disadvantages, but they are definitely worth taking into account:

  1. If the metal bar is moved carelessly, it can scratch the surface of the blade.
  2. Purchasing a holder from an unknown manufacturer is fraught with low quality goods.
  3. The magnets may not be strong enough to hold a heavy tool.
  4. Ceramic and stainless steel materials cannot be attached to the bar.

Magnetic knife holder.

A magnetic strip made of wood looks more attractive, but even if it is equipped with strong magnets, it simply will not withstand large kitchen items, since wood holds back magnetic waves.

Tips for choosing

When choosing knife holders, you should always pay attention to the main characteristics. Quality guarantee can only be provided in stores that have special certificates. If the purchase is not made in branded places, you need to pay attention to:

  • product quality - there should be no backlash or creaks in the assembly;
  • the strength of the magnets - the knives should hold normally, not weakly and not too tightly;
  • length - for a branded product it cannot exceed 60 centimeters.

It is also worth remembering that magnetic strips for kitchen knives from well-known manufacturers are made from materials that are safe for health. This is confirmed by the presence of quality certificates provided in company stores. The most popular manufacturers are:

  • Fissler;
  • Hatamoto Japan;
  • Nadoba;
  • BergHOFF;
  • Regent;
  • Woodinhome.


Types of magnetic strips for knives

Magnetic holders can be classified according to two indicators: length and material of manufacture.

Branded products are in the range of 30-60 cm in length, and I do not exceed them. There are many fakes on the market, so this factor should be taken into account.

In modern production, magnetic holders are made of the following materials: metal, plastic, wood.


Magnetic strips made of wood have always been aesthetically attractive and environmentally friendly. But as previously indicated in the disadvantages, products made from this material have less force of attraction, as a result of which heavy kitchen items are not held on them.

Magnetic strip made of wood.

Stainless steel

This material is considered the highest quality for the manufacture of magnetic holders. This is due to the fact that it has greater magnetization and is able to hold objects with greater weight. In addition, it goes well with any interior and blends in with knives. But its main disadvantage is that it scratches itself and scratches cutting accessories.

Stainless steel knife holder.


Plastic can take on any color and shape, and you can experiment with it, changing the overall design of the kitchen. But as a material it leaves much to be desired, since it has low strength and often breaks from any careless movement. It costs much less than the others, but it will have to be replaced more often.



Eco-friendly wood options look stylish and attractive. They harmonize perfectly with kitchen furniture made of natural wood or its imitation. It should be borne in mind that the attractive force of such holders is slightly lower than products made from other materials, and this option may not hold very heavy objects.

Wooden holders are made not only in the form of bars of the correct shape. Stylish options are made in the form of a wide board or tree branch. If desired, such models can be made independently.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel products are considered timeless and of very high quality. The attractive force of stainless steel knife holders is much stronger than that of models made of other materials. Even a metal kitchen hatchet can be easily attached to such a strip.


Plastic knife holders are one of the most economical options for hanging knives on the wall like Velcro. With proper care, plastic will last you more than one year. However, its wear resistance is still not comparable to metal products. The color range of plastic options is the widest. White, beige and black holders are popular.

On the railing

A magnetic knife holder on a rail is a relatively new gadget in the kitchen. Rails are a metal rod on which kitchen utensils, including knife holders, are hung.

How to choose the right ones and the best manufacturers

When choosing a magnetic knife holder, be sure to pay attention to the main indicators of product quality. It would be ideal if the manufacturer provides a quality guarantee for its products. Usually this is done by expensive brands.

If there is no guarantee, then when assessing the quality of the magnetic holder, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics.

  1. The blade material of your knives. Magnetic tape is only suitable for knives with a metal blade. Ceramic knives will not be attracted to a magnet.
  2. Being a full-fledged participant in kitchen design, the wall holder must fit perfectly into the interior in appearance and support the style of the room. The body of the product can be different: from simple plastic to mahogany. The same wooden holder is usually selected for a wooden set installed in the kitchen.
  3. Select the length of the holder depending on the number of knives to be placed. Please note that the knives should not be attached closely to each other. It will be more aesthetically pleasing and hygienic if there is a small distance between them. In some cases, a combination of several planks may be needed. This design looks professional and allows you to place a large number of devices.
  4. The width of the holders can also be different. When choosing a wide holder, take into account the length of the blades of your knives, since the handle, once on the plate, will not allow the device to be fixed there.
  5. The attractive force of a magnet depends on its thickness. Therefore, if possible, be sure to evaluate this indicator. The optimal thickness of the magnets is 3-5 mm. Thinner plates are unable to fully hold heavy knives.
  6. Well-known manufacturers choose more environmentally friendly materials for holders that do not have the toxic smell of plastic. If you purchase a cheap version of a magnet, pay attention to how it smells, since a strong, unpleasant odor indicates that the product is made of harmful materials.

Magnetic knife holder BergHOFF.

The most popular manufacturers are:


As for classification, magnetic holders do not have any varieties. Conventionally, they can be divided by length and material of manufacture.

By lenght

Knife holders purchased in company stores cannot exceed a certain length (from 300 to 600 mm). There are also fakes on the market. If we talk about local or Chinese copies, they have different sizes. You should keep this fact in mind when purchasing such a useful product.

60 cm

30 cm

  • About the best Chinese knives that were in my hands in 2017.

By material

In modern production, the following materials are used for the manufacture of magnetic holders:

  1. Metal – a product made from this material is considered to be of the highest quality. This is due to the fact that metal has a stronger magnetization and thereby helps to hold heavier kitchen items, for example, a small hatchet.
  2. Plastic - this holder is short-lived, so it will have to be replaced more often with a new one.
  3. Wood – Magnetic boards made from wood have always been considered attractive as well as environmentally friendly. But, despite these properties, such products have a weak force of attraction; they will not be able to hold objects heavier than kitchen knives.


How to mount it straight to the wall

In order to properly hang the magnetic knife holder on the wall, you need to make preliminary marks evenly and accurately. To do this, you can use a regular or laser level, which will allow you to outline the horizontal placement. The distance between the magnet mounts is measured and the corresponding value is transferred to the wall.

The number of fasteners depends on the type and size of the holder. The most common design has two fasteners. They can be looped, located along the top of the bar, or hidden.

Very often, a magnetic holder is hung on a tile, since it is the tile that is used to decorate the work wall in the kitchen. Fastening is done using double-sided tape or using dowel nails. Usually the set of holders includes dowels and screws.

In order to securely and without destruction attach the magnet to the tile with dowel nails, you must be careful in your work. To do this, drilling is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, it is better to use a drill or screwdriver with a ceramic pen of the required diameter to drill the tiles. In the second stage, a hammer drill is used to make a hole in the wall itself. A dowel is inserted into the finished hole, into which a nail is screwed or hammered.


You should also take into account the orientation of the knife in the sheath, or more precisely, take into account which direction the blade is directed. This directly determines how the knife will be oriented in the hand after it is removed, and whether it will need to be unfolded.

If, when holding the knife with a direct grip, the knife is oriented inward, that is, the blade is directed towards the thumb, and the butt towards the index finger, this position is convenient for cutting with a “toward” movement. It’s so convenient to plane wood, cut ropes, cut a sentry’s throat if you manage to approach him from behind unnoticed, deliver “rip-up” blows from the bottom up, and peel potatoes.

If the knife occupies a position with the blade outward, i.e., with the blade towards the index finger, the butt towards the thumb, then in this position it is convenient to perform most of the work, moving away from you. In addition, this position is familiar to everyone since childhood; this is how the knife is held every day, cutting bread and sausage into sandwiches.

With a reverse grip, when using a knife for self-defense, the knife is usually held with the blade facing outward. This allows, while hiding the knife behind the hand for the time being, when approaching a critical distance, inflicting a sudden powerful cut. If you need a strong “ripping” cut, for example, when ripping open a very dense bag, with a not very sharp knife, it is more logical to hold the knife with the blade inward, since, having stuck the knife in, you will need to pull it towards you. This allows you to apply more force to the knife than when pushing it away.

How to make a magnet for knives with your own hands

Making a magnetic strip at home is very simple; it does not require any special skills, just desire. Here is a list of required materials:

  1. A tree leaf is 5-7 centimeters wide and 35 cm to 75 cm long.
  2. Drill with a drill bit with a diameter of 2 centimeters.
  3. Super glue or liquid glue.
  4. Round magnets with a diameter of 2 centimeters. It is advisable to take options with high power.
  5. 2 small brackets and 4 small nails.
  6. Hammer.

Homemade magnetic strip for knives.

After everything you need is prepared, we move on to the manufacturing process:

  1. We cut out an even strip of the desired size and thickness from the board, give it a shape, and polish it.
  2. On the back side of the board we make blind holes, such that magnets can be sunk into them.
  3. Using any liquid glue, we attach the magnets to the bar; on the back side they can be covered with an overlay for greater aesthetics.
  4. Then, on the outside, we install holders that will be used to mount it to the wall. You can buy them at a furniture store.
  5. Now we attach the resulting device to the wall: we make two holes and insert brackets into them, hammer nails into the brackets. Ready!

It is advisable to attach the bar only to a fixed surface. By attaching the holder to a cabinet door, you risk damaging yourself and the knife, as movement and weak magnets may cause it to fall off. The materials used may be different; it’s just that wood is the easiest to work with. A true master can create a whole work of art.

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Magnetic knife holders are a great alternative to tabletop holders and stands. They fit perfectly into the kitchen decor without disturbing the interior composition as a whole.

Rules of care

Before using the holder, it is recommended to read the operating instructions from the manufacturer. So, some stands are designed for a certain number of knives or the weight that they can withstand. If these rules are violated, the product may fall from the wall, and the knives themselves or objects that were standing nearby will be damaged.

It is also worth noting that the magnetic board on the wall is not suitable for ceramic knives. Ceramics do not have magnetic properties, which means they simply cannot attach to such a stand. The exception is models with metal handles. But even here it is worth thinking about choosing a magnet, because when fixing a ceramic product with a metal handle, its blade will remain in the air, which is not entirely safe.

The magnetic board on the wall is not suitable for ceramic knives.

The rules for caring for the magnetic stand depend on the case material. Thus, a magnet with a plastic base is not afraid of water and is not subject to corrosion. To clean it, just use a dry cloth or cloth.

It is also advisable to wipe the magnetic stand with a metal stand dry. Try to avoid exposing this product to excessive moisture to protect it from rust.

The wooden holder with magnetic strip also requires dry maintenance. Such an item should not be placed close to water. To extend its service life, it is recommended to use special water-repellent agents.

The magnet very slowly loses its properties. But the field of a stronger magnet can disrupt its functionality. Therefore, neodymium magnets should not be placed near the stand.

Try to avoid exposing this product to excessive moisture to protect it from rust.

A magnetic shelf for knives is a convenient and indispensable product in every home, because in order to preserve the quality of knives, they need to be kept separately, not mixed with each other or other appliances. A huge selection of sizes, shapes, designs and materials of this item allow you to choose a functional and beautiful product. The main thing is to choose a suitable place for the stand, as well as to provide this product with simple care in order to extend its service life and maintain its appearance.

Features, pros and cons

The magnetic holder is a horizontal bar with two magnetic strips. It is placed on a vertical plane, which can serve as a wall panel or kitchen furniture frame.

The advantages of using magnetic holders in the kitchen are the following:

  • Hygiene. The knives are located in an open space, which eliminates the formation and development of a bacterial environment due to moisture accumulation. This design is considered much more hygienic than others.
  • Space saving . The holder takes up little space, becoming almost one with the vertical surface. Knives placed on a magnet are also compactly lined up.
  • The knives do not touch each other. Many vertical and horizontal cutlery racks do not provide customized space for a knife. As a result, the knives rub against each other and become dull.
  • The devices are always visible and within easy reach. It will take a few seconds to pick up the knife. There is no need to open a drawer or cabinet door.
  • Wide price range . The price of magnetic holders is very affordable. Even the cheapest options look very decent. If desired, you can make the holder yourself using a wooden base and magnets.
  • Easy to care for . Wall holders usually have a smooth texture and do not require special care. To keep it clean, simply wipe the surface with a damp cloth and, if necessary, use a little kitchen cleaner.
  • Easy to attach. Attaching the magnet to the wall is very easy. This is usually done using self-tapping screws or double-sided tape.
  • Versatility . If necessary, other metal kitchen utensils (skimmers, ladles, spatulas) are also attached to the holder.
  • Safety. The magnet holds devices of various sizes perfectly and is at a sufficient height from children.
  • Practicality. The combination of all the above advantages of magnetic holders makes it possible to talk about its practicality and ease of use.

Desk holders

Advantages of a tabletop device:

  1. There is no need to make holes in the wall and a new kitchen splashback.
  2. The design is mobile , so it can be moved to any convenient place
  3. Laconic design , especially for wooden products.

The only disadvantage is that the holder takes up a lot of space , so it is not suitable for small kitchens.

Features, pros and cons

The magnetic holder is a horizontal bar with two magnetic strips. It is placed on a vertical plane, which can serve as a wall panel or kitchen furniture frame.

The advantages of using magnetic holders in the kitchen are the following:

  • Hygiene. The knives are located in an open space, which eliminates the formation and development of a bacterial environment due to moisture accumulation. This design is considered much more hygienic than others.
  • Space saving . The holder takes up little space, becoming almost one with the vertical surface. Knives placed on a magnet are also compactly lined up.
  • The knives do not touch each other. Many vertical and horizontal cutlery racks do not provide customized space for a knife. As a result, the knives rub against each other and become dull.
  • The devices are always visible and within easy reach. It will take a few seconds to pick up the knife. There is no need to open a drawer or cabinet door.
  • Wide price range . The price of magnetic holders is very affordable. Even the cheapest options look very decent. If desired, you can make the holder yourself using a wooden base and magnets.
  • Easy to care for . Wall holders usually have a smooth texture and do not require special care. To keep it clean, simply wipe the surface with a damp cloth and, if necessary, use a little kitchen cleaner.
  • Easy to attach. Attaching the magnet to the wall is very easy. This is usually done using self-tapping screws or double-sided tape.
  • Versatility . If necessary, other metal kitchen utensils (skimmers, ladles, spatulas) are also attached to the holder.
  • Safety. The magnet holds devices of various sizes perfectly and is at a sufficient height from children.
  • Practicality. The combination of all the above advantages of magnetic holders makes it possible to talk about its practicality and ease of use.

The following nuances can be considered as disadvantages of magnetic holders.

  • Possibility of damage from metal knife blade holders. This applies specifically to those models whose front part is made of metal or has metal fragments.
  • Knives made of other materials, such as ceramic, cannot be attached to the holder. Ceramics, by definition, do not have the properties of being attracted to magnets, so it is not possible to place such knives on them.


It is recommended to always keep your knives well sharpened so that they are always ready for use. To make the blade less dull, it is preferable to use wooden cutting boards.

Essential attribute for every kitchen

Some may find the following storage more optimal. It has several advantages, the main ones being compactness and ergonomics. This device is ideal for a small kitchen where every centimeter counts.

Drawer with vertical stand

So, you have been offered many options for storing kitchen knives. Each of them is convenient in its own way, but the choice is yours in any case. Let us remind you once again that sharp objects must be handled with extreme caution and kept out of the reach of children. Try not to save on buying kitchen furniture, as this will almost inevitably affect the quality of its performance.


Traditionally, sheaths were made, and continue to be made, from leather, wood, and metal. In wartime, due to its low cost, scabbards made of dense fabrics, such as tarpaulin, came into use. Currently, sheaths made of synthetic fabric with plastic inserts, and entirely plastic sheaths, are gaining popularity.

A well-made leather sheath is impeccable from an aesthetic point of view and is very comfortable; thanks to the high coefficient of friction, it holds the knife securely, and the blade does not knock on the inner surface of the sheath. However, leather has certain disadvantages - fear of water and microorganisms, which is why the use of leather in tropical latitudes and for the needs of swimmers and fishermen is not desirable, and if the quality of the leather is low, it is simply impossible, since the sheath will very quickly become unusable. Leather warps, stretches and may lose its shape; in addition, leather is quite an expensive and conservative material. The leather sheath also dictates the material of the handle; it can be leather, wood, birch bark, or other natural materials. A modern knife with a handle made of high-tech plastic will look unnatural in such a sheath.

For modern sheaths, synthetic fabric with a plastic liner is widely used. The sheath is sewn similarly to leather, but synthetics are less demanding to use, do not rot, do not warp, and hold their shape well. With active use, synthetics wear out faster than leather, and while maintaining functionality thanks to the plastic liner, they lose their appearance. The blade in such a sheath may knock on the plastic insert when removing the knife and when walking.

Metal sheaths are now almost out of use, replaced by molded sheaths made of hard plastic. This type of sheath is very interesting because, due to its rigidity, it allows you to use various removable devices for attaching the sheath to the body, and abandon traditional fasteners, securely holding the knife in any position. Such sheaths are equipped with a cord or chain for wearing around the neck, metal and plastic clips for attaching to clothing, loops made of plastic and synthetic fabric, as well as special locks for attaching to a belt. This allows the sheath to be adapted to almost any wearing conditions. However, if you are a conservative and prefer to carry your knife in one place, say on the left side of your belt, do you need a sheath with such a flexible carrying system?

When choosing a sheath, you should pay attention not only to the design of the pendant, but also to the method of fixing the knife in the sheath. Reliable fastening is very important, because you won’t need the most comfortable sheath if you lose the knife. One of the simplest and at the same time most effective ways of fixing a knife is by friction, by the handle. A striking example of this is classic Finnish knives; the knife is recessed in the sheath approximately to the middle of the handle and, when the sheath tightly covers the handle, it is firmly held due to friction, and can be easily pulled out with one hand. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to perform additional actions to remove the knife, you do not need to use a second hand, it is enough, resting your thumb on the sheath, to remove the knife a centimeter, and thanks to the narrowed handle, the sheath no longer fixes the knife, and then it can be removed without effort. In addition, due to the width of the sheath, there is no need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the blade, which is not always possible. But if you need to carry a knife with the handle down, this method of fixation may not be sufficient, and with a knife with a developed limiter (guard), it is almost impossible to use such a sheath; in these cases, a strap, a gripping limiter, or a handle are traditionally used. A characteristic feature when using a strap is that the button is simply attached to the strap, without additional elements. In this case, to unfasten the strap, you need to grab it with two fingers, unfasten it, and then grab the handle. For faster unfastening of the sheath, the button should be rigidly connected to a small plastic or metal tongue. If it is available, to open the sheath, it is enough to pry the tongue with one finger, while simultaneously covering the handle with the rest. However, the first method is more reliable, even if the strap gets caught on something, most likely it will simply bend; if the strap is equipped with a tongue, it will unfasten. Recently, in plastic sheaths, magnets, protrusions on the blade or handle that are grabbed by the sheath, and special metal or plastic latches are used to secure the knife. All these methods allow you to securely fix the knife in the sheath and easily remove it without unnecessary effort.

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