How to cleanse a house with a church candle. How to prepare yourself and your home for cleaning

Before the rituals, general cleaning is done. Everything needs to be put back in its place and the apartment should be well ventilated. After this, you should take a refreshing shower, but not a simple one, but with salt, which is an excellent conductor of energy. Salt dissolved in water quickly washes away the negative energy that has accumulated over the years. It completely removes all the energetic dirt that has caused many failures in life. Such a shower requires compliance with certain, albeit very simple rules. The body is rubbed with ordinary salt, but it cannot be rubbed in; the hair is not affected either. After this, you need to turn on a cool shower and wash off the salt.

If you are afraid of the evil eye, wear a pin; a correctly placed pin will protect you from negativity.

When to clean your home

The ritual must be performed at least 2–4 times a year. But it’s better to get into the habit of cleaning your home every month. Thanks to this, negative energy will stop accumulating. You will protect yourself and your loved ones.

If you cleanse your house with a church candle 4 times a year or less, you may need an unscheduled ritual. The following signs will indicate that it needs to be carried out:

  • regular disagreements for minor reasons;
  • constant problems that haunt all household members at once;
  • frequent breakdowns of household appliances. When a lot of negative energy accumulates in the house, all electrical appliances begin to malfunction or fail one by one for inexplicable reasons;
  • a state of complete indifference, powerlessness, melancholy.

You need to clean the house with a church candle after a guest who praised something or simply left an unpleasant impression. And even before the housewarming party. After all, the previous occupants could have left behind not only a clot of negative energy, but also traces of damage and the evil eye. If you do not carry out the ritual, over time all this will pass on to you and your family.

Another reason to walk around the house with a burning church candle is a funeral. This must be done when the deceased is taken to the graveyard in order to remove dead energy.

The need for energetic cleansing

Negative energy tends to condense in a certain space, just like dust. If dust is visible to the eye, then energetic dirt is invisible. It can only be felt at the level of subtle energies. It’s hard to breathe in a polluted house, even though the surroundings are clean. In a polluted room, household members often get sick, and pets behave in an unusual way. To prevent this state of affairs, you need to regularly clean the energy in your living space.

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House cleaning is necessary:

  • after a serious illness of a relative;
  • after gatherings with friends and acquaintances;
  • after a visit from an unpleasant person;
  • after the death of a person;
  • after a quarrel and scandal;
  • if there are noisy neighbors living behind the wall.

Make it a rule to clean your room once a season: winter, spring, summer and fall. These are the minimum requirements. If the apartment is unsafe, you need to clean it every month, or even every two weeks - on the full moon and new moon.

What kind of candle is it?


  • material,
  • size,
  • color.

Now let's talk about everything in order.


A wax church candle copes well with negative energy. Because wax is a natural material. It will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the ritual. And paraffin analogues are pacifiers, suitable exclusively for decoration.


When buying a church candle, think about how big your house is. Its length should be enough for a very thorough and leisurely cleaning. Do you have any doubts? Then take extra.


If it is chosen correctly, the power of the ritual will increase significantly. It is best to cleanse the house with a classic yellow or orange church candle. Both will open channels of positive energy and remove accumulated negativity.

A brown church candle will help fill your home with an atmosphere of comfort and get rid of illnesses. Pink will establish peaceful, friendly relations. But it is more suitable for romantic rituals.

And professionals work with these candles:

  • White . Universal candle. Suitable for different occasions.
  • Black . Fights negativity.
  • Violet . Gives magical protection.

There are also red church candles. They are almost never used for cleansing rituals. But with their help they attract wealth and success.

What else needs to be prepared for the ceremony?

✔ Holy water . Before starting the ritual, sprinkle all the corners in the house. And then wash your face and hands.

✔ White paper circles with a cutout in the middle. Place them on the candle. This is necessary so that the melted wax, which has absorbed negative energy, does not get on your hands, floor, or furniture.

✔ Matches, lighter . You need to carry them with you. In places where there is a large accumulation of negative energy, the candle may go out. It will need to be lit again.

✔ Small package . When you clean the house, put the cinder and paper circles there to throw away.

Sometimes there is so much negative energy that the church candle goes out and does not light up again. So be sure to keep a few spare ones in your pocket.

How to properly sanctify and clean a car with holy water?

Blessing of the car

  • Since we live in a very rapidly developing world, a car is not a luxury for us, but a means of transportation that helps us cope with all tasks and problems as quickly as possible. Due to the fact that we spend a lot of time stuck in traffic jams, the car gradually becomes filled with anger and irritation of drivers and their passengers.
  • Therefore, if you do not want all this negativity to begin to affect you, then be sure to clean and consecrate your machine. There are two ways to bless your car. If you don’t know how to do this correctly, then just go to the church you go to with your family, make a small donation to the temple and ask the priest to perform the necessary ritual.
  • In this case, you will need to open all the windows, doors and hood and wait until the holy person does everything according to church rules. If you want to do everything yourself, then buy three small icons from the church, for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God and Jesus Christ. Bring them home, tune in to the right mood and, taking holy water with you, go off to perform the ceremony.
  • It is best to do it on Sunday after morning service. Sit inside the car, attach the purchased icons and start reading the Lord's Prayer. While reading, spray the seats, steering wheel, mirrors and all panels with water. When everything inside is consecrated, do the same steps outside. Then go back inside the car and, without sprinkling, simply pray in front of the icons.
  • Yes, and don’t forget to always have God’s blessing with you, never swear in the car or park it in the wrong places. If negative energy is present in your car at least occasionally, the effect of the rite of consecration and purification will disappear very quickly.

What places in the house accumulate a lot of negativity?

The most dangerous area is the corners. They must be sprinkled with holy water before the ritual begins. But there are no less significant places that need attention.

Entrance hall, corridor

Many people come home, take off their shoes and forget about them until the next time they go outside. And only a few go to the bathroom to wash it. Thus, they save themselves from grief, lack of money, quarrels and illnesses. After all, this is a breeding ground for negative energy.


Especially if dirty dishes spend the night there. Unwashed dishes accumulate a lot of negative energy. Therefore, it is better to wash them immediately after eating.

Sleeping area

While waiting for sleep, we often replay the past day in our memory, think about the past, present and future, and make plans. All the negativity from thoughts and dreams remains on the pillow. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned thoroughly.


Reflective surfaces perfectly absorb negative energy that comes from conflicts and unkind thoughts of guests. They need not just be washed, but sprinkled with holy water.

Places to store old, broken and found items

We are talking about areas where worn-out shoes, chipped dishes, torn clothes or bedding lie. It's better to throw it all away. Because the house will gradually begin to fill with negative energy.

The source of increased danger is things found on the street. It's better to avoid them. But if for some reason you could not resist, immediately cleanse them with a church candle and holy water.

Boxes, drawers, shelves with decorations

Precious metals are excellent at absorbing negative energy. It can accumulate in places where they are stored.

Another source of negativity is cut and artificial flowers. Because of them, the house is filled with dead energy. Throw them away and never bring them again. And clean the place where they stood well with a church candle.

During the ritual, listen to your own feelings. You feel your home like no other. Therefore, be sure to find all the places where negative energy accumulates.

With salt

On the 11th day of the lunar calendar, you should begin cleaning the room with a candle and salt. Before you clean your apartment with salt, you need to prepare for the ritual. On the day of cleansing, it is favorable not to eat food, but only to drink spring water. The energy of the lunar calendar, namely the 11th day, will help your body and your thoughts to be cleansed as much as possible.

Next, we will prepare items that will be useful to you during the ceremony:

  • deep container;
  • sealed packaging of any salt;
  • the largest wax candle you can find.

After the sun sets below the horizon, pour enough salt into a bowl so that the candle placed in the center holds tightly. Place the bowl strictly in the center of the room and light the candle. Turn to fire to cleanse your home of energy negativity. Afterwards, let the candle burn out on its own, and wash the salt down the sink or down the drain, saying the following text:

To mother earth, bad energy, go away.

Remember, after the ceremony you should never pick up a candle. Pick it with something sharp. Then wrap the remains of the candle in paper and throw it outside your apartment or house. You can also throw away the salt with the cinder.

How to properly prepare your home for cleaning with a church candle

The ritual must be planned in advance. Ideally, it will pass on the waning moon. Favorable lunar days:

  • 19th.
  • 23rd.
  • 26th.
  • 29th. If it is followed by the 30th but not the 1st.

This recommendation can be ignored only in one case. If the matter is urgent and there is no time to wait.

Before the ritual, you need to do some general cleaning. Clean up your closets and drawers. Be sure to wash the windows, sprinkle corners and mirrors with holy water.

During cleaning, only you should be in the house or apartment. If this is not possible, first walk through several rooms with a candle, ask your household members to go there, and then continue the ritual.

When you're ready to clean, open the door or window. Close them only after you are finished. This way, negative energy will leave the house and not move from room to room.

Turn off all electrical appliances, phones, doorbell. Nothing should distract from the ritual.

Using sand

This ritual is best performed when the weather outside is warm and comfortable. You need to pour some clean sand into a bag from a beach near a river or on a lake, specifically 5 handfuls. It is very important that the sand is clean and has not been touched by humans or animals.

When you arrive home, open the package and place it in the center of your home for three days. Negativity in the room will be absorbed into the sand. After the time has passed, the bag of sand must be poured onto the road. And when you return to your cleaned apartment, take a warm shower, washing off the remnants of energy dirt.

How to clean a house or apartment yourself with a church candle

You showered, put on the right clothes and got ready. What to do next?

Wet your hands and face with holy water.

Place a paper circle on the candle.

Go out to the area or landing. The ritual must begin outside.

Light the candle with matches or a lighter.

Circle the front door three times in a clockwise circular motion. Then pass the candle over the peephole, handle and doorbell (if there is one) three times in a strictly crosswise manner.

Enter the house. Close the door behind you. Turn to face her and do the same.

Stand with your back to the door. Start moving forward clockwise. Go through all the rooms until you return to the front door again. You can skip the balcony. But only if it is not converted into residential premises. The candle should be moved along the walls in a wave-like manner. And clean door handles and sockets crosswise.

If in some place the flame begins to worry, smoke or go out, pause. You have found an accumulation of negative energy. It needs to be cleaned with a church candle until the fire burns evenly and calmly.

During the ritual, adhere to fire safety rules. Keep flames away from things, especially those that are flammable. For better effect, you can open cabinets, pull out drawers of chests of drawers, tables.

When you have walked around the entire house and returned to the front door, turn around and perform the ritual again. After this, the flame should not go out or smoke. Otherwise, repeated cleaning will be required.

Restoring our own strength

Now you can congratulate yourself - you have done a great job! But during the energy cleansing, you yourself became a little weaker, and bad energy could also have clung to you.

First of all, you should wash your hands with soap and then with salt. Salt is an ideal remedy to eliminate any negativity.

After this, I recommend taking a bath with sea salt. Be sure to wash your hair. And rinse off in the shower. Running water will remove all remaining bad energy from you.

I remind you that you cannot re-wear the same clothes in which you performed the ritual. It should go in the wash. Wash everything, including socks and underwear.

I guarantee that after the ritual you will feel renewed and fresh. Energy cleaning of the apartment should be done once every six months. But if the need arises, then it can be done more often.

Sometimes there are times when the ritual is difficult. The candle smokes everywhere and constantly goes out. Or maybe different people knocked on your apartment that you weren’t expecting. This may indicate that a complete cleaning was not successful. Perhaps there was too much negativity. In such cases, repeated cleaning is carried out - no earlier than after three days, but no later than after a month.

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