Description of rauchtopaz and the magical properties of the gemstone

There are not many gems on Earth that can boast a noble brown color, these are: agate, onyx, rare brown tourmaline and valuable brown diamond.

That is why rauchtopaz, distinguished by its richness of elegant shades, enjoys deserved popularity among jewelers, as well as connoisseurs of spectacular and stylish jewelry.

History and origin

Rauchtopaz, despite its name, has nothing to do with topazes. However, in the distant past it was precisely this that allowed unscrupulous traders to inflate the price of products, albeit beautiful ones, but incomparable in value with natural topaz and quartz.

The Tibetans and Hindus called the gem “Buddha Stone”, the Scots called it “Kengorm” and generously decorated their national clothes with it, and the ladies of the court under Catherine II wore jewelry with striped brown-yellow rauchtopazes, called “Hair of Venus”.

The stone has earned its popularity thanks to its spectacular colors and a number of healing properties used by ancient healers to get rid of various ailments, including quite serious ones.

Great attention was paid to the mineral in the old days and is paid today by practicing magicians who were able to reveal the magical power of rauchtopaz and learned to use it delicately to predict the future, love spells, communicate with the spirits of the dead and other occult practices.

What is the price?

Smoky quartz is not an expensive stone. But the exact price depends on the type of crystal. This means that calculating the cost of finished products is much easier.

Approximate prices:

  • a ring with pink gold and rauchtopaz weighing 2.98 carats can be bought for about 10,000 rubles;
  • silver earrings with an English clasp and a “Buddha stone” will cost 1,500 – 2,000 rubles;
  • a silver ring with an insert of 925 rauchtopaz will cost from 1100 to 1500 rubles.

But the prices shown are approximate. The cost of jewelry is influenced by the brand, the number of stones, and the metal used for framing. Therefore, always check the price of the product with the seller.

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Place of Birth

Smoky quartz is found on all continents, but the most noteworthy deposits of the mineral are located in Brazil. More than half of all gems with jewelry value are mined here.

Stones with excellent characteristics are mined in Madagascar and Namibia, in the USA and Germany, in the Alps (Switzerland) and in Spain. The minerals that are found in the Urals, the famous homeland of gems, are also famous.


Flawless rauchtopaz with mesmerizing golden inclusions is of extraordinary beauty and is in great demand. Smoky quartz has become very fashionable recently, which has affected the cost. The gem moved from the category of an ornamental stone to a jewelry one.

The price of one carat today is about $5. Stones with darkening, chips and cracks have a lower cost.

Physical properties

A spectacular natural stone has nothing to do with its chemical and physical properties, despite its eloquent name. The mineral belongs to the quartz family and has all the qualities inherent in any quartz.

FormulaSiO2 is a type of quartz.
ImpuritySometimes Al, Fe
Density2.52-2.65 g/cm³
FragilityVery fragile.
singoniaTrigonal, trigonal-trapezohedral type of symmetry.
ShineFrom glassy to greasy on the fracture.
KinkConchoidal, uneven.
CleavageUnclear by rhombohedron.
ColorVarious shades of brown.

General description of the stone

Being a type of quartz, rauchtopaz is distinguished by a smoky-brown hue, which, if the mineral contains even a small content of copper or iron, has golden inclusions.

Possessing high strength, this stone is used to create figurines; it can be given a variety of shapes.

Having a high degree of transparency, rauchtopaz can have a wide range of different shades.

Its closest relatives in terms of external characteristics and structure should be considered rock crystal, rose quartz, amethyst and citrine.

The healing properties of the gem

If you are choosing jewelry with a stone for your own jewelry collection or want to please a loved one with not only a beautiful, but also a useful gift, then it is worth finding out in more detail what healing properties the mesmerizing smoky quartz has. Lithotherapists recommend the use of the gem:

  • harmonization of the pancreas and kidneys;
  • improving adrenal function;
  • increasing libido and potency;
  • normalization of reproductive functions;
  • relieving pain (headaches, menstrual pain, joint pain) and spasms of various types;
  • cures for mental disorders, including suicidal tendencies;
  • reducing feelings of anxiety;
  • cleansing the body of accumulated waste and toxins;
  • getting rid of negative energy.

Even the ancient Hindus practiced treatment with rauchtopaz bowls carved from gemstones. They infused water and regularly gave it to a sick person to drink. A simplified version of therapy that you can use today is to take a piece of jewelry with a mineral or a raw stone in your hand and hold it there until you feel better.

The healing stone helps to get rid of addictions - alcohol, nicotine, drugs.

It is necessary to seek help from this unique mineral more often, wearing jewelry with it regularly or simply periodically clutching rauchtopaz in your hand and enjoying the healing warmth emanating from the gem.

Also read: Beryl - the magical properties of the gemstone

Types and colors

The main part of rauchtopaz has a light brown tint. But there are also:

  1. The stones are light gray in color. When the temperature rises to 300 degrees Celsius, citrines are made from them.
  2. Minerals are green or purple (pleochrome). Crystals change shade depending on the angle of light.
  3. Dark brown gems. They are not in particular demand among jewelers; they are mainly used for making figurines and beads. After firing, they begin to change shade in the light, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.
  4. Smoky almost black crystals. A rare shade of rauchtopaz, due to which it can easily be confused with morion.

The magical and healing properties of stones do not depend on color. The exception is smoky topaz, the black hue of which is associated with the crystal’s ability to establish a connection with the other world. The color is affected by the presence of aluminum impurities in it. Some stones are able to retain their natural color when heated to 450 degrees Celsius.

Magic properties

Fascinating smoky quartz has always attracted the attention of not only jewelers, but also magicians, who attribute magical properties to the stone. Eastern sages, Buddhists and ancient Hindus used the power of the stone in their practices. It is believed that the magic stone rauchtopaz:

  • helps to see prophetic dreams if you put it under the pillow;
  • allows you to achieve nirvana (the pinnacle of superconsciousness) through meditation;
  • can be used to communicate with the souls of dead people;
  • popular among magicians and sorcerers who practice love spells and spells.

Dark-colored gems have special magical powers. The lighter the gem, the weaker its energy and the degree of influence on a person. The magical and astrological properties of jewelry are enhanced if the gems are set in silver. Gold somewhat reduces the energy potential of rauchtopaz.

You can understand the secrets of the universe or bewitch a loved one only by using a large and unprocessed crystal. Jewelry processing significantly reduces the energy potential of the stone and makes it ineffective for magical practices.

Historical reference

“Colorado diamond”, “radiant diamond”, “gypsy”, “talyanchik” - this is not a complete list of names that the rauchtopaz stone has had throughout history. The magical properties of the crystal attracted people in the Middle Ages: it was used by alchemists and Jewish Kabbalist magicians. At the same time, it is often difficult to say whether the source is really talking about our gem. Perhaps no other crystal had such a number of names.

The English called rauchtopaz cairngorm, after the Cairngorm Mountains in Scotland. In Rus', the nicknames “gopher” and “smazen” were common. In East Asia, the crystal was known as the "Buddha stone" or "stone of the dead."

The French, who mined the mineral in the area of ​​the city of Alençon, sold it under the name “Alençon diamond.” It has nothing in common with diamonds except a trick of light, but the residents of Alençon wanted to raise the price of their treasure in this way.

Currently, the name rauchtopaz or smoky quartz is accepted. Other terms remained only on the pages of medieval treatises. It is believed that Jewish jewelers were the first to discover the mineral around the 10th-11th centuries.

The peak of popularity of the mineral occurred at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries in Great Britain. Men were the first to appreciate his attractiveness. Cigarette cases and cufflinks made of smoky stone came into fashion. Handles and snuff boxes were inlaid with it, and figurines were made from it.

Jewelry with mineral

Jewelers use rauchtopaz quite widely, as the stone looks impressive and is relatively inexpensive. Natural stones decorate pendants and brooches, necklaces and bracelets, earrings and rings.

Brown minerals are used to decorate figurines and other decorative items. Balls or eggs carved from gemstones look impressive and stylish, worthy of decorating the most sophisticated interior or becoming an integral part of a practicing magician’s office.

The cost of jewelry with stone is low and largely depends on what kind of metal the rauchtopaz is framed in. For example, today you can buy elegant gold earrings with noble gems for 0 rubles, and a silver ring that can become an effective talisman for 2,000 rubles.

Product prices

The mineral is considered precious, but the value level is third. This explains its cost.

The price of a stone depends on the degree of its color and purity, as well as on the size. However, the cost of the gem is considered quite affordable in comparison with other types of precious stones.

The price per carat varies due to technology and cutting method:

  • “circle” - up to $2.5;
  • “oval” - up to $1.6;
  • “pear” - up to $1.8;
  • "square" - up to $2.7.


This distribution of prices is approximate; the skill of the jeweler, the cutting metal, the carving pattern, and originality can increase the price several times, bringing the cost of the product closer to expensive objects of art.

Varieties of rauchtopaz

In nature, rauchtopases occur in several shades, the intensity of which depends on the factors of natural irradiation of the mineral or the method of its subsequent processing. This:

  • A light gray gem that can be turned into citrine by thermal exposure (up to 300 ° C).
  • A mineral whose shade varies from purple to green. With certain processing, it has the effect of pleochroism, in which the color of the stone changes when rotated when rays of light fall on its faces at different angles.
  • Dark brown rauchtopaz. This shade is most often found in nature and is used by jewelers to create elegant jewelry at a low price. The correct cut allows you to turn smoky quartz into transparent or golden, giving it the properties of pleochroism.
  • Almost black rauchtopaz, often called morion. It is a favorite of witches, magicians and warlocks, since the darker the mineral, the stronger its mystical properties. The use of a black gem helps to communicate with spirits, see the past and correct the future.

Also read: Aquamarine - the magical properties of the gemstone

Areas of application

smoky quartz egg
is one of the most inexpensive and accessible 3rd order gemstones. According to the classification of A.E. Fersman and M. Bauer, this mineral is classified as semi-precious semi-precious stones of the first order. For comparison, it can be noted that the same (first) order of ornamental stones includes such materials as: jade, lapis lazuli, glauconite, sodalite, amazonite, labradorite, orlets, malachite, aventurine, quartzite, vesuvian, rock crystal, agate (with its varieties ), jasper, Hebrew stone and rose quartz.

Along with rock crystal, amethyst and citrine, rauchtopaz is a type of quartz that is used in jewelry. Lighter varieties of this mineral are used as jewelry stones.

Smoky quartz crystal intergrowths can be very beautiful and are a traditional decoration for the exhibitions of mineralogical museums and private collections.

The Smithsonian Institution in Washington is home to a 4,500-carat faceted smoky quartz egg.

How to distinguish a fake?

It is extremely easy to distinguish original rauchtopaz from a fake. Firstly, the stone is inexpensive and there is no point in creating its artificial analogues. And secondly, there is a simple method that you can use when buying jewelry. You will need a magnifying glass and a minute of time.

It is necessary to examine the stone, or rather, the bubbles inside it. In a banal piece of glass, air inclusions will have a standard round shape. In a real gem, you can see small droplets of unusual shapes and different sizes.
It is best to purchase jewelry with minerals from official manufacturers rather than trust unknown jewelry companies.

Where is it mined?

A fairly common gem. They are mined everywhere, every continent has a deposit. The extraction process is not complicated. The crystals are quite strong, hard, and occur in large clusters. They are located inside quartz veins. Individual samples cannot be extracted without special equipment. Their weight can be more than 200 kg, and their length is more than 1 meter. There is information about finds weighing more than a ton.

The largest deposit is considered to be the Brazilian deposit, where the bulk of nuggets for jewelry processing are found.

Interesting samples are mined in America, fused crystals or druses, resembling branches that grow from the same base. There are known mining sites in Namibia, Germany, Russia, Madagascar, and Spain. Asian countries also have deposits in India and China. Currently, only Antarctica has no known quartz deposits.

Raw smoky quartz.

Caring for stone products

Smoky quartz is not picky. Due to its hardness, it is almost impossible to damage it mechanically. The only thing that can deprive a stone of its natural beauty is the scorching sun.

It is necessary to keep jewelry with rauchtopaz in a special bag that prevents direct sunlight from hitting the mineral and protects it from contact with other stones in the jewelry box.

Clean the gem with a soft brush dipped in soapy water or water in which a few drops of ammonia are dissolved. After the water procedure, the mineral must be completely dried indoors, avoiding direct sunlight.

It is especially important to cleanse the mineral after its participation in magical rituals. To do this, it is enough to hold it under cold running water each time after a session and let it rest for several days before the next use.
This neutralizes the negative energy accumulated by the gem.

Jewelry, how to wear?

Jewelry in which rauchtopaz is installed belongs to the middle price category and is available to most buyers.

This category also includes jewelry made from jasper, amber, and rose quartz. Before installing the rauchtopaz stone, it goes through a cutting stage; only in the case of making jewelry or a talisman from it, its original shape is left.

When choosing the type of decoration, you should know that a brown stone framed in silver looks most advantageous. Lighter shades of this stone look most advantageous in a white frame, while darker and richer tones look best in gold.

The dark green color will benefit when framed in a thin gold frame.

You can wear such jewelry as a set; however, even a single ring or earrings immediately attract the attention of connoisseurs of grace and beauty.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

When choosing jewelry with gems, many of us pay attention to the compatibility of the mineral with the zodiac sign. Jewelry rauchtopaz is no exception. Not everyone is shown the stone. It is important to consider who is suitable and who is not suitable for a spectacular gem covered in mystical legends.

(“++” – the stone fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion
  • The mineral is most suitable for Capricorn. For representatives of this zodiac sign, the stone will demonstrate all its best sides - healing and magical, will help cope with stress, protect them from negative energy, and will become an excellent talisman that allows them to make the right decisions.
  • For Libras, especially women, rauchtopaz will give a sense of balance and calm, allow them to find answers to the most important questions, and charge them with a positive mood.
  • Astrologers do not recommend wearing jewelry with gems for Cancers. Representatives of this zodiac sign are sensitive and emotional. A stone with strong energy can disrupt a person’s mental state and introduce disharmony into it. The zodiac sign comes into such an imbalance with rauchtopaz that Cancers cannot even store products with rauchtopaz at home.
  • Aries, Sagittarius and Leo should not choose talismans with rauchtopazes either. People born under these zodiac signs are distinguished by impulsiveness, with which the pacifying energy of the stone is not combined.
  • Other zodiac signs can wear jewelry with rauchtopazes, but in doses. If Virgo or Taurus occasionally wear a pendant with a spectacular gem, this will not bring any significant changes to their lives.

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When choosing “your” stone, you can focus not only on your date of birth. Much more important for a person are his own feelings from communicating with the mineral. If, holding a gem in your hand, you feel warmth and peace, it will benefit you regardless of your zodiac sign.

Talismans, amulets, amulets

Jewelry made from smoky rauchtopaz, as well as amulets of various shapes and types, provide reliable protection. It is especially evident for those people who sincerely believe in the protective qualities of the stone and feel comfort and tranquility when wearing it.

Talismans also have the following effects on humans:

  • Eliminate dependence on other people's opinions.
  • Prevent the negative effects of evil forces.
  • Stimulate the immune system and protect against infectious and viral lesions.

Rauchtopaz (Smoky Quartz)

Regularly wearing such a talisman increases the power of intuition and allows you to improve your magical power.

According to psychics, talismans made of stone of a darker shade have greater power, however, it should be borne in mind that they can also have a more pronounced negative effect on a person.

Rauchtopaz of light and golden colors has a more positive effect, but less pronounced.

Amulets can be made both in the form of jewelry for everyday wear, and in the form of decorative items.

For example, figurines symbolizing certain phenomena, gods and goddesses, as well as animals that personify these gods. Products used for amulets can have an abstract form: this way the stone is less processed and carries more positive energy, protecting its owner.


When making a talisman, it is not recommended to cut a natural stone: this way it retains its healing and magical properties to a greater extent.

Combination of stones with names

The stones should be in harmony not only with the zodiac sign, but also with the person’s name. This allows you to choose a gem that will demonstrate all its best properties.

The compatibility of a mineral with a name should be taken into account when purchasing jewelry for yourself or a loved one. A stone that matches the energy of the name can become a reliable talisman, will protect you from rash actions and protect others from the negative energy.

  • Catherine (Greek - immaculate). The gem reveals its qualities best if worn by Catherine. The name rewards its owners with sociability, intemperance and ambition. Jewelry with stones “quenches” excessive nervousness, makes Katya more restrained and balanced, and develops fantasy and imagination.
  • Nina (Greek - royal). Rauchtopaz will give the independent and at the same time very feminine Nina peace of mind, relieve the mood swings typical of girls bearing this name, and help cope with depression.
  • Tatiana (Greek - lady). Smart, conservative, obliging and fearless, Tatyana often suffers from misunderstanding by others and excessive irritability. Smoky quartz will bring harmony to the soul, help curb nervousness and bring luck into life.
  • Victor (lat. - winner). A man bearing this name is distinguished by integrity, unbending will and determination. However, Victor is subject to harmful passions, conflict-prone and incapable of compromise. Smoky quartz helps to soften Viti’s iron temperament, takes her away from bad habits, and makes her attractive in the eyes of female representatives.
  • Peter (Greek - stone). Boundless will, a brilliant, sharp mind, hard work and a desire for self-improvement - these qualities distinguish men with this name. As a talisman, a ring or pendant with rauchtopaz is suitable for them, absorbing external negativity, eliminating the pride and jealousy inherent in Peters. The stone bestows wisdom, drives out bad thoughts and pacifies explosive tempers.

In addition to the zodiac sign and name, minerals are also chosen according to the person’s type of activity. Rauchtopaz is best suited for representatives of creative professions, as it develops the imagination and allows the muse to be close to the artist or poet more often.

Who is it suitable for depending on their profession?

There is an indicator of whether the mineral in question is suitable for wearing by certain people. So, in the case of a clear denial of rauchtopaz, if you experience unpleasant sensations while wearing it, you should not purchase jewelry and art products made from it.

The stone is perfect for people of the following professions and interests:

  1. Yogis to purify their consciousness.
  2. Sorcerers, magicians, lovers of everything unusual and mystical to lift the curtain to another world.
  3. With an increased tendency to take everything to heart.
  4. For entrepreneurs and businessmen, a pendant or decoration for cufflinks is an indicator of their impeccable taste and as a talisman against business failures.

People with creative professions (writers, musicians, artists) should sometimes hold a rauchtopaz stone in their hands to regularly “touch the muse.” And earrings with stones are perfect for women's professions: educators, teachers, housewives, nannies.

Use in jewelry (and stone processing)

Around the end of the 19th century, they learned to process and use rauchtopaz in the form of crafts and jewelry. The most common cut of rauchtopaz is step and diamond. For this purpose, light tones of smoky quartz are often used to later be framed in silver, turning it into jewelry, for example, a finger ring or a wrist bracelet. The stone is handled with extreme care, avoiding strong impacts and overheating. It is fragile enough to be handled harshly and will lose color when overheated.

Rauchtopaz is a valuable treatment

The East, Northern India and Tibet are famous for the use of rauchtopaz for medicinal purposes. Therapy is of great importance for severe pain and lies in the effect of the mineral on the sacral chakra.

It provides:

  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • removing toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • relieves increased excitability, nervousness, smoothes out emotional outbursts;
  • maintenance of the musculoskeletal system;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the male and female reproductive systems;
  • elimination of severe pain;
  • restoration of nervous activity.

Crystal helps in the treatment of alcohol dependence, drug addiction, and in the fight against smoking.

When treating serious diseases, you should not rely only on lithotherapy; it is considered an auxiliary remedy and without additional procedures will not help overcome the disease.

The healing properties of rauchtopaz need to be supported by traditional medicine


For care, it is enough to wipe the stone with a soft cloth when it becomes dirty, to prevent cracks and scratches from appearing on the edges.

However, this gem has a distinctively high strength, which makes it safe to care for even with the help of mechanical action: if it is heavily soiled, a product with this stone can be cleaned with a brush and a thick cloth.

You can wash the stone with water and a saturated soap solution, after which it should be rinsed with a sufficient amount of running water.

It is preferable to dry such a product in the sun: this way the stone will absorb more solar energy, which will give it greater richness and expressiveness.

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