Amphisbaena - a two-headed snake from ancient Greek myths

The snake is one of the most common animal symbols on the planet. It receives great attention in almost all ancient cultures. Moreover, this is a very ambiguous symbol: it can be both positive and negative.

Perhaps, people have not paid so much attention to any representative of the animal world. References to this ambiguous image can be seen in almost all types of art, many religions, occult sciences and sacred practices.

Let's look at what a ring in the shape of a snake means and why this decoration has not lost its relevance over the centuries.

History of jewelry

A ring with a golden snake has always been an extremely controversial piece of jewelry. However, the owners of such jewelry were never ordinary people: they usually belonged to rulers, generals, magicians, alchemists, and medicuses. And so it has been since time immemorial.

For example, among the ancient ancestors of modern Europeans, the Druids, snakes were revered so highly that the priests were called “snakes” - wise, omniscient, creative.

In Ancient Egypt, these reptiles marked a significant part of the pantheon. Let's start with the fact that the supreme deity Osiris was identified precisely with snakes, Aten and Amon were snakes completely, Isis - only half.

If you look at the images of the pharaohs, you can pay attention to the strange headdresses of the Egyptian rulers, crowned with snakes - uraei. The motifs of this reptile were also used in the jewelry of the pharaohs, including rings.

In light of the worship of snakes in Egypt, Cleopatra's love for snakes is understandable. And the version of the suicide of the last female pharaoh with the help of a king cobra bite looks very plausible. The great ruler, commander, poetess and pharmacist could not choose an ordinary death!

In Ancient Hellas, Zeus loved to transform into a snake, and in this image he irresistibly charmed earthly beauties. Legend has it that the serpent Zeus became the father of Alexander the Great.

Let's move to India. In the homeland of the royal king cobras and other representatives of this poisonous family, they were simply idolized. There, almost every deity was depicted surrounded by snakes, but especially often such a hissing retinue was present in the four-armed Shiva and the formidable Kali.

In the East, the cult of snakes was especially strongly developed, and often no distinction was made between snakes and dragons. So the title of the Japanese emperors, mi-kado, can be interpreted as both “son of the dragon” and “son of the snake.”

View the entire ring with a snake in the SUNLIGHT catalog (on the left is the Quetzalcoatl snake)

Snakes were revered and deified by African tribes, as well as the civilizations of pre-Columbian America. For example, Quetzalcoatl (“feathered serpent”) played a vital role in the Aztec civilization, and the name of the mother of all people, Cihua-Cohuatl, literally translated as “woman with a snake.”

Almost all ancient cultures had the image of the “world serpent”. The Hindus had the world snake Ananta or Shesha, the Egyptians had the already mentioned uraeus, as well as the ouroboros, devouring its own tail. Even outside of the snake theme, rings are usually associated with ouroboros, that is, a symbol of the eternity of existence.

It cannot be said that the snake is an unambiguously positive symbol. Even in those cultures that we have already mentioned, snakes were treated with respectful caution, and the heroes of the epics celebrated victories over all sorts of monstrous reptiles. The victories of the epic heroes over the Serpent Gorynych are clearly from the same opera.

And in most medieval Western cultures, snakes more often symbolized evil, hatred, meanness - in general, all the negative traits inherent in humans. Killing this reptile, even if it was non-poisonous, was considered valor.

This attitude towards snakes is clearly dictated by biblical sources. As you know, it was the tempting serpent who deprived Adam and Eve of eternal life, provoking them to commit a forbidden act. For Jews and Christians, the snake is clearly an enemy, hateful and merciless. He personifies not only human vices, but also Satan himself.

Modern Orthodox priests are very tolerant of the design of rings for church rites, but this loyalty does not extend to snake themes. So, if you are choosing rings for a church wedding, try to avoid such provocative hints.

Early Christianity showed clear traces of pagan beliefs. And Christ was often called the “Serpent of Good,” as opposed, obviously, to the “Snake of Evil.”

How to wear it correctly

Most often, people use a snake pendant as a strong protective amulet. You can also always carry it with you in your pocket or purse. There are certain features of using such a talisman:

  1. Since the coil has a two-digit value, it is recommended to wear it not all the time, but for a short time. While wearing it, you need to monitor your internal sensations.
  2. If you feel any discomfort, this talisman is not suitable for you. Otherwise, you can increase the period of wearing it.
  3. It is recommended to use a single-sided image. Such an amulet cannot be used together with Christian saints.
  4. It is impossible for strangers to see the amulet; it must be hidden under clothes.
  5. If the talisman has deteriorated or cracked, this is a sign that it has accumulated a large amount of negative energy. In this case, you need to bury him in a deserted place, after thanking him for your help. If you have lost your talisman, this means that it took upon itself a powerful energy blow that was directed at you. In this case, you need to take care of creating a new amulet.

The meaning of a snake ring

As mentioned above, the symbol of the snake is very ambiguous. In this regard, the meaning of the snake ring can be interpreted in different ways:

  • Eternity and infinity. We have already mentioned world snakes in various forms. They symbolize the eternity of all things, the basis of the universe, as well as divine self-sufficiency.
  • Revival. This reptile is capable of shedding its skin and being reborn, falling into sleepy lethargy and, as it were, rising from oblivion. It used to be believed that snakes hold the secret of immortality.
  • Unity and struggle of opposites. Feminine and masculine, rebirth and death, moon and sun, light and darkness, yin and yang - all this merged into a single animalistic symbol.
  • Rod and family. Snakes are revered as ancestral gods in many Native American, African and Eastern cultures. And in China it is believed that snakes living in the house are the spirits of ancestors who can bring good luck.
  • Wisdom and knowledge. A gold ring in the shape of a snake can symbolize wisdom, intuition and a thirst for knowledge. By the way, the same Christ told his disciples: “Be wise as serpents...”
  • Fertility. Fertility is always associated with the earth, and among our ancestors it was identified with various deities (mostly female). Many of them were accompanied by snakes.
  • Healing. If you see on your interlocutor a ring with a silver serpent entwined around a bowl or caduceus (staff), you will probably immediately determine that this is a doctor.

Two snakes entwined around a staff are a common symbol of homeopathic medicine. We all know that poison in microscopic doses can heal, and this is in tune with the fundamental principle of homeopathy: treat like with like.

Gold ring with diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

How to place a snake according to Feng Shui?

The main location of the snake is the northeast. A well-placed snake symbol in this part of the house will not only help in learning, but will also nurture the ability to cooperate and understand each other. Stone and crystal snakes are best suited for this situation.

In the northwest, the snake acquires such qualities as authority and severity. It will contribute to the development of intuition and confidence, help to successfully cope with the responsibilities of a leader and make far-sighted decisions. For this place, choose a snake made of stone or metal.

The snake, located in the east, will quickly lead you to change, help you catch ideas by the tail and make the desired changes in life. For a more harmonious effect, use bamboo or wooden snakes for these purposes.

What types of snake-themed rings are there?

The snake theme, so ancient, multi-valued and diverse, could not remain without the attention of jewelers. What kind of decorations do they invent for such a fertile theme! The undisputed leaders in this category are bracelets and rings, that is, jewelry that is most suitable in shape.

The imagination of designers is inexhaustible. Snake-themed rings come in a wide variety, both jewelry and costume jewelry. Among them are the following types of designs:

  • Classic closed rings in the shape of a snake. The snake wraps one or more turns around the finger and closes, forming a solid structure. Such rings often play on the theme of Ouroboros clutching his own tail. However, this is not all: a snake can form intricate rings, wrap around a precious stone, and so on.
  • Spring rings. Perhaps the most common and interesting variation on the theme under consideration: a ring-spring in the form of coils of a flexible snake body. In addition to the winning design, spring rings have one undeniable advantage: thanks to their open design, they fit well on fingers of a relatively wide size range.
  • Phalangeal rings. Nowadays, fashionable phalanx rings are very friendly to serpentine shapes: the springy design allows you to “fit” the jewelry onto the phalanx as tightly as possible. This minimizes the risk of losing the jewelry and expands the scope of its use: a snake ring that has become small can be moved to the phalanx.
  • Mono-rings. This decoration is quite provocative: the snake wraps itself around not one finger, but several. Single rings of this type are very demanding on the bow and are suitable, first of all, for young rebels who want to emphasize their own independence and originality.
  • Slaves. The classic version is a chain bracelet connected to a ring in the shape of a snake. But there are also more aggressive options: the snake wraps itself around the hand, and its head is fixed with a ring on the finger. This is a very pretentious decoration, definitely not for every day.
  • Rings with snake motifs. There is a wide range of jewelry where the theme we are considering is played out not directly, but indirectly. Most often, this is a snake scale motif, widely used by jewelers even in wedding rings.

Almost all top jewelry houses have jewelry collections that in one way or another echo the symbolism of the snake. For example, the Bvlgari brand, which presented the Serpenti collection back in the 40s of the last century, regularly adds new masterpieces to it.

Ouroboros in psychology

Psychological theory also did not ignore such a widespread sign. In an effort to find out why this idea arose equally in a variety of nations, Carl Gustav Jung developed the theory of archetypes. According to her, the image of Ouroboros in various myths throughout the earth is inextricably linked with dualism within man himself.

The creative and destructive principles struggle in every person. At the same time, the uroboric state in itself is not achievable at a conscious age. It implies the ideal balance and equilibrium that exists in infancy. Nevertheless, the desire to achieve such a state is the key to mental health.

In general, the sign of Ouroboros is so strongly associated with the human worldview that its importance for the development of all mankind cannot be overestimated. This is both a powerful protective sign and a whole psychological principle, and not just a mythical creature. And everyone can take advantage of its potential and power.

What does Ouroboros symbolize - a snake biting its own tail - all the secrets on

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed on from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defenses that work towards your excellence. Visit our website about choosing amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of a magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

What to wear with: tips from stylists

A women's ring in the form of a snake made of silver or gold is a fairly universal decoration: it can even be worn with an office look, especially if we are not talking about too massive jewelry without pronounced aggressive motifs. This will give the business image a slight piquancy, irresistible femininity and mystery.

More massive and bright rings are an ideal solution for almost any city look: walks, romantic dates, parties with friends and even social events. True, voluminous monorings and snake-shaped slaves should be worn more carefully and never combined with other rings.

But for men, it is better to choose rings made of white gold, silver, steel or titanium, and only with a slight touch of a snake theme, for example, the texture of the scales. True, if you are a creative and bright person who despises stereotypes and is not bound by an office dress code, you don’t have to deny yourself anything!


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