Quickly pass the exam with a good grade thanks to a conspiracy

Spells > For good luck in the exam

It is always interesting to gain new knowledge, gain experience and develop. However, if you study at a higher educational institution, you understand that this process is associated with a very unpleasant episode - a knowledge test.

This is the most terrible day when you have to show what you have learned. Moreover, the mark is extremely important if you study on a budget and plan to continue receiving a scholarship. An exam is a stressful event, which causes many to worry and fail, even if they know everything. But you will not allow anything like this if you follow our rituals. We invite you to familiarize yourself with 12 Spells for good luck before the exam, operating at a distance, which will allow you to pass it calmly and work instantly and immediately. Find out how to read them at home.

  • Spells for the record book Spell with a window
  • Salt spell
  • Conspiracy at Dawn
  • Simple spells for good luck in the exam
      Coin spell
  • Conspiracy on the threshold of the house
  • Conspiracy for a lucky ticket
  • Water spell
  • Plot on a note
  • Conspiracy to successfully pass the exam
  • Spells for good memory
      Waxing Moon Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy to fire
  • Button plot

Amulet prayer before leaving home

Prayer will protect you before a difficult exam, instill confidence in your abilities and protect you from nagging teachers. Before leaving the house, sit at the table, place your hand on it (elbow to hand) and read the amulet:

“I rise, servant (name), blessing myself, the door from the door, the gate from the gate, under the red sun, under the moon of the Lord, as the red sun dries and warms the morning dew, so the whole world would dry and warm about me, the Servant of God (name ). Like a magpie, no one kills with a gun. So no one would dare me, the servant of God (name), either with a look, or a word, or a thought, or a mind, or a suggestion, No one would dare, ever in my entire life. To all my villains, to all my villains Salt in the eyes, ashes on the tongue. Remember King David and all his meekness. King David, Kidnap all my villains and scoundrels, All enemies and adversaries And help me, King David, in my affairs of quick, successful and prosperous success For me, slaves (name), forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Spell on the doorstep of the office for a successful exam

Many magical rituals are performed on the threshold, since it is considered a special border. You probably know about folk superstitions: the cat is the first to be let through the threshold into a new home; after the wedding, the newly-made husband must carry his wife through the threshold; you cannot pass any things over the threshold. In this case, this spell must be pronounced through the threshold in order to pass the exam. At the threshold of the classroom or auditorium in which the educational test is taking place, say this:

“I touch the threshold with my left foot, I attract good luck to myself. The windows and doors in the mansion are official, but my will will come in it! Amen".

The main rule is that you need to touch the threshold with your left foot. It is believed that this simple ritual helps to quickly recall the material covered, relieves nervous tension, and also makes the teacher or teacher more comfortable with the person taking the exam.

A few important rules

Many schoolchildren and students have repeatedly used various magical rituals and conspiracies to successfully pass the exam. But if the conspiracy helped some to pass the exam, others did not notice any effect. That is why today there are a variety of reviews and comments about the power of magic.

But the point is not at all about magic, but about the incorrect implementation of shutters for exams.

The magical effect of words will only work if certain rules are followed, which must be followed:

  • you need to strongly believe in magic: true belief in a conspiracy to pass an exam will help increase its effectiveness many times over;
  • the chosen ritual should be carried out at the appropriate time: the evening before the exam is the most suitable time for any conspiracy;
  • It is necessary to read magic words in complete solitude: only in this case can a strong magical effect be achieved;
  • the spell should be pronounced by heart: words spoken from memory will allow you to better concentrate and impart the necessary meaning;
  • You should not tell anyone about the ritual: keeping it secret will help increase the power of magic and achieve the desired results.

By correctly performing spells for passing an exam, you will be able to successfully pass final tests at school, pass a test at a college or institute, cope with exam tests at a driving school, and so on.

Prayer for passing the traffic police exam

In order to give yourself confidence, strength and to ensure that your thoughts during the exam go in the right direction, you can use various prayers. After reading the prayer, the student receives protection from the Lord and a successful outcome of events is guaranteed to him. The most popular prayer before taking the traffic police exam is this:

“Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the thrice-holy voice in heaven from Angels, praised on earth by man in His saints: having given grace to everyone by Thy Holy Spirit according to the bestowal of Christ, and by that ordaining Thy holy Church to be the Apostles, the Prophets, the evangelists, shepherds and teachers, preaching in their own words. You yourself, who act all in all, have accomplished many holiness in every generation and generation, having pleased you with various virtues, and leaving us with an image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in it the temptations themselves were, and help us who are attacked. Remembering all these saints and praising their godly lives, I praise You Himself, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, the gift of being, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant to me a sinner to follow their teaching, moreover, by Your all-effective grace, heavenly ones with them be worthy of glory, praising Your most holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen".

This prayer is read in the morning before the traffic police exam. After reading it, there should be a successful outcome of events. Luck will not leave such a person until the very end of the day. After passing the traffic police exam, you should be grateful for the luck bestowed by the higher powers. To do this, you need to go to church for the evening service and sincerely thank everyone who helped in this difficult matter today.

The most popular and effective

  • The best answers are in the top ten. Typically, teachers believe that the best students answer first. Don't give them bad grades;
  • Even if you know all the material perfectly, do not be lazy and prepare test sheets for yourself. Writing down text activates visual memory and makes it easier to memorize material. And repetition is the mother of learning;
  • wear the same set of clothes for all exams and tests during the session. It can be washed, ironed and refreshed with the help of various accessories;
  • the day before the exam you cannot wash your hair, cut your nails, hair or shave;
  • At night, place a notebook or textbook under your pillow. It is believed that knowledge will come in a dream;
  • during a food break, you should not close the textbook or notes you are studying from;
  • you must put a five pound coin under the heel of your shoe;
  • you can tie a ribbon or lace on your hand (bind your knowledge);
  • Usually on the day of the exam you have to curse and scold everyone.

Before the exam, it is advisable to say “no” to the exam topic. Or the day before the exam. The day before the exam, give yourself a rest, do not study or worry about anything. As they say, you can't breathe before you die.

Spells for passing an exam well using a coin

Conspiracies for a nickel are especially popular. Both students could do them independently, or they could resort to the help of their mother, who read such a conspiracy to bring good luck to their son or daughter.

6.1 Mother's conspiracy for a nickel

The nickel must be clean and beautiful. It can even be cleaned for this purpose. In order to carry out the conspiracy, the child should not be in the room in which the mother will read it. Having locked the doors, she should hold the coin in her hands and say:

“You, nickel, be a son and get a “five.” Help me during the exam, save me from bad questions. Carry past troubles, bring good luck to your son.”

After these actions of the mother, her child must kiss the coin to begin the spell and place it in the right shoe. In the text of the spell, you can replace the expected score with any other one at the request of the person taking the exam.

6.2 Student conspiracy for a nickel

There is another conspiracy using a coin. It can be completed by the student himself or by the student taking the exam. He needs to take any coin, preferably a nickel. But you can also use any other yellow coin and put it in your pocket. Walk with her like this for two days. During this time, it will be charged with human energy. Then, the night before the exam, go to any nearby intersection and stand in the middle of the road. Place a coin on the ground in front of you so that it is very clearly visible. After spitting over your left shoulder 3 times, read the spell:

“I'm standing on the way, a successful outcome is not in the distance. The coin brings good luck, As soon as the owner takes it. If it’s against this, take it away, take away your luck.”

After this, you need to turn in the opposite direction and stand for a few seconds. Next, turn around and take the coin back, picking it up with your left hand. You should always keep such a coin.

Ritual with a paper sheet

So that on an important and responsible day you can control your emotions and not forget what will help you answer the questions posed by the examiners, you can use this particular spell.

To implement this magical act you will need:

  • ballpoint pen with blue ink;
  • blank album sheet.

To attract good luck before the exam, you need to write the following prayer phrases on a blank piece of paper with a pen:

“Just as it is true that there is not a single cloud in the sky in the morning, it is also true that my mind is pure. Just as it is true that my parents take pity on me, let the teacher take pity on me and give me a good mark and not be strict with me!”

We fold the piece of paper with magic words several times and put it in the inner left pocket (in the absence of a pocket, we hold the package with charm speeches in our left hand when entering the examiner’s office).

Spell for passing the exam on a note

This spell for passing an exam is very popular among students, since all that is required to correctly carry out the ritual is paper and a pen. The paper must be unlined. In the morning before the test, you need to write the magic words on this sheet:

“The sky is bright and clear, and the thoughts in my head are clear and bright. My family and friends love and cherish me, which means that the teachers today will also feel sorry for me. Amen!"

After this, the paper is picked up and the text is read aloud three times. But the ritual does not end there - after reading, you need to carefully fold the piece of paper with the magic words into a small square, and then hide it in the inner pocket of the clothes chosen for going to the examination test.

Case title

Victoria turned to a psychic collaborating with our portal with a request for help (hereinafter all names have been changed). The reason for the appeal turned out to be very uncharacteristic - “there is no end to men.” It would seem that this is exactly what the fair sex dreams of, doesn’t it? However, in the case of Victoria, things took an extremely sad turn.

Vika has always had problems with her personal life. This had never bothered her before - Victoria was an exemplary student and careerist, and had been focused on her studies since school. At the university, Vika was one of the best students; after graduation, she was invited to work in a good company, where the girl immediately plunged headlong into learning new job responsibilities and building a career. Of course, this left very little time for personal life.

But time did not stand still. The thirty-year mark was just around the corner, all her girlfriends were getting married and were all on maternity leave, and Vika also began to think that something was missing in her life. Tired of returning to an empty, cold apartment, where no one is waiting except for the fish in the aquarium.

The last straw was the wedding of Masha’s best friend, who got married after just three months of dating and left with her beloved to another city. The traditional Sunday get-togethers of Vika and Masha have come to an end.

Vika felt terribly lonely and decided to improve her personal life. She did not consider herself ugly or a gray mouse, but she did not enjoy success with the opposite sex. One evening, while wandering aimlessly on the Internet, Vika came across a website with descriptions of various magical rituals. Many of them promised to miraculously solve problems in their personal lives.

There were many love spells and conspiracies for finding a betrothed, but Vika was not in love with a specific man, and she did not believe in the destined betrothed-mummer.

But then her gaze fell on a conspiracy that promised to attract the attention of the opposite sex to the girl, to make her generally more attractive, seductive, and sexy in the eyes of the men around her. “Then I thought that this was what we needed,” Vika recalls. “I thought that with this conspiracy I would force men to pay attention to me, and there would certainly be someone with whom I could build a relationship.” Vika chose a plot using soap. The instructions said that you just need to wash yourself with this soap and say simple words of the spell, and nothing more.

Victoria bought a new bar of expensive cosmetic soap, read a spell on it at night by candlelight, and then began to regularly use this soap every day, imagining what a stunning effect she would have on men. This went on for several weeks.

However, the consequences were not at all what Victoria had expected. At first, all she managed to achieve were vulgar compliments from drunk relatives at family holidays. These compliments were frankly obscene and uncomfortable, so Vika wanted to sink into the ground in shame. She tried to dress as modestly as possible and wore almost no makeup, but the greasy comments did not stop. As a result, Victoria gradually stopped appearing at family holidays.

Vika was already accustomed to the fact that when she returned home from work, she was constantly accompanied by shouts from groups of tipsy guys who offered “the beauty to have some fun.” She was already beginning to suspect that this was how a conspiracy worked, but she endured and hoped that this would still help her attract the right man and find family happiness.

The climax was the moment when the ritual she performed began to influence her work. Victoria represented her company in negotiations with important partners, but at the meeting, instead of a tempting offer of cooperation, she received an obscene offer to forget about work and have fun in a nearby hotel room. The partners' representative, a fat bald man in his fifties, hinted in a greasy voice that if they both liked the rendezvous at the hotel, then their companies would certainly sign a lucrative contract.

Vika was truly horrified by such a proposal and could barely restrain herself from running away immediately. She supposedly went to the restroom to pull herself together, and then barely made it to the end of the meeting. Her salvation was that another girl was present at the meeting - an assistant to the partners’ representative.

That evening, sitting at home, Vika could not imagine how tomorrow she would tell her boss (who, by the way, was also a man) about why she was unable to conclude such an important agreement for their company. Desperate, Vika took her laptop and began to look for the consequences of such conspiracies to attract the attention of men.

Literally in the very first article, she saw something that she had not noticed before—disclaimers about the consequences. On forums, women shared stories of how these conspiracies attracted the attention of all sorts of unpleasant personalities, and because of this, one girl even became a victim of brutal rape.

Vika got scared and immediately contacted the psychic of our portal. After a thorough diagnosis, the psychic said that the ritual to attract the attention of men was carried out incorrectly. As a result, Vika “sent the wrong signals” to the men around her and attracted unwanted attention to herself. Moreover, diagnostics carried out by a psychic showed that all this could potentially end very badly and dangerously for Vika herself.

As a result, the psychic performed the necessary rituals to neutralize the consequences of this conspiracy and advised Vika to plead illness and stay at home for a couple of days so as not to take risks until the effect of the conspiracy was completely neutralized. That’s exactly what Vika did.

Today, the terrible consequences of that conspiracy are a thing of the past, and Vika remembers them like a bad dream. The misunderstanding with negotiations with another company was successfully resolved, and the contract was signed. Victoria ordered from the same psychic the correct and safe ritual to find her betrothed and less than six months later she met a wonderful young man named Dmitry. The young people have been dating for 8 months, recently moved in together and are now planning a wedding.

“I don’t know what I was thinking when I decided that I could dabble with magic myself,” recalls Victoria. “But now I know that such things are better left to professionals.” If any problem suddenly arises in my life that requires the help of magic, I will immediately turn to a psychic so as not to risk it.”

Spell for passing the salt exam

Salt is considered a magical substance - it is not without reason that magicians, sorcerers, witches and healers have used it in their practice for many centuries. After waiting until midnight on the eve of an important educational event, you need to take your record book, and then simply sprinkle salt on it, saying:

“Salt gets on the book, and a good mark will go there!”

The text is read as many times as you want to get points for the upcoming test. Traditionally, you need to read five times to get an A, but if you are grading on a different scale, use that one.

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