The meaning of pyramids of stone - huge buildings and pocket talismans

Pyramids made of shungite and jade

Everyone knows that pyramids are very ancient structures. The creators of the pyramids are the Atlanteans. They knew and were able to do a lot, they had a well-developed “third eye” - an organ of tuning to the frequencies of psychic energy. With the help of their psychic energy, they were able to influence the wave nature of the stone, counteracting gravity, which made it possible to lift to a height and move huge weights. The pyramids were used to charge aircraft. According to ancient sutras, the age of the pyramids is about 75,000 years. Tibetan sources claim that the pyramids were giant astronomical observatories, with the help of which the Atlanteans connected to the universal energy-information space - space. Pyramids were built in Egypt, Peru, Mexico, and Tibet. Initially, giant crystals were installed on the pyramids, which served to receive information and cosmic energy. The pyramid
is a device for accelerating the evolution of consciousness.
Being near or on the pyramid, a person feels its positive impact. But the impact on a person inside the pyramid is dangerous, since the energy level inside the pyramid is too high for a person. Interest in the beneficial properties of pyramids led to the beginning of the production of small pyramids for home use. Including minerals and gems. All pyramids made in compliance with the principle of the “golden ratio” have protective and healing properties
(except for pyramids made of coil). Depending on the size and type of stone, the radius of action of the pyramids varies from 0.5 to 3 m. Household pyramids made of stone generally charge with energy, reduce fatigue, increase efficiency, and harmonize the chakras. The weakest impact is from pyramids made of coils, marble and soapchlorite. The positive effect of the pyramid decreases sharply with the violation of the “golden ratio”.

Shungite pyramid


pyramid has the greatest protective effect . It extinguishes harmful radiation emanating from objects that have come into contact with sick people, or negative energy in general; shungite pyramids neutralize geopathogenic zones. The pyramid has a healing effect on the body (nervous tension is relieved, headaches and insomnia are eliminated, energy and general tone are increased). The radius of action of a shungite pyramid (3.5x3.5 cm to 13x13 cm) ranges from 1.2 to 15 m. If you place such a pyramid between you and a radiation source (computer, TV, fax, microwave, etc.), then the geopathogenic zone dissolves.

How to use

  • the pyramid should be where you are every day for at least an hour
  • place the pyramid near the bed, on the desk, at the workplace, etc.
  • place a pyramid between you and the radiation source

What can't be done
You cannot place the pyramid on your head or point its top at sore spots. The shungite pyramid conducts Yin energy
a jade pyramid
in conjunction with shungite .
Jade conducts yang energy.
They need to be placed this way: on the left is shungite, on the right is jade. Daily, 15 - 30 min. If the session is increased to 1 hour, overexcitation of the nervous system may occur.

Carnelian pyramid

The carnelian pyramid (pyramid of the Sun) is one of the stimulating stones for the lower chakras
. Affects the solar plexus area, stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen, and genitals. Carnelian creates a field around the body that protects from negative energy. The effect of the stone is enhanced by its pyramidal shape. Yogis use carnelian to enhance energy and increase the size of the field by 2-3 times.

How to use

Sit without crossing your legs, relax, back straight.
Open your palms and place them one on top of the other. Place the pyramid on the top one. Close your eyes and concentrate on the sensations, soon you will feel pulsation, warmth in your palms. There may be slight dizziness. Then, muscle and nervous relaxation occurs. Meditate in this way for 5-10 minutes. daily. If you regularly work with the pyramid, the yin-yang in the body is aligned, Manipura is stimulated, the body is recharged, and the field is strengthened. Question: Can any pyramid be placed between you and an electrical appliance, or only a shungite one?

Only shungite.
In principle, all pyramids, except shungite
, are used in the same way.
This is described in the "how to use" or "how to use" sections for each type of stone. Shungite pyramid
or dipyramid –
protection from the harmful effects of natural and man-made radiation
. The pyramid creates a torsion field around itself, which reflects harmful radiation. It is good to keep it in houses located in geopathogenic zones, in an apartment with a lot of electrical appliances. Since shungite reflects harmful radiation, it thus has a healing effect on the body. Improves tone, eliminates headaches, reduces nervous excitement. The difference between the shungite pyramid is that it cannot be placed on the head and its top should not be directed to the sore spots.

Question: Tell us about synthetic stones, is their structure similar to natural stones?

Artificially grown crystals have the same atomic structure and the same properties as natural crystals. But they have no personality! Natural crystals contain random impurities or foreign inclusions, cracks, you can determine how the crystal grew and get other information that makes your crystal one and only! If you bought your crystal, you felt it, came into contact, learned its name, then all its cracks, darkening, inclusions symbolize your imperfection, and as your spirituality grows, your personal crystal is healed! That is, it becomes cleaner and more transparent! This is a living creature that comes into contact with us! One of my friends was “walking” her crystals. She took them out into the forest and placed them on a tree stump in the sun. One day I heard them say to her: well, stop walking, let’s go home! When you often pick up natural crystals in your hands, you will not be interested in synthesized crystals. They have a different energy, more mechanical... A natural crystal often contains information, but a synthesized one does not... Actually, one can give many examples of the differences between natural and synthesized crystals, but the main thing about them is one thing: the former are living beings, and the latter are simply automata.

Question: What is the use of an artificial crystal pyramid?

Any pyramid made of any material, if the principle of the “golden ratio” is followed, has some use. At least make it out of paper! If an artificial crystal pyramid is made correctly, then it also has an effect. If the principle of section is not followed, then the benefit from such a pyramid is minimal, if any,

Rock crystal pyramid

Crystal Pyramid

White Quartz Pyramid

Its main purpose is to stimulate Sahasrara
Thanks to this, depression and psychoneurotic conditions are eliminated, and a surge of strength is felt. Personally, I use two rock crystal pyramids. Big and small. During meditation, I place a large pyramid under my feet and a small one under my head. Well, then as described - relaxation, concentration on sensations, on the movement of energies in the body. This is a VERY powerful technique. Please, be careful! Another great way to simplify entering the energy information channel in meditation is to place a quartz pyramid under the chair on which you are sitting.

Naukan - the ancient capital of the Eskimos

The ruins of the largest Eximos settlement, liquidated during the “consolidation of villages” in 1958


Cape Dezhnev, Chukotka Peninsula

The discovery of the Okvik, Birnirk and other Paleo-Asian cultures that succeeded each other in this place for three millennia belongs to the permafrost, which pushes any foreign body to the surface. All that today reminds us of the capital of the last of these cultures, the Eskimos, are whale ribs protruding from the coastal grass, as well as numerous bone artifacts of unknown age and purpose, which are not difficult to find among what remains of barracks built in the 1930s. It’s hard to call the capital of the Eskimos dead. Firstly, unlike the warlike Eskimo islanders from Ratmanov Island, who perished on mainland collective farms in one generation, the sea hunters of Naukan retain their identity even in exile. Secondly, whales still enter coastal waters every summer. Experts in Eskimo folklore will confirm: whales are looking for their earthly science lovers who have left these places.

How to get there:

from Anadyr to the village of Lavrentiya by regular air flight, then to the village of Uelen (flight depends on the weather). Alternatively, you can board a whaleboat, which sails the Bering Strait from June to August.

Rose quartz pyramid

The best stone for Anahata
It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, relieves emotional stress and attunes the heart to kindness and love. Regulates the work of the myocardium and pericardium, and also stimulates the work of the thymus gland. Affects human biological rhythms. Use in the same way as a pyramid made of rhodonite. Pyramids made of bright green malachite or bluish-green amazonite
have a beneficial effect on people with cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders and any overexcitation.
At the same time, pyramids made of green jade and aventurine do not have a calming effect. Pink
pyramids made of rose quartz and rhodonite have a beneficial effect on normalizing cardiac activity Pyramids made of
yellow-orange carnelian
affect the second and third chakras, gently stimulating digestive and sexual functions.
Jade pyramids
of light green and white colors calm the nervous system and tone the entire body as a whole.

Stones are houses or shelters for living beings

Not everyone knows how the freshwater ecosystem works, so remember: rocks in streams are really important to many species of life, especially young insects and amphibians. Between and below them are habitats for many species of life that originate or live in water.

“You could accidentally remove the top of a crayfish's nest or damage the cradle for future generations of salmon. Removing rocks from a stream is essentially the equivalent of removing bricks from someone else's house,” Bonner writes.

Obsidian pyramid

Obsidian is considered one of the most powerful cleansing stones. It is associated with the first chakra - Muladhara. The energy of Muladhara is associated with the element of earth. Like a magnet, obsidian conducts the energy of this chakra into the human physical body. Obsidian cleanses well all “low vibrations” and helps dissolve energy blockages in the body. The normal functioning of this chakra ensures a rise in energy to the upper chakras. This effect harmonizes the functioning of the entire body and helps a person begin to feel more confident.

How to use

Place the palm of your right hand at the level of the solar plexus. Place your left palm on top of it, and place a pyramid on top. Relax and sit for 5 – 10 minutes.

Tsoi-pede - Chechen City of the Dead

A medieval Chechen fortress-necropolis, which can only be visited with permission from the FSB


Itum-Kalinsky district of the Republic of Chechnya

The cape at the confluence of the Argun and the mountain river Meshi-Khi is surrounded on three sides by icy water and connected to the rocky ridge only by a narrow isthmus. In fact, Tsoi-pede is an impregnable cemetery. The earliest of the 42 crypts date back to the 14th century, and according to a popular but unproven version, it was founded during a devastating epidemic, and the sick came here to die themselves - there was no time and no one to bury the dead. However, this romantic hypothesis is easily refuted by the fact that the neighboring village, located somewhat to the south of the burials, too often fought with its neighbors and could not do without a capacious necropolis for the burial of dead soldiers. They say that the ancient weapons that rested in the crypts of Tsoi-pede, like other valuables, disappeared from here immediately after the deportation of the Chechens in 1944. Today, those who come to Tsoi-pede are greeted by two pagan pillar altars, protective swastikas, crosses and solar spirals on the walls, and the image of a human figure can still be discerned on the watchtower. It is believed that this is the Christian Saint George - baptized Georgia is nearby, and the proximity of this border actually explains the need to obtain FSB permission to visit the City of the Dead.

How to get there:

from Grozny to the regional center Itum-Kali - by minibus, then by hitchhiking and on foot. FSB permission is required to enter the border zone.

Amber pyramid

Amber helps improve metabolism in the body and slows down the aging process of cells. Used to treat the thyroid gland. Amber has yin energy; it does not emit, but absorbs negative energy. The pyramidal shape enhances the effect of amber. It stimulates Manipura, Anahata and Vishuddha.

How to use

Sit down, relax, don't cross your legs.
Place an amber pyramid on the palm of your right hand and place it at the level of the solar plexus. Slowly, with a deep sigh, raise your palm with the pyramid up to your throat, and with an exhalation, lower your palm to the starting level. Repeat this several times for 3 to 5 minutes. Question: Please tell us about the golden ratio, on the basis of which pyramids are made. I would like to make myself a pyramid, but I don’t know the correct parameters. Tell me how to make a pyramid correctly. Thank you.

Golden ratio: perimeter of the base divided by 3.14 = 2h

Question: Tell me, is it possible to make a pyramid out of paper or cardboard or matches? Can you just visualize it?

The pyramid can be made from any material. You can also visualize it. How to make a pyramid: Because the faces of the pyramid contain regular triangles - all angles are 60 degrees, draw a circle on cardboard with a radius of 15 cm (or 30, or 45). And from the center we draw four sectors of 60 degrees. Then we connect the points on the circle with straight lines - the lower part of the triangle. And the top of the pyramid is ready! Don’t forget to make a strip on the border of one of the outer edges for gluing the pattern into a pyramid. Bottom of the pyramid: from any triangle we draw a square, one of the sides of which is the lower part of the triangle (the one on the circle). And also don’t forget to leave stripes for gluing the bottom to the sides of the pyramid. Now we need to cut out this entire structure, bend it along the lines and glue it together.

Uchar Waterfall - the youngest waterfall in the world

160-meter waterfall, which was discovered only 35 years ago


Ulagansky district of the Altai Republic

The youngest waterfall known to science, Uchar on the Chulcha River, was unknown to official science until the 1970s. However, science did not live in the dark for very long, since, as is commonly believed, the waterfall was formed as a result of a powerful earthquake only about 200 years ago. The water has not yet had time to crush the fragments of rocks that form its cascades, and the black stones measure in height with the neighboring pines. All this is overwhelming in its scale and makes the difference between a person and an ant practically insignificant. The path to Uchar passes over a cliff and crosses numerous mountain streams, which are not recommended to cross without insurance. An important practical note: when moving away from populated areas and roadways, a tourist who finds himself in this part of Altai should not forget about the Emurans. It is precisely the malice and deceit of these animals that the local population usually explains to newcomers the sudden disappearance of their provisions, as well as tires, cigarettes, cash, etc. Something between a gopher and a jerboa, the emur (which Dahl’s dictionary characterizes as an “earth bunny”) is really not is afraid of humans and is able to come very close. However, the Emuran woman still does not eat money or cigarettes.

How to get there:

by car from Biysk to the village of Artybash (the route ends a few kilometers before the final destination), then by boat along Lake Teletskoye. You can also get there from Gornoaltaisk: first, hitch a ride to the head estate of the Altai Nature Reserve in the village of Yailyu, then on foot (a guide is required). Permission to visit the Altai Nature Reserve is required.

Porzhensky Pogost - a wooden castle on the site of a pagan temple

A well-preserved wooden pre-Petrine monastery, which is possibly the center of the Universe


Kargopol district of Arkhangelsk region

The forest is guarded by an abandoned pre-Petrine monastery with well-preserved 18th-century paintings more reliably than the Ministry of Culture: the roads from the nearest villages are impassable and not known to every local. An empty church, surrounded by a chopped fence with numerous towers, peeks out from behind gloomy gray logs, and around there are only Karelian boulders and lakes. Like most ancient Christian buildings, the monastery, built in the 80s of the 18th century, most likely took the place of a pagan temple - its main chapel, as well as three surrounding churches of the same time, lie on a geometrically ideal straight line, stretched by who knows who and when from the south to north. On some forums, without any irony, the idea is discussed that it is in one of the towers of the Porzhensky churchyard that the so-called Aleph from the story of the same name by Borges is located, which Borges describes as the keyhole of the world - the place where all the points of the universe converge.

How to get there:

by train Moscow-Arkhangelsk (departs from Yaroslavsky station) to Nyandoma station, then by bus to Kargopol, from Kargopol by bus to the village of Maselga, the last 15 km on foot

Ritual to fulfill a cherished desire

I offer those who have acquired a pyramid the following ritual to fulfill their cherished desires. This ritual is suitable for fulfilling any desires. It can be used both for yourself and for another person. The ritual begins 4 days before the Full Moon (11th Lunar day), and ends 4 days after the Full Moon (19th Lunar day). In total, the effect lasts 9 days. Place a photo of yourself or someone you want to help under the pyramid, face up. A piece of paper with a wish is placed on top of the photo. For example: “Lord, help me find a job with a higher salary.” The pyramid should be on the windowsill. It must be precisely oriented to the cardinal points. Every morning, without touching it, hold your palms over the two opposite sides of the pyramid with your fingers pointing north, and repeat what is written on the piece of paper three times. On the 9th day, pull out a leaf from under the pyramid and burn it. Throw the ashes into the wind. That's it, the ritual is over. It can be repeated by the next Full Moon if the fulfillment of the desire is delayed.

Lake Sindori is part of the prehistoric sea, controlled by the Federal Penitentiary Service

The only natural monument in Russia, access to which is controlled by the penitentiary service


Knyazhpogostsky district of the Komi Republic

A taiga lake of unprecedented beauty, left over from a prehistoric sea, its area is comparable to the island of Valaam. It was on its banks that at the beginning of the 20th century many sites of primitive man were discovered, and some time later the M-222 correctional labor institution was built here, which ceased to exist quite recently. First of all, M-222 is known as the place of detention of most of the doctors convicted in the famous case, and also because Sergei Dovlatov served as a warden here. Here, nearby, according to numerous folklore sources, Yirkapa, the cultural hero of Komi, died. Having lost his magical power, after he did not spare the daughter of a sorceress during a hunt, who turned into a deer (according to another version - a magpie), Yirkap simply drowned in Sindor. Finally, Lake Sindorskoye is the habitat of Nikolai Prokushev. This is exactly how the neat 50-year-old bearded man presents himself - a forest hermit, a lone hunter and an original thinker.

How to get there:

from the Yaroslavsky station by train Moscow-Vorkuta to the Sindor station, then by passing trolley along the Sindor narrow-gauge railway to the camp site of the institution M-222. The so-called camp site consists of several houses on the territory of a former camp, adapted for overnight stays for fishermen on the banks of the Ugyum River, two to three kilometers from the lake. Attention: all the personnel of the once built for the needs of Ust-Vymsklag and the still operating Sindori narrow-gauge railway (including diesel locomotive drivers) are prisoners, and the road is still under the jurisdiction of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Feng Shui pyramid as it is

Crystal Pyramid

The talisman is made of wood, crystal, less often paper and cardboard. But the most popular materials are glass and stone. When making a talisman, it is necessary to use the “golden ratio rule”: one face must be oriented towards the North Star. It is believed that this form absorbs the wisdom of humanity accumulated from time immemorial. The accumulated energy is perfectly transferred to household members. The latter can be cured of various diseases.

It is believed that the talisman can do more than just that. If you write your wish on a piece of paper and put it under the pyramid, it will definitely come true. You can even charge minerals in hollow pyramids; the talisman transfers its properties to the crystal.

Among other things, the pyramid is one of the best shielding means. The negative energy of the room is literally “pumped out” by the talisman. It is replaced by positive Qi. This is especially effective if you place it on a windowsill so that it can be illuminated by sunlight.

The crystal pyramid is also an excellent assistant for meditative practices. Since ancient times, crystal has been considered the material of magicians, sorcerers and wizards. He can cause visions. In certain lighting, it is easy to succumb to its charm and become imbued with its hypnotic essence. Ideally helps those who like to just sit in silence or in deep practices of various meditations, admire the beauty of the facets.

The pyramid can also help protect against the influence of unfriendly people or energy vampires.

Averkin Yama - a cave hiding Pugachev's treasure

An unexplored cave, equipped for housing by unknown persons


Satkinsky district of Chelyabinsk region

The entrance to the cave is an almost vertical 20-meter drop in a forested rock above the left bank of the Ai River and is practically invisible from the outside. Inside there are two grottoes with an area of ​​10 and 20 square meters. m, an underground lake with potable water and above-zero temperatures at any time of the year. The total length of the examined underground passages is about 100 m. Back in the 1920s, the inhabitants of the cave were known to local residents under the collective name Averkia. Rumor portrayed the caveman either as an escaped convict, a Tatar with his nostrils torn out, or as a holy elder, or as a Kerzhak Old Believer, invariably attributing to him superhuman lust and countless connections with the inhabitants of a nunnery. Also, according to popular belief, it was here that the gold looted by Emelyan Pugachev was once hidden. To eradicate all superstitions, in 1924 the local women's council sent a Komsomol expedition to the cave. During the investigation, a wooden door, a wooden machine of unknown purpose, a bed and many bones, including human ones, were discovered. It should be noted that subsequent expeditions invariably found gutters hollowed out of wood in the Averka Pit - the remains of an ancient pipeline, the purpose of which is still unknown.

How to get there:

from Chelyabinsk to the regional center of Satka by bus No. 517, from Satka by bus (route without number) to the village of Ailino, then on foot.

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