Stones for Taurus: talismans for men and women of this sign

Talisman stones for Taurus

Unsuitable stones for Taurus

Talismans of star Taurus

How to choose and wear a talisman stone

People born in April – May on the dates from 21.04 to 21.05 belong to the zodiac sign Taurus and the element of Earth. The ruling planets are Venus and the Moon. These people are characterized by such traits as perseverance, practicality, leisurelyness, constancy and patience. At the same time, the sign is sometimes prone to self-doubt, laziness and melancholy.

Properly selected minerals help representatives of this sign develop their best features and smooth out negative manifestations. From this article you will learn which stones are suitable for Taurus according to the horoscope.

Characteristics of Taurus

Talisman for the powerful Earth sign - Taurus.
Taurus are bright and energetic representatives of the Earth element. They have a large supply of internal strength, a noble disposition, determination and patience, and do not like changes in life.

Taurus tend to make decisions thoughtfully and carefully. Representatives of the sign must be interested in the matter and understand its importance, otherwise they will not do anything. In order to achieve their goals, they are ready to sacrifice a lot, but achieve the desired result.

People around them value sincerity, sociability and friendliness in Taurus. But at the same time, they can repel loved ones with their straightforwardness and harshness.

Representatives of the earthly element remember their offenders for a long time and will definitely remind you of this at any opportunity. In family matters, people of this sign are kind, caring and economical.

Taurus is characterized by independence from others and wisdom. They are used to relying only on themselves. The slightest bad experience can unsettle them for a long time.

For a harmonious combination of positive and negative aspects of character, representatives of this zodiac sign are recommended to have talismans. Charms will allow Taurus to acquire what they lack.

Characteristics of representatives of the zodiac sign – Taurus

Element of the signEarth
ColorGreen, pink, blue. The listed colors enhance the magical properties of amulets and impart their protection and protection.
Lucky numbers6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51
Patron planetsVenus
Lucky days of the weekMonday and Friday
Bad days of the weekTuesday
Suitable metalsCupronickel, gold, tin, bronze

Taurus people are quite loving. They need mental and physical warmth, for which they are willing to pay with care and attention. Representatives of the zodiac sign love architecture, attractive things, and painting. They are able to get everything they dream of, but often their laziness prevents them from achieving the desired heights.

Taurus are able to earn good money and know how to spend money. Such people do not suffer from hoarding . Soft and compliant personalities are able to enjoy every day they live, the surprise they receive, the smile of a passerby. Cheerfulness and gentleness often become the reason why Taurus follows the lead of a representative of a stronger zodiac sign. That is why it is important to choose the right amulet that will protect people from rash actions and evil thoughts.

Taurus are excellent leaders who constantly try to reach the highest peaks. Their thoroughness, calmness, peacefulness and reliability are considered significant advantages. Stinginess and selfishness are considered negative qualities.

According to the characteristics of this sign, one can note Taurus’ boundless kindness and gentleness. However, this does not prevent him from persistently imposing his opinion on others. Such people do not want to lie. Only in rare cases, in order not to cause mental pain to another person, can Taurus hide the truth. In family life, these individuals love constancy. The following professions are suitable for people born under this constellation:

  • cooks;
  • fashion designer;
  • designer;
  • psychologist;
  • agronomist;
  • artist.

Among the main character traits of Taurus, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Dryness of disposition;
  2. Coldness in expressing feelings;
  3. Excessive severity towards others;
  4. Practicality reaching the point of paradox;
  5. Reliability in relation to friends and significant other.

Representatives of this zodiac sign set realistic goals that they can achieve with a little effort. Having achieved some desires, these people immediately move on to conquering other peaks.

Such strong personalities will not go with the flow for a long time. Tenacity, perseverance and determination allow them to achieve any heights.

Animal mascots for Taurus

The amulet of this constellation can be a figurine, pendant or painting of an animal. It is recommended to always carry it with you.


This animal has long been considered a symbol of calm and prudence. An amulet with his image will help you gain authority in society.

An elephant figurine will teach you to make the right decisions and protect you from ill-wishers. In moments of excessive emotionality, the amulet should be squeezed in your hand, which will lead to mental balance.

Elephant figurine for peace of mind.


An amulet in the shape of a bull is a symbol of success and wealth. It will give its owner inspiration. For the patron to work effectively, it is recommended to use gold products.


As for pets, astrologers advise having cats (preferably with long hair). The color does not matter; here the representatives of the constellation can trust their intuition. The presence of an animal in the house will bring prosperity, luck, and joy.


An amulet with the image of a cow symbolizes harmony in the family. In case of disagreements, it helps to improve relationships and find a compromise.


The amulet will be a good helper in your studies, protect you from the evil eye, get rid of bad thoughts and fill you with spiritual energy. The owl is a symbol of wisdom.

Owl as a symbol of wisdom.


A talisman with the image of a dove has a positive effect on mood and acts as an excellent protector against laziness and passivity.


This animal symbolizes endurance and hard work, and can protect against overwork. Well suited for representatives of the constellation Taurus who have a lot of physical activity.

If you keep a horse figurine on your desk, it will bring career growth and allow you to receive a reward.

To maintain good fortune and luck, it is recommended to wear a pendant with a gold image.

The horse is a symbol of hard work.

Which amulets and charms are best avoided - advice from astrologers

Not every amulet can bring happiness and good luck, or protect against adversity. It is best for Taurus to avoid minerals that are unfavorable for them, such as:

  • amber;
  • pyrite;
  • obsidian;
  • yellow topaz;
  • jade;
  • ruby;
  • rock crystal.

Any amulets associated with the element of fire are strictly contraindicated for Taurus.

You should not wear jewelry that looks like “tongues” of flame. Amber and ruby ​​are considered fire stones, which is why they are contraindicated for Taurus. Wearing the wrong talismans can depress the energy of Taurus, which will lead to despondency and will attract various minor troubles.

Plant amulets for Taurus

Talismans of plant origin have a positive effect on the emotional state of Taurus. They give their owners excellent health, and cleanse the house of accumulated negative energy.

Trees and shrubs

Plants sharpen intuition and help overcome sluggishness in action.

The most beneficial magical qualities are endowed with:

  1. Oak and hazel - allow you to correctly distribute strength and teach you to avoid stress and overexertion both in the family circle and at work.
  2. Chestnut - provides increased performance, helps achieve goals, and has a beneficial effect on creative individuals.
  3. Ash - develops intuition, serves as a patron during travel.
  4. Linden - gives confidence and helps to overcome obstacles.
  5. Aspen - teaches you to defend your position in life and gives you determination.
  6. Lilac is an excellent remedy for combating laziness and inspires.
  7. Jasmine - gives ease to communication and helps to avoid unwanted meetings; in women it develops maternal feelings and housekeeping.

Linden helps in overcoming difficulties.


For representatives of this zodiac sign, flowers will help drive away negative thoughts and bring financial stability and well-being. Taurus does not have to engage in floriculture; it is enough to have a wooden or precious talisman.

Suitable for people of this constellation:

  • money tree and cactus - attract wealth to the family;
  • lily of the valley and violet - fill the hearth with warmth and harmony;
  • dahlia and Kalanchoe - attract good luck, give confidence in actions and give decisiveness to actions.

What stones are suitable for Taurus?

When choosing a mineral that will bring good luck, you need to make a choice in favor of precious stones. We are talking about those that are rarely found in nature and are difficult to obtain. They are the ones who have the most powerful energy.

Precious stones almost immediately begin to manifest themselves in their owner - he will definitely feel their energy. Minerals that are not precious or semi-precious have more universal energy and have a rather weak effect on human life.

The ideal stone for Taurus should be chosen from this list:

Moonstone is suitable for Taurus who wants to strengthen intuition, establish a connection with higher powers, and also become more sensual, romantic and gentle. Moonstone is best worn by women, as it has predominantly feminine energy. Externally it has a round shape, changes color when exposed to sunlight. In normal light, its color is predominantly pale blue.

Jasper is one of the talisman stones for Taurus. This mineral has universal energy and is considered the patron saint of the sign. Jasper is a semi-precious stone of predominantly red color, has a dense structure, and is often used for making ornamental jewelry. Strengthens health, helps cope with diseases, strengthens the immune system and saves from evil spells: the evil eye, damage and other actions of secret ill-wishers.

Malachite is considered a patron stone for Taurus. It is easy to recognize by its external features due to its rich green color and the unusual sintered (bubbly) shape of the mineral. The action of malachite is aimed at strengthening the immune system and protecting against the evil eye, damage and other outside influences. Attracts money and helps bring financial stability back to life.

Tiger's Eye is suitable for a Taurus who wants to become more energetic and decisive. Tiger's eye perfectly helps to cope with blues and depressive states, makes its owner more relaxed and sexy.

Emerald is one of the most precious and energetically powerful stones on this list. Externally it has a crystalline form, the color is dominated by a rich green color. Emerald will help for that Taurus who suffers from low immunity and financial problems. This gemstone is able to attract money into the life of its owner, strengthen the immune system and protect against evil influence from the outside.

Amethyst is also perfect for Taurus. It is believed that it is capable of clearing space from negativity and destructive emotions, making its owner calmer, balanced and reasonable. Helps get rid of stress, insomnia and nervous diseases. Externally, the mineral has a crystalline form with a rich purple color.

Quartz for Taurus is its patron stone. It has a powerful effect specifically on representatives of this zodiac sign. Outwardly it looks like a cloudy white crystal, sometimes it has a pink or yellow tint. Helps clear the mind, improves brain activity, gets rid of secret enemies and ill-wishers, protects against the evil eye and damage.

Rose quartz is a friend and helper for Taurus, who suffers from problems on the personal front. It is best worn by women, as it has predominantly feminine energy. It helps its owner to relax and become more feminine, sensual and tender, and to bring love back into the relationship. Externally, the mineral is easily recognizable by its crystalline form and pale pink hue; it transmits light well.

Pearl is a versatile mineral that is obtained from shells, has an irregular round shape and is white in color. Promotes rejuvenation and longevity.

Topaz for Taurus is one of the most valuable talisman stones. Outwardly, it looks like a deep blue crystal. Helps establish a connection with higher powers, develops intuition and protects against the evil eye and damage.

Carnelian is a round-shaped mineral of red and sometimes orange color that does not transmit light through itself. Saves from cardiovascular diseases, returns love and passion to relationships, promotes emancipation and increased self-esteem.

Garnet for Taurus is a savior stone from love problems. It makes its owner sexy and passionate, decisive and powerful. Gives self-confidence and makes a person irresistible. Outwardly it looks like a pomegranate seed.

Aventurine will help Taurus by making its owner more energetic and stress-resistant. Externally it has a round shape, the color is predominantly brown with a large number of small inclusions of mica flakes.

Ruby is one of the most precious stones in this selection. It has the shape of a deep red crystal. Makes its owner energetic, passionate, strong-willed and decisive. Helps cope with blues and apathy. Protects from evil forces.

Jade is a mineral of round shape and predominantly green in color; it does not allow sunlight to pass through it well. Protects its owner from the evil eye, damage and other actions of ill-wishers, makes a person decisive and confident.

Opal is one of the minerals that has an unusual color - it plays in the light, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. In normal light it turns pale blue. It improves brain activity, increases intellectual potential, and makes its owner dexterous and flexible.

Onyx is a mineral that is considered a type of quartz, has a round shape and a bright, rich red color. Onyx is an attribute of a manager or leader; it will help advance your career, has a beneficial effect on the financial sector, and solves problems with money.

Tourmaline is a crystalline gemstone that comes in all sorts of colors and shades, from pink to green. Tourmaline is good for developing creativity and intuition, improves mental abilities and makes its owner more self-confident.

Coral is a well-known mineraloid that is the skeleton for coral polyps. One of the oldest materials from which jewelry began to be made. Coral creates harmony in romantic relationships and family, restores romance, tenderness and sensuality in them, liberates its owner.

Chrysoprase is a pale green variety of quartz and chalcedony, often sold in a rounded form. Chrysoprase helps develop self-confidence and determination, calms the nervous system, helps cope with insomnia, and strengthens the immune system.

Gems are a group of minerals, among which there are precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones of different colors and shades, mainly of a crystalline form. Gems protect against evil forces, the evil eye, damage and other influences of ill-wishers. Develops creativity, imagination and intuition.

As you can see, Taurus definitely have a lot to choose from. But priority should be given to precious stones and minerals of green colors and shades. They are the ones who will manifest themselves most powerfully in life.

Stones, minerals and metals for Taurus

Representatives of this constellation are distinguished by their strong-willed character and leadership qualities. They clearly see the goal and move towards it with slow but sure steps. But even such people need a mentor who will add confidence in situations where it is lacking.

Astrologers recommend sapphire for Taurus. The blue stone will bring colorful life changes and promote success in career and love affairs.

Experts also highlight carnelian, which can be used by both women and men. The amulet will fill its owners with calmness and confidence.

For women

Female representatives are romantic and sophisticated individuals, endowed with intelligence and intelligence. The talisman will become a guide for ladies, helping them to believe in their strengths and capabilities.

Among the stones, minerals and metals it is worth highlighting:

  • turquoise - will reveal talents and contribute to achieving female happiness;
  • cacholong - will establish mutual understanding among family and friends, bring peace of mind and heal from illnesses;
  • opal - will protect others from the selfish intentions of others, will attract male attention;
  • agate - will maintain peace, develop ingenuity and eloquence;
  • onyx - will drive away melancholy and loneliness.

Taurus women are not recommended to wear silver: it will attract failures and disappointments in business and personal relationships. For ladies, a combination of gold and emerald is suitable.

Sapphire in gold for Taurus women.

For men

An amulet for the strong half of humanity will become a guide that can protect against rash actions and rash decisions.

Men can choose the following natural stones:

  • tiger's eye - will help to demonstrate creative and intellectual skills, relieve laziness, and save from deception;
  • emerald - will drive away sadness and depression, prevent unwanted acquaintances;
  • zircon - will sharpen intuitive qualities, save you from gossip;
  • Amazonite - will bring luxury and wealth, add confidence in business meetings;
  • sardonyx - will help you find your other half, improve family relationships.

For Taurus men, a good talisman would be a tiger, which will give its owners caution, concentration and attentiveness. The amulet can be made of bronze, cupronickel or copper.

Select by date of birth (decade)

People born in the 1st decade (from April 22 to 30) prioritize material wealth and achieving their goals.

Suitable for them:

  • aventurine;
  • quartz;
  • bloody jasper;
  • Tiger's Eye.

For representatives of the 2nd decade (from May 1 to May 10), the family hearth plays the main role in life.

They can choose:

  • turquoise;
  • coral;
  • jade;
  • onyx;
  • opal;
  • chrysoprase.

Personalities born in the 3rd decade (from May 11 to May 20) are contradictory and ambiguous.

Natural precious stones will help them achieve harmony:

  • aquamarine;
  • diamond;
  • topaz;
  • emerald;
  • sapphire;
  • tourmaline.

Taurus is advised to make their choice based on their date of birth (decade), which affects the properties of minerals.

Aquamarine will add balance to your relationships.

Charms for happiness and prosperity for Taurus

Jasper and turquoise will be a real amulet for Taurus. This combination will allow you to create a certain barrier around a person that will be invisible to the eye. Thanks to this, a representative of this zodiac sign will be able to protect himself from the negative energy of the people around him.

Bracelet made of jasper, turquoise and tiger's eye

Do you use such a talisman?

Items that are best used as amulets and talismans

By surrounding yourself with the right objects, you can attract good luck. For Taurus, such things will be figurines or pendants in the form of:

  • elephant;
  • bull;
  • horses.

Patron planets of Taurus

A person born under the influence of this planet is a kind and caring family man. He is devoted to his other half.

The representative of the constellation is accustomed to achieving his goals without outside help. This earned him respect and respect in society. Taurus has a rich inner world, which attracts people around him.

People under the protection of Venus prefer constancy and have a negative attitude towards change. This zodiac sign is reserved in its emotions, but if unbalanced, it shows excessive aggression.

The planet endowed Taurus with beautiful appearance and charm. They love beautiful and expensive things, and also have good taste in choosing a wardrobe.

Chiron is a magical planet that has a connection with society through this sign. It develops intuition and helps you understand people well.

People born under the influence of Venus and Chiron are prone to creativity and esotericism.

Interesting video about the zodiac sign Taurus

After watching the video, you can learn about stones and talismans that are best suited for people born under the zodiac sign Taurus. Properly selected stones will bring love and prosperity into the life of Taurus. You can also find out which talisman will protect you from troubles and allow you to quickly move up the career ladder.

When choosing a talisman for Taurus, you should give preference to massive materials. Large stones should be given the correct geometric shapes. When choosing a talisman or amulet, it is important to pay attention to your own feelings. The energy, character and style of the stone should please the owner.

Other talismans for Taurus

Jewelry, paintings, and figurines are most often used as amulets.

But may also be suitable:

  • nuggets or stones without processing or framing;
  • wooden carved boxes;
  • cutlery and coins made of copper or cupronickel;
  • any beautiful handmade items;
  • pets (cats or dogs with long hair).

When choosing a talisman, Taurus should be guided by their intuition, approach the matter with love and not forget about the characteristic color scheme.

Minerals as a talisman.

Natural minerals

Turquoise with a greenish tint is called “aged.” This is an excellent amulet for Taurus. It’s not for nothing that turquoise is called the winning stone. He will be able to help you out in the most risky business and help you make the right decision. In addition, the mineral promotes the development of financial well-being and harmonious relationships in the family.

This mineral is famous for its healing and mystical properties. The light green stone is beneficial for people suffering from pulmonary or heart disease. Even simply applying it to a problem area has a positive effect. Malachite is a powerful amulet that absorbs all negative phenomena.

If the Taurus talisman is made of amazonite, then it will cheer up its owner, give him confidence and courage. In addition, amazonite figurines can attract material wealth to the home and strengthen family and kinship ties.

If you need to develop your oratory skills, then choose an agate stone. It will definitely bring good luck in all matters, but at the same time it will also help to maintain calm. The mystical abilities of agate depend on its shade. The black mineral resolves financial problems; the bluish tint helps to increase vitality and activity.

Charms are very effective magical helpers. They attract good luck and develop positive traits in your character. When choosing a talisman, pay attention to exactly the item that you like most.

How to wear and use talismans correctly

In order for the amulet to benefit the owner, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Always have the talisman with you. You cannot re-gift it or give it to other people. This will lead to a loss of magical power and significance.
  2. If the mineral has darkened, immediately replace it with another one. The stone fulfilled its functions and absorbed all the negative energy.
  3. Do not use minerals with scratches or chips.
  4. Choose a copper frame. A silver frame is suitable for turquoise, and a gold frame for emerald.
  5. Women should wear light-colored minerals, while men should stick to dark colors.

The greatest magical powers are endowed with amulets made from raw rocks. They are worn under clothes, hidden from prying eyes.

If you use jewelry as an amulet, then you don’t have to hide it. For precious items, the wrist, neck or ears are good options.

A correctly chosen talisman will bring good luck to Taurus and also protect him from the evil eye.

Talismans on the hands to protect the owner.

Rules for using stones as amulets

When choosing a talisman stone, you should carefully select the shape and frame. You also need to pay attention to the metal from which the frame is made.

Some shapes, frames and metals from which they are made can suppress the energy of magical stones. For example, sometimes a metal may not be energetically suitable for a mineral. In this case, the amulet either will not appear at all, or will appear, but very weakly.

And some metals and frames, on the contrary, enhance the energy of stones and help them manifest themselves more clearly in the life of their owner.

Taurus should give preference to jewelry with frames made of red copper and bronze - they enhance all the magical properties of minerals.

What kind of jewelry to wear the mineral in:

  • emerald, topaz, amethyst - for rings and earrings;
  • quartz, moonstone and ruby ​​- for a necklace;
  • jasper, carnelian, aventurine, opal - for bracelets and brooches.

Stones for Taurus women should be worn on the left side of the body, and for men - on the right.

Activation of amulets

Before using the amulet for protection, you need to perform a cleansing ritual and charge it with positive energy. The soil will help activate the talisman.

To do this, the amulet needs to be placed in the ground for several days, then get rid of the soil by throwing it into any body of water: river, pond, lake or sea.

The greatest effect can be achieved if you go into the forest and rub the mineral with earth. The soil can be replaced with table salt. After the ritual, rinse the stone with fresh water and use it as an assistant and protector.

Taking good care of your talisman will help maintain its magical properties. You cannot interrupt the spiritual connection with the amulet. If you feel that the amulet does not fit or does not perform its functions, it must be replaced with another.


Taurus is a difficult zodiac sign, which is endowed with special properties based on its date of birth. He is not able to empathize and communicate closely with others, so he often experiences doubts, loneliness, and uselessness to someone. Taurus are very vulnerable, they crave love, but are not always ready to show it in relation to others. These signs tend to go towards their goal, but wait for consolation, love and be loved, only then is Taurus able to open up. Amulets will help in this direction, will give you the opportunity to find yourself and understand what is valuable in life and what does not matter.

Taurus man

Taurus men combine prudence and calmness with some sentimentality. The family is usually dominated. As for women, they are strong in spirit, although they behave relatively softly. They usually do not prove their superiority, but patiently wait for the moment when this becomes clear by itself.

Having considered all the main characteristics of the personality of a Taurus, you can safely begin choosing a magical assistant. It is very important that a person visually likes his amulet, so his choice should be taken responsibly.

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