That's why some ladies carry chestnuts in their purses as a talisman

Each of us wants to find a talisman that would bring good luck and protect us from all kinds of troubles. In fact, an incredibly strong energetic amulet is nearby. This is a chestnut. At its core, chestnut is a sunny tree. Absorbing the energy of life from the sun, he distributes it to people. And at the same time it helps with well-being, pulls a person out of need, protects from the evil eye, gives energy and gives vitality.

Everyone can use it. By the way, the “female” chestnut, which grows in temperate climatic conditions, is much stronger than its relative called “southern”.

Chestnut signs and superstitions

The signs about chestnut differ in the nature of their meaning. There are both positive and negative values. The tree is considered a bio-vampire, but the plant only takes away negativity from a person. It draws illnesses, sorrows, anxiety and doubts out of a person. Having cleansed the body, space is freed up for a new life, for new positive thoughts.

The white flowers of the tree symbolize purity, light and goodness. The bush is an emblem of calm strength and self-confidence. Such egoism is transmitted to humans, although this property of chestnut is sometimes useful. You need to disconnect from other people's problems, think about yourself to restore mental and physical health. Then the plant will give a person energy and strength, help him cope with life’s difficulties and even illnesses. To do this, you need to cuddle up to the bush and ask the tree to relieve the pain and give you strength to overcome all adversity.

In ancient signs there is a meaning of a tree as a guardian from temptation. To get rid of the machinations of the evil one, you need to whip yourself with a twig an odd number of times on your arm or shoulder.

Horse chestnut buds can raise self-esteem in a desperate person, give them a taste for life and energy. A strong tree will reward you with optimism and confidence, and will relieve you of unnecessary thoughts of digging into yourself. The rigidity of the mind will go away, new thoughts, ideas, imagination and inspiration will appear.

Kashtan is a big fan of surprises. Popular beliefs advise asking him for support. And then, at the most unexpected moment for you, you can receive it in the form of good luck, unprecedented generosity in terms of money or a noticeable improvement in health.

Keeping chestnuts at home is an ancient sign

Signs advise storing chestnuts in the house for several reasons. The main benefit of the shrub is its fruits. Superstitions recommend wood for cleaning the house. The sign says that unpeeled fruits in prickly skins should be placed in the corners of the house in the morning. Wait until they dry and absorb all the negativity of the home. This usually happens within 9 days. On day 10, you need to collect the chestnuts, peel them, and burn the peels. The peeled fruits must be attributed to the bush from which you collected them. Place it there with words of gratitude for cleansing it of evil spirits.

Fruits, peeled from the thorny peel, are an excellent amulet against the evil eye and negative energy. Carry 2 or 3 of these fruits with you in your pocket or purse. In addition to protection from the evil eye, a few hidden chestnuts are considered a magnet for attracting wealth and prosperity. Cleaned seeds can bring financial well-being.

Small amulets should be placed under the mattress of the bed during the full moon. Performing such a ritual is necessary to improve your health. As soon as the moon begins to decrease, your illness will begin to fade. On the new moon, the fruits must be taken out and burned; the illness will go away. This method is good for rheumatism. It is also good for your health to stomp on peeled fruits with your bare feet. For sore joints, you need to pick 2-3 bones in your hands and carry them with you in your pocket.

Important!!!1 Popular belief says that with the help of a chestnut you can have offspring. A woman who wants to get pregnant needs to find an unusual fetus with 2 or even 3 nuclei. A rare item should be placed in a box or desk drawer; soon the good news will not be long in coming. Old people say that this method sometimes leads to multiple births. The expectant mother needs to get a small amulet and carry it with her as a talisman against evil forces. When the baby is born, you can put a talisman in his crib. The child will not be afraid of any misfortunes.

How to use chestnut to improve your financial situation

This fruit is considered a symbol of abundance and wealth.

since ancient times.

Therefore, it will be useful to hide a few chestnuts under the lining of your bag , then the flow of money will not bypass you in any case.

The energy of the chestnut is significantly enhanced by the smell of mint . You need to combine a mint branch and a small peeled chestnut. Place all this carefully in your wallet. In the past it was believed that then it would never be empty.

There should always be a box filled with chestnuts in the house, where you should also keep your financial savings and even your wallet. This is a sure way to attract cash flows into your family.

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Planting a chestnut tree near a house is a sign

Signs give an accurate answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant chestnuts near the house. It is believed that growing a tree on your own plot is not recommended, just like growing a birch tree near your house. A planted sprout with a selfish disposition conveys its character to the person who planted it. The owner of the seedling runs the risk of quarreling with all his loved ones and being left alone.

Another belief according to which you don’t want to plant a seed near your house. A tree grown from a seed, as it grows, will begin to take away health from the person who planted it, just like a thuja planted near a house. At the moment when the height of the trunk reaches the height of a person, you have to wait for the worst. A strengthened bush will take the life of its owner.

Autumn magic: rituals to attract love and prosperity

Autumn gifts bring health and happiness. It’s not for nothing that autumn is called golden and generous. The beautiful foliage and fruits of trees are also useful for autumn rituals, known to our ancestors and aimed at attracting happiness into personal and family life, and good luck in business. Chestnuts and acorns are perfect for filling with energy. The former, by the way, are used to cleanse the home of negative energy. And the autumn fruit harvest is an attribute of rituals to strengthen the family and relationships between spouses.

Chestnut tree at home signs and beliefs

Notice the flowering tree growing in front of the house. Magnificent spring blossoms are pleasing to the eye, and a sign will tell you what kind of weather to expect. If the bush is covered with white flowers for the second time in the spring, then you should wait for a warm, dry autumn. The flowering period is also associated with other signs:

  • fishermen will have luck catching tench;
  • gardeners should plant radishes and dill;
  • It's time to sow winter radishes.

Another sign about the weather. If sticky sap appears on the leaves, it means it will rain soon.

Colored leaves in a ritual for good luck

In autumn, we, either instinctively or by tradition, collect beautiful fallen leaves to put them between the pages of a book. I really want to prolong the fleeting beauty of this miracle of nature! Maple leaves can become an amulet that helps our five senses to open up more fully. Anyone who carefully stores a dried maple leaf in a visible place (but better yet, carries it with him) will begin to more deeply perceive the joys of life and the beauty that surrounds us.

Such simple autumn gifts as yellow and red leaves of any tree, as well as vegetables, fruits, and nuts can bring good luck if used correctly in a ritual. You will also need 8 candles - equally green and blue, a large vase and two sheets of paper.

Blue candles will symbolize events that have already passed, and by burning them, these situations are released in peace. Green candles will bring the energy of the Earth and all the good things associated with it.

The leaves should be placed in a small basket, and vegetables, fruits, and nuts should be placed around it. If available, new crop cereals would also be appropriate. Having mentally drawn a large square, you need to place green candles at its corners. Inside this square, in a similar way, you need to imagine a smaller square and place blue candles in the corners. Then they should take turns lighting blue candles, and then green ones.

Ritual for luck

Autumn fruits are gifts from Mother Earth, evidence of her good powers. That is why they can help restore happy relationships in the family and allow truly wonderful feelings to sprout, which loved ones deserve and which, due to some misunderstanding, have weakened.

To start the ritual, you should fill the dish with autumn fruits: apples, pears, plums, peaches and others. Having placed it on the table, you need to place your family photographs around this symbol of abundance. Then you need to outline the whole thing with a circle of rosemary.

And, in order to protect yourself even more reliably from the influence of negative forces, you need to lay out a square of any blue stones and put one dry autumn leaf in its corners and place a dark blue candle in a candlestick.

As you make all these preparations, you need to say these words: “I see how my beloved family is surrounded by the light of love and wisdom. Every day everyone who is dear to me will appreciate each other more and more. Friendship again unites my family members more and more tightly, and mutual help and support makes recent grievances mean nothing. We are all happy and excited about each other and love each other more and more.”

Raising funds at home

To increase money, it is not necessary to resort to the expensive services of psychics and healers.
By following the usual signs and using simple spells, you can improve your monetary income. There are many conspiracies in books and on the Internet, but the most powerful conspiracy is thought. You should never say out loud that there is no or not enough money. It's better to repeat and think that the money is on its way.

You can mentally count large sums in your hands. After receiving your salary, you can sort through the money with your hands, add and count it. Money does not like to be handled carelessly. If a person is accustomed to stuffing crumpled money into his pockets or leaving it in a visible place in the house, he needs to get rid of this habit.

What can a chestnut do if it's in a woman's purse?

There is a sure way to make a most valuable amulet. You need to sew a bag from thick, coarse fabric and put several chestnuts in it. Tie the bag with a green ribbon. At the moment when you need help, you need to get one of the fruits.

Hide a few small chestnuts at the bottom of your bag, and you will soon feel their effect. Kashtan loves to deliver surprises to his “clients”. The moment you stop hoping for him, he will definitely give you the necessary benefits.

  • For those who are experiencing financial problems , magical fruits will help eliminate them .
  • will give health to sick people . Especially if the plant amulet was placed in a purse or pocket on the waxing moon.

Important! You definitely need to remember that the brown fruit loves to be picked up, played with, fingered, or simply held.

  • He will always protect you from evil, negative energy .
  • If you are a creative person, then you have found the right talisman; it will always contribute to the emergence of inspiration .
  • Even if you are skeptical about such signs, try to find the smallest chestnut, peel it and put it in your bag. You will certainly feel that evil people are passing you by.

Important! The energy strength of the fetus lasts for two to three years. You should always pay attention to its appearance: the shell should not be wrinkled or dry. After this time, the chestnut needs to be replaced with a new young fruit.

I’m tying a knot to cast a spell on my beloved

When all the trees change their green crown to the bright colors of autumn, the leaves of the willow remain silvery green, still swaying gracefully on its weeping branches.

And there is one simple witchcraft to attract a loved one. You need to take a willow twig and tie it in a knot in the light of the new moon, while saying:

“I tie this knot to meet the one who will become my lover (my beloved).

After this, the amulet must be hidden. If the relationship becomes a burden, you will need to untie the knot in the light of the bad month. And then the feelings will go away without pain, and resentment will not torment.

Apple magic

Apples from the new harvest also have magical properties. These fruits symbolize bliss, health and vitality. They represent love, marriage, youth.

To fill your home with harmony and good energy, just put a dish of fresh apples on the table. And to replenish your own energy, you need to turn directly to the apple tree.

Standing not far from it, you need to close your eyes and turn to the tree with a request that it replenish your strength. At the same time, you should breathe slowly and imagine how the energy of the tree enters the body and fills all its parts one by one. It is enough to spend 5 minutes on such a date with a tree.

Another ritual will help cleanse the apartment of negative energy. You need to cut the apple in half and cut out the core. Then, with a lit candle, you should go around the rooms clockwise and at each corner and door frame, move the candle from bottom to top clockwise three times. After this, the melted wax from the candle needs to be poured into one of the halves of the apple, connect them both and fasten them tightly, wrap them with thread. After holding the apple in your hands for a few seconds, you need to take it out of the apartment and throw it in the trash.

Those who want to find their love can try to “bewitch” with the help of an apple. You need to cut it in half and, after removing the core, put 3 nettle leaves inside. At the same time, you need to say: “Let love be beautiful, like this fruit, and burn me and my chosen one, like nettles. Let it be so!" The apple should then be hidden in a secluded place, and when it dries, you should bury it near your house.

Magic properties

The horse chestnut tree is considered radiant; it can warm, nourish with solar energy, give warmth and strength, remove pain, and ward off energy vampires. Hugs with them will help overcome fatigue and related ailments. The amazingly strong energy of this tree promotes prosperity, prosperity and good luck. According to the Druid horoscope, chestnut is considered the patron saint of people born in February (15 to 24) and November (12 to 21). They say that chestnut people have observation, insight, and courage. They combine realism and a dreamy disposition and have excellent organizational skills.

In the Christian tradition, chestnut is associated with chastity, believing that this plant can help believers fight temptations.

The second stage of the ritual using nuts and fruits

Now in the center of the inner square you need to lay out a circle of fruits, nuts and leaves. And in the center of the resulting circle you need to place a vase filled with water. On one sheet of paper you should write the word “Regret”, and also indicate those plans that could not be realized, as well as unfulfilled hopes. On the second, you need to write the word: “Luck” and indicate what you managed to achieve, your victories, as well as ways to solve existing problems. The sheets must be placed in water and said: “The losses that were, and the good fortune that came, are now equalized. And let the waters of life carry them away now.”

After this ritual, you need to enjoy the gifts of the Earth, eating nuts and fruits and saying the following words: “Thank you for the rich harvest that has been given to me. Goodbye, Summer, I’m not sad that you’re gone.” After this, you need to put one sheet at a time in the vase, naming one of your failures or troubles from the list.

Those leaves that remain must be scattered outside in the wind, accompanying your actions with the words: “Fly, leaves, easily and freely, I will not regret anything.

Return in the spring, new leaves, bringing the joy of renewal.” Fruits and vegetables should also be distributed to your family and friends.

Completion of the Ritual - Special Notes

Now you need to slowly light the candles. Looking at the first candle, you need to say: “This dying leaf will take away everything bad from our family into oblivion - anger, rivalry, misunderstandings and quarrels” - and burn the leaf lying next to it. On the second candle, you need to burn the next leaf, saying: “This dying leaf will take away into oblivion the bad intentions that anyone had towards our family and the gossip that interferes with good relations among our family members.”

When burning the third leaf, you need to say: “This dying leaf will take into oblivion all the injustice that we have done, as well as reproaches and quarrels between members of our family that threaten the happiness of our family.”

The fourth sheet should be burned with the words: “This dying sheet will carry away into oblivion the feelings of hostility of my family members towards each other. Let him take away the unpleasant opinions of each of us about each other, instilling a sense of security among our loved ones. Let it be so!"

The next day at dinner, each family member must eat at least one fruit from the ritual dish.

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