A win-win formula for a perfect marriage. How does the human compatibility system work?

This is a system of the Four Pillars of Luck, which is compiled according to a person’s date of birth. astrologer, numerologist and Feng Shui specialist Lyudmila Nikishina told us how to use this system .

Now every home has the Internet and you can easily get ready-made Four Pillars of Luck. To do this, you need your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Type on the Internet: Pillars of Luck, enter your date of birth, and you will receive ready-made Pillars of Luck completely free of charge. You can also refer to the Chinese calendar, but for those who are not familiar with it, it will be difficult.

So, we have received a natal personality chart. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the element of personality is determined by the Heavenly Stem of the birthday. If a person was born in the year of the Dog, and the Dog is the element Earth, this does not mean at all that all people born in this year belong to the element Earth. The personality element is determined by the birthday; in the natal chart it is the second hieroglyph in the top row. It also says what it means.

How to determine compatibility?

First, you need to take the personality element literally. And then a lot will be clear right away. Well, for example: two Tanks in the house, that’s a lot – it’s already a war. Metal men love women with the Fire element. They cannot resist them and literally melt, melt before our eyes. But it's not very good for them. The Earth woman is like a mother for Metal. The relationship with Water is also not very good. Water takes away energy. But the Grass is not afraid of any Tank, it will grow again.

For Tree-Oak men, Water woman is a resource. But not so much for a companion. He will drink all the juices. Wood is not friendly with Metal. Such a union is a punishment for everyone. Fire burns. The ideal union is Oak and Front Garden. These are always together and friendly.

Water women are contraindicated for a Sun man. Boiling. The tree is drying nearby. It is good for the Earth - Fire gives birth to the Earth, therefore, you can always recharge. The union of Fire-Sun and Metal-Jewelry, which shines under the rays of the Sun, is considered ideal. There are no two Suns in the sky. But two Candles burn brighter.

Mountain does not meet Mountain. It’s the same in life. If you are two Earths (mountains), then don’t even try to start a family. It won't work. The small Palisadnik and the big Mountain still have some chances. Fire is not very comfortable near the Earth, because Fire is a resource for the Earth, which means it needs to share its energy, and this causes rejection. Earth is a resource for Metal, and I don’t want to share it either. The best partner for the Earth element is Yin Water. Morning dew on Earth evokes only delight and admiration.

Water-Ocean men are the favorites of all women. Merry fellows and jokers who can replace a mother. But not everyone can withstand their onslaught. The Candle woman copes with this best of all. She simply does not notice his pressure and, like a lighthouse in the ocean, quietly and calmly shows the way. Well, Water and Water will always merge.

Six Personality Types Earth Yang

60 Jia Zi

People Earth yang

. People are practical, stubborn and resilient. Friendly and sentimental. Willingly help others. They make loyal friends, reliable partners and loyal family men. But at the same time they are not too trusting, they can be suspicious. They are difficult to manipulate. Slow and thorough, they are nevertheless capable of change, but these changes will be slow and gradual. Sudden changes and changes disturb them and force them to spend a significant part of their energy fighting their doubts. Hardworking, not afraid of difficulties.

There are six types of yang earth

戊子 Yang Land on the Rat. People are cheerful and cheerful. Open. They can be trusted, they have a good reputation and authority. They easily win people's sympathy. It is quite easy to communicate with them, as they are friendly and there is no arrogance. They are charming, neat and well-groomed. They love order and adhere to established habits in a certain area. Determined and hardworking, they can achieve success and earn a lot of money through hard work. They know how to adapt to circumstances and often have an active life position. Control and self-control are important to them; they really don’t like to let things take their course. Beautiful, strong people attract the attention of others and find a partner quite easily. But their personal life is often filled with contradictions and is unstable. They strive to control their partner. If a partner does not want to “submit”, then they will look for someone over whom they can extend their influence.

戊午 Land of Yang on the Horse. People are generous and selfless. They become good friends and can listen. They have responsibility, a sense of duty. Endowed with talents in many areas. They have good intelligence, are inventive, and inquisitive. Erudite, well-read. The main thing is that they are able to focus on one thing, then they will very persistently pursue the goal. But they are characterized by some scattered nature, a quick change of interest. They are kind-hearted and help others without expecting anything in return. They reach great heights in science and sports. Very persistent. They can achieve great success in life. Quite stubborn like any Yang Earth. They adapt well to society. They love order in their home and business. Sloppiness and carelessness irritate them very much. In relationships they can be selfish, preferring to receive more than to give. They often find a partner who is willing to take care of them and puts up with their rather explosive nature.

戊寅 Land of yang on the Tigris. Quite stubborn. Many people of this sign can be ruthless and act harshly. They have willpower and self-control. Set meaningful goals for themselves. Status and recognition are important to them. But those who are inflexible, find it difficult to compromise, and strive to defend their point of view. They have clear, logical thinking. Able to focus on a goal. Very independent. In the presence of other people, they are easily irritated and lose their temper. Competitive by nature, they strive to be first. They rarely give up without a fight. One of the most stubborn signs. But people are generous, especially towards those who they consider less fortunate. Materialists love clear goals. Practical. Quite sociable, they like to brag about their achievements. They can be jealous.

戊申 Yang Land on Monkey. Smart, results-oriented. They have many different abilities, oratorical talent, and a good sense of humor. But often deep down they feel loneliness and misunderstanding. However, this is not noticeable externally. These are sociable, enterprising and insightful people. They love to be in company, but can be capricious and abrupt. Often do not care about the feelings of others. Their strong feature is their versatility. These are universal people who, if desired, can find a point of application in any area. They are easily drawn into work. Very talented. They learn easily and immediately apply knowledge in practice. They master high technologies well. They have a practical mind and a desire to try, invent, or create something all the time. May be impatient.

戊辰 Land of yang on the Dragon. The people are friendly and kind. Well educated and smart. Not too fast, but although slowly, they move very confidently towards the goal. They have authority. Quite conservative, thoughtful, balanced. Very stubborn, like any strong Earth. They have a rich inner world. They love to study something extraordinary. They are kind and win people over. Good and reliable helpers. However, you should not expect quick help from them. Good intellectuals. Quite independent, do not like to obey too much. But they know how to do it, especially if there is a strong interest in the work and at the same time they need to be under the supervision of someone. Realists, practitioners. Slowly but surely moving towards the goal. Their strong feature is that they can use any resources and opportunities that come their way in life. Focused on achieving results. Although they do not always set global goals. Relationships are built on equal terms. Relationships are built on equal terms.

戊戌 Yang Land on the Dog. People have an aggressive and straightforward character. They love challenges and are willing to fight for their goals until they achieve theirs. They always want to be the best, they don’t know how to listen, there is only one correct opinion - their opinion. Ambitious, they want to achieve a lot. Status and well-being are important to them. They are very resilient and don't give up. Difficulties for them are a reason to move on. They have too strong desires. They need new knowledge and skills. Thanks to this, they can advance in life. Stability is important to them, but they often don't get it in their younger years. Owners. They value traditions. They know how to keep secrets. They are distrustful and difficult to deceive. Despite their aggressiveness and stubbornness, they have their own concepts of honor. They don’t like to be cunning and play around. Relationships are built on equal terms.

Each of the sixty Jia Zis is a whole layer of information about the character, abilities, and life opportunities of a person. The most complete information about the 60 Personality types described by Jia Zi in the new version of the 60 Jia Zi Handbook.

What to do when you find your other half.

Of course, you need to try to maintain a good relationship for many years. There are many means for this. A powerful symbol of family well-being is the sign of double happiness. Depicting this sign in your home will create great “chi” (energy) of happiness. Don't forget about the paired symbols that should be in your bedroom. These are two lamps, two vases, paired figures. And no images of lonely people. Remove all pictures above the head of the bed. To improve your relationship with an older man, activate the east with plants. To improve relations with a man of your age, activate the southern sector; to improve relations with a man younger than you, you can put crystal balls in the northeast or simply hang a crystal chandelier.

It is best not to have any plants in the bedroom. This is especially true for cacti. There should be no cacti in the house at all. I have long noticed that lonely people always have them.

Be happy!

Earth in Bazi

Ba-Tzu, Feng Shui and all Chinese metaphysics are built on the same laws of interaction of energies. The basic principles are the interaction of yin/yang and the five elements. The five elements in Bazi (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) are represented through the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches>>, on which the Chinese calendar is built. Having built our Bazi card using the Chinese calendar or one of the online calculators>>, we first look at how much of which element it contains, which already gives us some understanding about our personality, possible career, health and much more.

Networks of Heaven and Earth

Any network or trap means that a person can get stuck in some difficult situations; it will not be easy for him to find an effective solution and way out of them.

If these symbolic stars are built into the map, then they will influence the person throughout his life. However, it is believed that in the case when a person was born on the day of Wood or Metal, the element of the birthday will be able to weaken the negativity from these stars, which means there will be fewer problems in life. And if the Networks come in a beat or a year, then their influence will be limited by time. In any case, meeting such a star is a reason to be vigilant, because prosecution, a fine, prison or illness may come into a person’s life. The combination of the Network with demons requires special attention; this may indicate accidents.

Fortunately, just based on a negative star, one should not conclude that a person’s life will necessarily be difficult and full of troubles. Thus, it is known that the following combinations can be difficult for women’s cards:

in the card there isDragon and pillars癸巳Yin Water on the Snake or丁巳Yin Fire on the Snake,

or the card containsSnake and pillars壬辰Yang Water on the Dragon or丙辰Yang Fire on the Dragon.

But we have a very significant example of the card of Susan Essman, an American actress, comedian, producer and writer. Despite the presence of the Earth Trap in the map, Susan is quite successful.

Susan was born on May 31, 1955 into a strong middle class American family. She received a good education and starred in numerous films and television shows. In one of the interviews, the actress admitted that after the third season of the series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” she could not calmly walk down the street - people recognized her, stopped her, asked her to repeat her character’s catchphrase, and roared with laughter. Susan later wrote a book and was nominated several times for the Screen Actors Guild Award. She lives in a stable marriage and is quite prosperous both in her personal life and in her profession.

To summarize, we can say that even such negative symbolic stars as the Network of Heaven and Earth cannot be considered as a sentence. A reason to think and be more careful - yes. But under no circumstances should you predict a streak of misfortune for the owner of the card. As always, for an accurate forecast you need to analyze the map individually, take into account all the nuances and delve into the details of a person’s life. And it’s precisely the details that we lack when analyzing the cards of today’s heroes. Despite their popularity in their homeland, there is little information about them on the Russian-language Internet.

Do you have the Networks of Heaven and Earth in your maps, how do they manifest themselves? Write, it will be very interesting to know!


How to get useful elements and adjust Bazi

In Feng Shui and throughout Chinese metaphysics, the principle of harmony, balance and equilibrium is important. The moment of a person's birth, the so-called Bazi chart, is recorded as a combination of the Five Elements. If they are all in balance, then life should turn out successfully and smoothly. But unfortunately, it happens that useful elements that bring harmony are in short supply or completely absent.

There are ways to correct the shortcomings of Bazi and obtain elements useful for your luck.

How to identify your useful elements

It is believed that absolutely everything in the world is embodied in the form of the Five Elements. By attracting elements that are useful for yourself in different ways, you can independently correct Bazi and make your life more harmonious.

Useful items in clothing

Each of the Five Elements has its own shapes and colors. You can combine them by surrounding yourself with useful elements in clothing

Colors evoke certain emotions, influencing our daily mood. And in order to get more useful elements, you should work directly with your own consciousness.

What emotions are the Five Elements responsible for?

ElementPositive traitsNegative qualities
TreeKindness, patience, perseveranceStubbornness, anger, rudeness
FireLove, joy, generosityHypersensitivity, hysteria, hot temper
EarthConfidence, stability, caringAnxiety, bias, suspicion
MetalDetermination, discipline, dedicationPettiness, cruelty, tactlessness
WaterCourage, curiosity, sociabilityFear, isolation, mistrust

You can choose who you will be

Turn unhelpful elements into useful ones

Very often, unhelpful elements are presented in large quantities in the Bazi chart. That is why they create an imbalance. This is often the most powerful element in a chart. And if something is noticeably strongly expressed in the birth chart, then it will have to be used. Energy will require release, so you need to find how to realize it in order to direct it in a direction that is useful for yourself. This will be a strong side of the personality, one of the ways to achieve wealth.

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