A win-win formula for a perfect marriage. How does the human compatibility system work?

Yin Metal, Yin Metal.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element . This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content.

This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…

What to do when you find your other half.

Of course, you need to try to maintain a good relationship for many years. There are many means for this. A powerful symbol of family well-being is the sign of double happiness. Depicting this sign in your home will create great “chi” (energy) of happiness. Don't forget about the paired symbols that should be in your bedroom. These are two lamps, two vases, paired figures. And no images of lonely people. Remove all pictures above the head of the bed. To improve your relationship with an older man, activate the east with plants. To improve relations with a man of your age, activate the southern sector; to improve relations with a man younger than you, you can put crystal balls in the northeast or simply hang a crystal chandelier.

It is best not to have any plants in the bedroom. This is especially true for cacti. There should be no cacti in the house at all. I have long noticed that lonely people always have them.

Be happy!

Yin Metal

This personality type is usually associated with metal jewelry.

People of this type are not as tough and uncompromising as Yang Metal. But many of the qualities of the Steel People can be traced even in the weakest, not supported by the related elements of Yin Metal.

What first catches your eye when you first meet a Person – Decoration?

These are very nice, polite, but somewhat cool people who do not like to call anyone “bunnies” and “fish” and at the first meeting will switch to “you” only if a new acquaintance insists. They always keep their distance and do not like to be frank and “fraternize” at the first meeting.

As a rule, these are very elegant and well-groomed people, with beautiful skin and a toned figure. They love to dress beautifully, paying attention to the little things in their clothes and in their appearance. It’s rare to see a Metal woman without makeup and a man in wrinkled or dirty clothes. Even at home, Yin Metal strives to look as if he is about to go on a date.

The flip side of this personality trait is an obsession with one’s appearance and image. The desire to shine and make an impression can leave dissatisfaction and emptiness in the souls of those around you, as if there was a small marmalade in a chic box of chocolates. But such extremes are typical only for those people whose Yin Metal is too clearly expressed and prevails over the other elements in the Bazi chart, and who do not think about self-improvement and eradicating their shortcomings.

Neatness and love of order are one of the most pronounced traits of this personality type. But Yin Metal makes high demands not only on clothing. In all other respects, he also strives for order and system. For these people, everything is systematized, laid out on shelves and strictly dosed. They love discipline and sometimes create conditions of existence for themselves that, for example, would seem like hard labor to a freedom-loving Tree. A clear daily routine, food restrictions, and some asceticism are very characteristic of a typical Metal person.

They live by their own principles and rules, which they do not like to break and do not like when someone interferes with the clearly constructed symmetry of their life.

Yin Metal people are usually very fair and truthful. They do not flatter, do not ingratiate themselves, and do not make promises if they are not sure that they can fulfill what they promised. And they value the same qualities in people. If they don’t like something, they are not afraid to express everything they think, regardless of ranks and levels. Such actions are not always for the benefit of themselves and those around them, but the need to restore justice and truth exceeds everything else.

People of this type, just like Yang Metal, are difficult to convince of anything and force them to abandon their principles. But, unlike its Yang brother, Yin Metal is not so independent and stubborn, not so “steel” and hard. He easily obeys because he is afraid of responsibility. He gets along with people easier because he is more sociable. And very often he needs a strong partner nearby, for example, Yang Metal or Yang Earth. Otherwise, he has few opportunities to show all his beauty and brilliance. If Yin Metal has the element of Yang Metal in the pillars of fate, then such a person becomes more independent, independent and successful.

Yin Metal needs to strive at the very beginning of life to build their life in such a way as not to engage in dirty and hard work.

After all, diamonds delight only when they are set in gold and twinkle in the light of spotlights or candles. And a rough diamond in a pile of ore is difficult to notice, even if its weight exceeds a dozen carats.

A few keywords to describe the features of this type:

Pride, independence, luck, caution, gentleness, sincerity, fidelity, a penchant for order, consistency, fairness, honesty, neatness, elegance, grooming, curiosity, laziness, secrecy, indecisiveness, materialism, greed, dependence, lack of independence, slander, incitement, fanfare, love external effects, isolation, arrogance, loneliness, sadness, melancholy, depression.

Compatibility with other personality types.

When analyzing how different people can get along with each other, and how favorable their union is for a particular activity, it should be borne in mind that when analyzing compatibility, not only interaction by personality type is taken into account. There are a lot of subtleties for such an analysis. However, if you seriously want to learn to understand Ba Tzu, it is very important to pay attention to these indicators.

If in the Ba-Tzu charts of partners all the elements are more or less balanced, then the possible partnership options given here will most often manifest themselves in exactly this way.

If there is a certain imbalance of energies, then everything, of course, will develop according to a different scenario. For example, Yin Metal usually does not get along with Yin Fire, but if the Metal is very strong, supported by related elements and the season of birth, and Yin Fire is very hot and needs to give up its excess heat, then this union can be useful for both partners. Thanks to a partner, a Person - Jewelry can become a truly luxurious piece of jewelry, which others will admire and will be willing to pay fabulous sums to own.

The most harmonious union of a typical Yin Metal is with Yang Fire . In the rays of the Sun, Metal shines and attracts attention, and the Sun gladly gives its light and warmth to others. An excellent option is for a Yin Metal woman to marry a Yang Fire man. This chic pair will be almost perfect.

with Yin Fire can develop in different ways. For a union to be successful, many other aspects in the horoscope must coincide. But still, despite the opposition of the elements, according to the Wu Xing theory, every Metal in its life must necessarily intersect with Yin Fire. But no matter how this relationship turns out and no matter what mark it leaves on the soul, Metal will benefit from this communication.

Yang Earth often has a good relationship with Yin Metal. The earth in such a union acts as a mother, patron, supporting and helping. In family relationships, most often both are satisfied with this option for the development of relationships, regardless of which partner is a man and which is a woman.

With Yin Earth, everything also usually works out more or less well, if the Metal is not too strong, and the Earth is supported by related elements and the season of birth. Otherwise, Metal will use the Earth shamelessly, and for her such a union can become a real test.

It is very good if a Yang Metal partner appears in the life of Yin Metal. Yang Metal does not burden such a union, it makes it somewhat softer, but Yin Metal needs strong support, for which role Man-Steel is most suitable.

At the personal level, two Yin Metals easily find a common language. But a closer partnership is unlikely to be productive. Carelessness and shifting worries onto each other can lead to very disastrous consequences. There is hope for an acceptable union if only one of the partners is well supported by Yang Metal or Yang Earth and the element of Fire is present in the cards of the partners.

According to the theory of the generation of elements, Metal and Water are related elements, and they must understand and feel each other well. But typical Yang Water is too powerful. It will be difficult for Yin Metal to cope with such power. He needs something calmer and more balanced. He will not find support in the society of Water; she will not let him shine.

At the personal level, Man-Ornament and Yin Water understand and feel each other well. But for such an alliance to be promising and not burdensome for both partners, Yin Metal must be strong, and Yin Water must be weak, in need of support. Strong Metal and Water will “freeze” in each other’s company, and Metal will be concerned that it cannot demonstrate all its strengths.

In order for the relationship between Yin Metal and Yang Wood to develop harmoniously, many other factors must coincide in the horoscope. Most often, typical representatives of these personality types have difficult and burdensome relationships.

Yin Metal is the main enemy of Yin Wood . Of course, there is harmony in this union, but this is the exception rather than the rule. In this union, the Yin Tree suffers more, although it also happens that the Yin Tree, thanks to the Yin Metal, becomes more successful and beautiful.

How to determine compatibility?

First, you need to take the personality element literally. And then a lot will be clear right away. Well, for example: two Tanks in the house, that’s a lot – it’s already a war. Metal men love women with the Fire element. They cannot resist them and literally melt, melt before our eyes. But it's not very good for them. The Earth woman is like a mother for Metal. The relationship with Water is also not very good. Water takes away energy. But the Grass is not afraid of any Tank, it will grow again.

For Tree-Oak men, Water woman is a resource. But not so much for a companion. He will drink all the juices. Wood is not friendly with Metal. Such a union is a punishment for everyone. Fire burns. The ideal union is Oak and Front Garden. These are always together and friendly.

Water women are contraindicated for a Sun man. Boiling. The tree is drying nearby. It is good for the Earth - Fire gives birth to the Earth, therefore, you can always recharge. The union of Fire-Sun and Metal-Jewelry, which shines under the rays of the Sun, is considered ideal. There are no two Suns in the sky. But two Candles burn brighter.

Mountain does not meet Mountain. It’s the same in life. If you are two Earths (mountains), then don’t even try to start a family. It won't work. The small Palisadnik and the big Mountain still have some chances. Fire is not very comfortable near the Earth, because Fire is a resource for the Earth, which means it needs to share its energy, and this causes rejection. Earth is a resource for Metal, and I don’t want to share it either. The best partner for the Earth element is Yin Water. Morning dew on Earth evokes only delight and admiration.

Water-Ocean men are the favorites of all women. Merry fellows and jokers who can replace a mother. But not everyone can withstand their onslaught. The Candle woman copes with this best of all. She simply does not notice his pressure and, like a lighthouse in the ocean, quietly and calmly shows the way. Well, Water and Water will always merge.

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