Yang Water: description, features, characteristics and interesting facts

Feng Shui practice

Yang water refers to large accumulations of liquid on Earth: oceans, seas, deep-sea rivers. It is worth recalling that the element of water includes those whose year of birth ends in 2 or 3. Only “twos” are Yang, and “threes” are Yin.

A person born under the sign of Water is like a powerful stream, completely uncontrollable, capable of destroying everything in its path. And what cannot be crushed, he bypasses. Such people are very lively and active, full of ideas and always on the move. And they really like this state.

A win-win formula for a perfect marriage. How does the human compatibility system work?

There is a legend that the god of marriage at the birth of boys and girls distributes them into pairs by tying their toes with an invisible thread. But in life, not everyone manages to meet their ideal soul mate. To eliminate all doubts that the person with whom you want to connect your destiny is exactly the one you need, you can turn to a unique system that accurately determines compatibility.

This is a system of the Four Pillars of Luck, which is compiled according to a person’s date of birth. astrologer, numerologist and Feng Shui specialist Lyudmila Nikishina told us how to use this system .

Now every home has the Internet and you can easily get ready-made Four Pillars of Luck. To do this, you need your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Type on the Internet: Pillars of Luck, enter your date of birth, and you will receive ready-made Pillars of Luck completely free of charge. You can also refer to the Chinese calendar, but for those who are not familiar with it, it will be difficult.

So, we have received a natal personality chart. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the element of personality is determined by the Heavenly Stem of the birthday. If a person was born in the year of the Dog, and the Dog is the element Earth, this does not mean at all that all people born in this year belong to the element Earth. The personality element is determined by the birthday; in the natal chart it is the second hieroglyph in the top row. It also says what it means.

Independence and changeable temperament

Their mood can change in the most unexpected ways. Suddenly, the calm and quiet surface of the water turns into an unpredictable and raging hurricane. It frightens some, fascinates others. You won't get bored with representatives of this element. It is difficult to predict their reactions and thoughts. And no one knows what is on their mind.

They value freedom very much. Just like water in natural conditions, people of this element do not tolerate the slightest stagnation. They begin to fade, get sick, mope. They need movement like air. They cannot withstand an inert state. They love to travel and discover something new.

Ambitious. Yang Water people strive to get all the best: clothes, food, household items, a car, an apartment, a salary. Of no small importance to them is the impression they made. If it’s good, then they are proud of themselves and feel great.

Determination. "I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles!" - the motto of the people of the water element. Indeed, they can move with the flow quietly and peacefully, avoiding obstacles along the flow. But insurmountable obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want are mercilessly demolished.

Compatibility with representatives of other elements

Compatibility of Yang Water with Yin Fire is perhaps the most successful option. Both are active and active, they complement each other perfectly.

Yang Water and Yang Fire. Also a good combination. However, in their union there is more friendship than passion. Similar goals and aspirations in life give rise to many points of contact. True, excessive fiery temper sometimes frightens Water.

Yang Water - Yang Earth. The couple has thoroughness and conservatism, which sometimes complicates the relationship. But no one can restrain a partner’s impulsiveness better than Yan Earth. But relations with the Yin Earth will not go well because of Yin love.

Water and Yang Metal do not understand each other. One is tough, straightforward, organized. The other is freedom-loving and flexible. The same story with Yin Metal: they are not destined to live peacefully in the family nest, but it is possible to build a career.

Two Yan Waters can be great friends against the backdrop of the same views on life. But personal life will not work out. Someone has to stand on their own two feet.

Yin and Yang water can create a strong union only if someone consciously submits to their partner. Otherwise, the two streams will interrupt and drown out each other, which will certainly lead to a break.

With the Yang Tree, the well-being of the union is possible due to the flexibility of Water. A lenient and patient attitude towards slowness and stubbornness will save the tandem, thanks to the streamlining and loyalty of Water.

The Yin tree will make a wonderful pair. Together they will create a long and strong union. The creativity of Wood and the energy and efficiency of Water will perfectly complement each other and will connect them together for a long time.

Of course, all divisions are conditional. But knowing each other’s characteristics, you can adapt to your partner and thereby smooth out the sharp corners of misunderstanding. After all, the main thing is love and the desire to be together!


Innate intuition

Their sixth sense is great. But the problem is that water people do not always listen to their inner voice. They often act with their minds and completely dismiss their premonitions. They are able to help a loved one with valuable advice. To achieve harmony and balance in life, they need to learn to trust their inner voice.

Impulsiveness. They absolutely do not tolerate restrictions and do everything their own way. It is impossible to force them to do anything against their will. The more pressure, the stronger the resistance. When communicating with Water people, it is necessary to give them complete freedom of choice. Moreover, they can perfectly adapt to forced circumstances, but only by their own decision and will.

Year of the Blue Water Tiger

Photo: globallookpress.com © Pascal Deloche

Characteristics of the Year of the Tiger

2022 will be held under the auspices of the Blue (Black) Water Tiger. This is the third sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern calendar. It is associated with yang energy and wood. That is why, together with the Tiger in 2022, people will be influenced by two elements at once - water and earth.

The combination of color, elements and animal indicates that a time of change will come, astrologers say. Blue color is a sign of impermanence, a harbinger of change. Water is movement. But at the same time, the annual cycle softens the tree, which is responsible for confidence and stability.

Elena Iskra Astrologer, bioenergetics

“This very powerful combination of elements suggests that everything that happens in 2022 will be planned, concentrated and logical.

The blue color of water affects the manifestation of the Tiger's character in 2022. It will soften the harsh nature of the predator. Don't forget: the Blue Water Tiger will not be soft in the coming year. Only those who will show strength of character and complete what they start will make friends with him. The symbol of 2022 will help in achieving goals in the professional, financial and personal spheres. Good luck promises those who approach all issues seriously and do not deviate from the goal, astrologers warn.

In what years was the Year of the Tiger?

In the 20th and 21st centuries, 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 passed under the auspices of the Tiger. But it was the Blue Water Tiger - the symbol of 2022 - that “ruled” 60 and 120 years ago. In 1902 and 1962.

Photo: globallookpress.com © Komsomolskaya Pravda

During these periods, many important events occurred that influenced the course of history. In 1902, the Second Anglo-Boer War ended, the death penalty was abolished in the Russian Empire, and a major earthquake on the territory of modern Armenia claimed the lives of more than three thousand people. In 1962, the largest air disaster at that time occurred in the USSR - a Tu-104 plane crashed near Krasnoyarsk, killing 84 people. That same year, the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred, when the entire world froze in fear of a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Nika Ramazanov’s spiritual mentor does not deny that many scientific discoveries and important events may occur in 2022.

Colors of the Year Blue Water Tiger

  • Turquoise;
  • Blue;
  • Black;
  • Silver;
  • Gold;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange.

Astrologers advise celebrating the New Year in an atmosphere of blue, turquoise, black, silver and gold. These colors will give your home warmth, comfort and coziness, which the Tiger really likes. Don't ignore blue and black, as the Blue (Black) Water Tiger dominates these two colors.

Products on the New Year's table should be bright. This applies to vegetables and fruits. Their colors should be close to gold, yellow, orange and brown. The main symbol of 2022 has wool of these shades.

Year of the Tiger for zodiac signs

The combination of elements will charge all zodiac signs with a positive attitude in 2022. The Year of the Blue Water Tiger will be fateful in terms of your personal life and career. The period favors romance and love. Single people can meet their other half, and couples will strengthen their relationships and move to the next level. There will probably be a lot of high-profile weddings.

Photo: globallookpress.com © Sabrina Vani

The color and element of the Tiger says that it is necessary to change and change everything that surrounds you. But astrologers warn that in the year of the Blue Water Tiger it is extremely important not to lose the people in your environment, but in business terms, stop acting alone and strive for partnership. This way, it will be much easier for you to implement the positive attitude of 2022.

Nika Ramazanova Spiritual mentor

“It’s time to move forward.” The year will be active, leading to changes, but at the same time unpredictable. This year will bring good luck to those who strive for change, growth and development.

The Year of the Blue Water Tiger is the best period for fulfilling your plans: mastering a new profession, changing jobs and places of residence; a particularly successful combination of circumstances awaits those who were planning to move to another country. Water is a constant movement. The tiger is one of the most dynamic and unpredictable animals. The Water Tiger encourages travel and constant movement.

Photo: globallookpress.com © Jens Kalaene

New Year 2022 does not like lazy people and slow people with a sad outlook on life. The tiger favors those who lead an active lifestyle, are not afraid of change and are constantly on the move. In the coming year, people will not sit still; they will have a desire to change their environment and travel. Many will strive to show their ego, their true self, authoritarianism and attitudes. People will become more active and courageous. Many issues that have not been resolved for a long time are being resolved. The spiritual mentor of Nika Ramazanov promises that in 2022 people will have more opportunities to move around the world - this is evidenced by the combination of the elements and the symbolism of the year.

Elena Iskra Astrologer, bioenergetics

— I would like to assume that 2022 will bring changes throughout the world and the way of life. There will be new rules, new discoveries that previously seemed impossible to us.

In the year of the Blue Water Tiger, a rare astrological event will occur that has not been observed since 1856: six planets will be in a retrograde loop, and Jupiter will attract good luck and prosperity. The planet expands boundaries and makes the impossible possible.

How to celebrate the Year of the Tiger?

It is better to celebrate the New Year with your family or in a small company. The tiger does not like crowds. Wear outfits in sand, gold, beige, olive or grass colors. Astrologer Elena Iskra does not recommend celebrating the Year of the Blue Water Tiger in clothes with animal prints. The symbol of 2022 will especially not like it if you wear a dress or any other wardrobe item in a tiger print.

What to cook for New Year 2022?

For things to go well in 2022, he needs to be met at the right table. The festive table must include meat dishes and delicacies. Stock up on sausages and cold cuts. The main dish on the New Year's table is meat - the favorite food of predators. All treats should correspond to the Tiger’s diet, astrologers suggest.

Nika Ramazanova Spiritual mentor

— There must be an abundance of different types of meat on your table: sausages, deli meats, fried, steamed. The main thing is that it’s plentiful and tasty.

Meat can be any type: lamb, pork, beef, horse meat, rabbit, veal or game. It is best to cook the main meat dish in the oven or over a fire.

The Blue (Black) Water Tiger is also favorable to chicken, duck, turkey and goose. As a snack, you can serve sandwiches with sausages and deli meats on the holiday table. The tiger will not object to meat casseroles, baked goods and even cutlets.

Photo: globallookpress.com © Creativ Studio Heinemann

Desserts during New Year's celebrations should be in bright colors. This choice will please the Blue Water Tiger and will bring good luck to your home. The fruit plate in 2022 is traditional: tangerines, oranges, pineapples. The composition can also be supplemented with persimmons and yellow figs.

With drinks it’s more difficult. Most people are accustomed to the fact that New Year's celebrations are always accompanied by the clinking of glasses of sparkling wine, but this time replace it with something without gases. Astrologers advise giving preference to low-alcohol drinks and juices. Wine is an excellent choice for the holiday table in 2022.

Intelligence and communication skills.

Water people are extremely smart. They easily and quickly absorb new information in unlimited quantities. And with the same ease they process and systematize the acquired knowledge in their heads.

Along with movement, representatives of the water element need communication. This is necessary for them. At the same time, they are born diplomats. They can find and develop any topic in a conversation, maintain a conversation, are socially active, try to be useful and indispensable. True, sometimes they can go too far and, unable to stop, seem somewhat intrusive and even unceremonious to others.

Yang Water people “reflect” everything that happens around them, like the surface of a pond. Easily picking up the thoughts and ideas of those around them, they present them to the world, adapting them to suit themselves.

Personality types in the Yang Water Bazi

Representatives of this element are brave and able to overcome any obstacles in their path, sweeping them away like water in the ocean. Stress-resistant. They have a large amount of useful and interesting information, which they are happy to share with others. They often become the “life of the party.”

  • Yang Water on the Dragon. "Waterfall". Beneath the pretty appearance lies an ambitious personality striving for leadership. Smart. Capable of managing several business projects at the same time.
  • Yang Water on the Rat. This is a real ocean. A tough man with a powerful core inside. He perceives life in close-up, sometimes without noticing important details. Life and tranquility are not for him. He always has his own opinion on everything and will defend it to the end. However, if he realizes that he is wrong, he admits it. Prefers to deal with people like themselves: smart and strong individuals.
  • Yang Water on Monkey. Represents the image of a sunken ship. These people first do it, and then they think about what they have done. They don’t waste time on empty thoughts. I did it quickly and got the result. They are distinguished by mobility, sharpness, and speed. In relationships with the opposite sex, they expect approval and support.
  • Yang Water on the Dog. Calm and reasonable, like a lake in the mountains. Society wants status and power. They masterfully know how to control themselves and their emotions. Their behavior unknowingly provokes jealousy and control on the part of their other halves.
  • Yang Water on the Horse. Feelings, ideas, emotions overwhelm and overflow, as if in a “seething source.” They want to cover the whole world at once, they live by the principle: there is little time, but there is a lot to do. Because of this, they rush from one extreme to another. They strive to control everything and everyone. They love money.
  • Yang water on the Tigris. "River in the Forest" Creative, love comfort. Strong and brave. They believe that children are the main meaning of marriage. They strive to leave behind something important for many years.

Woman of the water element Yang

Freedom-loving and independent nature. She will never tolerate a weak and stupid man around her. Very demanding. She can be easily offended and is sometimes suspicious and impatient. However, deep down, she is a passionate and romantic young lady who dreams of dates, flowers and beautiful courtship.

They don’t want to get married for fear of losing their freedom. And often it is difficult for her to choose a single man from her many admirers: give her a calm romantic, an intellectual, or a passionate macho.

In marriage, she will not allow herself to be dominated. Her opinion will have to be taken into account. She must have personal space. If she feels the slightest pressure, she will irrevocably break off the relationship. Therefore, it is difficult for representatives of Yang Water to build long-term relationships.

Man: characteristics of temperament

Strong, purposeful, businesslike. But romance, tenderness and care are also not alien to him. Family and career are equally important to him, but in due time. He doesn't confuse these concepts.

The whole life of a Yang Water man is scheduled literally minute by minute. And the woman who is going to start a family with him will have to come to terms with this. He will not allow himself to be nagged or humiliated.

Depending on the indicators of the birth chart, he can be either overly strong and assertive, or weak, going with the flow. A strong person strives for financial independence and never wastes time on trifles in everyday life. Weak is the opposite.

Basically, they are pleasant people to whom others are drawn. They always strive forward, leaving the past behind.

How to determine compatibility?

First, you need to take the personality element literally. And then a lot will be clear right away. Well, for example: two Tanks in the house, that’s a lot – it’s already a war. Metal men love women with the Fire element. They cannot resist them and literally melt, melt before our eyes. But it's not very good for them. The Earth woman is like a mother for Metal. The relationship with Water is also not very good. Water takes away energy. But the Grass is not afraid of any Tank, it will grow again.

For Tree-Oak men, Water woman is a resource. But not so much for a companion. He will drink all the juices. Wood is not friendly with Metal. Such a union is a punishment for everyone. Fire burns. The ideal union is Oak and Front Garden. These are always together and friendly.

Water women are contraindicated for a Sun man. Boiling. The tree is drying nearby. It is good for the Earth - Fire gives birth to the Earth, therefore, you can always recharge. The union of Fire-Sun and Metal-Jewelry, which shines under the rays of the Sun, is considered ideal. There are no two Suns in the sky. But two Candles burn brighter.

Mountain does not meet Mountain. It’s the same in life. If you are two Earths (mountains), then don’t even try to start a family. It won't work. The small Palisadnik and the big Mountain still have some chances. Fire is not very comfortable near the Earth, because Fire is a resource for the Earth, which means it needs to share its energy, and this causes rejection. Earth is a resource for Metal, and I don’t want to share it either. The best partner for the Earth element is Yin Water. Morning dew on Earth evokes only delight and admiration.

Water-Ocean men are the favorites of all women. Merry fellows and jokers who can replace a mother. But not everyone can withstand their onslaught. The Candle woman copes with this best of all. She simply does not notice his pressure and, like a lighthouse in the ocean, quietly and calmly shows the way. Well, Water and Water will always merge.

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