What color bedding to choose: the best options

The bedroom should be a place where you can escape from the stress of everyday life. Rest and recovery are very important, and psychological research has proven that colors do influence this process. Meanwhile, the color of bedding, sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases also have a similar impact.

There are some colors and color ratios that are considered an eye irritant. They can cause headaches and essentially damage our vision. But there are other colors and color combinations that have a beneficial effect and are actually very calming.

What bedding color is best for sleeping?

Many people do not think at all about the colors of bed linen, because it is hidden from prying eyes by blankets and bedspreads. The choice of tone for a given textile depends on what principle people follow when purchasing it:

  • under the influence of “color taste”;
  • on the seller's recommendation;
  • so that it is not easily soiled;
  • choosing from textile novelties;
  • choosing based on the effect of color on sleep and general condition.

Categories of personal preferences

  • “Color tastes” in the choice of clothing or accessories smoothly flow into the choice of textiles. This is typical for the first category of people.

However, if, when choosing the first one, a person thinks about whether this solution will suit the shade of his skin and eyes, will make him look slimmer, or, on the contrary, will add a couple of extra pounds, in the case of underwear the choice is much wider and safer. So people are collecting sets with flower meadows, aggressive tigers and outer space.

  • The next category cannot make a choice on their own and completely relies on the advice of friends or the seller.

These people cannot choose just one set from the variety, or, on the contrary, they are so passive that any color will suit them.

  • Next come the practical people. For this category, the main rule is that any item should not be a brand and not attract much attention.

Why do laundry every week if the bedding is still clean?! A small number of washes will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the item - it will not fade and wear out so quickly. These people usually choose "middle" undertones. The taboo for them is too light (white, milky, beige, light blue), as well as too dark (black, dark blue, emerald). They do not tolerate designs on textiles that attract attention, as well as embroidery and appliqués.

Manufacturers almost every season release collections with current prints. Fans of such “textile innovations” cannot ignore fashionable duvet covers with 3D patterns, aggressive leopard prints and gardens of Eden. Can this be called a disease? Probably not, you just can’t have too much bed linen!

  • The last category refers to the most “thinking” and advanced.

They are characterized by the creation of a unified style of the room, thinking through the smallest details, not even noticeable to the eyes of an outsider. These people love harmony in everything and try not to disturb it. They carefully select elements and colors based on the teachings of Feng Shui and the effect of shade on state and mood. This category will never choose bedding in an “acid” color with an aggressive pattern.

Feng Shui - ancient wisdom and its recommendations

Feng Shui pays attention not so much to color, but to patterns, prints and combinations of different tones. The recommendations sound like this:

  • No more than two colors can be used in sleep textiles, ideally one;
  • If you want decor, it should be lace in a different palette, but expensive and of high quality;
  • Only specific patterns are allowed - light, without corners. They can be blue or black, and the main color should always be light;
  • The main colors are yellow, sand, white, cream, pink and other similar shades;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use black and red. These colors destroy consciousness and negatively affect energy flows.

To summarize, we note that all recommendations boil down to the following - light colors, blue, shades of green. Don't get carried away with black and red. But it’s still up to you to choose according to your taste, preferences and capabilities. Sweet dreams!

Properties and influence of bed linen color on humans

Regardless of whether a person is a skeptic or, on the contrary, blindly believes every statement, almost everyone agrees with the influence of shade on a person’s condition. Books are written and dissertations are defended on this issue.

The ancient teaching of Feng Shui divides all colors into two classes:

  • Yin;
  • Yan.

The first category includes shades under the influence of which a person relaxes, calms down, they endow him with healing properties and set him up for a wave of peace.

  • Yin Colors: Blue;
  • Blue;
  • Violet;
  • Green;
  • White.

These are cool shades that do not give room to recklessness and pacify passions. Colors are associated with the water element. Although the presence of “living” water (aquariums, paintings with water) in the bedroom is not desirable, the presence of such flowers can be present in moderate quantities. The Togas company offers PB in any color, even the most unusual.

  • Yang Colors: Yellow;
  • Orange;
  • Brown;
  • Beige;
  • Red.

All these tones belong to warm options. They create coziness and comfort, giving a feeling of warmth and security. These colors will help restore the lost passion of the spouses and raise the relationship to a new unknown level. However, especially impulsive people should be careful with some of them; an excessive amount can lead to unnecessary aggression.

What color bedding is best? Let's talk about the influence of some shades of bedding in more detail.


A snow-white bed is a classic. Previously, when the textile industry was not yet so developed and the most original designs were soft stripes or small flowers along the edges, white sheets and duvet covers filled Soviet markets. This time has long passed, but some people still have an attachment to the white background. How does it affect a person?

White color means purity and innocence, it is also a symbol of perfection . In the teachings of Feng Shui, it correlates with the energy of metal, which is always directed inward. Thanks to this, a person gains inner stability . This color protects the mind from excessive aggressiveness and bad thoughts. Sleeping on such a set will promote relaxation and good sleep. Ecotex lingerie collections help you see familiar colors in a brilliant and completely new way.

Purple bed linen

Purple, depending on the main tone, can be either cold or warm - this is an ambiguous type. Its effect manifests itself differently on different people. This shade is the last in the spectrum and signifies completeness and healing . However, since it is located on the edge, it can cause a feeling of anxiety and danger.

Particularly impressionable people sleeping on a purple pillow and sheet may suffer from sudden panic and nightmares . Although this color does not put pressure on the psyche, one cannot say unequivocally about its positive impact.

However, if you like to dream and philosophize, then this color will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in your inner world and find harmony . Bedding with such a background will give you a feeling of peace after a hard day at work and set you up for the right “sleepy” wave. Jacquard linen of this color looks great and decorates the bedroom interior.


The blue background on the pillows is the best choice if you want to relax and calm down. It will normalize blood pressure and give you sound sleep. In addition, in the summer heat, the blue tint will give a drop of coolness .

This set encourages relaxation and inspires hope . Blue bedding would be especially appropriate in the bedrooms of people engaged in mental work . They will relieve stress and help you tune in to the desired wave in the morning.


Green textiles give a feeling of freshness and unity with nature. This color gives a feeling of complete rest and relaxation. Green is the color of the mind. He is responsible for prosperity and career growth. The green tint is indicated for people who often suffer from headaches or muscle pain. By relaxing the body, it relieves these symptoms.

This is the color of relaxation. Of all the shades, perhaps it is the most suitable for healthy sleep . In Feng Shui, this coloring is associated with the beginning of a new life , so it is better to start a new project or round of life by sleeping on a green sheet and pillow. This will create a favorable atmosphere and push you to achieve your goal as quickly as possible .


Blue color belongs to the element of water. And although its presence in the bedroom and throughout the house should be limited according to Feng Shui, blue bedding does not cause concern. This background helps to open internal channels and acquire new qualities. He will be able to awaken hidden abilities and push him to new achievements . However, do not forget that, first of all, this is a cold shade. If you have an unstable family relationship, it is better to avoid textiles of this color on the marital bed.

In Asia, they try to avoid this tone, as it is associated with grief, but in Europe, on the contrary, it is considered the color of wisdom and enlightenment. Blue bedding will help get rid of obsessive fear and nervousness. This color has a beneficial effect on the body.


Brown tone is considered masculine. Although it makes the environment comfortable and cozy, women will miss the feeling of cleanliness. It is the color of earth and fertility. Textiles of this shade give a feeling of strength and reliability, as well as warmth and stability . If you are leaning towards this shade, it is better to go for a lighter option. Dark color will act depressingly. We offer examples and photos of beautiful brown silk PBC at the link >>.


Everyone interprets the chocolate shade in their own way. For some it is light caramel, similar to milk chocolate, while others associate it with dark chocolate. To strengthen family relationships, it is better to buy bedding in a chocolate-honey shade. It will return warmth and tenderness to your relationship. The middle tone will add a touch of playfulness.

Too dark a chocolate shade can lead to gloomy negative thoughts . In general, dark colors are very insidious. Although black is associated with money in Feng Shui, excessive use of it can lead to depression and a feeling of doom. It is better to combine dark shades with gold and silver elements and use them on certain occasions rather than every day.

Is it possible to often sleep on red bedding?

Red means passion and fire. If your relationship has become cold and is gradually cracking, bring some bright colors into your life. Red is aggressive and dominant. Not recommended for daily use. This is a special color for a specific occasion . He pushes you to new achievements .

Red is a Yang color. They charge and nourish the body with positive energy . But you need to be careful with this background. If you are an impulsive person , in whose soul passions are always raging, it is better to refrain from choosing this shade . It will make you aggressive and even more unrestrained.

People who are passive and constantly afraid of something, on the contrary, can safely buy textiles in bright red or burgundy color .


Orange color is responsible for creativity. He is active and cheerful. Fills with energy and charges the inner “sun” of a person. An orange bedding set gives optimism and allows you to fight blues and depression . If you feel constantly depressed, dark obsessive thoughts are swarming in your head, then you definitely need to buy textiles made in such a life-affirming tone.


Pink sets you in a tender and romantic mood. It gives a feeling of carefree and lightness . Although many believe that the choice of this color is typical for young girls, they still want romance at a more mature age. A bedding set from Blumarine in this tone is suitable as an excellent gift for a young family .

He will talk about youth, purity and tenderness. Pink color reduces aggression and relaxes muscles. If you are surrounded by such colors in a dream, you will certainly have light and positive dreams .

Wear resistance

Strength. During the night we turn around several times, get up, lie down, make the bed, fold, wash, iron clothes. To withstand the load, the material must have sufficient strength and wear resistance.


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  • Bed linen for newborns: requirements for bedding for a newborn. Variety of sizes, materials and patterns of children's underwear (photo + video)

  • Double bed linen: TOP-170 photo reviews of new designs, choice of size, color and material

The service life of each set is individual and depends on how often it is used, on the quality of washing, on the load, whether the set is for children or for adults.

Floral print

Flowers are a symbol of nature, so their influence on humans cannot be negative. The only thing you need to pay attention to is what type of plant is depicted . If you use a bright floral print with large elements, then its impact will be greater than with small and faded inflorescences. An excellent option is microfiber PCB.

The number of colors also matters. The inflorescences will carry much more energy than the “lonely” varieties. The impact is also determined by the flowers themselves, which are depicted on the sheet or pillow.

Here is a table that contains the names of colors and their effects on humans.

DandelionFeeding a person positive energy helps protect him from minor troubles
red geraniumResponsible for material well-being
White geraniumRelaxes and ensures sound sleep
JasmineResponsible for strengthening friendships
MallowHelpful if you want children
DaffodilsAllows you to open up to other people, become more generous and sociable
SunflowerImprove the situation within the family, allow you to achieve harmony in interpersonal relationships
BegoniaImproves the health of spouses

Air exchange

Good air flow. The interweaving of longitudinal and transverse threads should not interfere with the free penetration of air. During sleep, our body breathes and sweats.

If the quality of the linen is poor, you will feel discomfort, which will affect the quality of your sleep. Sufficient heat exchange will ensure comfortable rest and restful sleep.

General tips: how to choose the color of PB

  • If you don’t want to change anything in your life, then stick to the color scheme that is most familiar to you. When you want to change something (for example, to awaken your former activity), choose “unnatural” shades (red, burgundy, orange);
  • Cold backgrounds allow you to relax and fall asleep well, warm shades give you vigor and strength;
  • Saturated oppressive colors - red, burgundy, black, orange - cannot be used constantly. The body can become oversaturated with them, which will cause attacks of aggression and the release of unregulated emotions;
  • The orange background awakens the appetite. If you want to lose weight, then you shouldn’t choose sets of this shade - you definitely won’t be able to avoid night snacks;
  • If you work with your head, then you should opt for blue bed linen, as it frees you from heavy thoughts and relieves mental stress. For people whose work involves lifting weights, green is necessary. It helps to relax the body and feel complete rest.
  • “Italian” families, where passions are constantly raging, should avoid brightly colored textiles. This will aggravate the situation and will contribute to even greater incontinence and aggressiveness. In this case, it is better to stick to blue, pink, white and beige shades;
  • Black underwear is especially captivating when relaxing, but you shouldn’t often sleep on a bed of this color. This color is strong and depressing, it can provoke a depressed mood and even panic attacks;
  • It is necessary to have bedding in 4 different shades. It is best if it is red, blue, green and beige. Red is for special occasions, blue is for headaches, green is for relieving muscle tension, beige is a neutral shade that is suitable for every day.

The main thing when choosing bed linen is to maintain harmony. It should be combined both with the interior of the room and with your inner world. When choosing, trust your feelings, but also do not forget about the overall influence of color.

Not only color, but also the material of the PCB plays an important role. We have collected reviews about percale bed linen. You can also share your comments there.

Get acquainted with the impressions of the owners of poplin PCBs in this article.


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What your favorite color says about you (secret test)

This is a test that will definitely not leave you indifferent. The point of the test is to choose a color from the proposed options. After this, you will be shown the test result. In which you can learn about your psychological state. The test was invented by Max Luscher in the 20th century and quickly gained popularity among psychologists. Nowadays, some employers use it when hiring employees. Needless to say, I suggest trying the “Luscher Color Test”

Now you have a complete picture of choosing the color of bed linen, let's move on to the conclusion.


Green color will help you relax and unwind.
The color of harmony, balance and peace, promotes the development of romantic relationships. The use of green color helps to calm down and discard unnecessary thoughts before going to bed. A green bedding set is ideal for a children's room, where it is necessary to balance activity, as well as for an adult bedroom, if a person wants to fully rest and relax.

Green is the color of the wood element, suitable for use in the eastern part of the room. Recommended ornaments and designs:

  • leaves and flowers;
  • trees;
  • green landscapes;
  • bamboo shoots.

One of the few colors that can be used in its pure form. However, the abundance of green in the interior can awaken groundless expectations and unnecessary idealism.


Orange underwear lifts your spirits and increases your activity.
Another fiery color, symbolizes the forces of creation, as well as action and freedom. Orange helps cope with fears and bad moods. Increases feelings of independence and pride, so is not recommended for married couples who need loyalty to each other and an open relationship.

Orange is best used as accents and decorative elements. Bed linen will be decorated with:

  • orange flames;
  • firebirds;
  • triangles;
  • sunset.

Excessive use of orange will lead to unnecessary activity, and the bedroom is meant for relaxation. The appropriate side of the world is south.


The color of joy and energy. Represents the element of earth. A bed with a yellow bedding set is located in the southwest or northeast of the room.

Promotes physical and mental activity. It is not recommended to use deep yellow bedding - a person will think a lot about problems, and the head must be cleared before going to bed to calm thoughts. Too much yellow can cause stagnation in romantic relationships. Bright patterns on the sheets and duvet covers are recommended for a children's room.

Suitable images:

  • crystals;
  • gems;
  • landscapes;
  • geometric square patterns.

The following color options are beautiful and comfortable: honey, soft golden, noble copper. Warm shades help calm the nervous system and relax, as well as recover from illness.


The color of confidence and tradition, belongs to the element of earth. Light brown is a lighter option, while a rich shade can evoke negative thoughts. Brown bed linen can become a bright accent in the bedroom interior. Soft shades can relieve fears, calm, and fight the effects of stress.

The following images are suitable for decorating brown bed linen:

  • squares;
  • landscapes;
  • imitation stone.

Brown also helps strengthen love and make relationships more stable. Suitable for use in the southwest and northeast of the room.

Color therapy

Scientists have been studying for a long time how the color red affects the human body, and as a result of numerous experiments they have found that it:

  • helps lower blood pressure;
  • slows down and stabilizes the heartbeat;
  • improves mood;
  • allows you to forget about fears and get rid of anxious thoughts.

Some doctors recommend that their patients place a red cloth over their eyes during migraine attacks or regular headaches.

With hearts


White color is suitable for a bedroom where the owner spends a lot of time.
The color of perfection, purity and spirituality. Includes the entire range of colors. Represents the element of metal. Traditionally in China, white is a mourning color, symbolizing death and the other world. It is ideal for bed linen if the owner is a freelancer and likes to work at home and spends a lot of time in the bedroom. The use of color helps to enhance financial well-being and success.

A bed with white linen is placed in the west of the bedroom or in the northwest - these are directions associated with the element of metal.

Images suitable for decorating a white set:

  • circles;
  • crescents;
  • coins;
  • metal objects;
  • "Money Tree".

According to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to use only snow-white linen - it weakens you energetically and promotes the outflow of vitality. It is best if the color is present as inclusions or ornaments. A reasonable amount of white neutralizes negative energy, calms you down, and helps you wake up quickly and easily.

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