Let's refuse to get sick and start loving! Chinese horoscope for the week from November 29 to December 5

Earth in Bazi

Ba-Tzu, Feng Shui and all Chinese metaphysics are built on the same laws of interaction of energies. The basic principles are the interaction of yin/yang and the five elements. The five elements in Bazi (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) are represented through the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches>>, on which the Chinese calendar is built. Having built our Bazi card using the Chinese calendar or one of the online calculators>>, we first look at how much of which element it contains, which already gives us some understanding about our personality, possible career, health and much more.

Complete online course from the Feng Shui School of Master Anatoly Sokolov!

Also, when all four Earthly branches of the Earth, Dragon (辰), Goat (未), Dog (戌), and Ox (丑) gather, it means special luck, as we were able to observe this in the fate of Larisa Dolina during the best period of her luck , from 1995 to 2005. You can learn to interpret Ba-Tzu cards more deeply in the correspondence course “The Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba-Tzu)”>>.

Now we will talk about Heavenly trunks.

First, let's look at what the hieroglyphs themselves mean, since Chinese writing is “speaking”; the sign itself can tell us something about itself.

The yang earth in bazi sounds like “Wu” (戊)

Yana Earth represents the interaction of huge masses. Basically, the Land of Yang is a mountain range, interconnected mountains covered with rich vegetation. He is responsible for fullness and secrecy, she hides untold riches. Such Earth crumbles, thus turning into Yin Earth.

Yin earth in bazi sounds like “Ji” (己)

Yin Earth is the kind of land that can be carried away by wind and water. This is land that can give life to plants. Yin land is also the kind of land through which water can flow, that is, wet soil. Yin earth also means regulation, discipline.

We can look at people with the Personality Element >> Earth and see how the character of the Sky Stem has left an imprint on their own character.

戊 Wu – The land is yang, it is associated with stones and boulders. Yanskaya Zemlya is a mountain. This is a strong and heavy land. This is a reliable, solid person, but he can be too heavy, both literally and figuratively. Therefore, he is often somewhat clumsy and conservative, inflexible and heavy, like a mountain. The Earth hides a lot of resources in its “belly”, thus demonstrating its generosity, therefore the people of the Yang Earth are friendly and sentimental, they readily help others and become their friends. The Earth emotion is thinking; someone with a dominant Earth element tends to think a lot.

Yanskaya Zemlya is, for example, Dmitry Rogozin, he looks like a mountain...

If you find a lot of earth in your bazi chart, this may mean that an “Earth” job or business is suitable for you>>. Earth professions in Bazi can be related to both the material and function of the Earth. These are, for example, real estate, the hotel business, since they are associated with the building, which provides us with protection and warmth, as well as construction, primarily from stone and brick. This is insurance, HR, any social work, and also Feng Shui, since here we are dealing with houses.

If, on the contrary, we need to strengthen the Earth according to Ba Tzu, we can move to the mountains, decorate a room in stone, and, ultimately, wear more yellow, beige, and brown colors in clothes. It will also help to use furniture of the same colors in the home and office, while the shape of the furniture should be low and flat, like a chest of drawers, a bedside table, or a table.

You can learn Feng Shui and the pillars of destiny (ba-tzu) by taking correspondence courses from the author of the article, Anatoly Sokolov:

Discounts when purchasing several courses of Feng Shui and the pillars of destiny (ba-tzu) by the author of the article Anatoly Sokolov:


Human Personality and Yin Water

Yin water is fickle water. This is rain, dew drops, clouds, clouds. The Yin Water person is also very changeable and fickle. Like a cloud floating across the sky, he can quickly change one mood to another, and a radically opposite one.

He has a crystal clear soul and noble thoughts. Like a universal key that opens any door, this person is able to find an approach to everyone. As a rule, it is he who is trusted with all the secrets of the heart and goes for advice. He knows how to listen, and often takes many things too to heart.

Yanskaya Zemlya

The nature of the Wu man is like mountains, rocks and hills - all those features of the earth's landscape that remain motionless for many centuries. The people of the Yang Earth are reliable, stable, internally stable. They do not need praise for their achievements, are self-confident, self-reliant, independent and have a strong moral compass. Friendly, caring, avoid conflicts. They are lenient towards the mistakes of others, know how to forgive and inspire confidence in others. However, Wu people often keep their feelings to themselves, which can make it difficult to connect with them. They usually plan their actions for a long time and carefully. Their negative traits may be the ability to change their minds for the sake of the needs of others, weakness of will and illogical, irrational behavior in difficult situations.

Wu Zi, Yang Earth on the Rat

The image of the Wu Zi pillar is of mountains covered in fog. People born under it are usually gifted, have good character, a sharp mind and are able to solve complex problems. They are careful, persistent, see their goal and do not give up without a fight. They understand well what they need, are able to give good advice, value their reputation and lead an active life.

Wu Zis are attractive in appearance, but may have low self-esteem, causing them to appear either timid or mysterious. In fact, they often suffer from internal conflicts and seek balance within themselves. At the same time, they remain a reliable support for loved ones—family members and friends can rely on them, although the Wu Zi themselves cannot always find the support they need.

They strive for knowledge and new information. They are very practical: for them, a bird in the hands is better than a pie in the sky. Ambitious and stubborn, they concentrate on the goal and can be very productive on the way to it. Their views are strong, they can become bright leaders. If Wu Zi faces severe trials, they show themselves to be humble, sacrificial and selfless individuals - they adapt to the circumstances and continue to fight.

Wu Yin, Yang Earth on the Tigris

The image of this pillar is amazingly beautiful - a high mountain covered with greenery. People born on the day of Wu Yin are usually tall, beautiful in appearance, smart, strong, and outwardly calm. They value ethical standards, are strong-willed, have self-control, and strive for excellence.

Wu Yin are always full of different ideas, have a good sense of humor and are looking for new experiences. It is important for them to avoid boredom, but from time to time they need solitude, which creates an aura of some mystery around them.

Wu Yin people have been distinguished by independence since childhood. They are naturally physically strong, and often remain in good health into old age due to their calm nature, balance and intelligence, although some Wu Yin can still be excitable, authoritarian and overly stubborn.

It happens that people of this pillar worry too much about money, because... love comfort and beautiful things. It is extremely important for them to plan their actions in detail.

Six Yin Water Personality Types

People Water Yin

pliable, soft, non-conflicting. They are sociable, caring, gentle, but they are characterized by increased anxiety and a sense of fear. They often look different from what they really are. It is very difficult to understand what is inside such people. They easily change their minds and priorities. People of this type are not characterized by such traits as straightforwardness and frankness. In communication, they often prefer the indirect route. They tend to worry too much. They are prone to pessimism and negative thinking. They value freedom of choice, communication, and movement.

There are six types of Yin Water

癸卯 Yin Water on the Rabbit. Emotional and sensual people. Creative, artistic. Overall a wonderful character. They are able to flexibly adapt to the situation and find a common language with people from different social spheres. Well-mannered, educated, tactful and cultural. They love neatness and clarity, but do not tolerate rudeness and cruelty. Money is not the main goal in life for them; they gravitate more toward art and creativity. Inspiration is important to them. Often these are spiritual people. They are more interested in the inner world than the external trappings of wealth or power. They easily attract helpers and influential people into their lives. In the pillar there is a star Noble Man. They have good taste, but sometimes tend to indulge their desires and have bad habits. Inspiration and pleasure are important to them. Romantic, charming. There is a tendency towards a second marriage. In relationships they know how to give and support their partner.

癸酉 Yin Water on the Rooster. People are educated, polite, and often pursue careers in education. Receptive, over time they develop a desire for self-education, love research, and are proud of their education. Creative, intuitive, quite sensitive people. They make excellent poets and artists. They have a deep inner world. But these are rather difficult people; they do not always openly express their intentions. They can be cunning, dexterous, and, if desired, know how to manipulate people. They have a non-standard view of the world, they have original ideas. They speak well (oratory talent), sing, and work with information. They can be sharp-tongued and do not always notice that their statements offend people. They don't know how to keep secrets. They love to discuss other people and gossip. They are not afraid to expose their own shortcomings. Sexy and attractive. They often have a second marriage. They want to receive more in a relationship than to give. They like to play by their own rules.

A win-win formula for a perfect marriage. How does the human compatibility system work?

There is a legend that the god of marriage at the birth of boys and girls distributes them into pairs by tying their toes with an invisible thread. But in life, not everyone manages to meet their ideal soul mate. To eliminate all doubts that the person with whom you want to connect your destiny is exactly the one you need, you can turn to a unique system that accurately determines compatibility.

This is a system of the Four Pillars of Luck, which is compiled according to a person’s date of birth. astrologer, numerologist and Feng Shui specialist Lyudmila Nikishina told us how to use this system .

Now every home has the Internet and you can easily get ready-made Four Pillars of Luck. To do this, you need your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Type on the Internet: Pillars of Luck, enter your date of birth, and you will receive ready-made Pillars of Luck completely free of charge. You can also refer to the Chinese calendar, but for those who are not familiar with it, it will be difficult.

What to do when you find your other half.

It is best not to have any plants in the bedroom. This is especially true for cacti. There should be no cacti in the house at all. I have long noticed that lonely people always have them.

Ideal star unions.

I reviewed dozens of star couples. We had to look for the ideal union. Not everything works out for our modern “stars” in their personal lives. Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov have a good union, Natasha Koroleva and Sergei Glushko, the Boyarsky family, Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin get along well. Of the young couples, Maxim Matveev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya have an excellent union. The ideal couple that went down in history is Vladimir Vysotsky (fire yin-candle) and Marina Vladi (Water yang-ocean).


Fire Yang on the Dog

Winston Churchill once said..."Never give up..Never give up...

Never give up". I think the Yang Fire on the Dog people took this speech literally.

They are called by everyone who has faced cruelty in life - the people of Bing Na Xu bring hope with them. Sunset is just the beginning of a story in their land, where dreams come true and wishes are fulfilled.

People of the element Fire Yang. known for their generosity and altruism. They literally bathe others in warmth and light, giving them hope that their days will become better and more meaningful.

Sunset is the last moment when the Sun (Yang Fire) disappears and the time when it is most accessible and easiest to see.

Romantic dreams of tomorrow and tender “goodbyes” make you yearn and look forward to their appearance every next day.

In Bazi, Yang Fire on the Dog (Xu) includes the main energy - Yang Earth (Wu, Spirit of Pleasure) and two additional ones: Yin Metal (Direct Wealth) and Yin Fire (Wealth Robber).

The Spirit of Pleasure gives them creativity and gives them their own world of augmented reality. They seek perfection and create various scenarios on how to achieve it, which provides them with an eternal source of positive energy.

When you are able to embrace Heaven (Fire) and Earth (Wu), you obviously create a space where people want to be. And where you can promise them anything - everything that is between heaven and earth.

Secondary Qi Direct Wealth activates their ability to set and solve problems.

And never give up - Yin Metal provides them with diamond hardness. While the Wealth Robber helps to break through the tough paths of competition, giving rise to leadership qualities.

Thanks to their popularity and impulses of the soul, they do not become good husbands. Their generosity embraces and is shared by everyone.

Sunset is for everyone who can wait...you cannot monopolize it.

Details, I want details!

Two friends - Dog (Xu) and Rabbit (Mao), which complements the first with the energy of Direct Seal (Yin Tree).

For relationships, this is neither hot nor cold, for both men and women. But when knowledge is required, they are never left without support - those around them will definitely provide them with the necessary ideas.

Since the Yin Tree also relates to psychology, our heroes are naturally sensitive to what people think and want (for them, this means they can) influence the formation of other people’s opinions.

The Dog (Xu) squabbles with the Dragon (Cheng) in an irreconcilable struggle, which greatly affects the Spirit of Pleasure (Yang Earth) and has a secondary effect on Right Power (Yin Water) and Direct Seal (Yin Tree).

Consequently, for women, the Husband’s Star is repelled, which does not have a positive effect on their relationship. In the Solar System, only the Sun is possible, and the repulsion of the Direct Seal only increases loneliness.

To sum it up, people of the Yang Fire pillar on the Dog are like those adorable puppies that everyone loves and adores again. They have enough energy for everyone.

No one can lay their paw on them, just as sunlight cannot be privatized.

The best thing you can do is to preserve their image, to imprint a mental photo in your brain.

If you intend to live a long life with the Bing Xu people, then be prepared to sacrifice, sharing your charm with others, because they will never leave anyone without support. “I always come back in the morning, never giving up on YOU!”



Author of the article: Feng Shui specialist Nadezhda Romanova

In this article I want to show how important it is to approach the horoscope individually, taking into account all the nuances and how those born in the same year can receive very different effects. Let's take a man. He was born on February 22, 1982 at the hour of the Rabbit. This is what his pillars of destiny look like.

First, let's define personality strength.
He is a Yang Fire personality. Born in spring, when Fire is not particularly strong. There is a lot of water in the card, which weakens fire, so in this case we have the personality of “weak Yang Fire.” Useful elements for it are Wood, Fire and partially Water. Unuseful elements are Earth and Metal. Let's describe what each element in his map is responsible for. Fire - himself, friends, partners Wood - resources, mother Earth - expression, ideas, activity Metal - money, wife, father Water - power, career, children Now let's see what will await him in 2012. 2012 is the year of Yang Water on the Dragon (earth). Water is moderately beneficial for this person, as it nourishes the beneficial tree. Water is a symbol of power, so we can say that in 2012 he will be actively moving up the career ladder. Not everything will be simple, since there are 5 elements in the system, Yang Water conflicts with Yang Fire, that is, it will “attack” the person. There may be conflicts with superiors, competition, tension, but in the end the person will achieve his goals. A clash is always change, here there is a clash with elements of power, so in 2012 the man will change jobs. And perhaps he will move to a new place of residence. Now let's look at the Dragon. The dragon is an earth animal. We saw that earth is an unhelpful element, BUT in this map there is a transformation Dragon (2012) + Tiger (birth month) + Rabbit (birth hour) = TREE This is a very strong fusion, a seasonal fusion of spring, which brings the energy of the Tree into the map. And the Tree is extremely useful to him, it provides resources and support. Therefore, the Dragon will have a very successful year. The children's palace (Rabbit) is involved in the merger, it is very likely that he will have a child this year. When resources increase, a person can buy real estate, a car, or get a good education. The seasonal triple merging cancels out many of the negative effects of the year. In particular, a collision with a Dog. Here it will not be so tough, but on the contrary, it will open up new opportunities. And the coolest thing is the opening of the vault. In an article about business, I wrote about storage facilities. For this person, the Dog is a storehouse of money. The Dragon arrives and confronts the Dog - the vault opens. In such a year, a person can become very rich, open a successful business, or receive an inheritance. Since the depository is in the year of birth, the inheritance may come from the parents. This is a very promising year. That is, for him it is even a profitable clash between two animals. Of course, not everything will be simple, since the earth still remains an unfavorable element. But the person will overcome everything and achieve great success in 2012. So, after analysis, we can say that in 2012 this man will successfully change jobs, there will be an opportunity to move up the career ladder, he will move to a new place of residence, a child may be born in the family, it will be a very successful year financially, you can earn a lot of money, buy real estate, receive an inheritance - if you wish, you can get a prestigious education - start a successful business - buy a car Now let's take a woman, also born in 1982, that is, in the year of the Dog.
The woman was born on July 8, 1982 at the hour of the Rabbit. This is what her chart looks like.

Again, first we determine the strength of the card.
This girl was born on the day of Yang Water. She was born in the summer, when the water is very weak, there is no support for water in the chart, so this card belongs to the personality of “weak Yang Water”. Useful - Metal and Water Unhealthy elements - Wood, Fire and Earth. Let us describe for her what the elements mean. year 2012. Let us remember - this is the year of Yang Water on the Dragon. Water is not useful - this is a minus. Next we look at mergers. Yang Water + Yin Fire (birth month) = TREE The merger into Tree occurred again. But if in the previous example the Tree was useful, then here the tree is extremely unhelpful. Because Wood weakens the already weak personality of Water. What can happen? For this girl, water is an element of brotherhood. Therefore, in 2012 she will have very difficult relationships with people, there will be many conflicts, enemies, envious people, and competitors may escalate. There will be misunderstandings with brothers and sisters, especially with sisters. For example, under no circumstances should you open a business with someone, the money will be taken away and there will be a serious betrayal. Merger occurs with fire, and fire for a given person is money, so someone comes and takes away the money. Next, let's look at the Dragon. The dragon is the earth. Earth is also a very unhelpful element. And here the Dragon does not merge with anyone, so the qualities of the earth remain. You see, both Water and Earth are extremely dangerous elements for this card. Will it be a good year? Of course not! Great difficulties are expected. What exactly? We have already talked about money and the danger of betrayal. Look closely at the pillars of 2012 and the pillar of the year of birth. This is a complete duplicate! The years of duplicates are always a very fateful time. Here everything will be negative, since the elements are entirely negative. Duplicate with the palace of matrimony, so 100% of the year will bring very big problems to your personal life. There will be a divorce. A duplicate means that another woman comes and takes her husband away. Moreover, there is one more unpleasant moment. Two Dragons form a combination of “self-punishment”, all this in the palace of the spouse. And the earth itself is the element of the husband. Self-punishment is when the owner of the horoscope himself makes mistakes and then bites his elbows. She herself can create a bad situation in the marriage, such that her husband will be forced to look for another home. Or maybe introduce him to a friend who will take her husband away. But the situation will be very difficult in any case. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the Dragon collides with the Dog, the year of birth. This is exactly the case when the collision will play out very negatively. Two elements of the Earth collide, and the earth is the husband. That is, again an indication of divorce. Therefore, here this event can be predicted almost 100%. But land is also power for a girl. In addition to everything, there will be problems with work, conflicts with superiors, etc. The dog (year of birth) is also a storage facility and it will also open in 2012, only the situation will not be as rosy as in the previous example. There will most likely be a divorce and, against this background, a large division of property. The girl will want to get something from her husband, but will not receive anything. Even a lawsuit is possible, but I would not advise filing a lawsuit - it is useless. In 2012, power is of no use to her, and the court is an element of power, so she will definitely lose. This is such an unpleasant picture. There will also be a move here, but a forced one, due to the divorce from my husband. So, for this particular girl we can make a prediction of the following events in 2012 - a sharp deterioration in life - problems in her personal life, conflicts, divorce - the risk that her husband will leave for another woman - problems with work - division of property and unfavorable situations with the courts - forced relocation - difficult relationships with others Of course, I exaggerated things a bit. We did not take into account 10 year periods and other things. There are many ways to correct the situation. Even just through behavior. Why do we look at the forecast in order to take action in advance? Such a girl herself can ruin everything in marriage, since the “self-punishment” of dragons comes to the palace of marriage. Therefore, you need to give advice to be attentive, calm, etc. And if there is a divorce, then do everything as peacefully as possible, since luck in 2012 is not on her side. There's definitely no point in suing - it's useless; suing her will only anger her husband and get nothing. By thinking through your behavior, you can already avoid many problems. And if you add other means of correction here, even more so. You see how important it is to take into account a specific horoscope, all the pillars of fate, and not just the year of birth. These are two people born in the year of the Dog who will receive completely different effects from 2012. For one, things will go uphill, while the other risks going through a serious crisis. Therefore, be careful with general predictions, especially when you want to make an important decision. For example, the man from the first example could read that all Dogs are not allowed to start new things in the Year of the Dragon. But on the contrary, it is very desirable for him to open a business this year. And so on. Everything is individual, we take into account many nuances when we make a forecast based on the pillars of fate. And you see how much detail and accurate information can be extracted from this technique. Although the biggest charm of Ba Zi is not so much the ability to predict, but the ability to correct difficult situations. Source

Series of messages "Bazi":
Part 1 - Symbolic stars of Bazi Part 2 - Flower of romance ... Part 6 - Childbirth (example) Bazi Part 7 - Childbirth (example 2) Bazi Part 8 - WHY GENERAL FORECASTS DO NOT WORK Part 9 - Symbolic stars (Bazi) Part 10 - Golden carriage (Bazi) ... Part 13 - Several Demons of failure in Bazi Part 14 - Correlation of the elements in the Bazi chart with the 5 life aspects. Part 15 - Model of your ideal relationship according to Bazi

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