Afflictions - Prince of the Year, Destroyer of the Year, 3 Sha and 5 yellow

Feng Shui separately considers especially unfavorable annual influences or, as they are also called, Sha Forces.

These are negative energies coming from certain directions that can damage even the most favorable feng shui of a room. The direction of influence of annual afflictions moves around the circle of 24 Mountains from one sector to another from year to year.

The main adverse annual effects include:

  • Tai Sui - "Deity of the Year"
  • Sui Po - "Clash of the Year"
  • San Sha – “Three Kills”
  • Yellow Five - Flying Star 5.

All these influences are considered harmful and can bring with them the likelihood of robbery, betrayal, disease, ruin and natural disasters.

The figure below shows an example of the location of annual afflictions in 2020.

In Feng Shui, of all the negative influences, the influence of Tai Sui is considered the strongest, brightest, destructive and aggressive.

This is the most powerful and most active energy of the year, which maximizes all manifestations of other energies of this direction, including the current combination of flying stars.

Each year Tai Sui occupies a sector of 15 degrees , and in each year its direction corresponds to the direction of the Earthly Branch (animal) of that year.

For example, inRat years, Tai Sui is located in theRat sector in the north; and in the years Ox , Tai Sui will be located in the Ox in the northeast.

The table of directions corresponding to compass degrees is here

Tai Sui is most aggressive and powerful if you have active places in the house in its direction or if there is pronounced activity in the external environment of the building.

What to avoid in the Tai Sui sector of influence.

The most correct way to avoid negative consequences from the influence of Tai Sui is not to disturb this direction in any way. The energies in the sector of the Prince of the Year are maximally active, so your additional actions can lead to destructive results.

  • Do not carry out construction work in the Tai Sui sector of influence.
  • Do not violate the integrity of the walls.
  • Do not dig in this sector
  • It is not recommended to travel long distances towards Tai Su frequently.

You can sleep, work and study in the Tai Sui sector of influence if your time spent in this room is not associated with noise and destruction in the house.

Another unfavorable yearly influence in Feng Shui is Sui Po - Clash of the Year or Destroyer of the Year .

Every year Sui Po influences in a direction whose Earthly Branch is in conflict with the direction of Tai Sui. Therefore, the place located directly opposite Tai Sui is considered a collision point in Feng Shui and is called Sui Po.

Factors of negative energy in the home

Big troubles come from uneven surfaces in a house or apartment. First of all, the very sight of them spoils the mood. But this trouble can also be avoided by placing the necessary lighting at a certain angle (tilt). A sloping wall can be draped with a curtain. In general, create balance according to Feng Shui. Harmony symbolizes completeness. This completeness of the apartment is spoiled by protruding balconies. They need to be glazed.

In the kitchen you need to get rid of aluminum cookware. The best, but, alas, outdated tableware is wooden. Feng Shui experts only recognize things made from natural materials. They are against non-stick pans and believe that the energy emanating from them is not only negative, but even toxic. Try not to buy things with sharp corners for your home. They, according to experts, bring quarrels into the house. It is in connection with this fact that sharp-angled furniture, tables and chairs are almost never made at present.

Protecting the door from Sha straight path.

What should be the entrance door according to Feng Shui in an apartment?

Remember the following feng shui rule: the size of the door must correspond to the size of the apartment (in particular, the room that is hidden behind this door). A door that is too large has an overwhelming effect on the flow of Qi, scaring away and intimidating anyone who wants to enter the apartment. It is also believed that such a door is a gap through which part of the Qi will leave the house, a signal of the danger of financial difficulties in the family. On the contrary, a disproportionately small front door will make it difficult for Qi to access, and the microclimate in the family will change for the worse: squabbles, quarrels and petty grievances will become frequent guests here. Door jambs must be strong. They symbolize family well-being.

The cactus removes the “negative” of the stairs.

The front door is a checkpoint for both positive Qi energy and negative Sha, for long-awaited friends and foes. Therefore, the door both protects and allows positive Qi energy to pass through.

The main door must be fixed strictly vertically, on reliable, serviceable, non-creaking hinges. The material from which the door itself is made must be free of cracks and scratches. It can be solid wood or metal. The glass door needs to be covered with a curtain or some kind of pattern made, the main thing is that the door is not transparent. This is very important because Qi can easily mistake a door for a window. It is desirable that the pattern on the door be made symmetrically, which, in turn, will help maintain the balance of yin and yang.

What to avoid in the Sui Po sector of influence.

As with Tai Sui, the best way to avoid negative consequences from the influence of Sui Po is to try to disturb this direction as little as possible with your actions.

  • Do not carry out repair work in Sui Po's sector of influence.
  • Do not violate the integrity of the walls.
  • Don't dig the ground.

Three Sha, San Sha or Three Killers is also a fairly strong unfavorable influence that can bring troubles, delays, relationship problems, accidents and illnesses.

Therefore, it is usually not recommended to disturb Tri Sha with repair and construction work, as well as noise of any kind.

The Tri Sha has three components: the Sha of God, the Sha of Disaster and the Sha of Robbery. Since there are three energies, they occupy a wider sector than Tai Sui or Sui Po.

The essence of the negative influence of the Three Shas.

  • financial problems and theft
  • travel problems
  • romantic problems, extramarital affairs
  • diseases
  • accidents
  • slowdowns and obstacles in business

Sha Goda is the least dangerous of the Three Shas. Its influence can lead to slowdown of business, stagnation and obstacles, delays in career growth and any other areas.

Sha of Disaster , if you disturb it, entails conflicts and scandals in public and personal relationships.

Sha Robbery brings problems related to money and documents - from small fines to significant losses and waste.

The location of the annual Three Sha is determined by the Earthly Branch of the current year.

If the front door to your apartment/house is in the sector of influence of Sha Robbery or “looks” in this direction, financial losses are possible for any of the family members.

If the front door to your apartment/house is in the sector of influence of the Sha of Disaster or “looks” in this direction, health problems are possible for all family members.

If the front door to your apartment/house is in the sector of influence of Sha God or “looks” in this direction, frequent quarrels and squabbles between family members are possible.

Destructive Sha energy in feng shui

Sha is the opposite of qi, a negative force that takes away life. It can accumulate in standing water and waterlogged soil. It rises from the ground and can also appear as a sharp cold wind. Various types of "sha" can pass through both natural and artificial routes - along rivers, canals, railways and telephone lines. The influence of “sha” can be neutralized by a fence, protective screen or a row of trees. Excessive accumulation of “sha” affects not only the landscape, but also individual health and well-being.

Sha are "poison arrows", negative energies created by straight lines or sharp angles aimed at you. The most common example of sha energy is a straight path leading directly to the door of an apartment building. She creates a sha that will affect the quality of life of everyone who lives in this house. The ancient Chinese believed that spirits could only travel in a straight line. That is why in the East you can find zigzag bridges over decorative lakes. They look very attractive, but their purpose is rather utilitarian: over such a bridge spirits cannot cross to the other side of the lake.

Another example is the corner of a neighboring house facing your apartment. He fires poisoned arrows at everything in his path. Fortunately, if the sha is not visible, it ceases to exist. That is, if you don’t see the harmful angle, then you don’t have to worry about it. If you see it, then the situation can be corrected in several ways. You can keep the curtains drawn at all times to avoid seeing the source of the poisoned arrows. You can also hang a ba gua mirror to reflect the sha.

What to avoid in the Tri Sha sector of influence.

The most correct way to avoid negative consequences from the influence of the Three Sha is not to disturb this direction with noise and repair work.

  • Do not carry out construction work in the San Sha sector of influence.
  • Do not violate the integrity of the walls.
  • Don't dig the ground
  • If in some year the direction of the rear of your house coincides with Tri Sha, then you cannot make repairs anywhere in the house all year.
  • You cannot move into a house whose rear direction coincides with Tri Sha.

In the direction of the influence of the Three Shas it is necessary to ensure complete peace! Do not carry out long-term activations in the sector of influence of San Sha. In the San Sha sector of influence, only short-term activations can be carried out with the installation of the activator on special favorable dates.

Flower of romance (Peach Blossom).

Recently, while consulting a woman, let's call her Olga, on the topic of remarriage, I saw in her Ba-Tzu chart several reasons that were preventing her from being happy in her marriage.

Also, this star complicated Olga’s relationship with her husband’s relatives, especially her mother-in-law. The girl was initially coldly received by his relatives.

I would not recommend that you move away from a person who has two parts of your three shas in the pillars. But you still need to be careful with it. Under certain conditions (for example, when the third part of the sha is turned on), he can harm you, even if he initially did not want to do this.

What is interesting about such a collision? People who have this in their ba zi chart (diagram 1) are very intuitive and even mystified, spiritual, and have high extrasensory abilities. Subtle instinct, high spirituality (not religiosity, don’t confuse it), striving for ideals and having a heightened sense of events, a sense of people and places.

Symbolic stars provide a lot of information about the fate and character of a person. There are about 200 symbolic stars, there are Masters who work only with these stars and interpret a person’s fate based on them.

If the horse represents the aspect of power, it means that there is a meeting with the authorities or employment. If the post horse is represented by an element of self-expression, then it will simply be a vacation trip.

It will be difficult for a person who groans under the enormous burden of prejudice to believe that I was able to collect the essence in one such small book. This matter is indeed extremely difficult. But let those prone to prejudice suffer, following step by step along the path that they have outlined for themselves.

One of the most positive signs you can find on your Ba Zi card. It symbolizes the appearance of unexpected luck, and from the side where it is not expected at all. During the period of its influence, a person receives help from someone stronger and more experienced.

War in a map can have both positive and negative meanings. In a positive sense, it gives its owner strategic thinking, which helps him successfully overcome obstacles and win battles. The negative meaning of the card is human injustice, a tendency to steal.

In addition to the Three Shas of the Year, the Three Shas of the Month and Personal Three Shas are also calculated.

The three Shas of the month are valid only in a specific month and are determined by the Earthly Branch of the current month.

Personal Three Shas are determined by the Earthly Branch of the person’s year of birth.

Personal Sha affects only a specific person , and not all residents. The direction of the Personal Sha cannot be disturbed either.

However, Personal Three Shas are not always active . They are activated with the arrival of the corresponding year, month and day.

During such periods, try to spend as little time as possible in the sector of your personal Sha and do not disturb this sector with noisy activities and repair work.

The direction of the Yellow Five is the direction in which the most destructive of the Flying Stars is located - the annual star 5 .

Star 5 brings accidents, accidents, illnesses, psychological stress, destruction and financial losses.

The presence of activity (road, river, fountain, crossroads, etc.) or the presence of Sha in the external environment from the influence of Flying Star 5 significantly increases the negative impact.

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