Career growth for the King of Wands, promising projects and success in personal affairs

The King of Wands usually falls to activists and people who are able to lead thanks to the gift of persuasion. Such a person is a good friend and patron for many, and demonstrates enviable persistence in achieving his own goals.

King of Wands

The motto of the card: use your power wisely and fairly, become a beacon showing the way.

Key Ideas

The map has the following key ideas and phrases:

  • the ability to achieve success through personal perseverance;
  • professional activity works for the future;
  • the opportunity to achieve high results;
  • financial and work affairs are going well;
  • successful use of one's own potential;
  • desire to pursue goals;
  • bringing your plans to life;
  • correct perception of difficulties along the path of life;
  • ability to maintain business acumen;
  • manifestation of nobility, generosity.

Basic words and messages of the King of Staves

This card speaks of efforts that will certainly lead to enviable results. It portends work on promising and promising projects. A person will be able to achieve his goals. The meaning of the King of Staves in the tarot states optimistic news related to money and professional activities. The lasso testifies to the use of one’s own capabilities and abilities.

It is very important for a person to achieve his plans. He strives to realize all his plans and plans. It is noteworthy that he is not afraid of any obstacles or difficulties. This is a strong-willed nature, distinguished by generosity and nobility.

General description and meaning of the King of Wands in Tarot

There is no momentary luck hiding under the direct King of Wands of the Waite Tarot. This is success in the future, which arises through daily and not always easy work. A person under the influence of the King of Wands is constantly in activity, will come up with something new, and does not intend to stop and slow down the process.

It is worth noting that he gets real pleasure from his activities. The person in the King of Wands is very intelligent and wise, capable of showing generosity and other positive personal qualities. Many people could use the help of such a wise, honest and purposeful mentor.

The king assures that man is not capable of vile acts or betrayal. He is very honest with others and himself, and he wants the same from society.

The inverted King is also distinguished by vigorous activity and a desire to do everything. The only differences are in the motivational sphere. It is important for such a person to prove something to others, to put someone in their place, to deliberately demonstrate their own superiority.

Often such a person can “play around”, show rudeness, rudeness, and disrespect for other people. The reversed King of Wands also has excessive persistence, which sometimes turns into obsession. Less commonly, a card in the reverse position indicates possible problems in finance.

Money, career, professional activity

Ways to increase income

The king occupies the highest position in society. In this regard, it is possible to increase income only through constant self-improvement and testing the strength of one’s character. Otherwise, the king may fall from his throne. It is especially easy to increase income in areas that are in one way or another connected with government.

General monetary situation and progress of changes

The King of Wands indicates a person’s stable financial situation. However, this does not mean that the fortuneteller’s wallet is bursting with funds. On the contrary, this indicates that a person knows how to find a way out of difficult situations, thanks to which he does not suffer from a lack of finances.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

In business, the King of Wands card is considered one of the most successful cards. It portends success in many affairs for the fortuneteller, who will also be under the influence of the patron. Most likely, a person’s income will grow rapidly, but for this you should not forget to make efforts.

Choosing a promising profession

The King of Wands has the following professions:

  • Head of the company;
  • Entrepreneur;
  • Journalist;
  • Speaker;
  • Work in the field of advertising, marketing;
  • Consul;
  • Director.

The meaning of the King of Wands in relationships and love

In the upright position, the King of Wands is characterized as a restless, charismatic partner who knows how to gain favor from the object of his affection. He knows how and loves to make broad gestures, he is ready to completely give his soul and heart to his soulmate.

Often the King burns out by giving too much of his love. But after some time, his feelings flare up again, but in relation to another person. That is why we can talk about some inconstancy of the King of Wands.

Sometimes the card characterizes a typical elderly womanizer, who has several marriages and several children from different women. The king can also fall on a lady who has several lovers, multiple weddings and divorces.

Such a person will have to constantly be interested or intrigued, otherwise he will quickly get bored with the union, and he will go looking for new love adventures on the side. You can have a great time with him, but it is advisable to always be on your guard.

The reverse position of the card is very similar to the direct one. If a person gets this Arcanum in a scenario for love and relationships, then there is a chance that his partner will quickly burn out and want innovation and variety. Although, shortly before this, he vehemently sought reciprocal sympathy from his potential soulmate.

Description of the map

The King of Wands in the Tarot is the most powerful card of this suit. Symbolizes spiritual and material progress. The illustration shows a man - a leader, the head of his kingdom, sitting on a throne. In his hands is a staff, larger than that of a Page or a Knight. There is confidence in his eyes and with his entire appearance he shows the status of the strongest and most powerful person.

Like the rest of the arcana of the magic deck, the meaning has common features with the external description of the card. Arkan himself is the inner strength of the individual, his skills accompany progress, and he is also characterized by nobility and generosity. The clothes are made in bright red and yellow colors, which also emphasizes inner strength, passion and sexuality. The lizard, which is depicted on a staff or near the throne, symbolizes wisdom and success in business.

When it comes to finances and work

The King encourages a person to dream, act and make the most daring plans, because now is a very good time for new projects, endeavors, and cooperation.

Don't count on instant success. To get money and recognition you will have to work hard.

Often the person who gets the King occupies high leadership positions. Sometimes, his profession is associated with some degree of danger and risk. For example, with exposure to high temperatures or high speed operation.

It is important to remember that Arkan favors achieving financial well-being, however, the person himself will also have to really make every effort. The inverted King of Staves advises the fortuneteller to postpone new beginnings and projects, since there is a high risk of failures and breakdowns.

If a person occupies a leadership position, he may begin to significantly exceed his authority. For example, talking rudely to subordinates, threatening to punish them with rubles, creating a tense atmosphere in the team.

In financial matters, a person under the influence of the reverse King of Wands may begin to boast of money and material goods that he received by inheritance or as a gift from relatives.

Different situations

Each layout examines a specific situation or provides answers to questions. If they provide unambiguous “yes-no” answers, then in the event of the King of Wands falling out, the answer is yes. But with small reservations - the solution to the issue depends on an influential man, or with social success and leadership.

The answer is no in situations involving an egoist and an empty talker who promises a lot but delivers little. There will also be a negative effect in cases where the querent makes promises, but does not have the strength to implement them. In this case, the project will most likely fail.

As the card of the day, the King of Wands recommends: setting your best goal and achieving it. The person will be filled with energy and will inspire everyone else with it. Any difficulties will be solved with a wave of your hand. It is likely that you will meet an interesting man.

As a card of the year, the lasso advises: determination and efficiency are two qualities of this period. They allow you to accomplish accomplishments and good deeds. To achieve high results, you need authority and charisma.

The meaning of the King of Wands Tarot card in a health reading

The king in an upright position guarantees a person good health and a high level of vital energy. He has a lot of vital resources and a desire to act. Such a person certainly does not suffer from a lack of strength or apathy. However, the card advises a person to take care of himself. For example, don’t work seven days a week, take sick leave on time, don’t suffer from colds on your feet, and get enough sleep. Otherwise, a crazy lifestyle can lead to heart problems in the future.

The King of Wands reversed warns that the fortuneteller may experience professional burnout. At the same time, a person works extremely hard not because he lacks money or because he is sincerely in love with his work. He just needs to constantly prove his superiority to someone.

Often a person commits rash acts in order to attract attention to himself, for which he pays with his own health. For example, he may dive into an ice hole in winter to impress new acquaintances or a member of the opposite sex, but as a result ends up in the hospital with pneumonia.

General values

  • Policy;
  • law and law;
  • power and might;
  • hypocrisy and intrigue;
  • ambition, self-esteem.

Straight position

  • A quick meeting with a dark-haired middle-aged man or a powerful and strong man;
  • a reliable assistant (partner), a wise leader, a father or other close adult relative;
  • meeting influential people who will bring benefits in the future;
  • support (material or moral) that brings success; patronage;
  • advancement to the top (self-development, career growth - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the person moves forward);
  • financial takeoff;
  • long-awaited news, inheritance.

Inverted position

  • A selfish and extremely narcissistic man, meet him soon;
  • recession, unjustified desires and actions, unfulfilled initiatives;
  • selfishness, ruthlessness and arrogance;
  • unfounded claims, broken promises, a person is not responsible for his words;
  • wasting energy on the impossible;
  • lack of will and interest in life;
  • there is a high probability that the fortuneteller is being deceived and misled.

When fortune telling a question or situation

If in the scenario a person gets a straight King of Staves, then in the near future he will have good luck and success. You need to actively demonstrate your talents and skills, demonstrate imagination and ingenuity.

Of course, there will be obstacles along the fortuneteller’s path, but the King will be able to neutralize them.

It is possible that a person will need the help of a wise and significant person, a patron. It can be financial or simply expressed in the form of support, wise advice, or a kind word. No matter how the circumstances develop, the card promises a person a stable and calm time. If you have the desire and opportunity, you need to help others.

The inverted King warns a person in advance that he should not start anything new, so as not to be disappointed later. Things will not go so well, so you should set yourself up in advance to look for new plans and workarounds. However, problems can be minimized if you do not enter into conflicts yourself and show restraint and tact.

Health forecast

  • The King of Staves is healthy in body and soul and full of energy. But if you have to determine illness using this lasso, then the card indicates general exhaustion of strength due to excessive workload, increased temperature due to inflammatory processes, and heart disease.
  • An inverted position worsens the prognosis.
  • This lasso also runs through pathological aggressiveness, various variants of fanaticism, when a person is really ready to kill those who think differently, look different, and worship other gods.

Psychological characteristics of personality

A direct card characterizes a person who is not used to speaking and engaging in demagoguery. He is a man of action, although from the outside he may seem somewhat stern and silent. Exchange, betrayal or slander are alien to him. He is used to treating the people around him honestly and respectfully.

People who love life like the person with the King of Wands card are worth looking for.

The reversed position of the Arcana represents a leader and a very assertive person. In an effort to demonstrate these qualities, he often behaves aggressively, inappropriately, and not always decently. He likes to dictate his terms and rules. He may begin to be sincerely surprised that those around him do not want to obey him in everything. Sometimes his desire to prove something to someone becomes obsessive.

General characteristics in inverted position

If the King of Wands has an inverted position in the reading, its interpretation will be completely different. The card may portend quarrels, conflicts and misunderstandings. It can also symbolize a person who has pronounced selfishness, stubbornness, and lack of life experience. The card advises you to stay away from such a person. He can fail in any situation, especially when you don't expect it. It cannot be relied upon, but it does not purposefully cause harm. You should not expect help from such a person. He can easily take advantage of people's kindness. The main meanings of an inverted card include:

  • excessive pride;
  • manifestation of power;
  • a man of strict rules;
  • lack of patience and quarrels;
  • pronounced selfishness and arrogance.

The reversed meaning speaks of intolerance, unreliability and excessive severity. The king imposes his opinion and considers it the best. The point of view of others does not interest him. And also the lasso can warn of a quarrel and advises not to sort things out. The symbol of the card is a man with authority, financially secure and quite strict. He will never give up his goals to help someone, but will not interfere with others unless necessary. He will even approve of the plans you want to achieve. In cases where the card does not symbolize a specific person, but a situation, you need to work hard to achieve your goals. In general, the situation is quite encouraging and positive. Even if there is no outside help, success will still be achieved on your own.

The King of Wands in the tarot, whose meaning in an inverted position is not the best, speaks of a man who has a constrained behavior, dogmatism and persistence in realizing his plans. His actions are often based on personal stubbornness. He has arrogance, pride, excessive ambition and power. Arkan suggests that leadership positions may be lost.

Arkan also talks about claims to the role of leader, an ostentatious manifestation of feelings that are caused by hidden self-doubt. There is rudeness and complete submission, as well as a lack of compromise. The king has no nobility, only excessive pressure.

The inverted King promises quarrels

In combination with other Major Arcana

No cards in the layout can be ignored; all combinations have their own meanings. If a card enters into a duet with cards of the Major Arcana, then this means the following.

JesterA person displays youthful maximalism and immaturityJusticeIt is important for a person to live honestly and correctly
MageDeveloped strategic thinkingHangedLoss of former interest in something
High PriestessThe fortuneteller has very good knowledge in the professional fieldDeathSerious changes in life are approaching, to which you will have to adapt.
EmpressA person’s efforts at work will be appreciated and properly rewardedModerationA person strives to observe the “golden mean” in everything
EmperorThe fortuneteller has excellent leadership potentialDevilYou shouldn’t prove to a person what he can’t understand.
High Priest (Hierophant)Manifestation of nobilityTowerMan's plans will be destroyed
LoversThere is real passion and chemistry between people, but at the same time they are willing to work on the relationshipStarCareer success and promotion ahead
ChariotProfessionalism, competent approach to businessSunOpportunity to express yourself as a creative person
ForceA person is angry and indignant, but very skillfully hides his own negativityCourtIt is worth coming to the aid of a loved one
HermitA fortuneteller is a very eccentric and extraordinary person who loves attentionWorldOpportunity to strengthen your own character
Wheel of FortuneOpportunity to advance your careerMoonThe fortuneteller is mistaken about something, looks at things incorrectly


The element of fire also influences - the meaning of the King of Wands Tarot card in layouts takes on a special meaning.

What kind of people does the King of Wands Tarot card represent? Fire is impulsiveness, desire, great sensuality. Even a small flame can cause significant damage; it burns and incinerates everything in its path. You can easily put out a small fire, but it grows quickly and then it will be difficult to cope with it.

Fire is practically uncontrollable, it is difficult to control itself, and others may forget about attempts to tame it. But at the same time, the element gives warmth, it is capable of transforming objects and matter, thanks to which others receive what they need.

To summarize, the element is characterized by the following:

  1. Young and adult people (usually men, or women with a pronounced masculine character). Passionate, emotional, easily excitable. They just come into conflict.
  2. They are generous, have a sense of self-worth, and enjoy being givers and saviors. At the same time, they do not notice their mistakes, they teach others without seeing the beam in their own eye.
  3. Smart and savvy. But they do not have much foresight; they calculate the situation at most 1-2 steps ahead.
  4. To achieve their goal, they are capable of doing anything. Ready to destroy any obstacles, they give up only in extreme cases.
  5. Creative personalities. More creators than creators.

Combination of the King of Wands with other cards of the Minor Arcana

The combination with other cards of the Minor Arcana from the Tarot Deck also plays an important role in the layouts.

With the suit of Swords

The King of Staves with the suit of Swords behaves as follows.

AceSolutions are well defined and clearly thought outEightInability to think long term
DeuceA person should not enter into conflicts and spoil relationships with people, as they may be useful to him in the futureNineThe fortuneteller experiences strong pangs of conscience
TroikaA fortuneteller will accidentally offend a person who does not wish him harmTenThe wish is not destined to come true
FourLife flows quietly, measuredly, peacefullyPageIntervention from the outside, which the fortuneteller did not ask for
FiveDishonest approach to achieving goals, cheatingKnightAttempts to resist
SixA person will soon cease to be a hostage to circumstancesQueenThe partner begins to show coldness in the relationship
SevenThe fortuneteller behaves meanly and insincerelyKingPrejudice


Cards from the suit of Pentacles when combined with the King of Wands often have financial predictions.

AceFinancial affairs are going wellEightIn the professional sphere, the fortuneteller is ready to show ingenuity
DeuceAbility to manage large numbers of peopleNineA person knows how to think ahead, so he makes a good profit
TroikaOpportunity to consult with a competent personTenThe fortuneteller is satisfied with his own life situation
FourFeeling confident in the workplacePageAn opportunity to have a good conversation with your mentor
FiveThe fortuneteller has too low self-esteemKnightMethodical and very consistent approach to business
SixGenerosity will be shown towards the personQueenA woman will start managing finances
SevenDon't delay or delayKingA project in which a lot of money has been invested will begin to bring success


The duet of the King of Wands and cards of the Staves suit also demonstrate interesting and diverse predictions.

AceFeeling like a pioneerEightReceiving an important order from your superiors
DeuceDemonstration of foresight, ability to think long termNineYou shouldn’t trust everyone, there are many ill-wishers among people
TroikaThe situation is gradually starting to improveTenThere is a risk of losing a good position
FourThe opportunity to publicly say nice words to someonePageThe fortuneteller will be able to correctly calculate his finances
FiveExpressing dissatisfactionKnightCircumstances do not depend on the fortuneteller and are in no way subject to him
SixAbility to competently manage the processQueenThe fortuneteller has sufficient maturity and life experience
SevenFight for your own place

Questions that can be answered by drawing a card

By drawing a card, the fortuneteller can find answers to the following questions:

  • Am I a leader?
  • Where does success await me?
  • Whose authority am I under?

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Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Pharaoh or Lord of Wands;
  • King of the Fire Chariot, Fire of Fire;
  • The Sun in Leo, as an image of independence and self-confidence;
  • Jupiter and its signs (Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces),
  • Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
  • Kabbalistic path connecting Hochma and Yesod
  • Most of the inventors and pioneers who faced resistance and started new eras are Prometheans of all sorts:
  • Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Richard the Lionheart, Sun King
  • Sergei Korolev and “Taming of Fire”; "Bolero" by Ravel.
  • Gallery of King of Wands cards from 50 different decks;
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