Astrology of 9 stars according to Feng Shui: Which star patronizes you

Incredible facts

9 star astrology is considered to be the oldest form of astrology.

It combines the wisdom of the ancient Book of Changes, traditional Chinese medicine and the theory of the five elements.

Feng Shui astrology is not the same as the Chinese horoscope, which is based on the 12 zodiac signs. The name comes from the ancient belief that the energy of the Universe, called Qi, is directed to the Earth through 9 stars. The quality of this energy changes throughout the 9-year cycle.

If you want to know more about yourself and your loved ones, the first thing you need to find out is your 9-star astrology number. It is based on the year you were born. However, you need to take into account that the year according to Feng Shui astrology begins not on January 1, but on February 4


Therefore, if you were born between January 1st and February 3rd, your number will apply to the previous year. For example, a person born on January 15, 1997 would be in the year 1996 according to 9 star astrology.

So, what can your 9 Star number reveal about your character, health, relationships, career and more?

Star 1

Element: Water

White color

This number gives its owners strong intuition.

. Outwardly they may look modest and inconspicuous, but they are very strong personalities.

The childhood of such people can be associated with a number of difficulties, which contributes to the development of character traits such as independence along with patience and assertiveness. All this helps them achieve success.

Success most often comes through your own work, rather than the help of your family. These people do not like any restrictions, they are independent and have leadership abilities.


More developed representatives of star 1 are always in search of new people, religions and books. Like water, the personality of such people is flexible and can develop in any direction.

Ones love to observe others, they can keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, but at the same time they understand the art of communication and are excellent listeners.


Star 1 is influenced by the element of water. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, water governs the kidneys, bladder and reproductive system


This means that when there is stress or imbalance in the body, these organs begin to absorb negative energy and become weak. People of this number need to take special care to feed their energy and not let it deplete.

You need to start with the basics: good sleep, good nutrition, enough water. It is important to stay warm, exercise, cultivate discipline, and try to clearly express your thoughts in communication.

Principles of Yin and Yang

In addition to such elements of Chinese astrology as the elements, the manifestations of feminine and masculine principles are also taken into account. Yang is activity, desire, development and discovery of new things. It includes all odd-numbered years, starting from the Rat and ending with the Dog.

Yin is passivity, the ability to accept and preserve, create traditions and select the best. It includes even years from the Ox to the Pig. The only exception is the year of the Snake; it combines both the masculine and feminine principles.

Star 2

Element: Earth

Black color

These are people of action who often remain in the shadows. They know how to support a person, are constant and reliable. The first half of their life is more like continuous learning. They usually have a long road to success, which, as a rule, comes to them at a later age.

Those born under the 2 star are considered perfectionists, with patience and the ability to focus on the smallest details. They have strong ideals and are social advocates. Thanks to their hard work and ability to establish contacts, they make good teachers.

They are easily offended when it comes to relationships. When they really like a person, they are ready to open their soul to him. Sometimes this is misinterpreted as a sign of frivolity.


Star 2 is influenced by the earth element according to Feng Shui. In traditional Chinese medicine, the earth is responsible for the pancreas, spleen and stomach

. These organs control the proper functioning of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Since these people often provide support to others, it is sometimes difficult for them to refuse a person's request, even if they most want to be alone and relax. They are encouraged to always take quiet time to replenish their energy, and to take better care of themselves, balancing the desire to give and receive.

Star 3

Element: Wood

Green color

People born under the star 3 are full of energy and optimism, changing many activities in life. Having achieved one goal, they immediately move towards another, otherwise they get bored.

Very often success comes to them at an early age. Threes can make hasty decisions, not taking the time to think things through and moving forward as they find it difficult to sit still. They learn from their experiences.

Possessing excessive straightforwardness and honesty, they can make enemies for themselves and even be left alone.

Being highly sensitive, they can react to cutting remarks with anger. They focus on their own successes rather than the successes of others, but are able to be genuinely happy for others. They often explore and follow their own path, becoming good leaders.


Star 3 is ruled by the element of wood, and in traditional Chinese medicine, the element of wood is responsible for the liver and gall bladder

. This means that when threes are stressed, these organs are the first to suffer.

You need to limit activities that deprive these organs of energy.

Avoid consuming large amounts of saturated fat and late night binges, and opt for exercise and meditation. This will help you find balance and strengthen your energy.

Star 4

Element: Wood

Green color

Those born under the star 4 often become good experts

. They will always give practical advice regarding the area in which they understand. However, in matters that do not concern their field of activity, they can be very impractical, and even somewhat absent-minded.

These people love life very much and are focused on those moments that allow them to understand a topic deeper. They can be called romantics and idealists, and they do not like to be pressured. If they have to do something they are not interested in, it makes them unhappy.

By nature, those who are protected by Star 4 are very gentle and emotional. Thanks to their caring nature, they often gain the respect and trust of others.

Their success is often in the hands of the people they have helped or cared for. Their eccentricity can sometimes create problems in relationships. They often give the impression of open and carefree people, while in fact they are deeper and more self-sufficient.


The energy of people born under star 4 is expressed in the element of wood. In traditional Chinese medicine, the tree is responsible for the liver and gallbladder

. These organs primarily absorb negative energy.

It is very important for you to balance your emotions, as the liver stores anger, resentment and other unexpressed emotions. These people are very sensitive to their surroundings, so it is especially important for them to pay attention to the arrangement of their home.

Their trusting nature makes them receptive to the energy of other people. Once you learn to maintain inner balance through meditation, yoga, or other practices, you will notice improvements in all areas of your life.

Star table

Before you is a table in which each year corresponds to a star with a certain number. It is not difficult to continue the table yourself: the algorithm for numbering the years is clear. Find the year of your birth in the table and see which star corresponds to it. And then read the tips.

1940 61950 51960 41970 31980 21990 12000 9
1941 51951 41961 31971 21981 11991 92001 8
1942 41952 31962 21972 11982 91992 82002 7
1943 31953 21963 11973 91983 81993 72003 6
1944 21954 11964 91974 81984 71994 b2004 5
1945 11955 91965 81975 71985 61995 52005 4
1946 91956 81966 71976 b1986 51996 42006 3
1947 81957 71967 61977 51987 41997 32007 2
1948 71958 61968 51978 41988 31998 22008 1
1940 61959 51969 41979 31989 21999 12009 9

Star 5

Element: Earth

Yellow color

Wherever they are, people always gather around them or events happen.

Those born under Star 5 often face difficulties in the early period of their lives and achieve a lot without family support.

They take on tasks and work and always bring them to the end. In almost all areas of life, Fives adhere to the “all or nothing” rule.

. In case of betrayal, they delete the person from their lives forever.

They can be found in completely different areas of life. These are good managers of enterprises and projects. They are not necessarily the center of attention, but people born under the 5 star have unfathomable power and control.

Since this number is in the center, these people tend to attract both positive and negative situations. They have the power to use the positive aspects and repel other energy, or direct it in a favorable direction.

Their thoughts and words have a profound impact on the well-being of others. Being in balance, they do not like sudden changes and need time to get used to new ideas.


Star 5 is under the influence of the earth element. The most vulnerable organs in people with star 5 are the spleen, pancreas and stomach


These organs immediately make themselves known when you are nervous or fixated on something. You should avoid any extremes when taking care of yourself. Exercise and take long walks in nature to avoid depleting your energy.

People under the protection of Star 5 have great resilience, but this should not be taken for granted.

Star 6

Element: Metal

White color

These people often face difficulties early in life, but the situation improves in middle age.

Possessing high intelligence, organization and extraordinary thinking

, they are able to cope with any difficult task. But they often become defensive and can miss many opportunities.

Communication situations can be problematic for them, as their straightforwardness may inadvertently offend the other person. However, they themselves can take some statements very close to heart. Pride can sometimes become a driving force in their lives and makes them believe that they are always right.

They always take a practical approach, pushing idealism into the background. They can be strict and demonstrate willpower if they use their authority.

They are often socially oriented, working for the benefit of the team or family. Such people demonstrate their attitude by setting an example to others with their behavior, rather than by voicing their ideas out loud. They make good managers, and they can bring any product to its logical conclusion.

They have very strong and deep intuition, bordering on extrasensory.


Star 6 is influenced by the element of metal. In Chinese medicine, the metal is responsible for organs such as the lungs and intestines.

. This means that when stressed, these organs will be the first to suffer, as well as the skin, which can also be sensitive.

People born under Star 6 need to be very attentive to their emotions, try to express them or let them go. This is especially true for sadness and grief.

You have strong leadership qualities and enjoy a challenge, so to maintain your vitality, you need to nourish your feminine yin energy. Focus on developing inner peace through yoga and meditation and avoid burnout.

How to calculate

The day and month of birth are needed to determine whether the moment of birth falls after the start of the current lunar year or before it. The beginning of the lunar year does not have a fixed date, as it depends on the new moon. On average, this is the period from January 21 to February 21, when the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius.

For example, date of birth is January 16, 1982. The lunar year in 1982 lasted from January 25, 1982 to February 12. 1983. That is, to calculate the number, you actually have to take 1981.

Date of birth: 05/30/1977. This date falls after the beginning of the current lunar year, so there is no need to specify it.

Step 1. For the first part of the calculation, you need the last two digits of the year. They are added, then, if the sum turns out to be a two-digit number, they are added again and so on until the sum gives one digit from 1 to 9.

Step 2 . The calculation system depends on the gender of the person.

For men, the resulting number must be subtracted from 10 (or 9 for those born in 2000 or later. If the result is 0, add 9 to it).

Women need to add 5 to the resulting number and, if necessary, reduce the amount again to one figure. For those born in 2000 or after, you need to add 6. The resulting result is your personal number.

The number 5 does not exist in the Chinese system! When the final total is 5, then for a woman the number is 8, and for a man it is 2.


Man born in 1977. 7+7=14. 1+4=5 10-5=5. There is no number 5, so the result is 2.

Woman born in 1977. 7+7=14. 1=4=5. 5+5=10. 1+0=1.

© Getty Images how to calculate birth star, instructions, interpretation

Star 7

Element: Metal

Color: Red

Those born under Star 7 have an innate sensuality and attractiveness

. Most of them are very sociable people, witty, sincere and fun-loving. If they were spoiled in their youth, they may be extravagant and even seem arrogant.

They can easily change their minds and sometimes seem frivolous. Thanks to optimism, they easily generate ideas and start various projects, but do not always bring what they start to completion.

Sevens are easy to spot and progress quickly at work. Although they are very practical and patient, they develop best when they receive support and attention from others.

Despite the external lightness and apparent superficiality, inside they are quite collected and will find a practical solution for any situation. They have a good gift of persuasion.


Star 7 is influenced by the metal element, which is responsible for the lungs and intestines

. These organs are most vulnerable during periods of stress.

Unlike Star 6 people, it is much easier for you to express your emotions. However, sometimes your tendency to joke and have fun hides deeper and not always conscious emotions.

Don't suppress your true emotions, otherwise it will worsen your lung function.


The eastern division into elements attributes to each of them its own special emotions, qualities and colors:

  1. Fire - red - courage, selfishness, curiosity and invention - joy.
  2. Earth – yellow – passivity, practicality, sensuality, reliability – thoughtfulness.
  3. Metal - white - willpower, kindness, creativity, intelligence and determination - passion and aggression.
  4. Water – black – creativity, developed intuition, communication skills and dynamism – fear.
  5. Tree – green – inertia, uniqueness, compassion – sadness.

Star 8

Element: Earth

White color

Eights are kind, impartial and attached to family.

. However, when they perceive injustice, they can speak out sharply and fiercely defend the interests of those offended.

Appearances can be deceiving and despite being stubborn, cynical and even sometimes aggressive, these people are quite kind and gentle. They are willful and do not accept being told what and how they need to do.

They are not eager to fight, preferring to think everything carefully before acting.

Often these people have a clear plan regarding their career and achievements. At the same time, they do not refuse new ideas and directions in life. The first half of their life, as a rule, passes in a hurry, and success usually comes when they learn to balance their goals and capabilities.

Eights love family. Even if something prevents them from starting a family at an early age, they never forget about it. With age, this love only becomes stronger.


Star 8 is influenced by the element of earth, which is responsible for the spleen, pancreas and stomach


Eights need to take care of maintaining their energy. An active lifestyle and physical exercise will help them avoid the stagnation of energy and apathy that is characteristic of them.

Star 9

Element: Fire

Color: Purple

These people have the ability to develop new ideas and initiate new activities. They attract a lot of attention to their person and have remarkable charisma. They have a changeable nature, and it can be very difficult to predict what mood they will be in.

They are sociable and enthusiastic, but often do not think through their plans and opinions.

More developed Star 9s use luck, charisma and sociability to advance their careers or in professions that combine chaos with the more material aspects of life.

They know how to get approval and support, and are successful in public relations and sales.

They often find it difficult to stay in one place for long at work and in relationships.

Sign compatibility

According to Chinese astrology, there is compatibility between representatives of different signs of the eastern horoscope. For simplicity, astrologers divided all signs according to temperament and psychological characteristics.

Each cell has three animals, and people born in these years can interact perfectly with each other in any sphere of human activity:

  1. Rat – Dragon – Monkey.
  2. Bull – Snake – Rooster.
  3. Tiger – Horse – Dog.
  4. Rabbit – Goat – Pig.
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