Knowledge and wisdom: what you need to know about the Northeast according to Feng Shui

Hello feng shui lovers. Today we will talk about the northeast, an important zone of knowledge and wisdom. By arranging it correctly, you will activate strength, wisdom and knowledge in the house.

According to Feng Shui, the Wisdom zone is located in the northeast of the house. This place is responsible for gaining valuable knowledge and gaining experience. It is also called the “zone of heavenly illumination.”

If you want to preserve and increase the wisdom you have received, develop creative or scientific activity, or deal with difficulties, then arrange this area of ​​your apartment according to the principles of Feng Shui.

Sector activation

Northeast according to Feng Shui is ruled by the Earth. It is strengthened by the element Fire, softened by Metal, and weakened by Water and Wood. The sector is activated by the symbols and colors of Fire and Earth.

Activation colors

Activating colors of the northeastern sector are brown, yellow, beige, milky, ocher. Suitable colors of fire: red, pink, orange. Good lighting of the room from the window and with lamps is also important.

Suitable items

What items should be placed in the northeast to strengthen the zone according to Feng Shui:

  1. Table lamp with pleasant warm light.
  2. Candles (they need to be lit).
  3. Ceramic aroma lamps with warm scents: rosemary, incense, myrrh, vanilla.
  4. Objects in the shape of a pyramid.
  5. Fireplace.

Lotuses and Buddha

Lotuses as a symbol of wisdom. These flowers are often depicted next to Buddha. Other symbolic plants: orchids, daffodils. The Christmas tree can also be placed in the northeast and decorated with symbols of knowledge and success in business, so that the next year will be successful.

The meaning of the paintings

Paintings with landscapes in suitable colors. The best option is an image of a mountainous area. The mountain symbolizes stability and orderliness. This is exactly what is required in learning everything new.

Tip from Feng Shui practitioners: place a picture of a mountain behind your desk to feel protected.

In the northeast it is customary to place symbols of knowledge, discovery and creativity.

These are globes, maps, books and various materials for study. Place books with age-old wisdom - the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas - in this part of the house. Animals that personify wisdom are the snake, owl, and turtle.

Choose natural fabrics for the interior of this part of the apartment. Crystal objects have favorable energy - a pyramid, a chandelier, precious stones, a shell with a pearl.

Symbols of wealth are placed here for success in business. These are figurines of the gods Hottei and Ganesha, pots with coins, piggy banks.

Flower images

Particularly important in Feng Shui is the depiction of flowers.

Sakura represents the five aspects of life (based on the number of petals) - luck, prosperity, health, happiness and peace. The best place for a “sakura” painting is in the bedroom. It is good to place it in the love sector in the southeast and in the family sector in the east. But the image of sakura is also appropriate in the kitchen and living room.

Feng Shui painting with cherry blossoms in the kitchen

Orchid is a symbol of romance, love, family happiness, patronage. A painting depicting an orchid can be placed in different sectors. In the love sector, the orchid normalizes relationships between spouses and helps to regain lost passion. Placing the “orchid” painting in the east will help improve health and restore vigor. If you hang images of orchids in the northern sector, your business will be more profitable and your career will be more successful. Relationships with others will improve after the orchid activates the northwestern sector of patronage.

Feng Shui painting with an orchid in the living room

Peonies symbolize hot feelings, passion, new relationships. Peonies are the most powerful symbol of love. Single girls can use the “peonies” painting to activate the love sector by hanging it in the living room or bedroom above the bed. Immediately after the companion is found, you will need to remove the “peonies” painting from a prominent place in the bedroom and hang it, for example, in the corridor or hallway. To refresh relationships and for new sensations in love, married couples can also decorate the wall in the living room and the wall opposite the entrance to the bedroom with a painting of “peonies”. It is better for married couples not to keep peonies in the bedroom itself, in order to avoid a surge of feelings that can lead to betrayal.

Painting with peonies in the living room according to Feng Shui

What has no place in the northeast of the house

You need to give up aquariums, fountains and other water symbols. Unfavorable colors for the Wisdom zone are green, blue, gray.

You should not leave here entertaining literature, unnecessary pieces of paper, or objects symbolizing cruelty and misfortune. Always empty your waste paper basket on time.

A place for privacy

An unfavorable situation in the zone of Wisdom, quarrels, scandals will lead to difficulties in learning and acquiring new necessary knowledge. Do not block the flow of energy with trash, objects that are unpleasant to you, or broken furniture. There is no place for torn books here - send them for restoration.

Don't forget about order and daily airing of the room. Cluttering the Knowledge sector prevents you from receiving outside help and does not allow the people you need into your life.

Affirmations for success in school

The knowledge sector is the place where affirmations should be placed correctly. They can be activated using color, giving each phrase a different shade. They will help you discover hidden reserves and achieve success in your studies.

  • I have a well-developed intuition, and I know how to use it.
  • I know how to find a way out of the most dead-end situations.
  • I have a source of wisdom, I trust my inner voice.
  • I strive to learn new things.
  • I accept myself with all my flaws.
  • I am a problem solver.
  • I strive for harmony in everything that surrounds me.

By turning to affirmations at least once a day, you can find inner peace and an incentive to gain knowledge.

What to place in the northeast

The Northeast is a good place for a work desk. Children and students, doing their homework in the Knowledge sector, will always be successful at school and university.


Place a family library or bookcase in the Knowledge zone. Store here the books you have already read and those materials that you are yet to read.

There is no better place in the house for meditation and other practices than the northeast. The path to enlightenment begins in the zone of Wisdom. If you find it difficult to make a vital decision, relax in this part of the apartment. A calm mind will quickly find a way to understand a difficult situation.

Location of doors and windows

It is very good when the front door is directed to the northeast. This way, Qi energy will easily enter the home and help active young people working with a large flow of information.

It is recommended to decorate a window in the northeast with wind chimes: crystal bells that will dissipate energy throughout the home.

Practical advice

If you want to direct flows of positive energy to a specific area where there is no room for a painting to fit - there is a window, arch, door, high set, you can apply some design techniques:

  • purchase textiles for curtains or light curtains with the necessary symbolism of the elements that dominate the sector;
  • lay out a picturesque mosaic with the desired image above the door or arch;
  • Apply a drawing from your favorite picture that matches the energy on the façade surfaces of the headset or apron.

We must not forget that any picture placed in the interior of the kitchen should please the household. According to the principles of Feng Shui, handmade products are the most filled with positive energy.

How to arrange the Wisdom sector in different rooms

If you bought a house with a ready-made layout, you will have to find compromises in the arrangement of the Knowledge sector and the room in which it falls.

In some places in the apartment, the element of Fire is too active. Such a place is a kitchen with a gas stove. Here you will have to soften the strength of the element. What to do: place carafes of water around the stove, place an aquarium in the kitchen.

If it's a bath

The Knowledge Zone, which is located in the bathroom or toilet, on the contrary, needs powerful recharge. Red and orange ribbons will come to the rescue. Tie them onto the pipes.

Don't let your plumbing break down so that the experience you gain doesn't slip away from you like water through your fingers. And always keep bathroom doors closed.

If the bedroom

A bedroom in the northeast can also help in business. Some feng shui experts recommend sleeping with your head facing northeast to improve scientific activity and work in general.

In fact, what is more important is how the bed is positioned in the bedroom, namely:

  • feet should not face the door;
  • the bed is positioned with its head to the wall, perpendicular to the window, but not in the corner;
  • nothing should hang above the sleeping area;
  • There are no mirrors placed opposite the bed.

If there is no zone due to the shape of the apartment or house, things may be slow and new experiences may be difficult to obtain. In this case, strengthen the part of the desktop responsible for Wisdom. This is the left corner closest to the person sitting at the table. Place a pyramid talisman or an owl figurine here.

Rules for selecting paintings for the kitchen

In any situation, the center is the person himself, who is specifically influenced by his environment. When planning the kitchen environment, the main goal is the desire to make the impact of all decorative elements beneficial, taking into account that prosperity and love should reign here.

If a painting is purchased for decoration, scenes of destructive elements, predatory animals, ugly distorted faces that evoke only negative emotions are not allowed in the images.

The perception of any design forms should emphasize and enhance the feeling of coziness, security, and home comfort. According to Feng Shui rules, it is advisable to place even small-sized pictures in a certain area, knowing how it will affect the overall energy of the room. You should select paintings for the kitchen according to the cardinal directions, each of which has its own symbols and life values.

Common mistakes

Typical mistakes in the design of the north-eastern part of the home that people make out of ignorance:

  1. Arranging a Knowledge zone in another Bagua sector, for example in the Wealth zone. It is dominated by the energy of Water and the green color scheme, which is unfavorable.
  2. Bad light. This not only harms the organs of vision during operation, but also interferes with the spread of vital energy.
  3. If there are living plants in the sector, pay attention to their condition. Dried and diseased flowers are one of the reasons for failures at work.

Any activity in the Knowledge sector increases the chances of success. Organize it and keep it clean to achieve excellent results in study, work, science and creativity.


Feng Shui mirror on the front door

Today, manufacturers offer entrance doors with a mirror on the inside. On the one hand, this is practical and convenient, because it happens that there is simply nowhere to hang a mirror in the hallway. But from the point of view of Feng Shui this is unfavorable. The fact is that every time you enter an apartment, out of the corner of your eye you notice your reflection sharply appearing in the mirror. This can be bad for your psyche when you are tired or not feeling well. At first glance, such an irritant is a trifle. But latently, it is precisely the many little things in everyday life that, as it seems to us, we do not notice, that negatively affect our emotional state.

If you already have a mirror on the door and it bothers you, stick stained glass film on it and you will get a beautiful and unusual design.

The location of the stove in the kitchen

Now let's talk about how appliances should be placed in the kitchen and, most importantly, the stove. It is she who personifies the element of fire and is the main one in the kitchen. When placing a stove in the kitchen according to Feng Shui, you need to consider the following rules.

  • A very good option for its location is the south, southwest and northeast side of the kitchen, and an unfavorable option is the north.
  • It can also be placed near the wall that leads to the center of the apartment.
  • You cannot install the stove towards the stairs, towards the entrance to the house, towards the bathroom or toilet (the direction is determined by the line where the oven faces). This will bring poverty into the home.
  • Look carefully to see if it is possible to direct the slab towards the central part of the house, because... this arrangement is considered lucky. But you shouldn’t place a stove directly in the center of the house, it will burn the “heart of the house” and also attract diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Use all the burners on the stove, this will increase the flow of wealth.
  • Do not place the stove near the sink and refrigerator, as the energy of fire and water will be in conflict.
  • Also, you can’t place the stove under the window, all your well-being will fly out of it.
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