How to decipher a bazi card: complete instructions for beginners

The Bazi card is our date of birth written in Chinese characters. It converts the year, month, day and hour of birth into four pairs of Chinese characters. It is based on the ratio of the energy of the elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, which have the polarity of Yin and Yang. Let's look at an example of what the main bazi card represents.

The main map consists of four pillars. This is the pillar of the year, month, day and hour of birth. This card is read from right to left. The pillar of the year (childhood) is responsible for the time period up to 20 years, the month covers the period from 20 to 35 years, the day - from 35 to 55 years. The pillar of the hour is after 55. Of course, the division of the pillars into a specific age is quite arbitrary. It depends on the average life expectancy of the population. Some schools define the hour pillar as the time of retirement.

There is also an upper row of hieroglyphs - these are the Heavenly trunks (abbreviated as NS) and a lower row of hieroglyphs - the Earthly branches (abbr. ZV). 10 NS – five Yin and five Yang. Yang is hard and persistent, Yin is soft and gentle (weak).

Heavenly trunks show heavenly luck - what people see in us first of all, what impression we make on them. It cannot be changed. This is our destiny and luck.

The earthly branches represent earthly luck, the material world around us, our potential, the space where we live.

In addition to the main card, there are also Pillars or strokes of luck lasting 10 years. Every ten years a completely different energy comes to a person, and accordingly, something changes in a person’s life. Let's look at what luck bars look like.

The pillars of luck or tacts show which period of life will be most favorable for a person. Each pillar covers 10 years and is represented in the map by two hieroglyphs (Heavenly trunk and Earthly branch). In the top column of the Pillars of Fortune table you will see the first year of the beginning of the decade.

To analyze the bazi map, we need to know what the Chinese characters mean. Let's get to know them.

Heavenly trunks

Earthly branches

Ba Zi Calculator, or Four Pillars of Destiny

The ancient astrological tradition of Ba Zi is a complex of prophecies according to which our distant ancestors lived. The basis for predictions is the exact time, day, month and year of birth. Otherwise, this approach to astrological forecasts is called “Four Pillars of Destiny.” The main message is this: the outline of life for each of us has its own logic. And it is quite possible to identify what is laid down at the stage of our birth. In the knowledge of Ba Zi there are different ways to identify life purpose, and they allow you to make the right decisions in fateful moments and direct the course of life in a favorable direction.

Brief analysis of personality elements in the Bazi chart

Yang tree

The Yang tree gives people strong character, perseverance and straightforwardness. Such people are conservative, do not like change and have difficulty making compromises. Personalities of this type easily achieve goals; they are characterized by perfectionism. They have a good imagination, learn and develop throughout their lives. They have a great need for communication. People are stubborn and tough. Often these are politicians and athletes.

Yin tree

This is a flower or vine. These people adapt well and quickly. They are excellent diplomats and psychologists. The Yin tree gives people softness, flexibility, and pliability. They easily adapt to circumstances and know how to smooth out rough edges. Such a person is characterized by delicacy, eloquence and a sense of tact. He is easily influenced by others.

Fire Yang

Yang Fire is the sun, which gives people openness, generosity, optimism and constancy. They have a lot of energy, which they generously share with others. People of this type cannot remain angry for a long time or remember grievances. These are passionate, impulsive natures, who often suffer from their own temper. They are always the center of attention. These are passionate, inspired people.

Fire Yin

Yin fire is candle fire. Such people are fickle and emotional. Tactful, polite, diligent. The element most attached to mom. If you want to please Yin Fire, make friends with his mother. Yin fire people are prone to mood swings and depression, but not for long. In addition, they have qualities such as ardor and sensitivity.

Earth Yang

Yang Earth is a mountain, a rock, a stone. People are strong and resilient. Their friends and family were lucky. It's hard to imagine a more devoted friend. Such people are characterized by stability, reliability and responsibility. The disadvantages are slowness and stubbornness. Having made a decision, people of this type do not change it. These individuals are characterized by skepticism and pragmatism and are difficult to deceive. Thanks to their perseverance, they achieve their goals.

Yin Earth

If your personality element is Yin Earth, then you are characterized by honesty, caring, and intelligence. The disadvantages of individuals of this type can be excessive humility, naivety and inability to defend their interests. Possessing a strong maternal instinct, such people often surround loved ones with care, which often develops into possessiveness

Metal Yang

If your personality element is Yang Metal, then you are characterized by hardness, endurance, loyalty, and reliability. Such people are devoted in friendship and love, but do not forgive betrayal and betrayal. Thanks to their assertiveness and determination, these people often become leaders with a strong-willed hand. This type of personality has high resistance to stress and is not afraid of the opinions of others.

Metal Yin

Yin metal characterizes charming people who love comfort and strive for care and attention. Material well-being is important to them. At the same time, behind the apparent gentleness and humility lies a firm person who knows well what he needs from life. He knows how to show flexibility, pliability, hear different points of view, and find compromises.

Water Yang

Next, let's look at people whose Personality element is Yang Water. It gives the personality energy, love of freedom and strong will. Such people quickly adapt to circumstances and have good learning abilities. They are always very active.

Yin Water

In the next paragraph we will look at people with the Yin Water element. Such people are seemingly gentle and defenseless, but inside them there is great strength that gives them the opportunity to achieve any goals. They have a developed intellect, a rich imagination and are able to sense the mood of others. Their disadvantages include excessive secrecy and suspicion.

Ba Zi calculator with decoding: simple, accessible, practical

Until recently, the Map was built based on special calculations and methods manually: tables were created on paper, then certain hieroglyphs were added there. This required a lot of work and effort. Today everything has become much faster and easier. The online Bazi calculator automatically builds the Map . You just need to enter the exact birth details and wait a couple of seconds.

What is included in the Ba Zi Card?

After the calculator has created it for free, you can safely begin the analysis. In a few clicks you will get an idea of ​​a number of aspects:

• elements of personality; • potential of celestial trunks; • individual Gua number; • desirable and undesirable directions; • pillars of Luck.

First, let's figure out what exactly is included in the Card. It was mentioned above that an alternative designation for the complex of prophecies is “The Four Pillars of Destiny,” and this is the main thing. What does this mean? The year, month, day and hour of your appearance into the world. Let's take into account that these data are ranked by importance not in the usual way: but starting from the end - from the hour of birth. Each pillar has an Earthly Branch and a Heavenly Trunk. The core of meaning is Birthday, because its basic concept is the element of personality, in which the fundamental characterological traits, psychotype, abilities and potential of the individual are hidden.

The second most important is the Pillar of Luck. This concept includes everything innate that influences the outline of life. In addition, the Ba Zi Calculator with decoding shows the Gua number and those areas that are recommended or contraindicated for a particular person. By hovering your cursor over a Star, you can find out its characteristics and meaning in order to adequately interpret the Map.

You can run the bazi calculator for free and understand how the Map is read and what the essence of the Four Pillars of Destiny is. We invite you to the Knowledge Library, which contains detailed information about this unique tradition of prophecy.

If you are using our calculator for the first time, then after entering your birth data, click the “Build a map” button.

Changes from 04/18/2021: The automatic calculation of Useful God and Useful Elements has been detailed. Details in the video

Changes from 05/09/2020: It is now possible to save and send balance data in BaZi cards. An important clarification: if manual mode was enabled, the balance data will not be saved. Details in the video Changes from 05/07/2020: It is now possible to analyze the balance in BaZi cards. Details in the video Changes from 04/24/2020: It is now possible to manually change the hieroglyphs in the pillars. Details in the video Changes from 02/23/2020: Users of the Base package have access to descriptions of the characteristics of Traveling (Postal) Horses, if they are present in the map or are present in incoming periods. Descriptions appear when you click on the hieroglyph of the animal, which is a Post Horse. Changes from 02/03/2020: Users of the Base package have access to descriptions of the Qi phases of the Heavenly Trunks in any Earthly Branches, as well as the features of various Peach Flowers. Where to look - information opens by clicking on any hieroglyph in the main BaZi map. For example, in the chart the annual pillar Earth is Yang on the Rat. Click on the hieroglyph Earth Yang - we get a description. Click on the hieroglyph of the Rat - we get a description which, among other things, will contain information about the features of the Peach Flower in the Rat. Changes from 11/10/2019: In the block of Symbolic Stars, information about health has been added, what should anyone pay attention to. Descriptions of problems are available only to consultants with the Base package connected. Changes from 07/19/2019: added the ability to strictly account for mergers in Heavenly Trunks. If the corresponding checkbox in the main form is active (and by default it is active), then when determining the Useful God, NNs that are in a merge state will not be selected. Even if this merger did not materialize. Changes from 07/18/2019: For subscribers of the Base package, a second method has been added for calculating the Useful God and Useful Elements for cards with a Normal Structure. More details: watch the video follow the link Changes from 07/11/2019: for subscribers of the Base package, calculation of two more Personality characteristics has been added: - vindictiveness; — deceit And also added general interesting information about the personality type of the card owner (displayed in the Personality Patterns block) More details: watch the video follow the link Changes from 06/02/2019: for subscribers of the Base package, information has been added - which animals reduce the charisma and intelligence of the card owner (in the table with GUA, below Noble TaiChi, above Regulating Deities). Information has been added to the annual package - which specific area is affected by negative animals, if such information is present in the map (displayed in the Personality Patterns block) Changes from 11/18/2018: for subscribers of the annual Base package, automatic calculation of Personality patterns in the map has been added: - self-confidence; - confidence; - cunning; - humility; - insight; - devotion; - laziness; - greed; - hot temper; — independence; — honesty More details: watch the video follow the link Changes from 08/30/2018: The principle of calculating the Season for earthly “animals” has been changed. Sometimes they remain earthly, as is customary in some Ba Zi schools (in the case when the dominant Qi of the Season is not manifested in the NS). We like this approach better than the previous one. But if it does not agree with your school, then you can always choose a Season yourself (any season). The card will be instantly recalculated. + clarified the definition of an Overweak Card. Now, when calculating, a card is considered super-weak if there are no resources in the NS, there is no more than one Brotherhood Element in the NS (except for the GD itself), there is no seasonal support, and there is no more than one Resource Element or Brotherhood in the GP (excluding the monthly GP). More details: watch the video on our youtube channel follow the link Changes from 08/19/2018: The list of Symbolic Stars has been expanded. The calculator now displays which Elements each Symbolic Star consists of. Changes from 08/14/2018: added a hint on mergers and collisions in the NS and SG both in the main map and in the pillar of Luck and the coming year. It is enough just to hover the mouse cursor over the hieroglyph of the Element and pictures will appear with whom and what relationships it enters into in the map. Icon reference:
Merger of the National Assembly

NS collision

Combination of pollutants

Seasonal combination of pollutants (at least two constituent elements in the map)

Combination of GE by elements (at least two constituent elements in the map)

Star Wars Conflict

Fire punishment in GP (at least two constituent elements in the card)

Earth punishment in GP (at least two constituent elements in the map)

Self-punishment in Star Wars

Conflict of introducing discord into Star Wars

Related conflict in Star Wars

The conflict of ingratitude in Star Wars

When you click on the hieroglyphs in the NS and SV, a quick reference now opens.

Changes from 08/12/2018: time zones are now displayed correctly for all time zones. Changes from 08/01/2018: a calculation of the structure of the map for 10 Deities with a descriptive part has appeared (only in the Base package). Changes from 07/25/2018: it is now possible to manually cancel and re-enable emptiness.

If you do not see any changes or the elements of the calculator are displayed incorrectly, then reset the error by pressing the combination Ctrl and F5 on your computer keyboard. If you use a smartphone, clear your browser cache.

Ba Zi calculator, general information

According to Chinese astrology, the year, month, day and hour of a person's birth are of great importance when it comes to analyzing their destiny and adjusting it. These four components - year, month, day and hour, are called the “Four Pillars of Destiny” or “Ba Zi” and are the key factor (laid at birth) that determines the future of our personality. Use the Ba Zi calculator to calculate your Ba Zi card, determine your Lord of the Day, Pillars of Fortune, Helpful God and Helpful Elements, calculate the strength of the Ba Zi card (Useful God calculation mode, as the difference between supporting elements and weakening ones - if it is positive, then The Lord of the Day is strong, the Ba Zi card is strong. If it is negative, then the Lord of the Day is weak and so is the card. If the result is zero, then the card is flickering and can be viewed either way, it can show strength and weakness at different moments in life , under the influence of various elements) and much more. Calculating the Ba Zi chart will help you better understand yourself, your relationships with the world, career opportunities, etc. In this version, the Ba Zi calculator calculates dates from 1925 to 2103 inclusive.

Denial of responsibility

While every effort has been made to ensure that the Ba Zi Calculator operates error-free, no warranty of accuracy or suitability for any purpose is guaranteed or implied. No liability will be accepted for any inconvenience, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly from its use. If you find any errors, please report it. Updates come out quite quickly. The explanations and interpretations presented here are the words of the author of this calculator, Ba Zi. There are different schools of Ba Zi about the meanings of the Four Pillars, and students (followers) of other schools may have different views on certain issues of map interpretation, meanings and descriptions of symbolic stars, and so on. The calculation of the Useful God is especially difficult, so the entire calculation process is presented to the user of the calculator in full, so that he can independently make the necessary adjustments. I also ask you to carefully monitor the correctness of the time zone definition in the calculator and, if necessary, correct it yourself.

Thank you for your interest in Chinese metaphysics, good luck to you in its practical application.

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Pillars of Fortune

The Bazi Destiny Map is based on the four pillars of destiny. In addition, there are also pillars of luck that tend to change every ten years. They also have components of heavenly trunks and earthly branches, but unlike the pillars of fate, they are responsible for the potential of the individual, his capabilities. We have already mentioned that the pillars of fate originate from the day a person was born; they tell about what he was born with. But the pillars of luck can tell you about the acquired chances and opportunities that may appear on the path of life and which should not be missed.

On the way, a person can encounter both friendly and unfavorable elements. Depending on this, a person can expect either success or constant falls and failures. But as soon as the effect of this pillar of luck ends, a new pillar and, accordingly, new elements come into force. Depending on this, new elements can either be useful or harmful.

In order for a person's life to be successful and successful, he will need a good combination of the pillars of destiny. Of course, one cannot do without the influence of favorable elements of the pillar of luck, since they are always present in the life of an individual. But if the Bazi chart shows unfavorable elements on the path, there is no need to panic. After all, the Chinese Feng Shui horoscope can not only predict ups and downs, it can also prevent them. Therefore, you should constantly monitor your Feng Shui horoscope, which, by the way, can be done online, and make every attempt to limit yourself from the negative effects of the elements. After all, deciphering the signs of fate is sometimes very important; you should not neglect it.


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