Signs and superstitions about lilies: why white lilies are given, beliefs

Lily has bright magical properties, as it reduces a person’s mental suffering and serves as a talisman against evil thoughts and bad deeds. This flower is a symbol of purity, emotional balance and youthful pure love. It reveals a person's creative abilities and talents. The plant has healing qualities and is used in folk medicine in the treatment of acne and skin diseases of inflammatory origin. In addition, it serves as a talisman for the premises and cleanses the house of negative thoughts and magical influences.

The plant is best collected and dried from late June to mid-August.

Benefits of lily

The plant can be used to cleanse a room of negative vibrations and magical energy. To do this, you need to place a pot or bouquet of lilies on the windowsill. To attract joy and harmony, a flower must be planted in a flower bed. Bouquets with lilies are given to people who have suffered severe life shocks, as they can reduce stress and pain. A dry flower serves as a talisman and protects its owner from negative emotions, magical influences and self-destructive thoughts. In folk medicine, a decoction or infusion of this plant is used to treat long-term non-healing wounds and inflammatory-allergic skin diseases.

What do the different colors of lilies mean?

When studying the language of flowers, it should be noted that the different shades of the plant differ in absolutely polar meanings. What color lily can be found in nature and what does it mean?

  • Pink - will tell about the romantic feelings that are experienced towards the recipient of the bouquet.
  • Red - they will tell about passion and deep feelings, the desire to completely master your partner.
  • Yellow - prove that you feel calm next to the person to whom you are presenting the lilies.
  • Purple - they will talk about falling in love.
  • Blue - they speak of serious intentions.
  • Orange - associated with tenderness, which is conveyed through such a floral arrangement.

Use in magic

By giving such flowers to a girl, the man expressed the sincerity of his feelings.
In ancient times, the lily was considered a symbol of purity and purity of thoughts. Boys gave this flower to girls as a sign of true love. The plant also represents wisdom, kindness and devotion. But despite this, the flower is a sign of death. This contradiction is due to the fact that a person, under the magical influence of a lily, experiences various desires, placing it in his favor. It was also believed that the flower could awaken passion in a woman if presented to her beloved late at night or before dawn.

A flower given as a farewell gift softens the pain of a long separation, but it is important to dry it. To evoke withered feelings in their spouse, women place this plant at the head of the bed. Lily brings back passion, understanding and affection for family. A flower that grows near temples or monasteries has special magical properties and has a negative effect on humans, so you should not pick bouquets in such places. The dried lily protects against the evil eye and evil intentions. It is a very powerful amulet and, with prolonged contact with a person, can cause prophetic dreams. The flower resists lies and helps to reveal them in time.

The plant helps to reveal a person’s creative abilities, talents and develop his aesthetic taste. During spiritualistic seances, lily enhances the extrasensory abilities of magicians. It attracts joy and harmony, improves the well-being of people nearby. Gives women tenderness and attractiveness.

The magical meaning of lily


The flower is powerful not only in love magic. It helps people in creative professions realize their potential. Artists, writers, and photographers absolutely must keep a bush of blooming lilies under the windows of their office or workshop.


Esotericists, shamans, and soothsayers love this flower very much - it helps them tune in to the wavelength they need for their work. At the same time, this flower will protect ordinary people from accidental and unwanted contacts with spirits and ghosts.

Use in folk medicine

The use of such flowers is part of infertility therapy.
Lily helps a person cope with diseases or pathological conditions such as:

  • long-term non-healing wounds or ulcers;
  • boils;
  • metabolic disease;
  • dermatitis;
  • autoimmune damage to the epidermis;
  • oncology;
  • infertility;
  • bleeding;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculous damage to the lungs and other organs;
  • cold;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • bacterial or fungal infection.

Lily was given to women in labor during uterine bleeding.

The flower is used in the form of an alcoholic infusion or decoction. The roots and flowers of this plant are medicinal. It should be collected during flowering, as at this time it contains the greatest amount of substances beneficial to the human body. More often, lily is used for external use in the form of lotions or baths for purulent-inflammatory skin diseases. It heals eczema, lichen and acne.

A noble plant that managed to conquer humanity

The flower acquired the name “lily” thanks to its dazzling white flowers (which, translated from ancient Gaulish, mean “li-li”, that is, “white-white”). Under natural conditions, the flowers have a slightly pinkish or even yellowish tint. This royal plant has a rich history, because the following sources are the first to tell about the lily:

  • myths of the ancient Greeks, in which she is patronized by the deities Zeus with Hera and Aphrodite;
  • coats of arms of the rulers of France (their lily symbolized the ruling dynasty);
  • medieval painting, in particular, images of famous ladies;
  • creations with religious themes - saints usually hold a lily flower in their hands.

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Since ancient times, the lily flower has been personified with innocence and pristineness. It is for this reason that her image can be seen in the hands of the Holy Virgin Mary or Archangel Gabriel.

According to one beautiful German belief, together with a snow-white lily, an elf is born who lives in this plant. During the daytime, he sleeps peacefully in the cup of the flower, and at night, he rocks it, so the lily rings very pleasantly and gently at night.

Another symbolic characteristic of lily flowers is majesty with glory. Therefore, it becomes clear that previously the lily was used as the main decorative element of palaces.

The ancient Romans associated the lily with material luxury, wealth, and success, so with its help rich people decorated not only their homes, but also items of clothing, as well as chariots.

Interesting things about lily flowers

Enchanting with its attractiveness, the lily has a rich history. Few people know that this magnificent plant used to decorate portraits of famous girls of the Middle Ages.

Ancient Greek myths associated lilies with Hera, Zeus and Aphrodite. Their beauty was highly valued by the gods, and these flowers were only allowed to be given to high-ranking officials.

A lily flower will look equally good both in the form of a bouquet and standing in a pot on the window. Lilies are real guardians of family happiness; they will delight your eyes every day and fill your home with a festive atmosphere.

History of a flower

Historical references to this flower date back to 1700 BC. Images of lilies on frescoes and vases were popular in Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. In Persia, these flowers decorated lawns and royal courtyards. And the capital of Ancient Persia, Susa, was called the city of lilies.

The history of this flower is surprisingly rich, interesting and sometimes contradictory. There are many legends and traditions that mention these delicate flowers. Most of the mentions are made about white lilies.

For example, according to ancient Greek legend, these flowers appeared from the drops of milk of Hera, the wife of the god Zeus. A beautiful legend says that Queen Alcmene secretly gave birth to a boy named Hercules from Zeus. Fearing the punishment of Zeus' wife Hera, she hid the baby in the bushes. But Hera found the newborn and decided to breastfeed him. Little Hercules sensed the change and roughly pushed the goddess Hera away. Milk splashed onto the sky and earth. So the Milky Way appeared in the sky, and lilies sprouted on the earth.

Lily is also found in ancient Germanic mythology. For example, the thunder god Thor was depicted with a scepter crowned with a lily.

Where is the best place to place eucharis?

The homeland of Eucharis is warm and humid. The flower does not like direct sunlight, temperature changes and drafts. But it feels great in high humidity. If you spray the leaves more often or place a container of water near the flower pot, the plant will reward you with long and abundant flowering. A flower on a cold windowsill is uncomfortable; the house must maintain a stable temperature, approximately 20-22 °C.

According to signs, the effect on the energy of the room depends on where the flower pot is placed. It is better to place it in a visible place, for example, on a special stand or small table. Eucharis will take care of:

  • about the cozy atmosphere in the house;
  • about the well-being of household members;
  • about filling your home with positive energy.

A children's room will be one of the most successful options. In addition, signs say that eucharis has a positive effect on children - they become calmer, more attentive and get sick less often.

A great place could be the living room or kitchen. With eucharis, they will be cozy and warm, and family members will more often gather at the table with friendly conversation.

If there is enough light in the hallway, the plant will take root there too, and will also become an excellent protector against negativity that threatens the house. According to signs, eucharis in the hallway stimulates new positive desires and the desire to explore the world.

Healing properties of lily

Lily also has a whole range of healing properties. Its composition has been little studied, but it is known that lily flowers contain vitamin C, often called “sun vitamin” for its beneficial properties, alkaloids with strong analgesic properties, iron and boron, proteins and tannins.

The mystical symbol of purity of the lily is also close to its healing effect. A decoction of dried flowers and leaves of this plant is used for various procedures for cleansing the skin, healing wounds, and cleansing the body. As a medicine, infusions and decoctions of lilies are used in the treatment of a number of skin diseases, from simple juvenile acne to lichen and eczema. Wash open wounds, abscesses, ulcers and boils with the infusion. Lily promotes the removal of pus from wounds and their speedy healing.

Medicines based on lily raw materials are used to treat colds such as sore throat and bronchitis. Infusions on the leaves of this plant thin mucus, promote expectoration, and also have an antiseptic effect and relieve inflammation.

Lily stops bleeding. And both external and internal. Healers in Rus' gave lily infusions to women in labor to stop intrauterine bleeding. Medicine is prepared from lily bulbs for the treatment of cancer. The tubers are crushed, poured with alcohol and infused for two weeks in a dark place. Then take the infusion one teaspoon three times a day.

Is there a danger from the flower to your home?

As we have already found out, in terms of energy, eucharis is extremely favorable for the home. What could be the danger? The thing is that the sap of the plant is poisonous and very toxic to pets . The alkaloid lycorin, contained in all parts of the plant, affects the vomiting center of the brain and causes poisoning of varying degrees of severity.

Symptoms of poisoning

Signs of lycorin poisoning are as follows:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Painful sensations in the abdominal area.
  • Cramps.
  • Tremor.
  • Copious secretion of saliva.
  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Refusal of food.
  • Development or exacerbation of hepatitis.
  • Depressive state.
  • Paralysis.

Licorin does not directly reduce blood pressure, but fatal cases of animal poisoning most often occur precisely against the background of a general collapse caused by a critical decrease in the volume of circulating blood in the body.

Is Eucharis poisonous or not for humans? Yes, it is poisonous, but due to the fact that humans are larger than domestic animals, the concentration of the toxic substance in the blood is lower, and accordingly, poisoning is more easily tolerated.

It is important to exclude the possibility of small children eating the plant.

What to do if you are poisoned by a plant?

  1. It is necessary to ensure plenty of fluids. There is a high probability that you will have to force the patient to drink. The main thing is to prevent dehydration and a reduction in the volume of blood circulating in the body.
  2. To absorb poison, give the animal adsorbents: activated carbon, chalk, milk.
  3. Take the victim to a doctor immediately. Only a specialist can carry out procedures that reduce the concentration of poison in the blood and prescribe an antidote.

Precautionary measures

usually occurs when the flower bulb is accidentally confused with an onion . Therefore, planting material and bulbs of adult plants should be stored separately from food and out of the reach of small children and pets.

In addition, after removing faded peduncles, replanting the plant and other manipulations during which contact with plant sap is possible, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

It should be noted that in skillful hands, the poison of the Amazon lily turns into medicine . For example, the leaves of the flower are used to relieve spasms and convulsions, and local hunters use the juice of the plant to pickle arrows. Therefore, if you follow simple precautions, eucharis will not cause you any trouble, but, on the contrary, will become a reliable protector of your home.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Where not to place eucharis

The bedroom and recreation areas are not the place for a flower. The energetic effect of the plant is so great that it can cause sleep disturbances and lead to a feeling of fatigue. You won’t be able to get proper rest in a flow of energy. According to signs, placing a flower in recreational areas increases anxiety, causes irritability and worsens mood.

The powerful energy of the Amazon lily can harm other flowers in the house. Many plants do not like its proximity - they wither, lose their attractiveness and die. Eucharis is best placed separately from other indoor plants. Otherwise, there is a threat of losing your green garden on the windowsill in a short time.

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom?

Lack of flowering can be caused by a number of reasons. Most often this is due to neglect of the rules of growing or infestation of the flower with pests.

Problems in care

If eucharis does not bloom, then in order for it to bloom, it is necessary to reconsider the organization of plant care. The following factors can affect flowering:

  1. Location. The flower requires a lot of space. It will feel cramped on narrow window sills and shelves. Eucharis will also not bloom in a draft.
  2. Temperature. Failure to comply with the recommended temperature regime and sudden changes in the thermometer reading do not contribute to flowering.

Pests and their control

Eucharis may not bloom due to pest damage. Most often, the flower is attacked by the following harmful insects:

  1. Shield. The pest can be identified by dark spots on the inside of the leaf.
  2. Aphid. As a rule, aphids attack in large groups that completely fill the surface of the stem.
  3. Spider mite. This pest cannot be seen with the naked eye. A mite infestation can be determined by the thinnest cobwebs on the leaves and stems of the plant.

Spider mite

  • Mealybug. The defeat of this pest is accompanied by the folding of the leaf plate into a tube. Inside the folded leaf you can see a small whitish worm.
  • Insecticidal preparations are used to combat harmful insects.

    What to do to stimulate flowering?

    Eucharis flowering can be stimulated. To do this, the flower is given an unscheduled period of rest. For the winter, the plant is placed in a cool room, watering is reduced and fertilizing is completely abolished. In spring, the flower is placed in its usual conditions and standard care is resumed. As a result of these actions, the eucharis will definitely bloom in the spring.

    The magical properties of Eucharis: why women should keep the flower at home

    According to legend, representatives of the fair sex are recommended to keep a flower in their apartment, as it:

    • strengthens women's health;
    • creates protection from negative influences (evil eye and damage);
    • increases activity;
    • gives creative strength;
    • changes your personal life for the better.

    South American peoples use Eucharis as a decoration for the bride's outfit. According to local superstitions, the plant protects the newlywed from the evil eye.

    Composition of lilies

    Lily, along with other flowers, is often presented to girls as a gift. Based on the characteristics of the flower presented as a gift, the encrypted message you received will also vary.

    • The “traditional” version of the bride’s bouquet consists of lily flowers, because their snow-white hue is associated with purity, purity, nobility, and majesty. White lilies are allowed to be given only to those people for whom you feel a feeling of love.
    • The presented yellow lilies will most likely be an attempt by a man to attract attention to his person, because they will emphasize his originality.
    • Red lilies are especially careful. They symbolically correspond to wealth, pride, and in some cases, contempt and hatred. A composition of red lilies is most likely intended to alarm rather than delight.
    • Orange lilies are a symbol of a man’s interest in a girl, and also the desire to find out if she likes him. They act as a kind of silent question: “Is your heart busy right now?”
    • The tiger lily is associated with abundance and prosperity. A composition of tiger lilies will tell about the giver’s self-confidence, as well as satisfaction with himself and his successes.

    According to ancient legend, on the night before the crucifixion, when Jesus Christ walked through the Garden of Gethsemane, all the flowers expressed their compassion to him and drooped as a sign of sadness. And only the lily flower was so proud of its beauty that it did not bow its head before the Savior. But, feeling ashamed, the lily's petals turned red.

    Eucharis according to feng shui

    The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui states that eucharis gives the home beneficial Qi energy and eliminates negative Sha. In the East, Qi energy is considered the basis of life. A house where Qi has good movement is considered prosperous, the inhabitants feel good, they have no anxiety or discomfort. A lack of Qi in the home leads to the fact that a person begins to feel its lack in the body, gets sick more often, and loses vitality.

    According to Feng Shui, it is believed that eucharis is able to cleanse the negative component of Sha and return prosperity, peace, positivity and harmony to the home. Household members become more active, their health improves, and their vitality returns. A sign that people have learned to receive energy from a flower is the restoration of strength and mental balance.

    Experts of ancient Chinese science recommend having eucharis in the house in the following cases:

    • if there is discord between the spouses;
    • problems appeared in the family;
    • children stopped obeying and honoring their parents.

    Lilies and Feng Shui

    In the teachings of Feng Shui, the lily is practical in nature. She brings harmony and abundance to the home. To do this, it is placed in the southeastern part of the home.

    Exquisite dishes will not be translated into the house if you decorate the dining room or kitchen with flowers. The same applies to paintings and photos of lilies.

    For single people, Feng Shui masters recommend placing bouquets or potted plants in the eastern part of the building, which is responsible for love.

    Flowers placed in the bedroom increase sexual desire.

    You can reliably protect your house from evil spirits by planting plants in the garden around the entire perimeter.

    Attention! Feng Shui masters warn about the capriciousness of the flower.

    While safely protecting home and family, bringing harmony and happiness, the lily can suddenly provoke a major conflict.

    Characteristics of the houseplant Eucharis

    Eucharis is a bulbous plant belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family. In nature, it can be found in the forests of Central and South America.

    The bulbs of an adult flower reach from 2 to 6 cm in diameter. The leaves are wide, lanceolate. They can grow up to half a meter in length. The plates are mounted on elongated petioles. The surface of the leaves is wrinkled and dark green in color. Eucharis growing in the natural environment can only have 2-4 leaves on one bush at a time. Indoor hybrids have an order of magnitude more leaves.

    The decorative value of the plant is its flowers. The flowering period most often occurs in spring. The flowers resemble daffodils in appearance.

    About 20 species of this plant are known. The following types are considered the most common:

    1. Large-flowered - blooms 3 times a year.
    2. White – blooms in March and September.
    3. Mastersa - blooms from March to May.
    4. Sandera - flowering from February to April.
    5. Toothless - blooms at the end of March.
    6. Amazonian - blooms in February.

    Eucharis blooms with snow-white flowers with a pronounced pleasant aroma.

    Rules for caring for eucharis at home

    Caring for the plant at home is not burdensome. If you follow the recommendations of experts, eucharis will delight you with its flowers up to 3 times a year.

    Watering and fertilizing

    Like all bulbous plants, Eucharis should be watered carefully. Overmoistening and stagnation of moisture in the pot tray contributes to the development of rot.

    It is recommended to water the flower every 3 days with small portions of water. During the dormant period, it is watered less frequently, focusing on soil moisture: watering is carried out only after the upper half of the soil has dried.

    The temperature of the water for irrigation should correspond to the temperature of the room in which the flower is located. If household water is used, it must first be settled for 24 hours. It is advisable to filter such water.

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