Feng Shui is not only about toads and Hotei, everything is much more complex and interesting

Feng Shui is not only about toads and Hotei, everything is much more complex and interesting

I have been interested in the art of Feng Shui for a long time, I got it from my sister. Items on this topic can now be found almost everywhere; on the Internet or in books you can easily find information about where to put a toad or hang a wind chime.

But few people know that there are many subtleties in Feng Shui. At first glance, you may not notice that the house is decorated according to Feng Shui.

In general, in Feng Shui there should be 4 animals: White Tiger - in the west, Red Phoenix in the south, Black Turtle in the north, Green Dragon - in the east.

Ba-Gua Magnets

Feng Shui items

The green dragon can be a tree or something else green. No one has seen the dragon, so it is unknown what it looks like. I couldn’t find a green dragon, that’s why I have this strange little dragon in the east, and also a two-headed dragon with green eyes.

Double headed dragon

The Dragon

Additionally, figurines of other animals can be used to activate certain zones.

To attract wealth, the three-legged toad should be in the southeastern sector of the home and stand with its back to the entrance.

Three-legged toad

In the north-west (helpers sector) there should be single elongated objects. An elephant with its trunk pointed towards the window will do. You can place a portrait of the President or head of the family in this place. In the southwest (marriage sector) you can place mandarin ducks; paired objects or paintings depicting happy lovers are also suitable.

Mandarin ducks

North is the career zone. There must be a black turtle here for a successful career promotion.


Northeast – sector of knowledge, teachers. You can put a globe here. It is not only a symbol of knowledge, but also a symbol of the earth, this element corresponds to this sector.


North-west is the sector of helpers, useful people. According to Feng Shui, there should be single cylindrical objects in this place. An elephant's trunk is what you need. The elephant figurine in the northwest should be directed with its trunk towards the window, so it attracts the lucky star.


The West is the creative sector. For us, reviewers, activating it is very important. There must be a white tiger in the west. But it is better to place a white kitten or a sleeping tiger in the apartment.

White cat

Three coins woven with red thread can be placed with important documents, but always with the yang side (without dots) facing up. For example, to quickly repay a loan, you can add these coins to your documents.


In Feng Shui, you can activate certain areas of life. To activate, you need to calculate the place and time. Masters know how to do this. Unfortunately, I haven’t learned it yet, so I use a ready-made forecast. If anyone is interested, I can send you a link to the site.

Activation is carried out in a certain sector, for example, in the south and at a certain time. This time lasts only 2 hours. The activator can be a running fan, a lit candle, or a fountain.

What else did Feng Shui give? Let me give you a few examples.

I carried out this activation for money. The sector fell on my husband's workshop. I put a burning candle there, he was sleeping and didn’t even know about it. But on the same day, a certain amount of money unexpectedly fell on him. After the next activation, I was paid for the work done 3 months ago, I was no longer expecting that money. And this takes into account the fact that our house is located in a geopathogenic zone, activation, and in general Feng Shui does not work well in such places.

Several years ago we lived in a hostel, and then I learned about Feng Shui and found out that we had a disaster in this regard. I made a huge change. And 2 days after that they gave us an apartment. True, not the property, but a huge 3-room apartment. We still live in it, and now we already own it.

In general, I note that Feng Shui is an activator, and it activates only if there is something to activate. If a person has no desire to move, neither toads nor lighted candles will help him. So, everything is in our hands, and Feng Shui is a good helper!

Customer Feedback:


(You can leave a review below in the comments)

---- Tatiana! We would like to express our deep gratitude to you for your consultation in our apartment! After rearranging the furniture and activations, we had a lot of positive changes!!!!!!!! At first we didn’t even believe that Feng Shui would help us, but there is a lot of evidence! Firstly, after rearranging the stove!!!!!! the children began to get sick less (our attending physician was even surprised that he hadn’t been to us for so long))) secondly, things have improved for my husband at work, and thirdly, many things have moved forward from a “dead point”! Thank you very much! I really want to learn everything from you!!!!!! Good luck in your work and more clients!!!!!!

Anna, Podolsk. sprisha(dog)mail.ru

———– I express my deep gratitude to Tatyana!

I contacted Tatyana twice. The first time was a consultation via Skype. I really liked Tatyana’s professionalism, clear, accessible and very interesting presentation of information. 2.5 hours flew by like 5 minutes. The topic of the consultation is career guidance. I took into account the recommendations received from Tatyana, got a job and now I can say that I am doing a job that I like. And I’m very happy about it.

The second consultation was in person and took the form of a relaxed, friendly conversation. The communication was structured in the form - simply about complex things) The consultation was about personal relationships. Tatyana helped me understand myself, look at relationships from a different angle, and thanks to this, I made the right decision, which I am happy with.

Thank you, Tatyana!

Alexey, Moscow. bakholdin01(dog)yandex.ru


I want to say thank you for the date chosen for the sale of the apartment. I didn’t write to you because... I was afraid to “jinx it” until a registered agreement was received.

It was a song! With such worries, I still managed to do it in 1 month.

The recommended date for submitting the advertisement was August 10, and on September 11 I already signed in the registry. ward, the purchase and sale agreement, despite the fact that I set the price even higher than what was originally planned, and most importantly, during the sale process, I learned that our house was declared unsafe due to cracks in the neighboring entrance. According to rumors, a lot of apartments from my building were sold at the same time as my apartment, and the prices were cheaper. I didn't sleep at night because... We worked for this apartment for several years without a break, and losing that kind of money would be tragic for me.

But from somewhere a realtor appeared who stubbornly sold my apartment without prepayments or contracts, and eventually found a client with cash. And my tenants also helped me a lot in selling, although they themselves risked the possibility of a quick move out, but it was expected that the sale would last several months or even more. In return, I offered them to live for free. And when a buyer was found so quickly, they were in a panic, but everything worked out well for them too - and they moved into the exact same apartment next door.

What a miracle)))

Gulnara, Moscow. gulnara-korona(dog)yandex.ru


I am writing this review with pleasure. I have been looking for a Feng Shui specialist for a long time, about two months. All the time something didn’t work out: either they wouldn’t answer the letter at all, then they would answer in a week, then they would offer to give a consultation in two months. On the one hand, the Internet is full of offers for Feng Shui services, on the other hand, it is difficult to distinguish a professional from an amateur, especially when applying for this service for the first time. I studied sites, read forums, even registered on one and understood which criteria are the most important and what can be ignored.

Firstly, school. There are several of them and each has its own Gurus. It is advisable that the selected specialist undergo training at the original source. Secondly, he must be a member of the international association of Feng Shui specialists and this must also be confirmed. The third criterion is biased - the person must be pleasant to you and be on the same wavelength as you. Tatyana and I coincided. Perhaps that is why her Ba Zi was so accurate in terms of the characteristics of my personality, and the advice was very specific and feasible.

Surprisingly, after the consultation, analyzing what I heard, I began to remember details from my life that completely confirmed what was said.

It’s a pity that I didn’t know all this earlier, I definitely would have taken it into account. But! I am a good student and moving forward I will definitely take this knowledge into account. And I have already ordered a consultation for my children. This is better than many career guidance tests - more accurate and therefore more effective.

Thanks again Tatyana! Good girl!

Elena, St. Petersburg, Tel.: +79219746064

——– Tatyana, thank you so much for your work! I haven’t been able to sell my apartment since April, I’ve been advertising all summer, collaborating with real estate agencies, and there hasn’t been a single interested buyer, despite the fact that the apartment is nice and located in the city center. Those activations and walks along Qi Men Dong Jia that you chose for me work! As soon as I started carrying out activations, calls began to come in, and in the end I got a buyer for the apartment, the deal finally went through! Even my husband, who is skeptical about everything, believed it. I sincerely want to thank you! And I hope that we will continue to cooperate with you. Good luck to you!!!

Anastasia, Minsk. koltonchik(dog)mail.ru

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Feng Shui: fashion trend of the 90s or pseudoscience?

Feng Shui, to tell the truth, is somewhat reminiscent of omens. Some people firmly believe in them, but they cannot explain to others why the same notorious black cat is bad. So it is here. People simply believe in the “magic” of throwing junk from one end of the house to the other. Now it is difficult to say for sure what Feng Shui is.

As a kind of mystical movement-teaching-treatment, it appeared in such shaggy times that you can’t even remember. It was started, as one would expect, by the restless Chinese. Like all normal dense people, they worshiped the forces of nature, were openly afraid of the Fern gods and tried in every possible way to protect themselves from their righteous anger. The wise, dense Chinese realized: “my home is my fortress.” And they turned their homes into an ingenious labyrinth-trap for all sorts of evil spirits. But that was in an era of impenetrable darkness.

What is now considered to be Feng Shui is nothing more than a certain set of rules, an extract from an ancient theory, and it appeared not so long ago. In 1986, Chinese-American Thomas Lin Yu, who taught feng shui in the United States, simplified it, creating the so-called symbolic feng shui for ordinary people. He divided the space into zones of love, wealth, children, sex, money, career and so on. It is assumed that by placing a certain object in a particular sector, a person will activate this zone. It was precisely this teaching that at one time forced the Russian people to buy up “money toads”, mini-Christmas trees in pots with hieroglyphs and diligently push them around the apartment, trying not to spill the precious Qi energy.

Surprisingly, even now people are not averse to enlisting the support of Feng Shui; someone takes the matter so seriously that they ask for help from experts.

And most experts are actually very skeptical about this Chinese “magic”. For example, Oksana Tsymbalova, designer, founder and head of the House of the Sun design workshop, answers the question “what is Feng Shui” as follows:

“There are customers who ask to develop a design project based on Feng Shui, without completely understanding what it is. The designer places frogs with coins, Chinese gods, Chinese coins and other symbols in certain areas, trying to please the client and attract wealth, luck and the like into his life. And the client, receiving his interior according to Feng Shui, often cannot understand why nothing works. After all, everything is in its place.

The secret is simple - it is better to believe in yourself and your strengths, act, and not wait for a miracle. The space should first of all be functional, comfortable and environmentally friendly. And everything else depends only on the person!”

Our other expert, Amalia Talfeld, is also not a fan of the “Chinese”, but she pays tribute to the logic of some of the rules of Feng Shui:

“Some people believe in fairy tales - going to fortune-tellers, magicians and other wizards is very suitable for them. But if you think about it, the principles of a logical approach to interior planning are partly the principles of Feng Shui. For example, the idea is not to clutter the center of the house so that the Qi energy flows evenly and nothing interferes with it. The window opposite the door is the easiest way to create a draft, which means it has no place there. Not according to Feng Shui, but simply according to logic. By and large, it is necessary to appeal to whether it is functional for a person, whether it is comfortable. Then it will all be according to Feng Shui too. And what is now called Feng Shui is mostly false teaching.”

Amalia admits that even now there are many people who want to organize their lives in accordance with Feng Shui:

“There are those who even want to place their house diagonally on the plot, just so that Feng Shui does not suffer. We arrange our house depending on certain rules, but not on the stars flying across the sky.”

But Oksana assures that if a client insists on “shamanism”, this is not their client:

“If the customer, when filling out the technical specifications, says that everything needs to be according to Feng Shui, we either dissuade him from this idea, or he goes to another designer.

Our design studio philosophy is to create functional and thoughtful spaces. We give preference to eco-minimalism, loft, Scandinavian and other styles that meet the needs of people in the modern world.

When designing interiors, we use natural materials such as: wood, felt, leather, glass, stone, clay, linen, greenery and others. These are our roots, and the materials provide enormous energy from nature.”

To the question “was there a general demand for interior design according to Feng Shui? Has it subsided now?” Expert opinions were divided.

“It’s difficult for us to answer this question, since in most cases our clients come to us understanding our philosophy,” Oksana Tsymbalova honestly admitted.

And Amalia Talfeld democratically noted that there is nothing completely bad in Feng Shui:

“When there was demand for Feng Shui projects, sometimes good houses were designed. There is probably still a demand for this, but since the late 90s I have not come across customers for whom “feng shui” would be a fundamental part of the technical specifications. Maybe people realized that this was pseudoscience, I don’t know. However, it would be wrong to say that you cannot use feng shui elements. Some “tricks” work – you can laugh at it, but that’s how it is.”

By the way, the interior is not only a cozy bedroom and a functional kitchen. This is a huge loft-style office, high-tech open space with a bunch of mumbling printers and so on. Who thinks about the success of a company at the feng shui level? Probably almost no one, you say. But we thought: what if the factory for the production of the right Twix stick suffers losses because the entrance is not located according to Feng Shui? And they have a mirror hanging right at the entrance. Or, for example, the owner of a large office asks for help with space zoning, certainly according to Feng Shui. Is it possible to combine Feng Shui with anything and make the interior look like candy? Or attempts to “shove” Feng Shui somewhere are nothing more than “We would advise the owner of a large office to place the main emphasis on the functionality of the space, creating a harmonious and laconic office and building your business process correctly.”

This was the valuable advice of designer Oksana Tsymbalova, founder and head of the design workshop.

Designer Amalia Talfeld admitted:

“I had a case when we did this (combined Feng Shui with another style. - Ed.). True, it turned out that the customers sold this house and left for China, but I don’t think that this is the merit of Feng Shui.”

Instead of an epilogue

Is Feng Shui a fashion trend, pseudoscience, or a cunning conspiracy of Chinese organized crime? Some people really think that all this hype about storing money in one convenient place was invented by Chinese thieves. This way, supposedly, you can “surround” your home faster without making a fuss.

We are confident that, first of all, the room should be functional and comfortable for the customer, so that it pleases the eye with an interesting combination of colors and materials. And all these “helping chips” for attracting love, money and success into your home will begin to work only when you, by a strong-willed decision, get up from the couch and begin to change something in life.

You can start with an apartment, by the way. Repair is generally an extremely invigorating thing. Just please, before repairing, seek advice from professionals. Believe me, even without feng shui they can make your home a cozy place of family well-being and success.

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