Hallway according to Feng Shui: arranging furniture according to the rules

The ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui can help a person in different areas of life. Proper organization of the space around plays an important role in attracting success, achieving harmony and happiness. The ancient teaching, which originated several thousand years ago, remains no less popular and relevant in the 21st century. Proper design of the apartment's interior, choice of color palette and furniture, selection of accessories and placement of things in space helps to attract positive energy into the house and its unhindered movement. Having opened the front door, a person finds himself in the hallway, and from this room it is necessary to begin arranging the apartment.

Attracting chi energy into the home

According to Feng Shui, the hallway becomes the first place where a person finds himself upon entering the house. One of the most modest rooms in terms of area sets the tone for the entire apartment, because it is through it that the energy flows of qi enter and are distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the house. According to Chinese teaching, the hallway plays a particularly important role, and certain rules should be followed when decorating it.

Feng Shui hallway

It is believed that the influx of positive energy enters the house naturally. A person’s task is to organize the maximum influx of qi. He enters the house, like people, through the front door. The main recommendations for organizing space include the following:

  • position the front door at the maximum distance from steps and stairs;
  • avoid placing the door opposite the elevator shaft;
  • choose solid doors, cast;
  • do not install doors that are too small;
  • give preference to doors with metal decorative elements and a matte surface;
  • organize the space according to the size of the hallway;
  • pay attention to accessories: mirror, rug, aquarium, clock, flower arrangements;
  • do not place mirror surfaces opposite the front door;
  • add living plants to the interior;
  • hang a glass or metal bell above the entrance to the house;
  • adjust lighting according to Feng Shui rules;
  • avoid curvature of space;
  • abandon protruding beams or arches;
  • choose the right color scheme for walls and furniture.

When organizing space, it is important to take into account all the details and nuances. The hallway should not be too small or too large. It should not be overloaded with furniture and parts. The room should be clean and bright. Energy flows of qi should not encounter obstacles on their way. It is important to provide them with the opportunity to move freely and distribute them evenly throughout the apartment.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

Violation of the basic rules of Feng Shui leads to failures, problems in your personal life, health and at work. Failure to comply with the canons is fraught with a breakdown in the strength of all family members and a surge in conflict situations.

Feng Shui hallway: rules

There are certain Feng Shui rules that will help you arrange the hallway in such a way that an atmosphere of well-being and harmony always reigns in the house. The main recommendations are aimed at observing the following points:

  1. To prevent stagnation and allow positive energy to freely penetrate your home, the area near the front door should be well lit. This can be achieved thanks to two suspended chandeliers at the entrance to the apartment. After all, as you know, dark places and nooks in the hallway cause stagnation of positive energy flows.
  2. In addition, according to Eastern teachings, it is necessary to demolish all existing barriers that prevent energy from entering the apartment. That is why you should take a balanced approach to arranging furniture in the hallway. One of the basic rules is to free the space from all unnecessary things. Thus, it is necessary to remove all furniture that is located directly at the front door. It is permissible to use only the right corner near the door, placing small shelves there for necessary small items or racks for outerwear.

Maintaining a balance of Yin and Yang involves proper lighting in the hallway

The location of the hallway according to Feng Shui

The ideal option is when, upon entering the house, you see a living room, dining room, study, workshop or staircase, that is, places with yang energy. According to Feng Shui, the bedroom, kitchen, children's room, dressing room, pantry, toilet and bathroom should not be visible from the hallway, because these are Yin rooms and should be hidden from prying eyes. Since redevelopment is not always possible, we will consider the available correction options:

  • Always keep doors to Yin rooms closed.
  • Place bright, large objects near the entrances to such rooms to distract attention. This could be a large indoor plant, a beautiful floor vase with artificial flowers, a stylish floor lamp or an interesting panel.

It is also unfavorable when the front door is located opposite a window or other door. In this case, the life-giving qi entering the house immediately flies out the window or door opposite. To avoid this, place a bright rug under the window or in front of the door opposite the front door.

Hallway dimensions

If your hallway, on the contrary, is very large, then a large amount of “extra” vital energy can enter it from the outside, and this energy will “overwhelm” the apartment, “displace” those living in it. Residents of such an apartment can become aggressive and tyrannize their weaker or dependent loved ones. When a person enters such a hallway, he becomes uncomfortable, he seems to shrink, becomes wary, sometimes feels defenseless and can often sense the internal and sometimes external aggression of the residents. Such a hallway needs to be decorated with some object that attracts attention, which would concentrate the energy of the space around it. This could be a table with flowers, a palm tree, a vase or stucco, etc.

If your hallway has a lot of empty walls, especially opposite the front door, you should decorate them with paintings and framed photographs. An empty wall in the hallway in front of the eyes of the person entering will be associated with an insurmountable obstacle.

The hallway should not have two views at once: to the near wall and to the side room. Besides the fact that it is simply harmful to vision (the so-called split line of sight), over time this appearance can cause irritability, uncertainty and headaches in residents. To avoid this, you also need to “keep” your gaze in one place, as in the case of a large hallway. You can cover the entrance to the room with a curtain, a plant, or a sculpture, which will make the interior even more complete.

Small hallway according to feng shui

However, specialists who practice Taoist teachings have learned to correct the “small circumstance” using some secret techniques:

First of all, you should forget about the habit of collecting all the trash. A closet with things for all seasons, as well as skis from 20 years ago or grandma’s galoshes that may come in handy someday is unnecessary interior content. The hallway should contain only those things that you need for a particular season.

Photo: small hallway according to Feng Shui

At the same time, the hallway should not be too large, as it will let in an excessive amount of excess energy, displacing the energy flows of the household. Vast open spaces can lead to nervousness and irritation of the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, there should be a bright and eye-catching object in the corridor so that the incoming energy is focused on it, and not busy putting things in order in someone else’s house!

Choosing the color of the hallway

Let us also pay special attention to the color of the walls in the hallway, built according to the Feng Shui system. The color in the hallway should correspond to the direction of the front door: red for the south, brown for the southwest, and so on. That is, before decorating the hallway, like any other room in your house, you will need a Bagua compass, which will help you determine in which sector your hallway is located and in what colors it is best to decorate it accordingly.

Of course, if the hallway is small, then it is better to use light, warm colors in the wall decor - this will visually expand the space. Therefore, there may be contradictions between the recommended color and the size of the hallway. In any case, if you are decorating a small hallway in cool white or blue tones, then try to add bright details in red, yellow or green. These can be various inserts, screens, fabric, plants, figurines, etc. Make sure that the colors of the sectors complement each other and do not oppose each other.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is undesirable to use any curved space, be it corners, walls, beams protruding above the head, or arches. All this interferes with the free circulation of Qi energy, suppresses it and produces negative Sha energy - the so-called “poisonous arrows”. Therefore, in hallways, especially dark ones, it is better not to use uneven protruding surfaces. It is better to cover beams, arches and other similar elements in the hallway. You can also place something luminous or shiny in this place: a lamp, a pendant.

The hallway is a place that has been used by different peoples since ancient times to attract happiness and good luck to the house. In Feng Shui, door mats are used in a similar way, which in themselves attract beneficial Qi. Three Chinese gold coins are also placed under the mat for good luck. You can hang the same coins with holes on a red cord near the door.

It is believed that good luck is attracted to the house by the bright lighting of the hallway area in front of the front door and immediately behind it, i.e. the threshold should also be brightly lit.

Hallway dimensions

For owners of hallways that are too small, Feng Shui experts recommend visually expanding the space. Mirrors are suitable for this purpose. By hanging a mirror surface on the wall next to the front door, you will visually increase the area of ​​the room.

Everything unnecessary must be removed. You shouldn’t place a closet in a modest area with things for all seasons and things that you would hate to throw in the trash. You only need to keep what you wear in a particular season.

Owners of large hallways should take into account: a room that is too spacious can become a reservoir of excess energy. It can overwhelm a house and displace the qi of family members. In such apartments, quarrels and outbursts of aggression often arise. Dominance and tyranny regarding weaker family members appears.

In a large empty room there is discomfort, a person loses the feeling of security and withdraws into himself. The teachings of Feng Shui recommend filling such a hallway with decorative elements that attract attention. They will concentrate energy flows around themselves, creating an atmosphere of comfort. A table for papers or with a flower arrangement, an ottoman or a massive vase are suitable as accessories.

Color design according to the rules of Feng Shui

Paintings, framed photographs or collages can fill the void. The best place will be the walls opposite the front door. An empty surface can be associated with an obstacle.

When entering the hallway, a person should not see several rooms at once. The nearby passage to the room should be covered. This visual limitation will help you get rid of headaches, irritability and feelings of insecurity.

Accessories to match the style of the room

Room decor using: paintings, flowers in a vase and carpets.
Pendants can help you make your hallway brighter, more comfortable, and more spacious. Use lamps to direct lighting.

To make a room feel warm, rely on mirrors. They are effective in increasing visual space! Mirrors add a nice visual distraction when walking through a hallway, making it appear less long and narrow to the visitor.

You can install a library that will store your books and highlight some decorative objects. This will help unload the bookcases in the rooms and make the corridor more functional.

The best way to forget about the problems of arrangement is to simply add a variety of interior details. What's more effective than your favorite photos? A garland of photographs allows you to decorate the entire length of the corridor without even spending a significant amount.

Hallway color

The family does not spend most of its time in the hallway and does not gather for friendly gatherings. In a room, it is important to maintain a balance of colors; yin and yang should be in harmony, and there should not be a clear predominance of one side. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the color of the hallway should be oriented towards the direction of the front door:

  • the south side corresponds to a red palette;
  • southwest direction - brown or pink;
  • southeast - green or purple;
  • north side - black or dark blue;
  • northeast direction - terracotta or orange;
  • northwestern side - silver or white;
  • west - white or silver tones;
  • east - green or brown.

Before starting work, you should use a compass. The device will help you determine the cardinal directions and choose colors according to the rules of Feng Shui.

If the space is small, when choosing colors, preference is given to light and warm colors. The solution will help expand space, even if it does not comply with sector recommendations. When choosing cool tones for a small room, you should dilute them with bright details. Red inserts, green screens, indoor plants, and decorative figures are suitable as decorative elements.

Color shades

The colors for the walls in the hallway are chosen taking into account the direction of the world where the door leaf of the entrance structure opens. The same condition determines the shade of the rug lying outside in front of the entrance. To make it easier to remember the options, the colors used are shown in the table:

YUred, yellow, scarlet, orange, goldenany tone of green
S-Wsilver, white, steel, gray, gold, bronzeyellow, brown, terracotta
NWgrey, white, silver, metallic, goldbronze, copper, brown, sand, beige, terracotta, yellow (but not bright)
WITHblack, light blue, blue, silver graywhite, gray, silver, golden
NEbrown, beige, sand, yellow, terracotta, mustard, ocherred, scarlet, orange, yellow
INany green shadebrown, terracotta, yellow, sand
SEblue, violet, lilac

Wallpapers and photo wallpapers

Experts in the eastern teachings of Feng Shui recommend starting work on interior design by determining the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions. Depending on the location, you must choose the appropriate wallpaper color. When choosing, you should take into account natural light and the size of the hallway. Most often, the corridor occupies a central place in the house and belongs to the Earth sign. In this case, you should choose a brown or red wallpaper palette for the room.

Floral motifs or nature themes are suitable as patterns. Choosing the animal or plant world when decorating your interior will bring a positive flow of energy into your home. Photo wallpaper is often chosen for corridor design. There are situations when not very welcome guests enter the house. Even close friends don’t always want to show off the most intimate areas of the apartment. Negative energy from strangers should not enter the private parts of the apartment.

Photo wallpapers are suitable for distracting attention. When decorating the hallway, various themes are provided:

  1. Animal world. Most representatives of the animal kingdom are attributed human qualities and endowed with magical powers.
  2. Scenery. It is considered a universal solution for interior decoration and carries positive qi energy.
  3. Still life.

Mirror in the hallway

Mirror in the hallway

A mirror is one of the mandatory elements in the design of a corridor. It organically complements the interior and can increase the energy flows of qi. By incorrectly positioning the mirror surface, a person will bring negative energy, quarrels and conflicts into the house. When choosing a place for a useful accessory, the following rules should be considered:

  1. Do not install a mirror opposite the front door. Otherwise, any flow of energy will be blocked, and positive flows of qi will not be able to enter the apartment.
  2. It is necessary to choose the correct size of the mirror surface. The tallest member of the family should be fully visible in it, plus there should be some space left “for a person’s career growth and increase in wealth.”
  3. There should be no inscriptions, drawings or engravings on the surface of the mirror. It must be clean. It can be framed by a frame that fits into the overall theme of the corridor.
  4. Feng Shui experts advise placing several lamps above the mirror surface, evenly distributing them on both sides. It is better to choose lighting fixtures with crystal or crystal elements.

On the cutting edge

Between heaven and earth.

The hallway design should maintain a balance of masculine (yang) and feminine (yin). If there is an energy imbalance, we correct it immediately. We paint bright hallways with windows in pastel colors and choose dim lamps for them. In dark hallways, on the contrary, we use rich shades and place bright lamps.

We direct the energy.

If the gaze of the person entering rests on the wall (in an L-shaped hallway), this means that there is a barrier to the movement of “qi”: positive energy stops halfway and does not penetrate into other rooms. You can solve this problem by changing the design of the hallway and decorating the corridor with a mirror, painting or photographs of your family.

A long corridor is also “problematic”: the flows of qi are lost halfway and do not have time to spread through the rooms. To make the movement of energy more directional, several mirrors are appropriate - the reflections should create a “wave” effect. Therefore, under no circumstances place mirrors opposite each other.

Paintings in the hallway

The fundamental task of the painting in the corridor is to create a comfortable environment and distract attention from the intimate areas of the apartment. When choosing a painting, you should take into account the general mood of the room; it should fit organically into the space and complement it. When choosing, you should avoid negative plots and scenes. The recommended thematic lines are similar to photo wallpapers. The following images are suitable:

  1. Water bodies: lake, river, sea, ocean. A waterfall tops the list of desirable views; it serves as a symbol of the influx and increase in material wealth. The sea or ocean should be in a calm state, the water surface should be smooth. Storm or strong waves should not be present.
  2. Landscapes have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state and contribute to the influx of positive energy flows. The picture should not contain dark motives.
  3. Representatives of the animal kingdom. White horses have a positive effect on energy; they symbolize the influx of qi. It is advisable to choose paintings depicting a pair of animals; they should not conflict or show signs of aggression.
  4. Elements of luxury. An image of an expensive car or yacht would be successful.
  5. Joyful people or happy married couples.

Paintings for the hallway according to the teachings of Feng Shui can be supplemented with framing. The main condition is that it must be combined with the overall design solution.

Clock in the hallway

Watches play an important functional role in human life. In the hallway they will be an excellent solution from a practical and aesthetic point of view. They help a person arrive at the right place on time and remind him of the endless passage of time. The list of recommendations for placing clocks in the corridor includes:

  1. Do not place it directly opposite the entrance to the apartment. The dial should be perpendicular to the entrance.
  2. Pay attention to form. The watch should have no sharp corners. Preference should be given to round devices with a bright, original design.
  3. If possible, the clock should be placed in well-lit areas.

An abstract style clock will be a great addition to the room.

Aquarium in the hallway

Aquarium in the hallway

In Feng Shui, the aquarium has a special place. When choosing, you should pay attention to every detail:

number of inhabitants;




Following the rules will help achieve harmony, increase positive flows of qi, and bring prosperity and good luck. According to Eastern philosophy, a dead fish can take away negative energy from the house.

When choosing an aquarium, they are guided by the size and design of the corridor; everything should be in harmony and combined with each other. It should not be located opposite the entrance to the apartment or between two doors. Such a location will lead to financial and personal failures.

Examples with photographs

Here is a hallway decorated in Feng Shui style. The shades of the walls are selected taking into account the directions of light.

One of the elements of such a hallway, as shown in this photo, is an aquarium with live fish.

A large mirror, as in this photo, is best placed on the wall located opposite the entrance.

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