How the color of curtains affects the quality of your life according to Feng Shui

The meaning of curtains as a home talisman

The well-being in the home is influenced by the location of the windows, the color and material of the curtains. Correctly selected color accents will help balance the energy in your home. Interior designers actively use the philosophy of Feng Shui in their work. Success in a person’s life is associated with the atmosphere in the house; every detail must be taken into account so as not to disturb the harmony in the house.

Following the philosophy of Feng Shui, curtains can serve as a home talisman. Through the windows, positive energy called “Qi” enters the house. And if the curtains are old and untidy, then this will become an obstacle in her path. And if there is not the required amount of Qi energy in the house, then life will become dull and poor. And, in order to get rich and attract various benefits to your home, you need to choose the right color for the curtains. The color of the curtains must be selected based on where the windows are directed.


If we look at the question from a practical point of view, what do plants do at night? Releases carbon dioxide into the air. Whereas night is when the body focuses on healing and self-healing and needs good energy, which definitely includes air quality. Plants for the bedroom are not a good feng shui idea. This is possible only if the bedroom is large and the plants are located as far as possible from the bed and from the human energy field.

In addition, plants, carrying the element of Wood, symbolize growth and the energetic active movement of life. Whereas the bedroom requires nourishing, soft, descending, sensual energy.

Of course, you can stick to your own opinion if a particular plant creates a good mood in the bedroom. Some details should also be paid attention to. For example, if a person belongs to the elements of Fire or Wood, then a large plant in the bedroom is tolerated better than for people born under the signs of Earth or Water.

Top 10 Feng Shui Air Purifying Plants for the Bedroom:

  1. Areca.
  2. Rapis.
  3. Bamboo palm (hamedorea).
  4. Ficus rubber plant.
  5. Dracaena Janet Craig.
  6. English ivy.
  7. Palmetto.
  8. Ficus alii.
  9. Boston fern.
  10. Spathiphyllum.

Indoor plants in the bedroom will bring healthy sleep

Popular flower symbols

Flowers carry the energy of blossoming, symbolize joy and vulnerability - universal qualities that a person so needs for true well-being. They display graceful beauty to all, saints and sinners, and, like everything in nature, remain true to their essence. Flowers teach us how to live in each specific moment, showing how fragile beauty is and how short-lived it is.

Popular flowers-symbols of Feng Shui tell many secrets and feed good energy:

  1. According to Feng Shui, the orchid is a flower of fertility, also representing the energy of purity, perfection, delicate and exotic beauty. Depending on the color, the orchid will bring joy, creativity or passion. So, bright pink or coral orange will bring passion and will be an excellent means for love and a strong marriage.
  2. Peony is a seductive flower with a delightful aroma, which classic Feng Shui recommends for the bedroom of a married couple who have been married for many years (so that the husband does not look at young ladies). An excellent remedy for love, the blooming peony encourages sensuality, admiration, and tender joy.
  3. The lotus symbolizes the highest perfection and has healing properties, which makes it an even more powerful Feng Shui tool for a healthy and harmonious home.
  4. Cherry blossoms (apple, peach, dogwood) are a symbol of love and marriage, a medicine for good health. Of course, having live flowering branches in your bedroom is not always possible, but you can use images to bring in fresh energy, full of hope and vitality.
  5. Rose is the queen of flowers, associated with love. Red and pink flowers are the best feng shui symbols for love and marriage. The peach rose represents comfort and stability, the yellow one brings hope.

What flowers are prohibited?

It is important to make sure that the flowers are not toxic and do not cause allergic reactions. Feng Shui, based on symbolic ideas, does not recommend using in the bedroom:

Narcissus. It is believed that the structured energy of the flower gives the flowering of talents and abilities. It is often used in feng shui careers and is believed to help achieve rewards for hard work.

Chrysanthemum. The symbol of the flower is lightness and balance. At the same time, it is considered a strong yang energy.

Lilac. Represents humility and patience.

Green color

Green color is necessary in the design of a children's room or bedroom. This color revives, it brings profit and health. If the windows face southeast and east, then the windows are under the energy of the trees. Curtains should be used from light green to rich dark green colors.

Green color will help in new beginnings, new growth. This vector of fate is most associated with attracting wealth. It is no coincidence that the color on the banknotes of the United States of America is green. It is a positive color for maintaining health and regeneration. Green will bring recognition and fame in any area of ​​life.

Basic principles of Feng Shui

Chinese philosophy teaches us to organize life in such a way as to attract happiness, money, and love. To do this, you need to build a house and arrange objects in it according to the following laws:

  • movements of the life energy Qi and the destructive power of Sha;
  • balance of the feminine Yin and masculine Yang;
  • the interaction of the five elements - Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Earth.

The basic rules of Feng Shui are reflected in the octagonal diagram of Ba Gua. It is oriented to the cardinal points. Each direction corresponds to an element, color and sphere of life:

  • north - Water, blue, black, career;
  • south - Fire, red, reputation, social status;
  • east - Big Tree, green, health, development;
  • west, northwest - Metal, white, gold, silver, children, creativity, attracting patrons;
  • northeast - Malaya Zemlya, beige, yellow, study, knowledge;
  • northwest - Big Metal;
  • southeast - Small Tree, purple, green, money;
  • southwest - Big Earth, beige, pink, yellow, marriage.

The Ba Gua diagram is superimposed on the plan of a house or room according to the cardinal directions.

Blue color

In Feng Shui, the color blue is a symbol of creativity, bringing purity and peace. Perfect for decorating a bedroom or bathroom. It is able to harmonize the flow of all energy in the body and calm tense nerves. It will help you focus on your personal inner experiences.

Blue curtains decorate the rooms on the north side. Blue is able to open channels of wisdom in a person. It will help you gain both physical and spiritual health, as well as calm a hyperactive child.

Rules for arranging furniture

The bedroom should be shaped like a square or rectangle. Furniture should be arranged so that it outlines the boundaries of the room. It is advisable to place sofas and wardrobes along the walls of the bedroom. It is important to avoid dark niches that can accumulate negative energy.

When choosing a bed, it is better to give preference to one that stands on legs. It is important that there is free space underneath for the circulation of Qi energy. This affects the rest and tranquility of those sleeping.

Additional recommendations for arranging furniture:

  • A picture should be hung above the bed so that when a person wakes up, he sees a beautiful work that pleases him;
  • objects associated with water should be excluded from the sleeping area, as they symbolize loss of well-being;
  • shelves and cabinets above the bed are also not allowed, since they negatively affect the emotional background of the owner of the room;
  • a wardrobe cannot be kept in the bedroom, since the things people wear during the day do not fit into the energy of the room where a person seeks to recuperate;
  • special attention should be paid to the table: it should not be cluttered with things or stand close to the bed - it is better to move it to the window;
  • the chairs should also not be adjacent to the bed so that energy can circulate freely throughout the room;
  • Large furniture cannot be placed in small bedrooms.

Following Chinese practice, the table in the rest room must also be kept clean, without any unnecessary little things on its surface.
One of the pressing issues is the location of the bed. Feng Shui recommends the following:

  • the door should be visible from the sleeping place, but you should not lie with your feet towards it;
  • it is undesirable for the distance from the head of the bed to the wall to exceed five centimeters;
  • you cannot turn the head of the head towards the window;
  • placing this piece of furniture between the door and the window is also undesirable, since the Qi energy will slip away, being replaced by negative energy;
  • the bed should not be in the central part of the room, since at least one support in the form of a wall is needed;
  • Chandeliers and other interior items should not be hung above the bed;
  • sources of electricity should be at a distance of one and a half meters from the bed.

The optimal place for the bed is near the window, but not with the head of it facing it; and it is better to organize the door relative to the window so that the bed is not between them


This curtain color is the best for the living room. Yellow color in warm and sunny colors brings joy and success, is capable of imparting intuition and is conducive to communication. All shades of yellow should be purchased for windows that are under the rule of the earth element and face northeast and southwest.

The color yellow carries the power of the sun and warmth, it gives power and a charge of optimism to all inhabitants of the room. Symbolizes ease in relationships, calmness, intelligence. The color of the sun is suitable for positive, open, sociable and cheerful people. It gives a great mood, helps with physical ailments, and stimulates creative ideas.

Relaxing cool effect

Being in a bedroom with window decor in cool colors, even in the middle of a hot summer, you will feel pleasant freshness and comfort. Shades that contribute to this effect include light tones of turquoise and blue, which pair perfectly with white walls.

When choosing cold curtains for a bright bedroom, do not overload the interior of the room with an excessive amount of furniture and accessories; only functional items must be present in the bedroom. This approach to design is a feature of modern minimalist interiors.

You can fully unleash the potential of turquoise and light blue curtains by combining them with white marble walls. This solution looks impressive and creates the impression of detachment, in which you abstract from the world around you and are left alone with yourself.

Pink color

According to Feng Shui, the color pink is the personification of romantic feelings and love, renewal and hope, it means spring and rebirth. This color is ideal for the bedroom of a little girl or teenager, it expresses gullibility, youth and naivety.

Light shades of pink relieve stress, suppress aggression, impart friendliness, calm nerves, and help with fatigue. Pink color will also be useful on a physical level. It will help restore bone tissue, normalize sleep, slow down the heartbeat, improve digestion, and increase appetite.

The pink color of the curtains is suitable for the southwestern part of the house.

Arrangement of utensils

Interior items in the bedroom are of particular importance. A restful sleep and harmony between spouses also depend on their location in the room.

The aquarium makes it difficult to sleep at night. Its inhabitants create noise, and the element of water should not be present in a room intended for night rest. The same rule applies to fountains and paintings with waterfalls.

For those who want to add a sea element to the bedroom, you can put on the shelves paired fish that attract love, or mandarin ducks.

In Chinese culture, it is commonly believed that a fan also attracts warm feelings and romance. Experts recommend choosing a canvas with images of peonies, phoenixes or dragons. However, it should be remembered that the fan should not be located above the bed. It must be moved from it to a distance of at least one meter. You should also not place a fan above the front door or above the table.

On the southwest side of the bedroom, it is advisable to organize a love corner, which should be strengthened. It is necessary to place romantic symbols in it, such as:

  • crystals;
  • figurines of birds: phoenixes and peacocks;
  • paintings depicting the moon and lunar path;
  • sea ​​shells.

If you have elegant candlesticks, then you can put pink and red candles. Incense sticks and photographs of loved ones are also placed in this area.

Feng Shui recommends using pink candles to create coziness and romance

A mirror in the bedroom, according to Eastern teachings, reflects favorably on its atmosphere. An important rule is that it should not be hung opposite the bed. If this piece of furniture is wide, it should be installed in the corner of the room. Its shape is also important, which cannot have sharp transitions or corners. Smooth lines calm the diffuse energy in the room. The best option is to place the mirror on the floor or near the dressing table. At night, it is recommended to hang it up or turn it towards the wall so that the Qi energy does not escape.

There are certain rules for the position of paintings in the bedroom. They should not hang above the headboard. The ideal option would be to place the artwork in front of the bed.

When choosing curtains for the bedroom, it is better to give preference to green and blue colors. They bring harmony and calm. For active circulation of energy, yellow shades are chosen. You cannot hang white curtains, as this option will have an overwhelming effect on the owner of the room.

White color

An excess of white in the interior is extremely undesirable; a completely white room will cause anxiety. You can decorate a room with white curtains if the windows face northwest or west.

White is a symbol of purity, serenity and chastity. It prevents conflict situations in the home, frees you from aggression, and helps in the realization of creative inspiration. This color leads to divine love, healing and gives a higher spiritual mood.

You should be very careful about the details in your interior. And carefully choose the color of the curtains based on your character and needs. And then the philosophy of Feng Shui will benefit you and your family.

Perfect tone

Shades can influence a person’s visual perception of a room, as well as influence emotions and mood. Therefore, many are interested in what color to make the bedroom. There are tones that have an exciting effect. There are also options that are calming.

Each person is an individual. The same tone can be perceived differently by people. For some it will be too sharp and bright, while for others it will be harmonious.

Today, monochrome interiors are popular, in which there are different shades of the same color. They look stylish and original and are great for home decoration.


Sunny surfaces always charge you with energy and help you wake up refreshed. Orange wall decoration is suitable for active people and creative individuals. There are many original ideas for painting a bedroom.

You can cover one or two walls with orange composition. This tone has a positive effect on the nervous system. He encourages people to communicate in confidence.

Orange is used as a main or accent color. Both options are great for decorating a room. Often the accent wall is the one with the head of the bed.

Feng Shui bedroom rules for the arrangement of objects and furniture in the interior: design and photos

“Feng Shui” is a name known to people since ancient times, when the energies of water and wind were considered the most powerful forces for people. “Fen” is a stream that blows overhead with the wind, and “shui” is the water that is in the ground and nourishes it. The history of the science of Feng Shui goes back more than 3,000 thousand years. Signs of its use were discovered on the territory of modern China during excavations of cultural layers dating back to the Bronze Age.

Currently, there are many schools, which differ in that some of them combine Feng Shui with palmistry, astrology or fortune telling. In many Western countries, this science has become a real entertainment and design industry, having lost its original philosophical purpose. But, ultimately, all existing directions and schools associated with Feng Shui are aimed at creating harmony between a person and his environment.

Bedroom feng shui rules

If you are planning a bedroom according to Feng Shui, the rules for its arrangement are also directly related to the harmonization of a person’s stay in this room. They have several important points that should be followed if the goal is to achieve the desired results.

To understand the main symbols of this science on which it relies, you need to know what they are called and what they mean. So, for example, everyone has heard the names “yin” and “yang,” but not many people imagine that these are energy flows that interact with each other and can be either opposite or continuous with each other. "Yang" is the energy of creation, and "yin" is the energy of destruction.

Another important concept, without which the science of Feng Shui cannot exist and be explained, is the energy “qi,” which includes many different meanings, but is always a positive factor, no matter what area it concerns. To formulate its definition more simply, we can say that “qi” is a vital force that gives energy and movement.

The bedroom is a special zone of any home

Not everyone fully understands that a person spends almost a third of his life in the bedroom, in his sleep. If we take the average life expectancy to be 70 years, we can calculate that annual sleep is 4 months, and over the course of a lifetime, it accumulates as much as 23 years. Such an interesting fact gives this room special significance. And it is no less important than other rooms in the house, since the positive energy “qi” has an effect on the body not only while a person is awake, but also during sleep.

A person spends about a third of his life in the bedroom!

The bedroom is a special, so to speak, intimate area, intended for physical and psychological relaxation, so the environment in it should be calming and conducive to relaxation. For this reason, the design of its interior should be dominated by pastel colors, soft lighting and smooth forms related to the beginning of “yin”. If a person, upon waking up, feels apathy or his intimate life requires stimulation, then, in order to achieve balance, it is worth adding elements of wakefulness related to “yang” to its design.

The location of the bedroom in a house or apartment

The influence of positive energy “qi” largely depends on where the bedroom is located in a house or apartment. Of course, it will be difficult to change anything in the existing plan of a city apartment, but, based on the recommendations presented, you can try to arrange the bedroom in the correct way, from the point of view of Feng Shui.

The most important criterion is the location of the bedroom on the cardinal points

  • The northern area of ​​the apartment promotes restful and deep sleep, which means that a person will receive good rest after everyday hassle and stressful situations. This arrangement of the bedroom is unfavorable for those who experience loneliness - the side from which the Sun is never visible can aggravate the feeling of isolation from the world and lead to apathy. The northern location of the bedroom is also not suitable for young, active people, since their energy may be inhibited, and such relaxation will be completely unnecessary.
  • The northeast direction is unfavorable for the bedroom. It is influenced by the energy "qi", which in this case has a motivating, active nature, which is too harsh for a place of rest. Northeast will have a negative impact on people with sleep disorders or health problems. It is not recommended to arrange children's rooms in this area, since children who sleep in such an area acquire the ability to influence the lives of their parents. In addition to this direction, the north-west is not suitable for children's bedrooms, as it will provoke too much unhealthy activity in children.
  • The North West is an ideal place for the bedroom of adults who have achieved balance and stability at this stage in life.
  • The eastern part of the house or apartment is perfect for young, purposeful people who are looking for their place in life. The exciting energy of the east will help you realize yourself and expand your horizons.
  • The southeastern housing area is recommended for those who are involved in business and want to climb the career ladder. The energy of this direction is similar to the eastern region, but it is more balanced and creative, conducive to constructive actions and working with partners.
  • The South is the optimal place for young people who strive for passionate relationships, as this zone is especially favorable for an active intimate life. But it is in no way suitable for sound, complete rest and sleep.
  • The Western region promotes increased pleasure and romance in your personal life, but will not contribute to success in business or career.
  • The southwestern part of the home has unbalanced energies that cause a state of anxiety and uncertainty, so it is unfavorable for creating a children's or teenage room in it. If the bedroom is already located in this area, then it is necessary to select areas in it that are favorable for installing a bed.

In addition, it is advisable to place the bedroom away from the kitchen and toilet, in a separate, non-passing room, otherwise you will not be able to have quality rest in it. Even if you know for sure that no one will enter it, there will be tension on a subconscious level that does not allow you to relax.

The room should have a regular square or rectangular shape - this will promote peace and tranquility.

It is impossible for the bedroom door to be opposite any other door - this threatens constant conflicts in the family.

Such a curtain made of beads can slow down or even completely reflect the flow of negative energy

If this factor cannot be avoided, then it is recommended to hang a curtain made of beads, bamboo rings or other natural material on one of the doors, which will slow down negative energy.

Bed placement in the bedroom

The main piece of furniture in a bedroom is always the bed. And the quality of your relaxation will depend on how thoughtfully it is placed. There are a number of rules that need to be followed when choosing where to install it.

  • The bed should not be placed opposite the front door. This placement is associated in Feng Shui with death, since in China they traditionally placed the deceased in this way before burial. The correct location of the bed is shown in Figures No. 5 and No. 6. In this case, a small bedroom is presented, but even in it you can find the optimal location for sleeping.

Acceptable and unacceptable positions of the bed relative to the entrance door in a small bedroom

  • For many people, being able to see who enters the bedroom is extremely important. In this case, if the space of the room allows, the bed can be placed diagonally.

The bed can be placed diagonally

  • In diagram No. 2 you can clearly see that there is a rectangular object installed at the foot of the bed - it could be a bedside table or ottoman. It is necessary with such a diagonal arrangement of the bed in order to deflect the flow of energy coming through the door, which will interfere with the normal sleep of resting people.

It is advisable to place a rectangular cabinet or ottoman at the foot of the bed

  • It is undesirable for the bed to be positioned close to the window. People sleeping on such a bed will be subject to outbursts of anger and irritability. It is best to install the bed with the headboard against the wall. If this cannot be done, then you need to hang thick curtains on the window, which must be closed at night.
  • If two people sleep on the bed, then it is advisable that there is enough free space around it on three sides.
  • Sleep will be restless and difficult if the bed is placed close to the door or immediately behind it.
  • Sometimes two beds are installed in a room, and one person is forced to sleep with his head at the feet of the other. This arrangement is unfavorable for the first one in that it will interfere with his career and success in business.
  • If the bed is installed against the wall that separates the bedroom from the toilet, then this factor will negatively affect the health of the sleeper. In such a situation, it is recommended to move the bed to another wall or to the middle of the room.

Never place the bed against the wall bordering the bathroom

  • It is not advisable to choose a bed on wheels for the bedroom, since such a design symbolizes instability and leads to restless sleep. In addition, it may even vaguely resemble a hospital gurney, which also gives negative messages on a subconscious level.

A bed on wheels may be original, but it doesn’t evoke the best associations

  • It is not recommended to place a bed under a sloped ceiling or a floor beam that is exposed - this can lead to ruin, health problems or divorce. In this case, if it is not possible to move the bed to another area of ​​the bedroom, you can correct the situation by installing a suspended ceiling and masking these heavy pressing elements.

There should be no overhanging, “pressing” structural elements or room decoration above the bed

  • The reliability and strength of the bed symbolizes stability in relationships, so the bed should not wobble or squeak. Ideally, this piece of furniture should be installed so that its head rests against the wall. You can install the bed so that its side is pressed against the wall, but this suggests that the one who sleeps on it prefers a bachelor position. If the goal is to have a harmonious relationship with a partner, or if you plan to find your other half, then the bed should be positioned in such a way that there is a convenient approach to it from both sides.

Find out the basic requirements, as well as examples of original projects, from a new article about the design of a small bedroom on our portal.

Bed headboard shape

According to Feng Shui, the shape of the headboard also plays an important role. This is explained by the fact that each figure corresponds to one of the five elements defined by this science, which influence a person’s personal qualities, contributing to or negatively influencing success in life.

The shape of the headboard matters!

You can find beds of different designs on sale, but it is recommended, first of all, to pay attention to the simplicity of the forms. Neutral in impact will be beds that are smooth, that is, without relief patterns, with rounded corners, that do not interfere with the unimpeded movement of “chi” energy throughout the room.

Smoothed, “soft” bed shapes

  • Oval and semicircular headboards are well suited for successful work of businessmen or officials. The element of this form is “Metal”.

Bed with oval headboard

  • Square backs will bring success to people of working professions - the element “Earth”.

The back is regular rectangular in shape

  • Wavy backrests are favorable for people of creative professions - the element “Water”.
  • Triangular backrests, related to the Fire element, are good for those who are active and do not like to sleep for a long time.

Back with openwork design

  • The backs are asymmetrical, have irregular curly shapes or a symmetrical but openwork design - the “Air” element, suitable for romantics and people professionally involved in art.

In addition to the main five forms, there are also combined options that combine several shaped elements:

  • The double curve of the backrest is suitable for a bed on which two people sleep. In this case, the form will indicate a harmonious relationship, and not a split personality.

Backrest for a married couple

  • A headboard in which one side is lower than the other and thereby forms a gentle curve is called “Dragon and Phoenix” in Feng Shui. When purchasing such a bed, you need to follow the rule - a woman should sleep on the side where the backrest is lower.

“Women’s” place - on the side where the back is lower

  • A back that has a curve in the middle and is aligned at the edges is an excellent option for people of any profession, as it contains the harmony of several elements.

Very harmonious symmetrically curved headboard

  • Although an old-fashioned option, a four-poster bed is still popular today as it creates a feeling of peace and security.

Canopy beds remain popular

  • Shell-shaped headboards, as well as oval or semi-circular ones, are good for business people.

List in the form of a “shell”
In addition to the shape of the back, the bed must meet the following qualities - comfort, stability, reliability.

It is undesirable for there to be a large space under the bed, into which various boxes and suitcases usually inevitably “settle” over time. This should not be done under any circumstances, for the reason that the accumulation of things interferes with the intensity of circulation of the positive energy “qi”.

Bedroom furniture

  • In addition to the bed, there should be no massive pieces of furniture in the bedroom, for example, large wardrobes or other wardrobes. If it is impossible to do without them, then they should be built into the wall.
  • You should not clutter the bedroom with a lot of furniture, as the space should be “breathing” and free for positive energies.

For the bedroom, furniture of “softened” shapes, with rounded corners, is recommended

  • It is recommended to purchase furniture with rounded corners for the bedroom. If the furniture has already been purchased, then it must be installed so that its corners are not directed towards the sleeping place, otherwise sleep will be restless and the person will not be able to fully rest.
  • Bedside tables and tables should never be higher than the beds, as this will create an artificial barrier to the flow of energies.

The dressing table should not be placed close to the bed

  • If you plan to install a dressing table with a large mirror in the bedroom, then the place for it should be chosen in such a way that people sleeping on the bed are not reflected in it.
Prices for bedroom sets

Bedroom furniture

Admissibility and location of mirrors

Mirrors in Feng Shui have always played a special role, and in each room of the house they had their own purpose. In the bedroom, this piece of furniture must be handled with particular care, since it can become a positive factor, but it can also have an extremely negative impact on a person’s health and relationships.

Unfavorable placement of mirrors can ruin a marriage

  • A mirror should never reflect not only the people sleeping on the bed, but also the marital bed itself, since according to the teachings of Feng Shui, in this case a “double marriage” is created. In addition, the mirror is considered a subject of peeping, so it is as if another “stranger” appears in the bedroom. If this bedroom belongs to a married couple, then a mirror fixed in the wrong way can provoke an affair for one of the spouses. Therefore, such an interior accessory located on one side of the bed will not contribute to the harmonious development of relationships.

In this case, the mirror is positioned incorrectly, although it has protection in the form of blackout curtains.

  • A mirror reflecting the bed is not only bad for couples, but also for any individual. It is believed that during sleep he lets go of his negative emotions, and the mirror reflects them back, so the next morning it is quite possible to wake up completely broken.
  • Another unfavorable place for a mirror in the bedroom is opposite the door. In this case, it prevents the flow of positive energy from penetrating into the room, reflecting it.

Bedroom interior color scheme

Naturally, each bedroom owner has his own taste preferences for the color design of the room. However, in order for it to comply with the rules of Feng Shui, you must adhere to the interpretation of color shades, according to this science.

Color is a powerful factor of emotional impact on a person. It can be used to support and stimulate or weaken one or another element of the interior. By reducing or increasing the intensity of the design, you can change the decor in the bedroom in accordance with your goal, since the same color, having different shades, can have both negative and positive perceptions and influences.

  • Red color symbolizes the flow of vital energy and comes into view earlier than others. Shades of red can stimulate mental activity and concentration, as well as heighten reactions and cause aggression.

Red color for a bedroom is an extremely bad decision.
Therefore, if you plan to arrange a bedroom for relaxation and normalization of the general condition of the body, you should not choose a design solution in red tones.

But splashes of red would be quite appropriate

This color can be used, but only as an accent in the overall interior, in the form of a replaceable item, since the intensity of red shades makes the eye tired. For example, it could be a vase, a blanket or pillow, or a painting in red colors. However, such elements are appropriate only when they fit harmoniously into the overall design of the room.

  • Yellow is the warm color of the sun, which is one of the sources of life, abundance and wealth according to the teachings of Feng Shui, because it is close in shades to gold.

Bright yellow colors can cause overstimulation of the nervous system, making it difficult to fully rest.
Yellow color promotes such conditions as vigor, good mood, strengthening of hope, feelings of warmth and comfort. It is able to enhance and complement sunlight. This design is used to enliven the workplace or to “tie” a person to his place of residence.

A much more advantageous solution is yellow in soft pastel colors

These bright shades are good for the bedroom, but only as complementary ones, since they are more likely to promote wakefulness than sleep. If the interior uses soft pastel yellow tones in combination with white and chocolate or bluish-gray, then you can create an atmosphere favorable for relaxation in the bedroom.

  • Blue color is a symbol of clear sky and water. It helps create a sense of depth and mystery.

Heavy blue color is somewhat “anxious”, sometimes has an adverse effect on the psyche and interferes with quality rest.
It can be described as the color of independence and desire to travel. Shades of blue have negative and positive moods, and if they are chosen for the bedroom, then this process must be approached competently and very carefully.

A good combination of shades of blue and cyan promotes the predominance of positive energy

To create a feeling of peace and stability, you should not make the entire bedroom blue. Bright shades can be used in combination with similar tones, with calmer colors or even with a white background.

Blue shades are cool colors, so they can create a feeling of coolness. This means that the feeling of comfort, which is simply necessary for normal relaxation, may be “lost.”

  • Orange color consists of a combination of red and yellow, therefore it has the qualities of each of them, that is, vital energy and solar warmth. Unfortunately, it is not very popular for interior decoration, although it has the ability to influence a person in a positive way:

- relieve feelings of loneliness;

- give attachment to one habitat;

- enhance the feeling of devotion;

- promote a desire for spiritual development.

A completely orange room is, from the point of view of Feng Shui, an unimportant design for a bedroom, since a fairly high “aggression” of the color will not create a favorable environment for relaxation

Orange color is more suitable for rooms where active activities take place. In the bedroom, you can use it separately, that is, in combination with other shades, since its active energy will interfere with a state of restful sleep.

A very good combination of orange and green

For orange in the bedroom, a good combination would be calm green tones - they will seem to dim its brightness, but at the same time retain its positive characteristics.

  • Green color is a combination of yellow and blue shades. It is probably the most favorable environment for human habitation. Plant colors used in the interior design of any room seem to support a person’s connection with nature. Greenery is always associated with spring and growth - in such an environment people feel renewed and active.

Green has always been and remains the “color of life” and positive energy.
This color is quite capable of creating comfortable psychological conditions for calm and relaxation, restoration of strength and health. Therefore, green in different shades is fully acceptable for use in the bedroom. Its pastel colors are especially favorable, on which the eye rests.

  • White color combines all the shades found in nature, and at the same time is associated with purity and innocence. It reflects other colors and remains unsullied, so everything bright always evokes extremely positive emotions.

It also has provocative properties, since it disrupts the status quo, causing all the things around it to come out. In a word, the interior’s shortcomings will not be hidden against its background - they will immediately be “catchy” to the eye.

“Too white” bedroom

An all-white bedroom can cause anxiety, leading to insomnia. This color is good for the interior, as an auxiliary color. It goes well with all shades, emphasizing their richness and giving the overall design freshness.

It is advisable to dilute white color with other pastel shades

If you still decide to make the bedroom pure white, then it is recommended to dilute its neutrality with pastel colors and make accents on their design, for example, choose curtains with colored edges or wallpaper with a soft pattern.

  • Black, unlike white, absorbs other colors and is considered mourning in many cultures. It is considered unfavorable not only for the bedroom, but also for other living rooms in its pure form, but is great for highlighting decorative elements and goes well with all colors.

In such a gloomy bedroom, a normal person is doomed to a constant feeling of anxiety and frequent nightmares.
A completely black bedroom has a depressing effect on the psyche. It is simply impossible to get proper rest in it, and it is quite possible that in such an environment you will have nightmares that interrupt normal sleep. After such a night, it is unlikely that you will wake up fresh and rested - most likely, the person will be sleep-deprived and exhausted.

Combining patterns and shades

So, the best option for the bedroom would be a skillful combination of “non-aggressive” soft colors and patterns. Some tips for decorating a bedroom with two types of wallpaper are in a separate publication on our portal.

A few more Feng Shui rules for the bedroom

In addition to the above rules of this ancient and wise science, there are many different nuances that contribute to positive and negative energies to varying degrees. Some of them are worth listing, since it is these factors that most often raise questions among those who decide to decorate a bedroom according to all the rules of Feng Shui.

  • You cannot hang a chandelier or lamp above the bed, especially if this element will divide the bed in two, as if cutting the sleeping couple apart with the negative energy of its location.

A bad location from the point of view of Feng Shui, since several rules were violated in the design of this bedroom - a massive chandelier above the bed and a window at its head

  • If a person has set a goal to end his bachelor life, then he needs to remove all single objects from the bedroom, replacing them with paired ones associated with marital status.

For example, there should be two lamps on the sides of the bed, one on each side. It is also worth installing paired candlesticks on the dressing table, hanging romantic paintings in harmony with each other on the walls, etc.

  • The family bedroom should not only provide a cozy and calm environment conducive to relaxation, but it is also necessary to include romantic and intimate notes in the interior.
  • Under no circumstances should aquariums or decorative elements with flowing water, such as paintings imitating waterfalls or small fountains, be placed in the sleeping room.
  • In order for the night to pass peacefully and the person to have a good rest, during the daytime it is necessary to attract positive energy “qi” into the bedroom by opening the curtains and windows, letting sunlight and fresh air into the room. It is advisable that the rays of the sun do not fall on the bed itself, as it is believed that they activate the sleeping place, and it will be difficult for a person to fall asleep. However, if a new romantic relationship is developing, then perhaps charging the bed with the sun's rays during the day is exactly what is needed at the moment.
  • It is very important to pay attention to the selection of bed linen. It should not contain the following images:

- cars or any equipment that causes involuntary concern;

- predatory animals that symbolize hidden danger;

- the color of the linen should not be black or blue, as such shades lead to heart disease and depression;

— the red color of linen is used only in special cases, since it is too active for everyday use, which will disturb the peace of sleep.

  • It is recommended to use paintings depicting fruits in the bedroom. Pomegranate is considered the most favorable - it is a symbol of fertility.

A painting or panel depicting a pomegranate is what you need for your bedroom

  • Wall clocks, especially those with massive shapes, are also undesirable in this room. The best option might be an alarm clock in the shape of a pyramid. It is best placed in the southwest area of ​​the room.

Pyramid-shaped alarm clock promotes the accumulation of positive energy

  • It is not recommended to set up a workplace with a computer, TV or stereo system in the rest room, especially if it is placed opposite the bed. This technique is bad for romantic luck. Devices powered by electricity generate large amounts of “yang” energy, which disrupts peace and sleep.

In a harmoniously arranged bedroom, yin energy should prevail, promoting rest and relaxation. But if you can’t do without a workspace in the bedroom, then before going to bed you need to turn off all the devices and cover them with a cover.

  • Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing living plants in the bedroom, since each of them has its own energy and can bring disharmony into relationships between people. The bedroom is a “yin” territory, and if you place a plant with “yang” energy in it, a contradiction will arise that can cause insomnia.

There are a very large number of secrets of the teachings of Feng Shui, which are difficult to fully describe in one article. Above are the basic rules of this art, which most often concern people who decide to make the bedroom area harmonious.

By trying to remove all extraneous things from the room and adding the necessary elements, bringing the interior design in accordance with the recommendations of ancient science, after a short time you can feel changes in your personal relationships and physical well-being for the better.

Video: tips for arranging a bedroom in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui


When renovating a house, you should ask in advance how to choose the color of the walls for the bedroom. The comfort of the home and the general perception of the room depend on this. The area for relaxation of soul and body can be bright and bold.

Modern designers offer many interesting projects. An elegant solution in purple tones will fill the surrounding space with magic.

Complex and strong color has a special energy. It encourages creativity and makes the room beautiful. Its emotional perception depends on the chosen shade.

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