Correct placement and application of the hieroglyph “double happiness”

In China, there are many auspicious hieroglyphs, but one of them, the most successful and the most successful, is the hieroglyph “Double Happiness”. This hieroglyph not only brings good luck to the couple in love, but also to everyone who has this talisman. Since it is called “Double Happiness,” it brings to its owners: twice as much happiness, twice as much luck, twice as much abundance and wealth. Even in ancient China, people noticed the (double) beneficial effects of this magnificent and beneficial symbol, and began to use it with success. Where to hang it and how to activate it, this talisman of good luck, this will come later, but now the safety precautions for using the hieroglyph.

The impact of the hieroglyph “double happiness”

One of the talismans is the hieroglyph “happiness”. His power is intended to help only one person. Moreover, he acts in one area, for example, in love or business. It all depends on how the owner will activate the sign.

The hieroglyph "double happiness" is used in wider areas. It gives happiness to newlyweds and married couples. It can be used not only by spouses, but also by a group of friends, a group of like-minded people who are solving some common problem.

Hieroglyph “double happiness”

In China, not a single wedding is complete without an image of this sign. It is applied to various objects, embroidered on pillows, bed linen, and towels. In the southern provinces of China, symbols of “double happiness” are exchanged among close friends.

In Korea, he is often depicted on the walls of houses. The hieroglyph “double happiness” can be given as a sign of special favor, as gratitude. It is believed that the owner of the sign and his other half will have doubled their luck and well-being.

This sign brings not only harmony and love to family relationships. After all, the concept of “happiness” is very individual. Therefore, the impact of the hieroglyph may be different. A couple who wants to have children will soon find out that offspring are in store. People who run a joint business can do well. The hieroglyph can inspire creativity and creativity.

Influence of a node in different zones of space

The hieroglyph plays its own special role in different sectors. Must be used in the appropriate zone of the palette:

Accordingly, for money the hieroglyph should be green or gilded, for study - beige or yellow, for career - aquatic, for love - red.

Using the symbols and amulets of Chinese science, do not rely only on a magical moment of luck. All of them work for those and for those who are not lazy and take active steps to achieve their desires. You need to use different methods and keep your home clean. After all, if you remember, Qi changes to Sha in cluttered and dirty spaces. Only an integrated approach to intentions can quickly bring you closer to your goal. Even in fairy tales, success came to those who fought for it.

Rules of manufacture and use

It is advisable to make the hieroglyph “double happiness” with your own hands. It can be cut out of paper, written in gold ink, painted or embroidered. Regardless of the execution technique, you need to know which part to start drawing (cutting) the hieroglyph from.

The writing of each hieroglyph in Feng Shui is subject to strict rules. Therefore, before you start working, you should practice well. All hieroglyphs begin to be written from left to right, with the top lines applied first.

The hieroglyph should not be written on plain paper, for example, on a squared piece of paper from a notebook. It is advisable to choose designer cardboard and high quality paper. If the hieroglyph is supposed to be embroidered, then it is better to make a talisman using natural silk or expensive fabric.

Engrave the hieroglyph on wood and metal. Regardless of the material, it should be done by a master who is familiar with Feng Shui practices.

In order for “double happiness” to take effect, simple rules are followed when applying it:

  • The hieroglyph cannot be applied to a gray or brown background. Ideal is red or pink. The talisman itself is written in gold or orange paint.
  • When a sign is engraved on wood, the same rules are followed. Choose wood of light (yellow) tones. The preferred metal is gold over silver or platinum.
  • If the hieroglyph is intended to be hung on the wall, then it is better to find a suitable frame to match.
  • The talisman should not be hung in the toilet, bathroom, near the pool or fountains. Otherwise, the beneficial energy will simply be washed away with water.
  • The sign is not placed opposite the door, in the hallway or in the corner. Otherwise, the hieroglyph of double luck may not work at all as its owner wishes.

Placing a hieroglyph in a painting

Technique for using this symbol

  • You need to follow special methods so that your luck is always with you.
  • It is forbidden to hang this talisman in the bathroom.
  • It is also impossible for the “Double Happiness” sign to be displayed in an unlit corner, on a balcony or in a corridor, it will not bring you anything, but only make you offended.
  • The hieroglyph can be drawn with ink or paints, or cut out of paper. Its background and paint color can be any, as long as it is not dark. Of course, it is desirable that the hieroglyph be made on red or pink flowers. And the talisman itself was yellow or orange.

Experts also say that this sign works better if you have a Feng Shui map of happiness. It is very easy to do, just take paper and write or draw all your desires. From time to time, look at her and wish for more.

Where to place it?

A family sign should be placed in the bedroom. So that harmony reigns, the spouses do not quarrel, but always live in harmony and prosperity, it is placed in the northwestern zone of the house or apartment.

In the bedroom, the hieroglyph can be hung on the wall directly above the marital bed. If there are no children in the family, and the spouses want to have offspring in the near future, the sign is placed directly in the bed. It’s good to embroider the “double happiness” symbol on pillows or bed linen, and place it under the mattress. The area where the feet are located should be avoided.

If the sign is hung in an office, it is placed in the southwest zone. Then it will increase the profit of the enterprise. When the owner of a hieroglyph wants to attract like-minded people into his business, to find the required people, then the talisman is placed in the northwestern zone.

The hieroglyph can be supplemented with images of birds, butterflies and other signs favorable to Feng Shui.

The talisman can be stored in a table, safe, or carried with you in a purse.

Basics of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui

The ancient Chinese, who settled along the banks of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers, observed nature, the flow of water and wind, studied the landscape and heavenly bodies, and, ultimately, created a mystical doctrine called Feng Shui. This is a practical teaching that states that all space is permeated by the invisible energy Qi. It can harm, but it can also help if used correctly. Feng Shui teaches how to direct the flow of Qi in order to achieve good luck, success, financial well-being in life, to get married, have a career, etc.

Feng Shui not only divides any space, for example, a room into west, north, east, south, northwest, northeast, southeast, southwest and center, but states that these are zones (sectors), each of which is responsible for any human needs and corresponds to certain elements.

Thus, the career and travel sector is located in the north and corresponds to the element of water, the sector of personal relationships, friendship and marriage is in the southwest and corresponds to the element of earth, the sector of family and parents is in the east and corresponds to the element of wood, the wealth sector is in the southeast (corresponds to the element of earth), in the center - the health sector (in contact with all elements), in the north-west - the sector of communication with people (metal element), in the west - creativity and children (air element), in the north-east - wisdom and education (element of earth), in the south - the sector of fame, recognition and self-realization (element of fire).

Sign activation

Only its owner must activate the sign. The hieroglyph may not work if it is placed under the mattress of the newlyweds without their knowledge. But a hieroglyph can bring good luck to a spouse, even if only his wife made the talisman.

When making a sign, it is better to be in a good mood, saying mantras or wishes to yourself.

The moment of installation of the talisman is important. During this ceremony, you should always think about your dream and recite the mantra of good luck. Installing a sign will be its activation. On the day when this happens, it is important to accumulate positive energy, not to do bad things, and not to wish evil upon even random people in passing.

The Chinese believe that harmony and prosperity come knocking on the door of those who do good deeds.

History of the bell

The miraculous power of bells has been known since ancient times. This amazing item was used as a powerful magical amulet by our ancestors. Bells were hung on sacred trees, sewn into clothes to protect against damage and the evil eye, and also placed over graves.

Even scientists have not ignored this phenomenon, and have found that bell ringing can really have a positive effect on the atmosphere and people, since it travels on special ultrasonic waves.

Traditional healers also used the healing power of bells. It was believed that the greasy coating removed from the bell treated several types of lichen and other skin diseases. In Slavic traditions, women washed themselves in the spring while the Easter bells were ringing - this improved health and added beauty.

And, of course, girls began to tell their fortunes at Christmas while the bells were ringing - it was believed that the miraculous sound made the predictions true.


Birds, insects, reptiles, fish and mammals - all these symbols affect the energy of the house and its owner. Feng Shui also honors mythical creatures, such as the three-legged toad and the celestial lion.


Let's start with universal talismans. Wherever we place the carp figurine, it will act beneficially. Carp is a sacred fish, it brings good luck, helps in business, attracts love and influences spiritual growth.

According to Feng Shui, 9 carps mean prosperity and well-being; it is a talisman for any situation. You can keep such fish in an aquarium, but you will have to carefully monitor their health.

A favorable neighborhood for carp is water. Consider the effect of the element on certain areas in the house. In the finance sector, fountains and aquariums will come in very handy.


Fish in Chinese is consonant with the words happiness and abundance. Fish are given as gifts for the Chinese New Year, thereby wishing a person well-being and prosperity.

Two fish mean mutual understanding and harmony between a man and a woman. Two is the number for a couple; any significant objects can be combined into such a talisman.

The image of two dolphins to support a marriage is popular.

Important: live fish as talismans of marital happiness are not placed in the bedroom: this area does not accept water, since the element attracts infidelity. It is also recommended to have an odd number of pets, for example eight goldfish and one black

An interesting fact about live fish: if a pet dies, it means that it averted misfortune from home. In this case, get a new fish as soon as possible.


Butterflies in Chinese philosophy mean joy and love. The sages attributed magical properties to these light and airy creatures, observing their transformation from caterpillars.

Butterflies on their wings will bring love and attention to single people, and romantic feelings to married couples. The best place to place figurines is the bedroom

The talisman is much more active if it works in pairs.

Frog (toad)

A frog, or rather a toad, is one of the main monetary symbols, meaning prosperity and well-being. A toad on three legs with a coin in its mouth is placed in the money sector of the house - in the southeast.

The mythical symbol is fueled by the money tree, fountains, and goldfish.


The turtle has a strong shell and symbolizes a reliable rear, longevity and good health. To make things go better, place a turtle figurine right behind your workplace. This will make you feel calm and confident.


According to Feng Shui, this animal is assigned the role of guardian of home and family. A figurine of a white tiger made of metal, wood or stone is located at the front door.

Heavenly Lion

This mythical lion will also be a reliable guard at home. Place the figurines towards the exit to prevent negative people and unwanted guests from entering the room. Lions will protect the apartment from the windows.


The elephant with its long trunk attracts good luck to the house. Such a figure will be useful if the apartment layout has flaws. 7 is a magical number; seven elephants will fill a person’s life with well-being in all important areas.

Another symbol of good luck and career growth is the peacock. The chic plumage of the bird will attract fame and wealth to the house, and will also protect against the evil eye, like a fan.


The owl is a widely known symbol of wisdom, which also finds a place in the teachings of Feng Shui. This night bird protects a person from impulsive actions, in particular illogical spending. Place the talisman in the money sector and strengthen your office with it so that your financial affairs go uphill.

Another symbol of wisdom is the wolf. This talisman carries masculine energy, strength and protection.

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