Shiva photo 1
God Shiva - a complete description of the mysterious and powerful deity
Shiva God is one of the most famous and important deities in the Indian pantheon. Together
Feng Shui room: recommendations for arranging the space
Many books have been written about the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space. Some authors call learning an art,
Feng Shui teachings about sleep
Traditional and scientific ideas about which direction you should sleep with your head
As Chinese philosophers say, the teaching of Feng Shui has its own opinion about the optimal place for
Bed placement according to feng shui
How to arrange a bed according to Feng Shui for favorable sleep and relaxation
Greetings, dear friends! A person spends 1/3 of his life sleeping, about 15-30 years, so
Feng Shui health symbols and talismans
Charms and talismans of health and longevity: how to select, activate and wear
No one will deny: health is the most important thing that every person has. When
Protective talisman owl
What does the owl symbol mean for cash flow, in Feng Shui, in the form of a tattoo - the symbolism of an owl
The owl is a mysterious bird. She is considered the personification of wisdom and a guide to other worlds. Such
Spells for good luck in the exam
Quickly pass the exam with a good grade thanks to a conspiracy
Spells > For good luck in the exam It’s always interesting to gain new knowledge, gain experience and
Inna Volkova and Victoria Panicheva
How to effectively study Feng Shui (Bazi, date selection, water formulas, Qi Men and so on...) 
My name is Victoria Panicheva, I am 35 years old and I live in Moscow. U
Owl symbol
Owl talisman: what does an amulet with a night bird mean and who is suitable for it
» Magic items » Talismans » Owl symbol and its magical meaning 0 8058
Feng Shui meaning of the variety of 7 elephant figurines
What types of elephants are there? Seven elephants are chosen as gifts and home decor. Around
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