Bedroom according to Feng Shui: location according to cardinal directions, diagrams and photos
A bedroom is a room where a person who needs proper rest is as relaxed and defenseless as possible.
Mirror in the hallway
How to make an entrance door according to Feng Shui in an apartment and a private house - choosing direction, color and design
Entrance doors Let's talk about entrance doors. Our home begins with the front door and how
What do signs portend for a person who dropped his keys in front of the door and more?
From an esoteric point of view, keys are a symbol of sacred knowledge and freedom, wisdom and security,
Origin and meaning of the red hongbao envelope
“Red envelopes”: How Chinese WeChat users use money transfers to communicate with each other
On the eve of the Chinese New Year, various traditional holiday attributes appear on supermarket shelves, including
What is a mantra and what is it for: information for beginners
Mantra (Sanskrit: मन्त्र) has three literal interpretations: “an instrument for carrying out a mental act”; "liberation of the mind";
Living room in orange color
The relationship between colors and elements in esotericism! Reiki Circle “Filling with Colored Energy”  
It has long been known that the color of clothing can influence our mood, well-being and inner world.
Why does the Left Eyebrow itch - interpretation of signs by day and time
Our distant ancestors, who did not yet have deep knowledge in such areas as medicine and
entrance to the house
The influence of apartment number on the life of family members according to Feng Shui
Numbers have been given great importance since ancient times. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, the apartment number is important
Hotei – god of wealth, fun and happiness
What does the laughing Buddha mean and where should it be placed?
Hotei is the god of wealth, fun and happiness. In Feng Shui, Hotei is used to
3 of Wands
The first steps to success in the Three of Wands, access to new opportunities, the beginning of the implementation of plans
The Three of Wands is a good card for business people and careerists. She gives a person financial
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