8 of Cups with the suit of Swords
The meaning of the 8 of Cups card in readings for relationships, love, work and health
The meaning of the card in a broad sense The card from the Rider-Waite deck depicts a man walking slowly
dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday
Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday: what do they mean and do they come true?
Dreams seen from Tuesday to Wednesday are prophetic and empty, they carry valuable
Bedroom in Feng Shui style: color of bed linen according to Feng Shui
Color is one of the easiest ways to transfer energy in your home.
What do tulips symbolize?
What do the colors of tulips in a bouquet symbolize in the language of flowers? What color tulips should you give your girl?
Interesting Symbolic meaning The meaning of the color of tulips Why do you dream of tulips Tulips are beautiful and
Gua number 8
The meaning and characteristics of the directions of the Gua number 8
Eights are distinguished by their strength of character, they always know what they want and are characterized by purposefulness and determination.
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So that luck follows you on your heels: all about lucky numbers, numbers and numbers
The great mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras said that the entire natural world around people is built from numbers. Numbers
State Seal of the American State of Washington
Research work “The symbolism of the apple in the cultures of different nations”
The apple is an ancient symbol of life, eternal youth and immortality. Thanks to its almost perfect spherical
Silver bell pin
Signs and superstitions about the bell: if you find it, can you give it as a gift?
If you want to give a non-trivial gift to your girlfriend or boyfriend, colleague, boss, parents, friends
Desktop feng shui for those who are dissatisfied with their salary or slow career advancement
We need all the items in our house for something. Well, for example, on the bed we
Gua number 4
What is the GUA number? Favorable and unfavorable directions
The number GUA-4 corresponds to the personality trigram Shun. It consists of 2 solid yang lines, which
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