Three sacred coins will bring wealth, prosperity and success.
It is difficult to find another more ancient symbol for magical rituals than the knot. There are a huge number of them
How to celebrate the New Year 2022 - what to cook, give, wear, celebrate the Year of the Tiger
Powerful protector: tiger according to Feng Shui, the meaning of the talisman and where to put it
Tiger symbol in Chinese culture As we know, Asia and India are the natural habitat
What colors to choose for a kitchen - expert advice based on style, cardinal direction, dimensions, etc.
With the right combination of colors in the interior, you can improve a person’s emotional state. Not always
How to cleanse a person's aura with a candle
How to clean an apartment of negativity with a church candle
Church attributes are powerful even at home, which is why some people use them
Northern zone Careers according to Feng Shui: how to activate
It’s wonderful when there is complete harmony in life and desires come true as if by magic.
Chinese pagoda according to Feng Shui - a universal talisman for all ills » Feng Shui » Chinese pagoda according to Feng Shui - a universal talisman for all ills
mandarin ducks
The power of the four celestial animals according to Feng Shui: faithful helpers of the home
Phoenix is ​​a mystical creature that is found in the legends of many peoples. In China he has
Indoor plants in the bedroom
How the color of curtains affects the quality of your life according to Feng Shui
The meaning of curtains as a home talisman Well-being in the house is influenced by the location of windows, color and
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Tattoo hieroglyphs with translation: 140+ designs and their meaning in Russian
Chinese and Japanese characters always carry a semantic load, reflecting individual meaning and purpose. Residents
Surnames with the energy of success. "middle name" will bring you good luck
The expression “Whatever you name a yacht, so it will sail” is true in many respects not only
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